More lunatic fringe ravings from the Browns

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Re: More lunatic fringe ravings from the Browns

Post by Demosthenes »

VanMeters Revenge wrote:
I know a guy who use to work in the hospital where Elvis' body was brought in dead and he got to see the King in all his dead puffiness. That's how high up I am on the Illuminati food chain!
He wasn't one of those sick folk whom took finger nail clippings or hair from the corpse for one of your Illuminati rituals over in the B.G. :shock: hehe
Way worse. He's a lawyer.
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Re: More lunatic fringe ravings from the Browns

Post by LPC »

wserra wrote:
VanMeters Revenge wrote:That is sometimes the cost of having a conscience and standing your moral ground,sticking to your guns despite how unpopular your outlook maybe.
Perhaps you'll recall: Dr. King never claimed there was no law requiring him to sit at the rear of the bus. Gandhi didn't say that British monarchs were shape-shifting lizards, so their rule over India was "void ab initio". Mandela never called apartheid "admiralty law". Their position was the same: "Your laws are unjust. The more you punish me for violating them, the more apparent the injustice. Do as you will."
Another current and milder example is war tax resistance by pacifists, such as Quakers. I have read many articles and letters by Quakers who believe in war tax resistance, and spoken to several personally, and they uniformly state that the legitimacy of the law is irrelevant. They simply cannot in good conscience pay taxes to support the military. And if that results in fines and penalties and levies, well, so be it.

They will take advantage of plausible arguments for protection, such as some arguments made a few years ago that the IRS ability to levy on the wages of a Quaker tax resister was limited by the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, but most tax resisters don't make frivolous arguments.
wserra wrote:The Browns, Gonzalez et al whine, moan and spout gibberish.
Because they can't admit to themselves that they broke the law. The did what they wanted and got caught, but can't see themselves as criminals, so the law must be wrong.
Dan Evans
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Re: More lunatic fringe ravings from the Browns

Post by Demosthenes »

LPC wrote:Because they can't admit to themselves that they broke the law. The did what they wanted and got caught, but can't see themselves as criminals, so the law must be wrong.
The Browns want the benefit from the act (no taxes) without the consequences (time in the pokey.) Real protesters such as MLK and the Quakers understand that you can't have one without the other. Real protesters understand that the desired end result is to change the laws they consider bad. Ed and Elaine just wanted to wallow in their personal greed and let everyone else pay.
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Re: More lunatic fringe ravings from the Browns

Post by wserra »

Demosthenes wrote:According to my friend, he went home really really dead.
Your friend needs to speak with Agent K. Tell him to wear sunglasses.
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Re: More lunatic fringe ravings from the Browns

Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

webhick wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:Elvis' body was brought in dead
I sure hope so. Imagine the panic if his body was brought in undead?
Homeland Security has procedures for such eventualities.

The scary part is... I'm not kidding. A homeland security agent I know of who is also a big fan of zombie movies is working on the procedures in his spare time. :twisted:
Are you saying that Ron Paul serves as a convenient chew toy to keep stupid puppies occupied so they don't roll in the garbage? -grixit
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Re: More lunatic fringe ravings from the Browns

Post by grixit »

VanMeters Revenge wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:
VanMeters Revenge wrote:well lets just say, it doesn't pay as well as being a shill.
She's right. Being in federal prison for the rest of your life pays less than $0.

That is sometimes the cost of having a conscience and standing your moral ground,sticking to your guns despite how unpopular your outlook maybe. Taking the less traveled path you're bound to stub your toe here and there since the road hasn't been smoothed over by the cattle class that rather submit to their servitude, that road only leads to the slaughter house regardless if your a good little heifer all your life, letting them milk you for all you are worth, when the milk is all gone, you no longer serve their needs, off to the market with you, you useless eater as Kissinger would call many of us in society. when in fact it was his ilk that prove to be as such, as well as anyone that would suggest enslavement of any sorts, be it physically chains or the handing over of ones resources i.e. labor, property and wealth to an entity such as the IRS, Federal Reserve or any being demanding tribute in the form of taxation, no matter if it is handed over to a private bank or redistributed amongst society, its still theft!
You'll have to do better than that. My vanmeter barely touched 10.
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Re: More lunatic fringe ravings from the Browns

Post by grixit »

Evil Squirrel Overlord wrote:
webhick wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:Elvis' body was brought in dead
I sure hope so. Imagine the panic if his body was brought in undead?
Homeland Security has procedures for such eventualities.

The scary part is... I'm not kidding. A homeland security agent I know of who is also a big fan of zombie movies is working on the procedures in his spare time. :twisted:
This is the Emergency Alert System. The mayor has declared a Stage 1 Zombie Watch for the greater metropolitan area. All citizens are advised to stay inside as much as possible. Do not inhale any strange vapors. Monitor your body temperature. If it falls below 85, have someone tie you up securely, then call the Exotic Health Crisis Squad. Observe your neighbors. Report any that seem exessively gray skinned, or who show signs of shambling, drooling, mumbling, or other signs of impaired motor skills. If you have doubts about their status, you can try a simple test. Rub some raw liver over a cauliflower and leave it outside. Anyone who tries to devour it is afflicted.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: More lunatic fringe ravings from the Browns

Post by Famspear »

grixit wrote:Observe your neighbors. Report any that seem exessively gray skinned, or who show signs of shambling, drooling, mumbling, or other signs of impaired motor skills.
Wait a minute, that would describe 99.2% of all the tax protesters I've dealt with.

Plus my brother-in-law.

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Re: More lunatic fringe ravings from the Browns

Post by cynicalflyer »

wserra wrote:
VanMeters Revenge wrote:That is sometimes the cost of having a conscience and standing your moral ground,sticking to your guns despite how unpopular your outlook maybe.
Perhaps you'll recall: Dr. King never claimed there was no law requiring him to sit at the rear of the bus. Gandhi didn't say that British monarchs were shape-shifting lizards, so their rule over India was "void ab initio". Mandela never called apartheid "admiralty law". Their position was the same: "Your laws are unjust. The more you punish me for violating them, the more apparent the injustice. Do as you will."

The Browns, Gonzalez et al whine, moan and spout gibberish. It is a measure of how far down the yellow brick road one has gone that one cannot differentiate between principle and self-serving horseshit.
And this is what separates the TPs and similar ilk from the true freedom fighters. Just read Letter from Birmingham Jail.
I hope you are able to see the distinction I am trying to point out. In no sense do I advocate evading or defying the law, as would the rabid segregationist. That would lead to anarchy. One who breaks an unjust law must do so openly, lovingly, and with a willingness to accept the penalty. I submit that an individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for law.
Now, contrast this with the screeching, sqawking crying of Reno, Haas et al. and the ranting of the Browns.

Reno's no hero. He is not taking it like a man. Instead, he, Donna and his daddy are concocting conspiracy theories and filing insane "liens" or "notices" or whatever against the jailers/judges/whoever stands in their way.

You want to play the martyr Donna or have Reno do so? Read it again.
One who breaks an unjust law must do so openly, lovingly, and with a willingness to accept the penalty.
P.S. Other than a scant few who support these cretins and those of us who watch in horror (or laugh in disgust), NO ONE CARES Donna. All those who went to the Brown concerts and what not? All skipped out. They've moved on, and Reno's not going anywhere for a long time.

Or you can get old Joe Haas or Jose to produce more random ranting, see how far that gets you (here's a hint, it won't help you or them, and it will get Reno more and more restricted).
"Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty." -- General Henry M. Robert author, Robert's Rules of Order
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Re: More lunatic fringe ravings from the Browns

Post by cynicalflyer »

LPC wrote: Another current and milder example is war tax resistance by pacifists, such as Quakers. I have read many articles and letters by Quakers who believe in war tax resistance, and spoken to several personally, and they uniformly state that the legitimacy of the law is irrelevant. They simply cannot in good conscience pay taxes to support the military. And if that results in fines and penalties and levies, well, so be it.
Exactly. Well stated. There's the difference between people who have principles and take the consequences (with happiness in their heart and a smile on their face, often) and those who simply decided they don't want to pay taxes for whatever reason and are trying to as someone recently put it backfill in any old excuse they can.
"Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty." -- General Henry M. Robert author, Robert's Rules of Order
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Re: More lunatic fringe ravings from the Browns

Post by grixit »

Also note that Mandela spent 25 years in prison during which time his supporters never stopped demonstrating, writing letters, and working for change. How many "martyrs" of the tp movement still have followers 25 *months* into their imprisonment.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: More lunatic fringe ravings from the Browns

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

CaptainKickback wrote:Those aren't technically zombie in Miami, merely very old alderkockers.......
Careful whipper-snapper. :wink:
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Re: More lunatic fringe ravings from the Browns

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

CaptainKickback wrote:Those aren't technically zombie in Miami, merely very old alderkockers.......
Very old altercockers?!?

That, dear Skipper, is what we call a tautology.
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Re: More lunatic fringe ravings from the Browns

Post by Nikki »

IMHO, Ed appears to be a member of family:curmudgeon.
Weston White

Re: More lunatic fringe ravings from the Browns

Post by Weston White »

The Brownz are so kewl I have an over-sized poster of them above my front awning patio lawn chair desk!

There is just something about that Ed that just looks so sexy when he is sporting an AK-47 with extended swap-out clips! OMG, I actually have goosebumps just thinking about it! :D

Re: More lunatic fringe ravings from the Browns

Post by Truthstalker »

Weston White wrote:The Brownz are so kewl I have an over-sized poster of them above my front awning patio lawn chair desk!

There is just something about that Ed that just looks so sexy when he is sporting an AK-47 with extended swap-out clips! OMG, I actually have goosebumps just thinking about it! :D
I'll bet you would have really gotten off had you been there when the NH cops made him bend over and spread'm.
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Re: More lunatic fringe ravings from the Browns

Post by Arthur Rubin »

CaptainKickback wrote:Ed Brown is an old coot. And i don't mean the aquatic waterfowl either.
Why am I reminded of the cartoon published in some copies of the Orange County Register about shooting old coots at Leisure World.
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: More lunatic fringe ravings from the Browns

Post by wserra »

Another "open letter" allegedly from the family:incarcerated. They whine and moan endlessly about having been appointed standby counsel.
No matter how we look at it, after researching attorneys' functions, the definitions of attorneys and who they represent or present, it all comes down to all attorneys operate in legal fiction as foreign agents, dealing in private corporate law (61 million of them) that is understood only by the courts and attorneys.
The court has appointed two stand-by attorneys – one a 'public' defender, the other a private attorney. We thought stand-by attorneys were to stand by us as private man and woman, not the 'public'?
It's funny how my seven-year-old clearly understands something that completely escapes sovereign wackos - that the meaning of a word varies depending on context. Anyway, continuing:
Edward's court-appointed attorney told him some weeks ago that “they intended to bury you, and if they feel you are putting together a viable defense, they will separate you and not allow you to further consult together.”
Oh, I'm sure s/he said that.
Like in the first case, we were denied virtually all evidence and witnesses; we are again being told by these attorneys that the judge would only allow what “he deems pertinent”.
You mean a judge rules on evidence? I can't throw Protocols of the Elders of Zion before a jury? What a travesty.
That would mean we are incompetent, insane, or a child, when in fact the only reason that we would need or could use an attorney for is to interpret the legal fiction private law they are operating under.
Absolutely right! Be a sovereign - represent yourselves! Only slaves / wards of the court use lawyers! Exercise you God-given rights as a free man - do as you will, say what you will!

It's much more fun for the observers that way.
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Re: More lunatic fringe ravings from the Browns

Post by . »

family: incorrigible, utter and abject morons wrote:
That would mean we are incompetent, insane, or a child
They finally got something right. Perhaps all of the above.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.

Re: More lunatic fringe ravings from the Browns

Post by Nikki »

family:incarcerated wrote: ...
Like in the first case, we were denied virtually all evidence and witnesses
How would he know that? He wasn't there.