CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by Famspear »

Now, losthorizons user "woodone" says:
What the hell is going on?Until proven otherwise I have to believe Pete and the administrators are doing what is best for this forum.Until then I will keep an open mind.
http://www.losthorizons.com/phpBB/viewt ... 7065#17065

Careful, "woodone"! Your statement implies that it is possible that Pete and the administrators are not doing what's best for the losthorizons forum. How dare you even indirectly question the omnipotence of the PeterEricBlowhardMeister!

And "SkankBeat" adds some paranoia to the mix:
From one of the forum announcements:

"... If this gentle approach isn't effective, direct your correspondent to 'The Deniers Page'. If that doesn't suffice, let me know so that I can remove this individual-- now revealed as either uneducable or a deliberate "agent provocateur"-- from the forum. "

I would think someone complained about MN Stix, etcetera? If you have 3-4 users who are trolls and they all complain about users who's [sic] research is getting "too warm", in order to silence them, this can compromise the forum. I can vouch for MN Stix, that he: 1) Confirmed that the law traces from USC 26 to USC 5; 2) Pointed out that the 1974 Privacy Act can be used in correcting the record; 3) Started unraveling the frivolous penalty.
Ah, yes, it's an evil plot by the Illuminati!

Is it paranoia? Maybe it's not paranoia on the part of SkankBeat. Yes, SkankBeat, maybe there is a nefarious, orchestrated, coordinated psychological warfare black operation to disrupt and destroy losthorizons. You never know.....

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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by Number Six »

Maybe they need to get members to sign loyalty oaths, legally actionable in case of breach of contract.
'There are two kinds of injustice: the first is found in those who do an injury, the second in those who fail to protect another from injury when they can.' (Roman. Cicero, De Off. I. vii)

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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by . »

legally actionable in case of breach of contract.
While Pete probably isn't dumb enough to sign any such thing, not that it would matter in any case, the rest of his losers would probably think it was a great idea.
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by Joey Smith »

Most of the sheep will abandon their Guru when they start to see him go over the edge, and the edge is starting to come up very quickly in Pete's case.

You'll see the sheep start following some other guru soon, probably Richard Cornforth, see http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 4692359278
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by Famspear »

Here's a long-winded post from a user at losthorizons who calls himself "Mountain Of Fire". I picture a guy with about three teeth, sitting on a broken front porch of a shack in the mountains, with a shotgun in his hand..... (cue the musical theme from the film Deliverance).....
Just some questions regarding late filings.

This is my first year filing ctc [Peter Hendrickson's tax evasion book, Cracking the Code]. I've read the book twice and could stand another two readings. I am currently laid off, and NOT accepting unemployment [benefits], so nothing coming in, and my reasons for this are simple. As I understand it, and I think I do on this subject U.E. [i.e., an unemployment] insurance [benefit] is simply welfare, privilege, and I did not pay for it, the comaony [sic] did, of course I know my earnings were affected by their having to do this, as I believe that all corporations factor in all ss payments, unemployment payments, medicare, and taxation into our pay Or lack of pay, and thus corporations NEVER really pay their own taxes, IMHO.

So today is 5/17/09. I'm on my way to the USPS to send a ceritified [sic] signed and returned ctc filing in the morning of 5/18/09. I have taken my time as I have no "income" and so[,] as I understand it[,] NO late fees for them owing me should result, is this correct thinking?

Regardless, tomorrow I will send off for my money, I don't seek any stimulous [sic] money ever, never have, my wife and I take care of the stimulous [sic] thing, yes wife, a valid marriage, no license by the "idol" state here. This is background clutter about me I know, but just so you know who I am.

I am looking forward to finally telling the real truth on my forms, and yet anxious as hell that I could indeed foul up.

I expect a frivilous [sic] decision, and yet I will find that remedy in time to quash that hopefully. I have an education loan from years ago[,] of which I will have any refund money sent to (The Treasury Dept, or Dept, Of Education) most of which I have had to unlearn. ha ha
Boy no kiddin'. It is obvious that education just did not "take" on this guy.

