Hendrickson's Heroes: They try so hard, they really do....

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Hendrickson's Heroes: They try so hard, they really do....

Post by Famspear »

Over at losthorizons, user "NOT!frivilous" (yes, that's right; he can't even spell his own user name correctly) writes:
I am not a person who is learned or knowledgeable in this area, but . . .

Would it be possible (and helpful) for a group of us to collectively work on an applicable definitions legal document concerning all these terms where we document all the terms in great detail with their common explanations, meanings, and cross references, etc. and collectively pay for an attorney to go to federal court and file some motion to get us some type of judgment on them as being valid, correct and complete and have the declaratory??? judgment signed by a federal judge and made available to us all to use in our efforts (something other courts and even the IRS could not argue down or disregard.)?

I have $100 right now in my hand that I would put toward such a judgment effort to benefit us all where we could get beyond all this nonsense. I suspect that there are quite a few others here who could make invaluable use of such a judgment/ruling by a federal court in our efforts as well.

Does anyone more knowledgeable in an area like this have any idea regarding how we could all collectively proceed in such an effort, or even if something like this is possible to obtain?

Something like this would make one heck of a KICKER document to show our private employers and other information providers exactly what they are attesting to - as well as the credibility of it coming from a FEDERAL court ruling gives it some local bite as well. Plus - think about showing it to all those IRS people FACE TO FACE in our little social meetings who do not (or will not) read and comprehend what is written in the statutes.

It also would be useful as rationale for us acting in good faith in justifying our return filing approaches and would be a major mitigating factor in removing or eliminating all these frivolous penalties and such.

Thoughts? Approaches? 17 ways in which we could accomplish this to our benefit?

Gee golly whiz, fellas, I'm sorry, but we at Quatloos had already thought of that. We went to federal court last week and (without telling you) we obtained an official court ruling that Pete Hendrickson -- or anyone else who uses the Cracking the Code tax scam -- has about as much common sense as one-third of a bowl of cornflakes. Of course, the ruling is binding on you and all federal courts and the IRS and your Aunt Sally's old dog, even though you never heard about the ruling and even though it might violate a few rather well-entrenched legal doctrines, like for example the requirement that federal courts decide only actual cases or controversies, the advisory opinion doctrine, the ripeness doctrine, and so on. Even as we speak, U.S. deputy marshals are combing the country pursuant to the ruling, looking for each and every one of you losthorizontals. You will of course be detained, arrested and shipped off to New World Order Education Camps run by the Illuminati (that would be the Quatloos regulars, of course). Each of you will be required to wear protective helmets from now on, so you don't injure yourselves any more. We realize that for some of you, it's probably too little too late.
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Re: Hendrickson's Heroes: They try so hard, they really do....

Post by Gregg »

The new "Crackhead Safety Program"

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Re: Hendrickson's Heroes: They try so hard, they really do....

Post by Gregg »

And for the Elite members of the Tyrannical Response Team

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Re: Hendrickson's Heroes: They try so hard, they really do....

Post by LPC »

Years ago, I was reading an article in some hunting magazine (it was all I could find to read) in which the author wrote about his fantasy that, if beagles could understand English for just a few seconds, he would grab one by the scruff of the neck, raise an ear flap, and yell into its ear, "The rabbits always circle!" (Not sure if what he wanted to yell is really true, but that was the premise.)

Anyway, my fantasy is that, if tax deniers could understand English for just a few seconds, I could grab one by the scruff of the neck and yell two things into his ear:

1. The 16th Amendment means what it says!

2. The anti-injunction act means what it says!
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
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Re: Hendrickson's Heroes: They try so hard, they really do....

Post by The Observer »

I have $100 right now in my hand that I would put toward such a judgment effort to benefit us all where we could get beyond all this nonsense.
The sad fact is that this person will, if it hasn't already happened, "encounter" such a person willing to collect his $100 and provide him with the necessary "documents", "briefs", "filings" and whatever else they can pass off as being "legal."
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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Re: Hendrickson's Heroes: They try so hard, they really do....

Post by Quixote »

Would it be possible (and helpful) for a group of us to collectively work on an applicable definitions legal document concerning all these terms where we document all the terms in great detail with their common explanations, meanings, and cross references, etc. and collectively pay for an attorney to go to federal court and file some motion to get us some type of judgment on them as being valid, correct and complete and have the declaratory???
Apparently, NOT!frivilous hasn't read Cracking the Code. PH's arguments depend on certain words in the IRC having meanings other than their common ones. If the LostHeads understood that "include", "wages" and "income", as used in the IRC, really mean includes, wages and income respectively, they would see CTC for the crock it is.
"Here is a fundamental question to ask yourself- what is the goal of the income tax scam? I think it is a means to extract wealth from the masses and give it to a parasite class." Skankbeat