Lindsey Springer & Oscar Stilley indicted

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Re: Lindsey Springer & Oscar Stilley indicted

Post by Nikki »

wserra wrote:Right you are, ASIT. I maxed out on three pieces of nonsense before getting to that. As Dr. C says, he should reread Sullivan.
Based on his past (and current) antics, he seems to be working his legal theories and filings more in the direction of Gilbert and Sullivan.
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Re: Lindsey Springer & Oscar Stilley indicted

Post by wserra »

LPC wrote:It's very slick, and very convenient.
And expensive. I have it in the office but not at home - where I'm recuperating from gall bladder surgery.

Aging sucks.
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Re: Lindsey Springer & Oscar Stilley indicted

Post by wserra »

Nikki wrote:Based on his past (and current) antics, he seems to be working his legal theories and filings more in the direction of Gilbert and Sullivan.
He is the very model of a modern paralegeral.
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Re: Lindsey Springer & Oscar Stilley indicted

Post by Demosthenes »

LPC wrote:The "Certificate of Service" is usual (to say the least), in that it states:
I have to know. Why did you read the Certificate of Service?
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Re: Lindsey Springer & Oscar Stilley indicted

Post by LPC »

Demosthenes wrote:I have to know. Why did you read the Certificate of Service?
You don't?
Dan Evans
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Re: Lindsey Springer & Oscar Stilley indicted

Post by jg »

wserra wrote:
LPC wrote:It's very slick, and very convenient.
And expensive. I have it in the office but not at home - where I'm recuperating from gall bladder surgery.

Aging sucks.
Yet it remains unequivocally preferable to the alternatives.
Be well very soon.
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Re: Lindsey Springer & Oscar Stilley indicted

Post by LPC »

jg wrote:
wserra wrote:Aging sucks.
Yet it remains unequivocally preferable to the alternatives.
There's more than one?

The real tragedy is that youth is wasted on the young.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
Bud Dickman

Re: Lindsey Springer & Oscar Stilley indicted

Post by Bud Dickman »

From LH

Lindsey Springer is a young man, a minister and paralegal, who has been battling the IRS for years, mainly on the basis that IRS forms do not conform to the Paperwork Reduction Acts of 1980 and 1995 and therefore are both illegal and confounding. He has filed lawsuits pro se and has also helped legal counsel in several federal cases against folks who were indicted for "willful failure to file." Following is an email he sent out today to those on his mailing list. I think it's both self-explanatory and illuminating.

"...I would like to report that on April 2, 2009, I will be honored to take the Court Ordered deposition of R.A. Mitchell. My case is 08-278. If you have ever had a tax lien or assessment then listen up.

How I was able to convince the United States District Court this deposition was relevant was that I subpoenaed R.A. Mitchell because this name was on several documents in a civil case the U.S. Department of Justice attached to their amended complaint against me.

The Government tried to block the deposition saying R.A. Mitchell did not even know her name was on the documents they relied upon. I pointed out that was an admission of forgery. On February 24, 2009, I took the deposition of a Kim Norman in Tulsa who swore that R.A. Mitchell was a stamp and not any real person.

Needless to say if that is true all Notice of Federal Tax Liens are no good and I will be able to show each of you how that would be. In each State you have a Uniform Federal Tax Lien Act and this Act directs federal tax liens to comply with the Uniform Commercial Code. A Forged document in the County Recorder’s Office violates both the Act and the UCC. It gets worse for the revenuers from here.

Assessments are required for a lien to arise after notice of that assessment is given and a demand for payment. Once you refuse to pay then a lien arises as a matter of law. Assessments are done under section 6201, 6202 and 6203 of the Tax Code. Regulations under 26 CFR 301.6203-1 require the district director to appoint an assessment officer. The position of district director was abolished by the Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998. As of 2000 no district directors existed to appoint summary record of assessment officers. The regulation above says the record of assessment must be signed and if the person signing was not assigned by the district director or director of the service center servicing the internal revenue district that you live in then no assessment exists according to the law and no notice, demand, or refusal, could be proven in Court for the collection of any purported assessment.

