Planet Merrill floats into the realm of "Truly Dangerous"

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Planet Merrill floats into the realm of "Truly Dangerous"

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

So far, the idiocy on the Saving to Suitors site has focused on strategies which will ensure that the Suitors will have unpleasant experiences in court and in prison, once the government catches up with them (unless, like with Sir David, the Suitor lives in Mommy's basement and doesn't have a pot to ...urinate in. But now, the site has veered into the realm of the truly dangerous: ... ate-cancer

You can find all about Treefarmer's beloved "Dr." Hulda Clark on the excellent site As for the rest of the idiocy on this thread, it consists mostly of the same turgid religious bilge water which seems to be taking over the site, and the paranoia about Western medicine which is so beloved by many denizens of Idiot America.

As for me, I have a spouse who has survived three bouts in 10+ years with ovarian cancer (thanks to having world-class care available just a few miles from where we live), and is now quite healthy. I'll take Western medicine over religious woo-woo and so-called "alternative treatments", any day.
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Re: Planet Merrill floats into the realm of "Truly Dangerous

Post by The Observer »

This isn't the first time that David has ventured into Quackerville with "alternative medicine." At one time, he was bragging about coming with a cure for the SARS virus (or some similar emerging virus) by blasting it with some equipment he juryrigged; apparently this treatment was based on a sine wave that he generated. Of course, this treatment supposedly would also allow curing of HIV, TB, cancer, gout, rickets, halitosis, terminal acne, male balding pattern, trenchfoot and hoof-and-mouth disease. Well, I may have exaggerated some, but you get the drift of where these "alternative treatments" end up.
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Re: Planet Merrill floats into the realm of "Truly Dangerous

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

If David's fantasies had a shred of truth in them, he'd be living the high life instead of spending his days as an Internet bottom-feeder.
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Re: Planet Merrill floats into the realm of "Truly Dangerous

Post by AndyK »

David does deserve SOME credit.

After all, some time ago he became deathly ill after eating at a Chinese restaurant, diagnosed himself as having contracted avain influenza, self-medicated with his frequency-generator machine, and was cured within a couple of days.

He developed his (sort of patented but not really) frequency blaster after reading the work of some other whack-job who claimed to have discovered a series of frequency resonances for every known virus, bacteria, and cancer.

However, David is not the first resident of another planet to deny modern medicine and come up with alternative "cures."

ErasmusOfAmerica is touting a cure for cancer. Several major celebrities have jumped on the bandwagon of 'vaccination causes autism' to the extent that several preventable major diseases are now reemerging. Scientologists deserve at least a passing reference as do chiropractors who can cure diseases which only they can diagnose.

And the list goes on ...
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Re: Planet Merrill floats into the realm of "Truly Dangerous

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

According to Suitor Michael Joseph, 95% of what you need is proper diet and exercise:
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Re: Planet Merrill floats into the realm of "Truly Dangerous

Post by Gregg »

I have not before tonite visited David's funhouse. I read the above thread and decided to browse a little bit, imagine my surprise when on a "lawful money ain't taxable" thread I find some poor reader who is trying to fight an IRS levy, and just isn't having any luck.
Big surprise.
The bombshell, however was this...
I have had a dicussion with DM and he wanted compensation for his help in this matter.
So is Mr. Van Pelt practicing law without a license? ... g-IRS-levy
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Re: Planet Merrill floats into the realm of "Truly Dangerous

Post by Gregg »

My goodness. Half an hour of reading that tripe, and I'm convinced they're all trying to find creative ways to go to prison.
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Re: Planet Merrill floats into the realm of "Truly Dangerous

Post by notorial dissent »

Gregg, Merrill has been pretending at law for at least the last five years, and is just getting more bold about it.

In one of the other threads WES started there is a list of some of his acolytes and their various semi-comedic attempts to practice what he preaches. Needless to say, they are/were resounding failures in court, one or two even tried for appellate comedy and failed equally abjectly as I recall, all using identical or nearly documents that lead back to him.

I do think your final comment is spot on by the way, as jail could be a real fact in their near futures if they continue as they have been.
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Re: Planet Merrill floats into the realm of "Truly Dangerous

Post by Dezcad »

AndyK wrote: He developed his (sort of patented but not really) frequency blaster after reading the work of some other whack-job who claimed to have discovered a series of frequency resonances for every known virus, bacteria, and cancer.
Perhaps it was Archimedes Plutonium.
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Re: Planet Merrill floats into the realm of "Truly Dangerous

Post by wserra »

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Re: Planet Merrill floats into the realm of "Truly Dangerous

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

At least two known quacks are being promoted on this thread. One is "Dr." Hulda Clark, who used her Ph. D in crab physiology and a mail-order Doctor of Naturopathy degree to push her idea that all cancers are caused by "intestinal flukes" -- but she died of cancer, so I guess her "treatments" weren't what they were cracked up to be. There is also Dr. Lorraine Day, who was once a conventional MD but who went off the rails some time ago, and now seems to "cure" cancers (including her own) through "natural" stimulation of the immune system and prayer.

