Federal reserve

Talk about the Nigerian 4-1-9 scam in all its many variations, such as bogus checks sent from Nigeria to purchase used cars in the U.S. and many other variations of this scam.
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Federal reserve

Post by JamesVincent »

Apparently Ive got so much monies owed me the only people that can pay me is the Federal Reserve system.
Attention: Email Bearer,


After an extensive close door meeting between the board of directors of World Bank/IMF and the Federal Reserve System on your outstanding oversees payment, it was resolved and agreed upon, that Barr. (Mrs.) Patricia Smith is to be your representative and will work extensively to ensure that your outstanding funds will be paid to you without any hitch and delay through the World Bank and IMF insurance body. The total sum of $750,000.00; Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand US Dollars has been endorsed and approved for payment to you.

To safe-guard our beneficiaries from further extortion of unnecessary payments, we advice that you establish contacts with the attorney, a human rights lawyer who will render free legal services to all listed. In other words, she requires no consultation, legal or service fee to ensure that you are on the right track to receive your funds without being misled. She is very much conversant with the delivery/banking law and will guide you through.

As soon as you establish contacts with her, she will guide you how the endorsed paying bank will open a non-residential account in your name where you can personally access and effect transfer of funds to any bank of your choice or from which the paying bank can issue an ATM Card with which you can withdraw your funds gradually from any ATM Centre.

NOTE: The only fees you will be paying is $300 which is the fees required to secure the Non-Residential Clearance Permit and Approval from the Ministry of Finance which will be presented by the Lawyer to the Bank for the setting up of your Non-residential Account.

You can email our attorney:

Name: Barr. (Mrs.) Patricia Smith.
Email: patricia_smith@yahoo.cn

Remember to reconfirm the following details of yours to the Barrister so as to enable her verify your details;

Full Names:
Private Cell Phone No:
Home Cell No:
A Scan Copy of your Identification card.

For your information, the reason given by World Bank/IMF for your Fund Transfer to be channeled through the endorsed paying bank and monitored by Federal Reserve, United States is to avoid the bureaucratic bottlenecks, stifling and erratic extortion usually associated with Commercial Banks inter Bank transfer, however your co-operation with the endorsed paying bank as you will be directed by the attorney is paramount to having this funds remittance and transfer completed within the stipulated time frame of 3-5 working days.

Note: Your funds transfer will be monitored through any of the listed Federal Reserve Districts: Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Kansas City, Minneapolis, New York, Philadelphia, Richmond, San Francisco, St. Louis as will be decided by the board.

Please do keep the attorney updated in the course of your communication with the endorsed paying bank; she will take up any legal issues if you are being requested of unnecessary charges.


Thomas M. Hoenig



This electronic mail message and any attachments contain information intended for the exclusive use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is proprietary, privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any viewing, copying, disclosure or distribution of this information may be subject to legal restriction or sanction. Please notify the sender, by electronic mail or telephone, of any unintended recipients and delete the original message without making any copies. This message and any attachments are not intended to be tax advice, however, if this message or any attachments contain advice with respect to an Unclaimed Payment matter subject to the approval and/or remittance, such advice is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of avoiding any penaltie s that may be imposed under the I

I love how Im advised that mis-use of the information contained in this email is against the law. There were also 2 images that my email automatically blocked and Im not opening. If anyones interested Ill forward to them to open :twisted:
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