I need your help. I cannot afford to take the this part of the IRS down without some help from each of you. I need whatever you can give me. I realize many of you know someone who is in some way making some challenge to the status quo. Please realize it is rare to be offered the opportunity to depose high ranking treasury officials and even more rare to actually do it. Most attorneys would simply not do it for fear of attack. I hope you know by now I am not afraid. Concerned yes, afraid no. Imagine me getting to ask the questions and the U.S. Department of Justice not being able to do anything to obstruct me, my questions, or the answers.

My ministry is asking each of you to consider being part of actually getting to ask questions. If you email me your questions relative to assessments, liens, and notices, I will be glad to consider your ideas in forming my questions. I get to take depositions on the 2, 6,7 and 9th of April, 2009. I realize this is short notice but I would not ask for held if it was not needed.

"Please stand with me and help me take this part of the IRS out of the County Court Houses. You can send any support to Lindsey Springer or Bondage Breaker’s Ministries, 5147 S. Harvard, # 116, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74135, or you can paypal at Those of you willing to support me in this endeavor will be emailed a copy of the transcript of any of the depositions I take once it is read and signed by the deponent and as always your blessings for such support will be difficult to even count or express in words. Thank you, Lindsey Springer 3.26.09
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Re: Lindsey Springer & Oscar Stilley indicted

Post by wserra »

The case Springer cites is an action by the U.S. to reduce tax assessments to judgment and to foreclose on tax liens. In point of fact, looking at the docket reveals exactly what one would expect: Springer makes stupid motion after stupid motion, which either the DJ or the MJ denies in batches. For example from Judge Kern's order of February 27, 2009:
Based on the above discussion, the Court ORDERS as follows:
1. Motion for TRO (Doc. 97) is DENIED.
2. Objection to Magistrate Cleary’s Rulings (Doc. 128) is OVERRULED.
3. Motion for Court to Refrain from Referring Issues to Magistrate (Doc. 130) is DENIED.
4. Motion for Stay of Discovery (Doc. 129) is DENIED.
The Court also ORDERS as follows regarding other miscellaneous pending motions:
1. Defendant Springer’s Motion to Strike (Doc. 56), which moves to strike the United States’
Amended Complaint, is DENIED, as the arguments raised therein have already been
addressed in the Court’s Order of November 20, 2008. (See Doc. 60 at 4 (stating that filing
of Amended Complaint by United States was proper).)
2. Defendant Springer’s Motion to Strike (Doc. 120), which moves to strike the cross-claim
filed by his co-defendants, is DENIED, as the Court has expressly allowed the filing of such
cross-claim out of time. (See Docs. 74, 88.)
All of those were Springer's dumb motions.

Right, send him money.
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Re: Lindsey Springer & Oscar Stilley indicted

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Bud Dickman wrote:....
Lindsey Springer wrote: "...I would like to report that on April 2, 2009, I will be honored to take the Court Ordered deposition of R.A. Mitchell. My case is 08-278. If you have ever had a tax lien or assessment then listen up.

....On February 24, 2009, I took the deposition of a Kim Norman in Tulsa who swore that R.A. Mitchell was a stamp and not any real person.
Methinks "Kim Norman" is either confused or a figment of Springer's imagination. Alternatively, deposing a stamp would be entertaining.
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Re: Lindsey Springer & Oscar Stilley indicted

Post by The Observer »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:Methinks "Kim Norman" is either confused or a figment of Springer's imagination. Alternatively, deposing a stamp would be entertaining.
The IRS in the past has used pseudonyms for correspondence issued to taxpayers from the Automated Collection Sites and the Service Centers. Perhaps this is what Kim Norman was relying on when she/he made this statement. But again I have no idea what makes Kim Norman an authority in regards to whether R.A. Mitchell is a real person or a rubber stamp.
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Weston White

Re: Lindsey Springer & Oscar Stilley indicted

Post by Weston White »

Well it appears that Springer has "sprung" himself back from the gloom (though I find it insulting he is begging for funds, assuming it is true he just bought himself a new Mercedes of course.):

In any case there does appear to be some interesting issues to be addressed.
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Re: Lindsey Springer & Oscar Stilley indicted

Post by wserra »

The hearing on representation is at 2:30 PM today. If Springer gets a lawyer, he's gonna have to stop making goofball pro se motions.