What's really sickening about these two quacks is that they are responsible for more than one person abandoning conventional treatment for their snake oil, and paying for that mistake with their lives. Sorry, folks; but after 10 years of seeing my wife successfully battle ovarian cancer with world-class doctors prescribing her course, of treatment, I will listen to the best doctors in the world and not to a couple of renegades who operate on the fringes using fear, distortion and outright falsehood.

Two good sources of "quack exposure" can be found on and
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Re: Planet Merrill floats into the realm of "Truly Dangerous

Post by Gregg »

Equally dangerous are various religious sects that think "prayer" can heal anything etc....

My own extended family buys into a bit of this, when my father was in the final stages of the prostrate cancer that killed him, several of his siblings (he had 10) thought that the limited treatment he attempted were the actual cause of his condition and a few of them broke off completely when he decided to quit fighting it and enter into hospice care that was only concerned with making him comfortable, which increasingly meant more morphine.

I also got more than a little of it when I underwent directed beam radiation for my own cancer, which so far has led to me being cancer free for 4 years now.

And this is the more or less "reasonable" wing of the nut farm, I won't even go into the flat out fake faith healers, snake handlers and prosperity gospel crowd.
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Re: Planet Merrill floats into the realm of "Truly Dangerous

Post by fortinbras »

Gregg, I am very sorry about your father, but I want to point out that, even now, even this year, cancer treatment is frequently debilitating, painful, and all too often very temporary in its results. In many cases, esp of middle-ages and older patients, it makes and keeps them bedridden, pain-racked, and feeling useless & depressed much sooner and longer than if they let the cancer run its course without chem, radiation, and surgery.

A little more than a year ago we lost my wife's BFF, whom she had known since grade school, at the age of about 55. She had been operated on for some form of abdominal cancer about 5 years previous and moved in with us to endure and then recuperate from the chemo, radiation, and surgery ... and stayed because, although the cancer was removed, there were terrible after-effects of the treatment (including lymphedema of the legs which looked like elephantiasis) which were both crippling and excruciating. In the last two years of her life she was taking a prescribed regimen of powerful painkillers that would have killed Rush Limbaugh, with only limited results apart from making her even more inert - and she often told my wife that she was sorry she had fought off the cancer because the aftermath was so terrible. She finally died very suddenly from what was probably internal bleeding. It was a terrible loss to us but at least her suffering was over.
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Re: Planet Merrill floats into the realm of "Truly Dangerous

Post by JamesVincent »

My grandmother and several cousins fought against my grandfather when he allowed the hospital to do a blood transfusion on my grandmother when she was dying. That entire side of the family are Jehovah's Witnesses.
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Re: Planet Merrill floats into the realm of "Truly Dangerous

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

fortinbras wrote:Gregg, I am very sorry about your father, but I want to point out that, even now, even this year, cancer treatment is frequently debilitating, painful, and all too often very temporary in its results. In many cases, esp of middle-ages and older patients, it makes and keeps them bedridden, pain-racked, and feeling useless & depressed much sooner and longer than if they let the cancer run its course without chem, radiation, and surgery.

A little more than a year ago we lost my wife's BFF, whom she had known since grade school, at the age of about 55. She had been operated on for some form of abdominal cancer about 5 years previous and moved in with us to endure and then recuperate from the chemo, radiation, and surgery ... and stayed because, although the cancer was removed, there were terrible after-effects of the treatment (including lymphedema of the legs which looked like elephantiasis) which were both crippling and excruciating. In the last two years of her life she was taking a prescribed regimen of powerful painkillers that would have killed Rush Limbaugh, with only limited results apart from making her even more inert - and she often told my wife that she was sorry she had fought off the cancer because the aftermath was so terrible. She finally died very suddenly from what was probably internal bleeding. It was a terrible loss to us but at least her suffering was over.
My father-in-law was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in the summer of 1975. He had world-class care available to him; but the survival rate for this kind of cancer is around 5%, and he died in January of 1978, after having thought that he had beaten the disease by early 1977 (he was too ill to attend his daughter's wedding to me in August of that year). In February of 1997, his wife began feeling ill, and she recognized the symptoms (for which she had always had some sort of gift). My wife and I believe that she deliberately delayed going to see a doctor until it was too late, so that she would not have to undergo the same kind of torture. After just over two months of palliative care, she passed away on May 1 of that year.

However, as I've mentioned before, my wife was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in July of 2003. After two recurrences, she is still alive and well. Yes, treatment for cancer can be debilitating; and especially during my wife's last round of treatment I saw some people who looked like their treatments were sheer misery for them. However, I will still trust the medical judgment of doctors who specialize in cancer treatment over the woo-woo cherished by the denizens of Planet Merrill and others.
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Re: Planet Merrill floats into the realm of "Truly Dangerous

Post by AndyK »

FWIW, another horror story.

My mother developed lung cancer. She underwent radiation and chemo which totally eliminated the tumor.

She died, slowly and horribly, three years from brain cancer. The doctors had totally missed the fact that the original tumor had spread and wasn't curable when the first treatments began.

Fortunately, we were able to overrule another family member who was trying to fly her to Mexico for an apricot pit regimen and was also researching every other crackpot "cure" on the Internet. Her argument: "Just read this and look at all the testimonials of cures."
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