He continues:
I'm also one of those guys who knows we don't need a drivers license, license plates etc. car insurance, and insuarance [sic] of any kind as we keep our own wealth/health, and stop giving it away.
Of course.
I don't make oaths and don't swear, those are reserved for One, and he don't wear black dresses.
Oh, ho-ho, ha-ha, good one, mountain boy!
My sights are on ctc and taxation right now, the other issues above will wait though, and I have studied the laws regarding them extensively. I figure I'll learn how to keep what is my money right now and move slowly and learn more on the other issues later.

I filled out my last w4 as exept [sic] as lat [sic] year I did not file, as I had no income, nor claims from others of income. I did have earnings though, and those are mine.
Oh, let me guess: That means that because your earnings are yours, the federal income tax laws don't apply to you, eh Mr. Mountain?
Since this is my first time I want to keep it on this forum from point A to point Z. I'll keep this updated and welcome any ideas regarding a first timer.

I am skipping around here a little, but I did want to share one vivtory [sic] of many I have experienced sine [sic] I started studying, law, and regualtory [sic] riff raff. I live on a mountain, the USPS don't deliever [sic] here, and so I rightfully was given a FREE PO Box since I have NO physical address, now I am the only guy on the mountain here who has a free PO box, people were mad when they heard, my dad (my neighbor, who isn't too neighborly) went and complained.
Your own father turned you in to the evil federal government, eh Mountain? Boy, I'll bet you are just the jewel of your family....
They told him within six months they'd stop my FREE service etc. He laughed at me and said BOY you're gettin charged like the rest of us as of six months, I said oh yea? Well pops we'll see about that. lol Great Dad! lol

Six months rolled by, the Postmaster sent me a bill, and I gave it back to her, (two times). I hen [sic] went to section 501 of the USPS rules and regs. Did a little research, sent her the regs, she got made [sic], and stated " you gotta pay like everyone else" I said I understand you feel that way since dad was puttin the heat on you, BUT I am not everybody else, and did you read your rules I sent you? She was exasperated (sp). She said NO I have woked [sic] here 26 yrs blah blah blah, and I turned it all over to the Postmaster in a bigger city etc, and sent your mail there now so you can go get it! I said very good, but I still need my free PO box, or rather I'll just use will call (general delivery). She said you're gonna pseak [sic] to this other guy right now I'm not follin [sic] with you no more. I said thanks etc. She handed me the phone, he said sir I have heard of you, I said yes thanks, and now I need my free PO BOX. He said well you can't have one, so I rattled off the rules and regs of the USPS, he said well we may have one for you, let me check, and waa laa [sic] I have my free box now, a new and improved one I can access 24/7 and even my own key instead of combination lock. I said thanks to all and left, of course I had to tell my dad.

I'm a bit of a story teller, I won't knowing [sic] mislead you, but I do get windy at times. Always check what I say. We can take control of our servants, we simply need to know how, and to remain cool and calm as they think us foolish, when they get mad we win...usually.

http://www.losthorizons.com/phpBB/viewt ... ght=#17071
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by Number Six »

You can't make this stuff up. And I liked "data brain," whose post followed Mtn Man on reading the CTC book. "Once is never enough. After the fifth or six time it all starts to come together..."
And the edgy hubris of speaking so derogatorily of the federal workers. The reason they are giving you a free p.o. box pal, is because they figure you are armed and dangerous, and they don't want trouble.
'There are two kinds of injustice: the first is found in those who do an injury, the second in those who fail to protect another from injury when they can.' (Roman. Cicero, De Off. I. vii)

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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

I know homeless people with better transactional acumen than Mountain Man.

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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by Famspear »

Getting back to the purported ban of user "MN Stix" at losthorizons, user "medclass" offers an indirect and somewhat cryptic report, allegedly from MN Stix:
Here's a message from our friend MN Stix:

For those continuing on the forum, I have not stopped my research nor will I allow anyone to be left out on my finds. I am still watching the forum and am growing concerned about focus being taken away from remedy of penalties. I will not stop researching these things until I complete my task, nor should anyone on the forum. Pete has afforded me enough room outside of what is taught "CTC" on the forum. Regardless of his personal views, or that of others, my research is not really outside of the teachings of CTC at all. I'm sorry if what I bring forth, is being viewed as confusing. It is not meant as a distraction from facts, only to ADD to the facts. Further, anyone that tells you that they know what is going on behind the scenes at IRS is a liar, unless they work for the IRS. Anyone who claims that IRS cannot impose a penalty on someone who is uninformed or underinformed, is a liar. For these reasons, I will continue to research both attempted, and applied penalties to gain a proper resolution. Please focus on the facts and stop concerning yourselves with distractions.
http://www.losthorizons.com/phpBB/viewt ... 7101#17101
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by notorial dissent »