Go for it, Lindsey! Don't be a ward of the court!
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Re: Lindsey Springer & Oscar Stilley indicted

Post by wserra »

The minute entry from the Faretta hearing:
Case called for hearing with counsel for the Government and the Defendants present; the Court advised both Defendants of their right to counsel. Court advised Defendants that they could hire counsel or, if they were financially unable to obtain counsel, the Court would appoint counsel for them, but that they would have to provide sufficient information under oath for Court to make reasonable inquiry as to their financial ability to hire counsel. Court also advised Defendants of their constitutional right to appear pro se. Defendants indicated their desire to represent themselves. The Court then conducted an extensive inquiry of each Defendant to determine their knowledge of the law and legal procedure, the voluntariness of their waiver of counsel, their understanding of the penalties they are facing. The Court strongly urged Defendants not to represent themselves. Thereafter, Mr. Springer and Mr. Stilley were individually advised of their right to be represented by counsel and waived counsel at this time; the Court finds the waivers were made knowingly and voluntarily; stand-by counsel will be appointed for each defendant (separate order to be entered).
Court also discussed with parties a general target date for trial.
Mr. Springer’s Motion for Electronic Access (Dkt. #5) was granted.
Should be fun.
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Re: Lindsey Springer & Oscar Stilley indicted

Post by LPC »

Springer is in big trouble. The only thing that could be worse than having Stilley as your counsel would be having Stilley as your co-defendant acting pro se.

You get a fool for a client and you're not even the client.
Dan Evans
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Re: Lindsey Springer & Oscar Stilley indicted

Post by Dezcad »

The latest from Springer, as posted on LH.
Lindsey Springer here and I must first say thank you to each of you that chose to lend your support aiding my taking of several depositions of high ranking treasury officials. I also wish to thank those of you who were unable to support my endeavor financially but were otherwise supportive in your words and the letters you sent. I have read them all and remain truly blessed that there remains people who follow the truth without regard to the influence of money.

I must first say that R.A. Mitchell was unaware of any of the specific information displayed upon the documents to which her signature appears. She explained that as part of her job performance she would sign her name into a computer program and this would enable her signature to appear on specific taxpayer documents that required a signature to be presumed valid. She testified she had been sued more times than she can remember but before April 2, 2009, she had never answered a single question under oath. Not one. No discovery. No trial testimony. She has worked for the IRS for over 30 years. (Hmmmm!?)

I asked her certain questions about information that was input on the Notice of Federal Tax Liens like the "assessment" dates to which she said she had no first hand personal knowledge of any assessments on any Notice of Federal Tax Liens displaying her name. I asked her if she ever spoke with certain Revenue Officers whose specific name appeared underneath or below her signature to which she stated she did not know them and had never met them before or since their names were joined upon a Notice of Federal Tax Lien with hers. I read every name I had in my possession and her answer remained the same every time. She did not know them and had never spoken to them. One thing is for certain and that is the signature of R.A. Mitchell is not a "stamp." Remember Ms. Norman gave that testimony on February 24, 2009. The word Ms. Mitchell eventually used was facsimile signature.

She testified the Internal Revenue Districts no longer exist and have not existed since at least October of 2000. She also stated there are no District Directors. She went on to say that if she had to actually sign every document needing her signature that it would be impossible for her to sign her name as the documents are in the thousands. I would add in the millions.

She testified that assessments meant form 23c and that she had never heard of the RAC 006 assessment form. I asked her how long the collection period was and she answered 6 years. I asked her was she sure it was not 10 years and she answered she was sure.

I also deposed Janice Wiedemann who had occupied her current office for a month before being introduced to the name Lindsey Springer. Ms. Wiedemann testified that Revenue Officers must go through Kentucky for Liens and Levies. She testified there was no law that requires an IRS Notice of Federal Tax Lien to be signed. I thought it interesting here that the official position of the IRS is that if there is no specific words in any specific law that said "Notice of Federal Tax Liens" must be signed, that I had heard that same type theory before coming from tax protestors. Only the issue being protested was what law required the taxpayer to sign their name under penalty of perjury and waive their Fifth Amendment Rights.

