Coming into Gettysburg

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Coming into Gettysburg

Post by Gregg »

So, I brought my friend with me to Gettysburg with me this weekend, one of the rare occasions when I don't come here alone. The relevant facts to this exchange are, we are both big fans of Hunter Thompson, and I am still recovering from my recent heart problems and need to get some exercise daily. We came into town at around 7 PM just as the sun was setting...

Her.."Let's stop by the Peace Light and take a walk before it gets dark"

So we stop and as I'm getting out of the car I reach for my phone and move to take her picture..

Her.."Don't take my picture, I've been in the car for 12 hours and I look terrible"

Me.."Oh, just a quick one, you look adorable, stand by the cannon"

Her.."As an attorney, I advise you not to take my picture"

Me.."Ah, but you're not actually my attorney"

Her.."If you take my picture, you're not going to need an attorney, you're going to need a dentist"

So, here's a picture of a cannon...

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Re: Coming into Gettysburg

Post by Gregg »

You have to imagine the picture of the cannon, because I lack the skill to get it from my phone and I'm darn sure not going to ask for her help. :shrug:
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Re: Coming into Gettysburg

Post by eric »

Gregg wrote:The relevant facts to this exchange are, we are both big fans of Hunter Thompson, and I am still recovering
I must admit to owning two pairs of Ray Ban "cigarette holder" sun glasses made famous by him. One in the straight Kalichrome yellow, the other in photochromic gray.
I think I got a deal in 1972 when I purchased them as a pair and paid one hundred dollars total. Still use them as my driving glasses. BTW, when my truck went through its viking funeral episode last fall I rescued the glasses from the charred remains, just needed to remove the soot.