They're gonna get my head right...

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They're gonna get my head right...

Post by Gregg »

Anyone who has met me in person,especially eaten a meal with me or slept in the same room knows that I've had some at least uncomfortable breathing problems for as long as I can remember. After my third trip to Florida (where its always worse) this year people were telling me I sounded like I was dying. My travel companion on my vacation to Florida told me when I sleep I don't sound good at I broke down and went to an ENT with the intention of having sinus surgery and maybe fixing the problem. I have finally, I think, quit smoking and between the two I hope to breath normal again.

All fine. On Wednesday I went in to review the results of the CT scan of my head, featuring the sinus cavities and to no one's surprise, I got more junk in my nose than JLo has in her trunk. I also have a, well, they're calling it a tissue mass and not a tumor, which can be easily removed while they're in there clearing acreage anyhow but this "tissue mass" is closer to and entwined around my optic nerve more than they'd like so I've been advised that there is a moderate risk that I could lose my sight in my right eye or both eyes and about 15 other cautions that you have to sign before you get a zip popped anyhow,the Doctor said he's not planning on blinding me, BUT, it is a significant possibility.

And without knowing why the fact is, I'm scared. I'm gonna do it, but I'm scared.

Ya know?
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Re: They're gonna get my head right...

Post by The Observer »

Gregg, before you do the surgery, it is never a bad idea to get a second opinion. The fact that there is a moderate risk of damage to your vision would indicate that a second opinion is in order.

Whatever you decide, here is wishing you the best results possible and that you have a speedy recovery.
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Re: They're gonna get my head right...

Post by Chaos »

there's footage of the doctors conferring:
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Re: They're gonna get my head right...

Post by NYGman »

Gregg do you have any doctor friends, if so ask them who they would trust to do this operation on them or thier loved ones, and that's who I would use.

I have Crohn's. I was recomended by a doctor friend to the best Doctor in the country for this, a guy who studied with Dr. Crohn. He has always got me the best surgens when needed. Yes he doesn't take insurance, but I have out of network coverage and when it comes to health, I will pay more for the best.

So that is my recomendation, find the best surgeon, one with the most experience and do it. I am lucky as I live in NYC and we have some amazing doctors and hospitals. I was also told teaching hospitals are better, not sure why.
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Re: They're gonna get my head right...

Post by Forsyth »

Gregg wrote:And without knowing why the fact is, I'm scared. I'm gonna do it, but I'm scared.

Ya know?
I know.

I'd be scared in the same position. But I've also been known to use power tools without safety glasses without worrying - and that doesn't make sense.

For most of us we're quite happy taking responsibility for our own actions, even if we take a cavalier attitude to the risk. Picking up the bill for someone else's actions is another matter though. Surgery is always a particularly scary one as most of us don't deal with it on a daily basis - it's like the difference between being a passenger in a car (where we feel safe, though we aren't) and in a plane (where we are safe, but don't feel it).

The advice earlier to get a second opinion for anything a bit out of the ordinary is usually good (don't do this for detached retinas or anything else where they're calling the anaesthetist and cancelling all their other appointments, though :-) . There are sometimes radically different methods of performing surgery to get the same end result, but individual surgeons may only be able to do things a particular way.

If you do go to a teaching hospital (NYGman is right, they are usually good) be prepared to be stared at by the students, and if your case is particularly interesting you may even get the pleasure of the surgeon standing next to your bed talking about you to the students as if you were a hunk of meat. I recommend pulling faces behind their back. It's possible they don't do that over there on the principle that you're paying the bill, but I hope not as it's a great way to put life in to perspective.

At the end of the day life's one big gamble after another, it's just sometimes we get to hear the dice rolling before they stop and when that happens it's pretty unnerving.

Edit: I've just read your post in which you mention waterboarding - it sounds like you may have faced things that should have scared you far more than this. Sometimes doctors are cautious about going into too much detail about what they will do as that can upset people, however you might find it the other way around and understanding the detail of what they're doing may be a help.
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Re: They're gonna get my head right...

Post by eric »

Forsyth wrote: If you do go to a teaching hospital (NYGman is right, they are usually good) be prepared to be stared at by the students, and if your case is particularly interesting you may even get the pleasure of the surgeon standing next to your bed talking about you to the students as if you were a hunk of meat. I recommend pulling faces behind their back. It's possible they don't do that over there on the principle that you're paying the bill, but I hope not as it's a great way to put life in to perspective.
Teaching hospitals have the advantages, in Canada at least, of the best equipment, most modern procedures, and a pretty good surgeon supervising things. Besides the students try so damn hard you get extra attention. Had a poor guy, very nervous, drop the intra-ocular lens he was about to implant into my eye and I broke out laughing on one surgery. The supervising surgeon was quite calm about the whole thing and said that after I stopped laughing we could start the whole thing over again.
Forsyth wrote: At the end of the day life's one big gamble after another, it's just sometimes we get to hear the dice rolling before they stop and when that happens it's pretty unnerving.
The nervousness IMHO is the conscious act of giving up control and having to trust in the skills of someone else. Anything you can do to gain an element of control (second opinions, picking the right surgeon) will allow you to become an informed patient with a potentially better outcome. And to end on a lighter note - I don't know about the US, but in Canada they still use cocaine after Gregg's particular type of surgery as a local pain killer and he may enjoy life for a few days after. :naughty: Serious note - I rarely mention religion here but myself and others are praying for him.
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Re: They're gonna get my head right...

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Gregg - definitely get a second opinion.

One of the procedures I went through was supposed to be a couple of hours and wound up closer to ten. The complications from being on my back and immobilized for that long seemed worse than the treatment.

Sleep apnea is a serious condition but messing with tissue that could affect your eyesight requires another physician's look at the MRI.