I asked her why then on the Form 668 does it have a place for a signature and she said that was not something that mattered to her. I asked her wouldn’t it matter to the taxpayer named on the Notice of Federal Tax Lien and she responded that did not matter to her because she is paid by the United States. I asked her don’t the taxpayers that are bailing out the banks, the same ones who pay her salary, need someone to protect their interest on those Notice of Federal Tax Liens? She answered "the ones who pay their taxes" but not the ones who do not.

In short, the United States is trying to act like a separate entity when it fits a certain agenda and hopes you and I think we and the United States are one and the same when it fits another type agenda. Notice of Federal Tax Liens demonstrate what is wrong with America.

They purport to be signed but they are not. They purport to be the truth of the matter but no truth is in them. They purport to represent due process has been given but no process due was ever given. Notice of Federal Tax Liens contain information the taxpayer has never seen. Our founding fathers and mothers died so you and I could have due process and the right to a jury trial involving any controversy greater than $ 20.00.

The date Notice of Federal Tax Liens are prepared means nothing to the IRS. Where they are prepared, you guessed it, meaningless. We must drive the forged Notice of Federal Tax Liens out of the Court Houses nationwide.

If IRS officials tell Congress they could not possibly read everything the law requires them to sign, let alone sign the things they may or may not have read, then and only then, will Congress stop the continuance of the IRS roaming the States seeking to devour who ever they will. Interestingly, section 7601 only allows IRS to roam the "districts" and says nothing about the States because the United States has no power to roam in and particular State.

I also took the deposition of a person in Houston that you will soon learn gave another very interesting question to qualify a question I had asked involving the words "United States." When I asked this question using this phrase he asked me a question "what do you mean by United States." I thought "exactly."

I also have taken the deposition of Kathleen Bushnell. You will run into that name if you ever have any "Certificate of Official Record" presented in any case you are in. She is the one that says here is what our records show but she actually testified she knows nothing about what ever is on those Certificates which depict her name and official title. All depositions should be ready in about two weeks.

Tomorrow I take two more depositions of one Revenue Officer and one CI Agent.

For now, Lindsey Springer

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Re: Lindsey Springer & Oscar Stilley indicted

Post by jkeeb »

Next, Mr. Springer will interview the Treasurer of the United States and ask about the signatures on every dollar bill in his pocket. He will then report to his readers the expanding conspiracy he has found.
Remember that CtC is about the rule of law.

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Re: Lindsey Springer & Oscar Stilley indicted

Post by The Observer »

I thought it interesting here that the official position of the IRS is that if there is no specific words in any specific law that said "Notice of Federal Tax Liens" must be signed, that I had heard that same type theory before coming from tax protestors. Only the issue being protested was what law required the taxpayer to sign their name under penalty of perjury and waive their Fifth Amendment Rights.
I'm still waiting for Mr. Springer to explain why IRC 6323 or Regs 301.6323(d) omit any requirement that a signature must appear on a notice of tax lien and why that may be relevant to the IRS position on signatures not being required by law.
The date Notice of Federal Tax Liens are prepared means nothing to the IRS. Where they are prepared, you guessed it, meaningless. We must drive the forged Notice of Federal Tax Liens out of the Court Houses nationwide.
And I am still waiting for him to explain why the date and locale of preparation of the notice of lien is relevant and meaningful if the law itself does not require that this information appear on the notice.
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Re: Lindsey Springer & Oscar Stilley indicted

Post by wserra »

The Observer wrote:I'm still waiting for Mr. Springer to explain why IRC 6323 or Regs 301.6323(d) omit any requirement that a signature must appear on a notice of tax lien
And I am still waiting for him to explain why the date and locale of preparation of the notice of lien is relevant and meaningful if the law itself does not require that this information appear on the notice.
You mean that the fact that Springer would really, really like those things to be there isn't enough?

What's the world coming to?

Man, it will be fun, fun, fun if both these bozos stay pro se.
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Re: Lindsey Springer & Oscar Stilley indicted

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

LPC wrote:Springer is in big trouble. The only thing that could be worse than having Stilley as your counsel would be having Stilley as your co-defendant acting pro se.

You get a fool for a client and you're not even the client.
Dueling dipshits...this should be entertaining.
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