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Post by JamesVincent »

This is definitely not one of the better things in life but there's really no where else to put it.

I have Trigeminal neuralgia in both sides of my face. They figured it out two weeks ago when I had an ear infection that wouldn't go away it seemed. They started me on the standard medication to treat this, which, last week, caused me to have a version of a heart attack. My pulse was slamming up and down from 90 to 140 for over 2 hours. Since then they put me on a beta blocker to help with the heart issues caused by the medication treating the neuralgia. All of which makes me extremely tired and weird feeling. At the same time they figured out I have carpal tunnel in both hands, four fingers in my left hand have been numb since Christmas, never got it checked. Which would explain some of the issues I have had using power saws in the past few months.

On top of this MaryKay had another seizure on Sunday. 1 year and 1 month since the last one. The entire time she has been on an anti-convulsant which we were hoping was working. Apparently not as well as we thought. So, it seems, its off to the MRIs for both of us sometime soon and back to looking for something to work for Mary.

As for my working, its not going to happen anytime soon. Between the carpal tunnel, the side effects of the medications, and just plain old stress I was basically told to stay away from power equipment, something hard to do and be a self employed contractor. So not exactly sure where we go from here.
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Re: Update

Post by fortinbras »

I am extremely sorry to hear this. My wife is an R.Ph and I will show her your message, as she may know of some medication that could help.

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Re: Update

Post by fortinbras »

I am very sorry indeed about the TN. This ailment is not always permanent.

Beta blockers, such as Coreg, tend to be very debilitating at first, but after 6 weeks or so the body adjusts and the weakness and fatigue become less of a problem.

With carpal tunnel, stay away from power tools and vibrating machinery -- but you have skills in the contracting industry that would enable you to be an Estimator for jobs, and there are also some other jobs in that field that don't require you to work with tools. Clearly vibrating tools are doing damage to the nerves and this is something that should be checked out. My own impression is that carpel tunnel responds better to physical rehab than to surgery. In some cases it may be necessary to make some changes in the way you do things. {In my case, replacing the ordinary computer mouse with a Marble Mouse tracking ball, and then fastening that Marble Mouse to the desk next to the keyboard so I do not have to reach out for it.}

Seizures can have a lot of different causation, and there are a lot of different seizure medications on the market. Rather than an MRI, a blood test to see if sufficient medication is in the system is highly desirable. It should be obvious that these seizures should not be recurring. Very possibly you both should consider going to the Big City to see specialists because these are the ailments that less knowledgeable doctors are unhelpful with.
Last edited by fortinbras on Tue Mar 05, 2013 11:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Update

Post by wserra »

Sorry, James. Getting older sucks. The only people who disagree are those who sell "anti-aging" nostrums. Have you found a cause for the TGN? It's one of the most puzzling neurological ailments, in that frequently no cause can be determined.

But it's the bad stuff that happens to kids that's the real tragedy. (MaryKay is your daughter, right?)
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Re: Update

Post by JamesVincent »

Wes, yeah, my oldest girl. No, no cause yet, that's the reason for my MRI. She is getting one since they haven't found a cause for her seizures yet either.

Fortinbras, the beta-blocker isnt the problem, at least not yet. The standard medicine they treat TGN with apparently is Tegretol, which causes drowsiness and dizziness. My neuro also started me on Indomethicin as a painkiller for the TGN and since I have a history of migraines. That also causes dizziness and, apparently, raises your blood pressure. Mine always stayed in the borderline range and rose about 15 points after starting it and caused my heart to race, which put me in the hospital again.

The worst things about her seizures is she doesn't remember a thing afterwards. I called the ambulance while she was in the seizure and was calling my ex and my mother when she got out of it. She was in tears cause she heard me saying she had another seizure and was swearing that she didn't. She's out of school for the next week so I can keep an eye on her while she adjusts to her new medication levels.
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Re: Update

Post by webhick »

So sorry to hear about what's been happening. It sounds like things are simply terrible for you and your daughter right now. I hope things start looking up soon.

