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Non-localized soveruns

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 2:41 pm
by Arthur Rubin
There are a few recent threads in (IIRC) US and Canada Sovereign forums which are discussions of the sovereign phenomenon in general. Would it be appropriate to create a new subforum of the Sovereign forum for such non-localized threads?

Re: Non-localized soveruns

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 4:08 pm
by The Observer
In my opinion, it would be a waste of space. The topics don't attract a lot of attention and posts, and even when they do, they derail into off-topic conversations. The current one has now from a question of whether freemen are getting any sex into a discussion about quitting smoking instead of about the psychological behavior of sovruns/FOTLers. It will probably have to be locked down.

This is the usual result when you start trying to discuss a particular subject group in terms of psychological behavior; the matter is subjective in of itself and too many people have too many different opinions of what is driving the behavior. Once you have that wheel going, you get all sorts of unrelated and irrelevant posts injected into the mess. In the worst of these we have had to issue warnings and lock threads due to dragging innocent third parties into the conversation despite our rules that require the conversation to stay on the individual FOTL or sovrun.

Re: Non-localized soveruns

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 8:58 pm
by notorial dissent
This is, in my opinion, WAY OFF TOPIC, and not what the board is for.