Translation: I’m still dumber’n as a box of rocks, still haven’t got a clue, and despite my claims to be researching the issue, I still can’t seem to learn from plain old fashioned observation that Pete’s crap doesn’t work and ultimately fails EVERY TIME, and so will continue to rack up penalties and interest until even my grandchildren won’t live long enough to pay them off.

Yep, just another of Pete’s crack warriors/cannon fodder waiting their time at glory.
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by Gregg »

I have said many times before, the crackheads are going to all implode together. It's a matter of timing and deadlines, you see. A bit ago, they were all posting back and forth to each other how to file the forms...then they all crowed about getting their refunds! All well and good, but then they started posting questions about what to do with the NOD letters, then the Friv Penalty Letters, now quite a few of them are asking what to do about NOIL and FNOIL letters. We have a few asking to how to get the levy lifted cause their wages and/or bank accounts are being levied....not long from now a few will be asking how to stop the sheriff from selling their home on the courthouse steps, and of course, a few will be asking for legal help with criminal matters.

And all the stuff on the civil side anyhow, there is no right answer for them by the time they face the questions. They write "I am not a person" letters and other incoherent BS until after the deadlines to appeal the penalties (and of course the underlying tax) are past, so there is no way for them to get out of it. Some of these people are adding $10,000 a year in friv penalties, and since they ammended for numerous past years they start out with maybe $40K or more off the bat, just in penalties. Let it run a few years with interest and add $10K a year stupid tax for the garbage they file, and these nutcases are officially screwed for life, even if they CID doesn't go after them for agravated criminal stupid. The real irony is guys like their new head of rocket science Mountain of Fire (or is it mountain of fire water?) from their postings couldn't have owed anywhere near what the first year penalty is to begin with. I mean, come on, the guy didn't work last year, this year is refusing unemployment (right smart move there, too), wife doesn't work, how much ya think this pillar of the community makes a year? Then there's the other guy who has admittedly spent more in certified mail than he claims is owed him for city earnings tax. I dunno how much mail he's sent, but he has put more effort into whining on LH thanh I think $48 is worth (that's the amount he's chasing)
Sorry to go off on a tangent, but my point is, these people are going to have to pay all these penalties by default, they let the deadlines to dispute them go by while they write letters saying they are no federeally connected members of the people's GOD militia etc.... and if they ever come to their senses, it'll be too late.
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by Number Six »

If I were in the boat of a hell-bent LH follower, and saw my fellow LHs going down with increasingly alarming letters and warnings, I would try to liquidate all assets and get lost in space like Samuel Israel and his RV last summer. He went from campground to campground, even being tops on the US Marshalls hit parade. What did Kaczinski say? The FBI is a joke. If they want to nail your sorry ass badly enough they will.

Once I wised up to how Hendrickson's racket was playing me and the others for a fool, I would contact someone like Dan Pilla, Jr. if the matter were still civil. If it had become criminal, I would call Don MacPherson's office out in Phoenix. He's gotten a lot more expensive lately, and all payments are "earned when paid", no refunds.
'There are two kinds of injustice: the first is found in those who do an injury, the second in those who fail to protect another from injury when they can.' (Roman. Cicero, De Off. I. vii)

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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by Demosthenes »

Does Dan Pilla Jr. have a CPA or EA?

Mac McPherson? aka "Major Mac" aka "Courtroom Commando" aka "Tax Terminator".

There are definitely other pros I'd call first.
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by Imalawman »

Demosthenes wrote:Does Dan Pilla Jr. have a CPA or EA?

Mac McPherson? aka "Major Mac" aka "Courtroom Commando" aka "Tax Terminator".

There are definitely other pros I'd call first.
uh...yeah, maybe just a few.....thousand?
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by Number Six »

They both write articles for and advertise in American Free Press--and while most here would probably consider this grounds for deep suspicion and for rejecting their credibility, pragmatically, tax deniers need to find someone they will be able to trust and who thinks a little like they do once their legal standing becomes precarious.