I've heard that magnesium is crucial to nerve health. Valerian root, St. John's Wort, and kava kava can all help. They have side-effects though. Valerian is the basis for valium and can be sedating, St. John's is the basis for prozac and can cause photosensitivity and kava kava mixes so well with muscle relaxants it will kill you. As always, consult your doctor before taking anything.

An epsom salt soaked rag may also be useful for the TGN. I know it works on the nerve damage in my thigh and the carpal tunnel in my arms and they make ones now blended with things like lavender which can provide additional comfort. My mother and I have a lot of luck with turmeric supplements. It's a great anti-inflammatory. It relieved a lot of the pain from the plantar fasciitis, the carpal tunnel, the bursitis and just the general aches and pains... but also caused some digestive issues. I'm hoping to build a tolerance.
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Re: Update

Post by JamesVincent »

Mary is doing better, returned to school after her week to check for any issues and seems to be fine with the new medication levels.
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Re: Update

Post by webhick »

Good news! How's your TGN doing?
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Re: Update

Post by JamesVincent »

Medication is controlling it. Still having some issues with the side effects. I feel pressure there but no pain.
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Re: Update

Post by JamesVincent »

I swear one of these days Ill post good news. Have some patience.

My youngest daughter was having some problems last night so I took her to the doctor today. She stated she felt "confused", was having tingling in her extremities, a headache, and very tired. The doctor is of the opinion that she had a seizure. She is about the age when MaryKay started having hers, they are a different type but the doctor said it sounded like a classic petit mal seizure. I need to take her in for en EEG to check. However, at the same time, (literally... both girls were in the same room) the doctor says MaryKay has a kidney infection but wants her tested for Lupus. She said Mary is displaying some of the symptoms of Lupus. You guys have known me for awhile and some of the things the kids have been through. I have to say I'm tired. I called my ex and told her and the only thing I was asked was when I was taking the girls in for testing, not how it's going to affect them, and to tell me to let her know when I get the results. Mother Teresa once said, "I know God won't give me anything I can't handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much.” I feel her right now.
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Re: Update

Post by JamesVincent »

Alright, I told you I would post good news and I am. After months of mediation with my ex and several court dates I finally have permission to move with the kids. I go on Thursday to sign a lease on a house out in Kentucky so I can be closer to my family. I also have a job interview on Friday and one on Saturday. I've been talking to Wes about it and he helped me a good deal these past few months but I didn't want to put anything on here until it had been confirmed. Right now, physically, the kids are doing well and are pretty excited about the move. They say they will miss their mother, I think they will deal with it well once they get settled. So if I disappear for a few weeks, it probably isn't a bad thing. Will have to get us moved and unpacked out there and the computers wont be a priority.
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Re: Update

Post by notorial dissent »

Congratulations and best of luck. Moving is never fun.
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Re: Update

Post by Duke2Earl »

Very best of luck!
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Re: Update

Post by wserra »

Congratulations, James. Your extraordinary focus on the interests of your kids paid off, and will continue to do so as they grow up.

That's what it's about.
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Re: Update

Post by webhick »

Congrats, James!
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Re: Update

Post by Prof »

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Re: Update

Post by JamesVincent »

Well, we're in... sorta. Gonna be making a few trips back and forth with a trailer to get the big furniture out of the house, storage and my workshop. I see the wolverpus is already attracted to the firepit.... lol.
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Re: Update

Post by webhick »

JamesVincent wrote:I see the wolverpus is already attracted to the firepit.... lol.
Do you now see the mistake in sending friend requests to weirdos on Facebook?
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Re: Update

Post by JamesVincent »

If I didn't befriend weirdos I would have never came here ;)
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Re: Update

Post by JamesVincent »

Quick update. Mary had a another seizure. She missed her medication one night and had it the next day. She is fine now, neuro appointment in a few days. She was having issues with the medicine and her neuro adjusted the dosage, may have gone too low. Got a slightly better job, hoping to get back to doing what I want soon. Annnnnnnd, there may be a future Mrs. Vincent..... again, lol. Least it looks good so far.
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