Bob Wolffe still doesn't get it.

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Bob Wolffe still doesn't get it.

Post by cynicalflyer »
I am writing this from a federal prison. I am not here because I committed any heinous crime. I am here because I saw injustice and tried to right it. I helped and supported Ed and Elaine Brown. My intent was to keep the US Marshals from killing Ed and Elaine the way they killed Randy Weaver's wife and 10 year old son.

I strongly support the Brown's belief that there is no law requiring us to file a tax return and pay a tax on domestic income. To date, no bureaucrat has shown us a law! I publicly questioned the IRS for a number of years. Every one of you should question the IRS. So many of you would fight tooth and nail to get $10.00 back from the phone company, credit card company or electric company if you were overcharged. You would even expend much time and effort you would threaten legal action. You would go to great lengths to make sure your friends and family knew of the shoddy billing practices of those awful price-gouging companies!

Am I the only one who thinks the bureaucracy is wrong taking 20 or 30% of your pay, every week? There is no law! Why do you pay so willingly? It is strictly voluntary, you know! Don't believe me? All you have to do is call or write the IRS and ask. Your local accountant will tell you it is “easier” to pay than to fight. Of course, once you realize that you don't have to pay tax on domestic income, you won't have to pay that accountant either!

The reason so few of you are willing to question the bureaucracy is fear! Pure, unadulterated FEAR. So much for a free Republic! “We the people” are the real “government,” yet this bureaucracy has brainwashed you and made you feel helpless. It is true, people like myself serve as good “examples” as to why you should never question the bureaucracy. The only reason they can do this is because of your fear and apathy.

My parents taught me to think independently, and taught me right from wrong. They instilled a powerful work ethic and a sense of caring for others. I grew up knowing this was the best country on Earth. I believe we have the best form of government. They taught me that honestly was the best policy (even if it hurt). I was told that the rule of law was fair. My parents were great patriots. I am a patriot. I love this country. Unfortunately, something has gone terribly wrong!

Because of the apathy of “we the people,” along with the greed and avarice of the New World Order elitists, our government and Constitution have been usurped. Remember, there is no law requiring you to pay income taxes. Americans should be aware that the Federal Reserve banking system is not a government entity. Is is a group of private banks. You should all be aware that the current financial crisis has been contrived and planned. It is in fact another form of terrorist attack. It was meant to give the bureaucracy more control over us. They are, in effect, “terrorizing” us. Terrorists don't just kill people.

Are you mad yet? What will it take to snap you out of your apathetic state? When will you get mad enough to question the bureaucracy? When will you demand that the mainstream media report the “truth”? Will it be after the “Superhighway” is built? Oh, I'm sorry, if you get your “news” from the mainstream media, you have no idea what a “Superhighway” is! Will you get mad after they take all your currency and issue “Ameros”? Again, you have no idea what an “Amero” is if you rely on CNN or Fox “News”. Will you get mad when the N.A.U. is formed? Once more you have no idea what that is if you get your “news from USA Today or The New York Times. Maybe you won't get mad until you find out the Bush Administration was behind the 911 attacks! If you get your “news” from ABC, CBS, or NBC, you have no idea that George Bush's cousin Marvin Bush was CEO of the company in charge of security for the World Trade Centers up to 09/11/01. What will it take for you to get mad enough to get involved? All you have to do is ask questions. Keep asking till the mainstream media reports it.

We have a daunting task ahead of us. Most of you are so brainwashed you don't want to or can't see the truth. It is painful. A former president said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” I don't believe he was a great president, but he was a great socialist.

Today there is more than the fear; we should “fear” the apathy. The silence is deadly! We must talk about the tax issue, the “real” cause of the financial crisis, the facts about who owns the Federal Reserve bank, the “real” cause of the 911 attacks, the dangers of allowing the Superhighway to be built. We must not let the North American Union (N.A.U.) to go through. That is combining the US with Canada and Mexico to form one nation. We must not allow the issuance of the “Amero”. That is the currency that will be proposed combining the US with Canada and Mexico's economies. We must fight to keep our Constitution and our American Sovereignty. Our judicial system is severely corrupt and must be reformed. The New World Order elitists have been subverting the judicial system for many years. We must also find a way to force the mainstream media to stop “entertaining” us and to start “informing” us. Of course we must look at who owns the mainstream media!

It is time to get MAD! Do no leave these issues for your children and your grandchildren to face. Only you can save this country! For my patriotism I am suffering a couple of years in prison. If you continue to do nothing, your children and grandchildren will suffer with jackbooted thugs in the streets! If you love your country, if you love your family, PLEASE! get involved now!

In hopes of renewed freedom,
Robert Wolffe
"I am not here because I committed any heinous crime."
"I helped and supported Ed and Elaine Brown."

We may debate whether helping the Browns was heinous. But it certainly was felonious, something which Bob admitted to and allocuted on as part of his plea deal, right?
"Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty." -- General Henry M. Robert author, Robert's Rules of Order
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Re: Bob Wolffe still doesn't get it.