Knowing you're a pilot, you probably wouldn't test an experimental bird just because the local A&P guy gave it a thumbs up, would you?
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Re: They're gonna get my head right...

Post by notorial dissent »

Gregg definitely understand where you are coming from, and you have every right to be scared and concerned, however, I would also be concerned about the "mass" whatever it is wrapping around your optic nerve, and possibly other things, as that is a real consideration as well.

I do think a second or even a third opinion would be well worth it, if just from the perspective that one of them might have a better approach to dealing with it.

In any case, all my best wishes to you.
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Re: They're gonna get my head right...

Post by Gregg »

Thanks everyone, and I am getting a second opinion on the read of the CT scan, which is done by the radiologist who passes on his findings to the ENT (so another Radiologist is gonna forward his read to another ENT, is how I understand it) and I'm good with that, and gotta say when you pay attention to how good you don't breath, you can notice you sound like, well, you're the diagnosis isn't something I can say I have reason to disagree with, nor with the suggested procedure unless someone invents targeting extra tissue zapping gel (now in fresh wintergreen) before next month that's the way we're gonna go Its just, that this time, more than any time I can remember, I'm kind of scared. I'm pretty sure I can't take Chili Dog, my new house won't be done and I looked into going to Gettysburg so I have a home to stay in afterwards, but that sets up all new doctors, complications with insurance....too much to figure out on short notice.

Provided there are no complications, I'll be back to work in 2 weeks, or Ray Charles School for blind helicopter pilots in 3...
(you have to keep a positive attitude)

But really, guys, thanks for the advice and the comfort
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Re: They're gonna get my head right...

Post by eric »

You're welcome... I understand where you're coming from, sometimes the hardest part of any surgery is arranging your own personal life around it. Time off work, after care, looking after dependants and pets, etc. Went through it this past summer with eye surgery on both eyes and a faint hope repair on one knee. In the next few years I will get both knees replaced, pull the plug on pig farming, and use my accumulated long service bonuses to recover in some comfortable spot such as Hawaii or India. 25K$ per year in travel bonuses can make for a nice vacation. :thinking:
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Re: They're gonna get my head right...

Post by Number Six »

Definitely go for the alternate opinions, never panic or rush into anything unless absolutely necessary. Whether it's health and well being, taxes, vehicles, investing and assets--always get alternate judgments and with serious issues look at case studies as lawyers do with legal cases. There are always hundreds of examples to dissect given the time, intelligence and resources. If you go to any professional they pretty much assume you are there for a likely treatment, I don't know what the statistics are but they must be pretty high on seeing a professional and going forward with dread or a sense of inevitability. If a problem has taken a long time to develop it won't all get unraveled quickly. I hope it goes well whatever you decide, Gregg, and your contributions to the united progress of mankind (as some believe) are vital.
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Re: They're gonna get my head right...

Post by Gregg »

February 22 they're gonna "rearrange me till I'm sane", as my friend Roger once said. The second opinion Doctor said the first Doctor was one of the best, and all told its pretty routine surgery albeit with a complication that like I have described flying, not very hard but not very forgiving of mistakes. After the surgery I'm going to stay with a friend and her family for a week, Chili Dog will be staying at her normal holiday home where they have 3 kids and and endless supply of Pupperoni so for her its gonna be like a vacation.

I don't know how long I'll be away from the computer but arrangements have been made to let someone from Q know I'm alive and still planning the takeover of the Universe.

Thanks for all the good thoughts!
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Re: They're gonna get my head right...

Post by notorial dissent »

Sounds like a good arrangement, all things considered, I think Chili Dog is getting the better end of the deal, unlimited pupperoni hunh!!! Best wishes.
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Re: They're gonna get my head right...

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Gregg wrote:February 22 they're gonna "rearrange me till I'm sane", as my friend Roger once said. The second opinion Doctor said the first Doctor was one of the best, and all told its pretty routine surgery albeit with a complication that like I have described flying, not very hard but not very forgiving of mistakes. After the surgery I'm going to stay with a friend and her family for a week, Chili Dog will be staying at her normal holiday home where they have 3 kids and and endless supply of Pupperoni so for her its gonna be like a vacation.

I don't know how long I'll be away from the computer but arrangements have been made to let someone from Q know I'm alive and still planning the takeover of the Universe.

Thanks for all the good thoughts!
Best of luck to you! One question, though: as a senior Illuminatus, don't you already help to control the universe?
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Re: They're gonna get my head right...

Post by The Observer »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Best of luck to you! One question, though: as a senior Illuminatus, don't you already help to control the universe?
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Re: They're gonna get my head right...

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Here's hoping for a safe and successful procedure from me. Do we have to make Chilli Dog a mod for 3 weeks?
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Re: They're gonna get my head right...

Post by JamesVincent »

I want to our well wishes as well. If you find yourself in need of something pm me on Facebook and I'll try to help you out. Guess you qualify as elderly :P
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Re: They're gonna get my head right...

Post by Gregg »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:Here's hoping for a safe and successful procedure from me. Do we have to make Chilli Dog a mod for 3 weeks?

There is a theory that I am merely a front for Chili Dog. I don't know if its true or not.
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Re: They're gonna get my head right...

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Gregg wrote:
ArthurWankspittle wrote:Here's hoping for a safe and successful procedure from me. Do we have to make Chilli Dog a mod for 3 weeks?

There is a theory that I am merely a front for Chili Dog. I don't know if its true or not.
Enough with the teasing illuminati revelations already! :naughty:

Best wishes on the procedure.
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Re: They're gonna get my head right...

Post by Number Six »

It took a lot of humility to post about this here. Hopefully the experts will follow the Hippocratic oath.
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