Plus, I've read their books--MacPherson's "Tax Fraud and Evasion--the War Stories", also he has a book on how to discharge tax debts through bankruptcy; and Pilla, Jr.'s numerous books--he recommends many different enrolled agents and CPA's on his website.
Last edited by Number Six on Wed May 20, 2009 1:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
'There are two kinds of injustice: the first is found in those who do an injury, the second in those who fail to protect another from injury when they can.' (Roman. Cicero, De Off. I. vii)

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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by LPC »

Number Six wrote:They both write articles for and advertise in American Free Press--and while most here would probably consider this grounds for deep suspicion and for rejecting their credibility, pragmatically, tax deniers need to find someone they will be able to trust and who thinks a little like they do once their legal standing becomes precarious.
The idea that tax deniers might have to go outside their comfort zone and consult with legal advisers who might not think like they do horrifies me.

Okay, maybe not.

I actually like the idea that the "legal standing" of tax deniers might become "precarious" and that they might have to deal with someone who does NOT think "a little like they do."

Let's make this perfectly clear: Tax deniers are whacked. They need to be un-whacked. The best way to get them un-whacked is to force them to deal with people who are also not whacked. By which I mean normal people. By which I mean people who do not write articles and advertise in the American Free Press.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

LPC wrote:Let's make this perfectly clear: Tax deniers are whacked. They need to be un-whacked. The best way to get them un-whacked is to force them to deal with people who are also not whacked. By which I mean normal people. By which I mean people who do not write articles and advertise in the American Free Press.
Are the people who write articles for Weekly World News okay?

The laissez-faire argument relies on the same tacit appeal to perfection as does communism. - George Soros
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by Number Six »

Maybe some links could be provided in case some of the CTC adherants become curious and check out this site. Or would you recommend that they hoist the white flag and go down to the local IRS office to seek terms of reconciliation?
'There are two kinds of injustice: the first is found in those who do an injury, the second in those who fail to protect another from injury when they can.' (Roman. Cicero, De Off. I. vii)

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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by Demosthenes »

Number Six wrote:Maybe some links could be provided in case some of the CTC adherants become curious and check out this site. Or would you recommend that they hoist the white flag and go down to the local IRS office to seek terms of reconciliation?
Links? People who want to come clean should be working with their local CPAs and attorneys, professionals who have real face-to-face experience with local IRS employers and real knowledge of complex local issues such as state income tax laws.
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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by jkeeb »

Btw, unless someone is already under criminal investigation, it would not hurt one whit to go to the local IRS office and take a look at ones transcripts to see what the issues are. Get a copy and take them to a CPA or attorney. I don't know that it would hurt even if one was already under investigation. The local people might have a chuckle after the Ctc er is gone, but no other harm would come to someone getting info.
Remember that CtC is about the rule of law.

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Re: CtC users - Abandon All Hope!

Post by jg »

Demosthenes wrote:
Number Six wrote:Maybe some links could be provided in case some of the CTC adherants become curious and check out this site. Or would you recommend that they hoist the white flag and go down to the local IRS office to seek terms of reconciliation?
Links? People who want to come clean should be working with their local CPAs and attorneys, professionals who have real face-to-face experience with local IRS employers and real knowledge of complex local issues such as state income tax laws.
jkeeb wrote:Btw, unless someone is already under criminal investigation, it would not hurt one whit to go to the local IRS office and take a look at ones transcripts to see what the issues are. Get a copy and take them to a CPA or attorney. I don't know that it would hurt even if one was already under investigation. The local people might have a chuckle after the Ctc er is gone, but no other harm would come to someone getting info.
bold added

Please do not forget Enrolled Agents. Included in that group are individuals with experience in representation and appeals.
The primary qualification should be the experience of the tax professional, regardless of designation. In each category of tax practitioners authorized to practice before the IRS (attorneys, CPAs and Enrolled Agents) there will be those with varying levels of the required experience to handle a case of a non-filer or a frivolous filer.
“Where there is an income tax, the just man will pay more and the unjust less on the same amount of income.” — Plato