Post by grixit »

This is the second time i've heard about the "amero" supposedly about to replace the dollar. As near as i can tell, the amero is a brand of traveller's check, issued by a private company. Where does the idea that it's a pan american currency in waiting come from?
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Re: Bob Wolffe still doesn't get it.

Post by Arthur Rubin »

I feel sorry for ladywolffe.

As for Amero, ... ency_union attributes the association of the name with the shared currency to The Case for the Amero: The Economics and Politics of a North American Monetary Union".

According to that article, a number of "sightings" have been appearing in white supremacist Hal Turner's blog; coins in August 2007, and bills in December 2008.
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: Bob Wolffe still doesn't get it.

Post by Duke2Earl »

He's mad all right... as in "mad as a hatter."
My choice early in life was to either be a piano player in a whorehouse or a politican. And to tell the truth there's hardly any difference.

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Re: Bob Wolffe still doesn't get it.

Post by notorial dissent »

Bob Wolfe is a very stupid, in this case most likely terminally, person. He like Ed family:really stupid, has made up his mind about something and refuses to look at anything that disagrees with his fantasy du jour. The plain fact of the matter is that the law has been pointed out repeatedly, and they refuse to acknowledge it since it disagrees with what they want the world to be. Far from independent thinking, he is and has been depending on others to do his thinking for him and this is where it has gotten him. He has a perfectly good fantasy and isn’t about to give it up for any amount of reality, and this way it can be someone else’s fault, he is being persecuted for his belief, ad nauseam. I feel sorry for his wife, she is the one who will suffer because of his delusions.

FWIW, the Amero was/is a very well done practical joke perpetrated by Daniel Carr, that has been swallowed hook, line, and sinker by the noncognoscenti.

The ironic bit comes in two parts, one, they actually have been minted by the mastermind of the whole thing, but NOT the government, any government, and two, they are butt ugly and look like bad 1930's people’s republic coins. And as a final joke, the minter really did intend them as collector’s items and not as currency.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
notorial dissent
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Re: Bob Wolffe still doesn't get it.

Post by notorial dissent »

My sentiments exactly!!!!!!
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Bob Wolffe still doesn't get it.

Post by Thule »

On certain levels, you really must admire someone who sticks to his beliefs, never testifies against his companions, and won't work with the Feds to secure a lighter sentence for himself. He might be wrong, but at least he sticks up for his beliefs and his friends.

And then there's Bob Wolffe...

Makes me wonder what his angle is. He's definetly not quite ready to get a job, pay his taxes and live peacefully with his rather sensible wife.

But will his old compadres welcome him back? His time at the stand did some damage to the supporters of Clan:Moron. And although the inner workings of the Paytriot mind is a mystery to all except the most senior Illuminati, I have a feeling that they will not be happy to see Mr. Wolffe again.

Maybe he'll start a Paytriot-movement of one...
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Re: Bob Wolffe still doesn't get it.

Post by wserra »

That's unbelievable. The guy gets a huge break and doesn't learn squat.

If I were he, I would be careful not to violate supervised release. I imagine Judge Singal would not be pleased.
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Re: Bob Wolffe still doesn't get it.

Post by Nikki »

Yet another classic case of someone who got a bug up his butt about something and then went surfing the Internet to find anything to support his personal paranoia.

He, like most of his ilk, is convinced that a large number of loud voices are, by definition, correct -- expecially when they are shouting what he wants to hear.

True believers don't care that there's no proof of chemtrails, the WTC attack being a government plot, extraterrestrials, effective de-taxing, NESARA, functional sovereign citizenship, and so on. As long as enough others are chanting the same mantra, any naysayers are members of the cover-up conspiracy and are automatically to be distrusted and ignored.

There's no cure for obsessively paranoid conspiracy-theory adherents.
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Re: Bob Wolffe still doesn't get it.

Post by Dezcad »

Thule wrote:On certain levels, you really must admire someone who sticks to his beliefs, never testifies against his companions, and won't work with the Feds to secure a lighter sentence for himself. He might be wrong, but at least he sticks up for his beliefs and his friends.

And then there's Bob Wolffe...

Makes me wonder what his angle is. He's definetly not quite ready to get a job, pay his taxes and live peacefully with his rather sensible wife.

But will his old compadres welcome him back? His time at the stand did some damage to the supporters of Clan:Moron. And although the inner workings of the Paytriot mind is a mystery to all except the most senior Illuminati, I have a feeling that they will not be happy to see Mr. Wolffe again.
Maybe he'll start a Paytriot-movement of one...
He has already gotten flack from some of his FS supporters. A response to his letter is in this thread.
All we have to fear.. Are those that make deals with the government and testify for the state to save their own skin...
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Re: Bob Wolffe still doesn't get it.

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Thinking back (way back) to childhood, I'm reminded of lots of 'Bob Wolffes' in school. They were the ones using the 'I know a secret' ploy to establish their station in life. Knowing 'secrets' and having knowledge no one else seems to have gives the knower a sense of authority. I recall helping to break up what had become a serious physical fight over a disagreement about the definition of horsepower. Neither one of them was right, BTW, and it took the shop teacher to settle the factual disagreement.

In such cases, admitting being wrong is worse than just being wrong.

The Bob Wolffes, Kurt Johnsons and Pete Hendricksons of the world have such fragile egos that there is no turning back, even when the shop teacher presents the facts; even if it means incarceration. Humiliation is just not in their repertoire.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Bob Wolffe still doesn't get it.

Post by Scoop »

I wonder if he's changed his mind about testifying against the Browns.
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Re: Bob Wolffe still doesn't get it.

Post by Randall »

If you get your “news” from ABC, CBS, or NBC, you have no idea that George Bush's cousin Marvin Bush
That is true, but I might have an idea that Marvin is Dubya's brother.
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Re: Bob Wolffe still doesn't get it.

Post by Gregg »

True believers don't care that there's no proof of chemtrails, the WTC attack being a government plot, extraterrestrials, effective de-taxing, NESARA, functional sovereign citizenship, and so on. As long as enough others are chanting the same mantra, any naysayers are members of the cover-up conspiracy and are automatically to be distrusted and ignored.
That pretty much sums up the Whacked Hall Of Fame nominations for this month!

(but chemtrails is real! I know a pilot whose brother lives next door to a guy whose wife listend to George Noory and they had a guest on who knew a guy who worked sweeping up pishit at the airport who saw a pilot who has a brother .....)
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Re: Bob Wolffe still doesn't get it.

Post by jkeeb »

With apologies to Oscar Levant:

There is a thin line between stupidity and insanity, Mr. Wolfe has erased it.
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Re: Bob Wolffe still doesn't get it.

Post by SheWolffe »

I just logged in to see if there was anything special getting kicked around.

I guess it's me.
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Re: Bob Wolffe still doesn't get it.

Post by webhick »

SheWolffe wrote:I just logged in to see if there was anything special getting kicked around.

I guess it's me.
Actually, I think we all feel worse for you now than before. When Bob gets out in November, he's just going to lather, rinse, repeat which is just going to make things even rougher for you. Hopefully, he'll be smarter next time round and won't actually commit any crimes so you won't be left alone on the outside, again.
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Re: Bob Wolffe still doesn't get it.

Post by SheWolffe »

No, I mean Bob..... he kicked me right in the teeth. I asked him - if he is that passionate about it fine, just shut up long enough to get out of there, get a job and help me keep our home before he starts writing again.

I think he is foolish and selfish - he may have just lost everything I've been trying so hard to hold onto.

Twenty years of MY life down the f*cking drain.
Mr. Mephistopheles
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Re: Bob Wolffe still doesn't get it.

Post by Mr. Mephistopheles »

webhick wrote:
SheWolffe wrote:I just logged in to see if there was anything special getting kicked around.

I guess it's me.
Actually, I think we all feel worse for you now than before. When Bob gets out in November, he's just going to lather, rinse, repeat which is just going to make things even rougher for you. Hopefully, he'll be smarter next time round and won't actually commit any crimes so you won't be left alone on the outside, again.
Ditto that sentiment. Many have noted here that with any crime, it's usually the family that pays the greatest price. Best of luck to you SheWolffe.
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Re: Bob Wolffe still doesn't get it.

Post by The Observer »

SheWolffe wrote:No, I mean Bob..... he kicked me right in the teeth. I asked him - if he is that passionate about it fine, just shut up long enough to get out of there, get a job and help me keep our home before he starts writing again.

I think he is foolish and selfish - he may have just lost everything I've been trying so hard to hold onto.

Twenty years of MY life down the f*cking drain.

For any of you TPs or wanna-be TPs, I think this should be the ARGUMENT that you should consider as to why you should not be sipping the koolade. When you decide to go down that road of perdition, you are not going it alone. You are dragging your family, your loved ones down it as well, without any thought or consideration of the price you are making them pay. And that price is not in dollars or FRNs alone. It is a cost of emotion, stress, time and above all else, your relatives' lives.

If you want to ignore what the law says and what the courts have ruled, nobody here at Quatloos can stop you. You are going to believe what you want to believe. But if you profess to have any kind of love for your wife, your children, etc., you would do well to consider that paying the few extra dollars in tax is worth all the time that you could be spending with them and supporting them. Being in prison for your own selfish beliefs cannot ever be a substitute for being at your wife's side when she delivers your child, being at your son's baseball game, your daughter's graduation and being there when any of these people are going through their own personal times of pain or suffering and need your presence and support.

But persisting in your inane arguments about the income tax being illegal is clearly going to result in you losing your income, losing your home and/or going to prison, should you decide to take your illogical conclusions to their nightmarish conclusion. The posts at Quatloos for the last several years are indicative of what happens to the TP who decides to go for broke. And most of you TPs retain just enough intellectual honesty to admit, even if only to yourself, that you know that the result is going to be bad.

So the ultimate question is this: what gives you the right to subject your dependents and spouse to this nightmare scenario? Why should they have to pay the price of your stubborness? And can you be man enough to actually step off your soapbox and put your family's interests ahead of yours - perhaps for the first time in your life?
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff