Liberty Works Radio Network

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Liberty Works Radio Network

Post by Famspear »

The Liberty Works Radio Network (LWRN) has a web site indicating that LWRN will feature various tax protesters.


Among the hosts touted for the LWRN: Larry Becraft, Tommy Cryer, Devvy Kidd, Joe Banister. John Kotmair is listed as a contact on one page of the web site. And donations are to be sent to Tommy Cryer's web site.

From the LWRN application:
The LWRN Fellowship is a division of the Save-A-Patriot Fellowship. In 1996, the Federal District Court in Baltimore, Maryland ruled that the Save-A-Patriot Fellowship was an unincorporated association operating under the First Amendment (the ruling can be read at This means that government agencies cannot demand to examine any records the Fellowship may have in an effort to harass or hinder the news/talk radio network from exposing the wrongdoing of those agencies.

[ . . . . ]

LWRN Fellowship members join by sending in this application and contributing 10 FRNS per month, or opting for an annual payment of just 99 FRNS a year. Annual renewals are due within 30 days of notification from Save-APatriot Fellowship Headquarters.
From the FAQ for the LWRN:
1. Will LWRN Fellowship members’ addresses and telephone numbers ever be disclosed to the IRS or other government agencies, due to the injunction order against Save-A-Patriot Fellowship?

No. The forced disclosure of SAPF’s membership list was solely related to activities prohibited by the court’s injunction, which SAPF has ceased. Further, Liberty Works Radio Network Fellowship never engaged in any of the enjoined activities, and members of LWRN are all joining after SAPF ceased all enjoined activities. Therefore, there is no reason nor legal basis for any demand for the disclosure of LWRN subscribers’ contact information.

Keep in mind that Liberty Works Radio Network is open to anyone, regardless of citizenship or name, race or creed. We don’t care what you want to call yourself or what address you use, so long as we can communicate with you and send you LWRN news.

2. Why does Liberty Works Radio Network Fellowship only accept cash or blank U.S. Postal Service money orders for membership dues and donations?

When funds are deposited with banks or similar institutions, they are at risk of being frozen or confiscated by those in government who want to undermine our Constitution and the principles on which America was founded — in other words, by all those who would like to see Liberty Works Radio Network fail. For this reason, Liberty Works Radio Network does not utilize bank accounts or credit.

One need not look far to see that the government is not above fabricating reasons to justify its illegal actions. Any false claim could be used as a pretext to confiscate LWRN funds held in banks, thereby preventing the network from accomplishing its goal of arousing Americans to action in restoring our Republic. Once the money’s gone, the chances of getting it restored are slim to none, considering the duplicity of our justice system, and legal costs waste even more resources. Several Patriot organizations have even had funds held in gold and silver confiscated without probable cause and never returned. One such organization was the National Commodity and Barter Association in Denver, Colorado; in 1985, Federal District Court Judge Richard Matsch ordered millions in confiscated gold returned, but it was never returned. The latest victim is NORFED and its “Liberty Dollar”; in 2007, the FBI seized more than seven tons worth of gold, silver, and copper coins in raids, and the DOJ is now seeking to keep/confiscate the coinage permanently.

In addition, banks cannot be relied upon to uphold account holders’ rights to due process. As an example, when a bank receives an IRS “notice of levy” against an account holder, it will typically turn over the funds rather than insist the IRS get a proper court order. Banks are less concerned about obeying the law than about maintaining favorable status with the Federal Reserve system, even though that system is financially unsound, unstable and corrupt.
Therefore, as a matter of principle, Liberty Works Radio Network Fellowship will not do business with banks, or, for that matter, anyone else who would violate the law or refuse to respect our unalienable rights to property and due process. Since the Fellowship does not bank or possess a checking account, it has no means of dealing with checks, electronic transfers, or other such modes of payment. Payment can only be tendered in FRNs (“Federal Reserve Notes,” popularly but incorrectly referred to as dollars) or U.S. Postal money orders, which can be obtained from any post office. If payment is made via Postal money order, the money order should be left TOTALLY blank, (payee and payor sections both TOTALLY blank), and the receipt retained for your records (if you keep any). ... 9&Itemid=4

(bolding added).

So, at least one tax protester argument is presented right there in the FAQ (the frivolous argument that a court order is required for an IRS levy).
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Re: Liberty Works Radio Network

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

They'll let any idiot on syndicated radio these days.
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Re: Liberty Works Radio Network

Post by Famspear »

Doktor Avalanche wrote:They'll let any idiot on syndicated radio these days.
They'll let any idiot on any radio, these days.

I long for the old days, when only idiots like me were allowed on the radio.

"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet

Re: Liberty Works Radio Network

Post by Ragnar »

"2. Why does Liberty Works Radio Network Fellowship only accept cash or blank U.S. Postal Service money orders for membership dues and donations?"

Makes it harder for people to track where I got the money to buy a Mercedes. . . er, um . . . I meant to say it keeps the guvmint from seizing the money when they find out what kind of shenanigans I've been up. . . er, um. . . never mind.
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Re: Liberty Works Radio Network

Post by Burzmali »

Ragnar wrote:"2. Why does Liberty Works Radio Network Fellowship only accept cash or blank U.S. Postal Service money orders for membership dues and donations?"

Makes it harder for people to track where I got the money to buy a Mercedes. . . er, um . . . I meant to say it keeps the guvmint from seizing the money when they find out what kind of shenanigans I've been up. . . er, um. . . never mind.
Isn't that pretty much him admitting that he intends to commit tax evasion? If so, isn't that already a crime if he commits a overt act, like, you know, accepting a blank MO?
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Re: Liberty Works Radio Network

Post by LPC »

The LWRN Fellowship is a division of the Save-A-Patriot Fellowship. In 1996, the Federal District Court in Baltimore, Maryland ruled that the Save-A-Patriot Fellowship was an unincorporated association operating under the First Amendment (the ruling can be read at
Department of Unintentional Irony: The URL takes you to the home page of Save-a-Paytriot, which still has the text of 2006 permanent injunction posted on it.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
Doktor Avalanche
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Re: Liberty Works Radio Network

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

LPC wrote: Department of Unintentional Irony: The URL takes you to the home page of Save-a-Paytriot, which still has the text of 2006 permanent injunction posted on it.
This is too easy.
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Re: Liberty Works Radio Network

Post by wserra »

LPC wrote:Department of Unintentional Irony: The URL takes you to the home page of Save-a-Paytriot, which still has the text of 2006 permanent injunction posted on it.
Including this part:
3) That Defendants shall produce to counsel for the United States a list identifying by name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, and Social Security number, all SAPF members (both associate and full members) and all persons and entities who have purchased Defendants' tax-fraud plans, arrangements, services, products or materials
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Re: Liberty Works Radio Network

Post by Demosthenes »

Go ahead, paint a target on your ass.
Come on. This is Kotmair we're talking about. Paint a target on your son's ass.
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Re: Liberty Works Radio Network

Post by . »

When I first read "Liberty Works Radio Network," I thought that it sounded vaguely like some deal Kotmair had going about 7-8 years ago.

Sure enough.

Two quatloos to anyone who can name the convicted felon who originally funded LWRN through Kotmair.

Four quatloos to anyone who can name the unrelated site that Kotmair somehow simultaneously funded behind the scenes at the same time, said shadow funding of which was denied for years by the TP morons who were the "admins" and Kotmair's acolytes.
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Re: Liberty Works Radio Network

Post by ASITStands »

Famspear wrote:
Doktor Avalanche wrote:They'll let any idiot on syndicated radio these days.
They'll let any idiot on any radio, these days.

I long for the old days, when only idiots like me were allowed on the radio.

And, why would we listen to an idiot like you ..... on the radio? We get enough of you here.

Just kidding! Just kidding!
Last edited by ASITStands on Thu May 07, 2009 3:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Liberty Works Radio Network

Post by ASITStands »

Burzmali wrote:
Ragnar wrote:"2. Why does Liberty Works Radio Network Fellowship only accept cash or blank U.S. Postal Service money orders for membership dues and donations?"

Makes it harder for people to track where I got the money to buy a Mercedes. . . er, um . . . I meant to say it keeps the guvmint from seizing the money when they find out what kind of shenanigans I've been up. . . er, um. . . never mind.

Isn't that pretty much him admitting that he intends to commit tax evasion? If so, isn't that already a crime if he commits a overt act, like, you know, accepting a blank MO?
Accepting a blank money order is not a crime. Not reporting income from it is.
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Re: Liberty Works Radio Network

Post by The Observer »

ASITStands wrote:
Burzmali wrote:
Ragnar wrote:"2. Why does Liberty Works Radio Network Fellowship only accept cash or blank U.S. Postal Service money orders for membership dues and donations?"

Makes it harder for people to track where I got the money to buy a Mercedes. . . er, um . . . I meant to say it keeps the guvmint from seizing the money when they find out what kind of shenanigans I've been up. . . er, um. . . never mind.

Isn't that pretty much him admitting that he intends to commit tax evasion? If so, isn't that already a crime if he commits a overt act, like, you know, accepting a blank MO?
Accepting a blank money order is not a crime. Not reporting income from it is.
I don't think Burzmali was stating that accepting a blank MO was a crime - only that it was an overt act that proved income tax evasion was being committed. Whether or not that is enough to get a conviction in court is certainly open to debate, but it could be submitted in court as supporting evidence (in association with other overt acts) to show that the taxpayer was attempting to hide income for the purpose of evading income tax.
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"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Re: Liberty Works Radio Network

Post by ASITStands »

I agree.

But receiving blank money orders then diligently reporting gross income and expenses are two different things, and it's entirely conceivable that a person (not Kotmair) would do so.

And, that's what I meant. Yes. Accepting blank money orders in connection with not reporting income or filing a return all lead to an investigation and later an indictment.

It's much like filing an Exempt W-4 is considered an affirmative act of evasion. However, usually, it's not chargeable except in the instance the person fails to file, files false and fraudulent statements or impedes and obstructs the administration of tax laws.
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Re: Liberty Works Radio Network

Post by Burzmali »

ASITStands wrote:I agree.

But receiving blank money orders then diligently reporting gross income and expenses are two different things, and it's entirely conceivable that a person (not Kotmair) would do so.

And, that's what I meant. Yes. Accepting blank money orders in connection with not reporting income or filing a return all lead to an investigation and later an indictment.

It's much like filing an Exempt W-4 is considered an affirmative act of evasion. However, usually, it's not chargeable except in the instance the person fails to file, files false and fraudulent statements or impedes and obstructs the administration of tax laws.
It's the blank 'from' field that seems like an admission to me. The only use (I can think of) to have a blank 'from' field on an MO is to redirect the MO pay one of the organization's (or Kotmair's personal) expenses, without the MO ever showing on the books. Clearly cash can be used the same way, but specially requesting that the 'from' field be left blank suggests intent.
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Re: Liberty Works Radio Network

Post by Famspear »

ASITStands wrote:
Famspear wrote:
Doktor Avalanche wrote:They'll let any idiot on syndicated radio these days.
They'll let any idiot on any radio, these days.

I long for the old days, when only idiots like me were allowed on the radio.

And, why would we listen to an idiot like you ..... on the radio? We get enough of you here.

Just kidding! Just kidding!
Hey, I look on the bright side. If Quatloos were a "job" for me, it would be a much easier "job" than the radio was. Here at Quatloos, I have to be clever and entertaining only a few times a day (i.e., whenever I post something). On the radio (as a disc jockey), I had to be clever and entertaining every 3 and a half minutes or so. The hour-long talk show was even harder, in a way....
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Re: Liberty Works Radio Network

Post by webhick »

Famspear wrote:On the radio (as a disc jockey), I had to be clever and entertaining every 3 and a half minutes or so. The hour-long talk show was even harder, in a way....
Can you talk to the guys at WMLL? I don't think they understand that babbling unintelligibly into a microphone is neither clever nor entertaining. They also need to be reminded that the station's tagline is "Shut up and rock" not "Ramble about nothing between songs."
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Re: Liberty Works Radio Network

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Famspear wrote:
Doktor Avalanche wrote:They'll let any idiot on syndicated radio these days.
They'll let any idiot on any radio, these days.

I long for the old days, when only idiots like me were allowed on the radio.

Are you old enough to have been on the air when you had to have an FCC license (including passing the Morse code test)?

I knew a couple of guys who made some good money on the side impersonating other guys and sitting for the test for them. :wink:
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Re: Liberty Works Radio Network

Post by LPC »

Liberty Works Radio Network: They don't really understand "liberty," it doesn't work, there are no radios involved, and without even one radio it's hardly a network.

Otherwise, very aptly named.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
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Re: Liberty Works Radio Network

Post by Famspear »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:Are you old enough to have been on the air when you had to have an FCC license (including passing the Morse code test)?
I had to have the FCC license as a job requirement, as most jocks at small and medium market stations did back then. This was back in the 1970s. But the Morse code test wasn't part of the tests I took.

I started with the third class license, then passed the test and upgraded to the second class license. I had planned to eventually go all the way for the First Class, but the FCC changed the rules so that, at the last place I worked, I could legally baby-sit the transmitter with only a third class license. So, by that time, I was "overqualified" (at least theoretically). Good thing. I really didn't want to study for the first class exam.

If you're not a old radio broadcaster, this may not mean much to you, but by the mid-1970s, many broadcast-quality radio transmitters (the actual physical piece of equipment that creates the powerful radio wave and feeds the signal into the broadcast antenna itself) were almost completely solid state (and thus, fairly stable), with the "vacuum tubes" being used in the final RF (radio frequency) stage of the transmitter. Signals were stable; no "tuning" required. Pretty much the only thing the FCC licensed operator had to do was take meter readings every three hours.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet