Ed and Elaine Brown: Notice to Judge

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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown: Notice to Judge

Post by Thule »

jimni wrote:I have a personal friend who successfully defended himself in a Federal Court against the illegal taxation of his personal income by the Federal Government . Much of what he used to defend himself with was information taken from Hendrickson's book.
Sure he did. Then I guess your friend won't mind if you publish this case.
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown: Notice to Judge

Post by Thule »

Nikki wrote:May I suggest, Jimni, that you visit the forums at LostHorizons to see just how successful people filing educated returns according to Pete's teachings have been.
Won't do much good, since any post suggesting that maybe CtC is not the greatest thing since penicillin is deleted as soon as Pete notices.
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown: Notice to Judge

Post by Famspear »

By the way, jimni, if Peter Hendrickson or anyone else at losthorizons ever even thought that what you are saying might be true about your "friend" and his supposed court case, it would be plastered all over losthorizons -- which means that we here at Quatloos would have heard about it long ago.

We monitor losthorizons daily. We also monitor the federal courts. As a general rule, when something related to Peter Hendrickson's tax scheme happens, we probably learn about it long before you do.
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown: Notice to Judge

Post by cynicalflyer »

jimni wrote:I have a personal friend who successfully defended himself in a Federal Court against the illegal taxation of his personal income by the Federal Government...
Name, please. Otherwise, given the track record of TPs, I believe you are simply making this up.
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown: Notice to Judge

Post by The Operative »

jimni wrote:I have a personal friend who successfully defended himself in a Federal Court against the illegal taxation of his personal income by the Federal Government . Much of what he used to defend himself with was information taken from Hendrickson's book. The judge who presided over the trial asked my friend if he would join him in his chambers afterwards. Once there he said, "Son, I've been waiting 30 years for someone to do what you just did. Congratulations."

"Great Spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." Einstein
Doesn't mean squat unless there is proof to back up your claim. In other words, provide the case citation so we can look it up. Before you claim privacy issues or some other such BS, Federal Court opinions are public record, so there is no harm in providing the case number other than it will show that you are lying.

BTW, I have a personal friend that built his own spaceship, traveled to Mars and built a house there. There is as much truth in my claim as there is in yours.

If you want to impress us, come up with something new and not the same old, tired BS that has been shot down in court time and time again.
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown: Notice to Judge

Post by LPC »

jimni wrote:I have a personal friend who successfully defended himself in a Federal Court against the illegal taxation of his personal income by the Federal Government . Much of what he used to defend himself with was information taken from Hendrickson's book. The judge who presided over the trial asked my friend if he would join him in his chambers afterwards.
And the judge said this in open court so that everyone would know that he was about to participate in an unethical ex parte communication.
jimni wrote:Once there he said, "Son, I've been waiting 30 years for someone to do what you just did. Congratulations."
After which, the judge sentenced your friend to the maximum penalty allowed by law.
Dan Evans
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown: Notice to Judge

Post by Gregg »

jimni wrote:I have a personal friend who successfully defended himself in a Federal Court against the illegal taxation of his personal income by the Federal Government . Much of what he used to defend himself with was information taken from Hendrickson's book. The judge who presided over the trial asked my friend if he would join him in his chambers afterwards. Once there he said, "Son, I've been waiting 30 years for someone to do what you just did. Congratulations."
Oh come on, that's not even a good lie. At least Tin Chicken found a quote to doctor to make it look like he wasn't lying. I'm really disappointed in you, you'll have to do much better.

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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown: Notice to Judge

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

If this mythical judge really acquitted a person who was clearly guilty, after this person defended himself using classic TP bulldada, don't think for a minute that the local bar and judicial associations wouldn't catch on, REALLY QUICK, that this judge had gone off the rails, and that the judge wouldn't find him- or herself under extremely strict scrutiny.

As the others said, the facts, please. Put up or shut up, jimni. We're calling your hand.
Last edited by Pottapaug1938 on Tue Jun 09, 2009 5:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown: Notice to Judge

Post by . »

This clown is a total failure as a troll.

On the off-chance that he actually believes his BS, the only questions are how many $5K frivolous filing penalties he's incurred so far in his quest to tilt at windmills and how long he figures it will be until he faces criminal tax charges, as he seems to have a propensity to promote fraud via the internet.
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown: Notice to Judge

Post by ASITStands »

Demosthenes wrote:
Gregg wrote:The arrogance of those people, 60 Million of the rest of us manage to file and pay our taxes...
According to the IRS SOI, 138,394,754 Form 1040s were filed for TY 2006 (the most recent year available) and those returns claimed 275,256,944 exemptions.
1.98 exemptions claimed per return.

Assuming a total population of 307,000,000, roughly, 32,000,000 exemptions went unclaimed.

Assuming 1.98 exemptions per return, roughly, 16,000 returns went unfiled.

30,000 returns out of 138,000,000 works out to 0.002%.

Including the "other" 16,000 returns (as potentially frivolous returns), works out to 0.003%.

No matter how you slice it, it appears the tax denier problem is not as big as imagined.

EDIT: Edited to correct on total population. Thanks, Demo!
Last edited by ASITStands on Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown: Notice to Judge

Post by Demosthenes »

ASITStands wrote:Assuming a total population of 350,000,000,
Isn't the US population closer to 307,000,000?

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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown: Notice to Judge

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

jimni wrote:May I suggest, Judge Roy, that you and all the others who believe the Federal government has a legal right to tax your personal income read Cracking The Code, The Facinating Truth About Taxation in America by Peter Eric Hendrickson available at http://www.losthorizons.com.

I think I just found my new sig line.
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown: Notice to Judge

Post by Imalawman »

jimni wrote:I have a personal friend who successfully defended himself in a Federal Court against the illegal taxation of his personal income by the Federal Government . Much of what he used to defend himself with was information taken from Hendrickson's book. The judge who presided over the trial asked my friend if he would join him in his chambers afterwards. Once there he said, "Son, I've been waiting 30 years for someone to do what you just did. Congratulations."
That, and $3.50, will get you a non-fat, double, short caramel macchiato from Starbucks. Not that I've ever ordered that, of course.
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown: Notice to Judge

Post by grixit »

Imalawman wrote: That, and $3.50, will get you a non-fat, double, short caramel macchiato from Starbucks. Not that I've ever ordered that, of course.
I find the price of coffee drinks ridiculous unless you think of them as the fee to use the wifi.
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown: Notice to Judge

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

jimni: "May I suggest, Judge Roy, that you and all the others who believe the Federal government has a legal right to tax your personal income read Cracking The Code, The Facinating Truth About Taxation in America by Peter Eric Hendrickson available at http://www.losthorizons.com.

This clown must be triplets -- one of him/her, or even TWO, could not possibly be this clueless.
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown: Notice to Judge

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

To head back in the direction of the thread:
... she had sufficient reason to believe that she could no longer receive fair
redress from the government or the legal system.

There is an undeniable relationship between possession of firearms and defense of one’s
person and one’s home from unlawful government force.
I believe that may indeed be the crux of her "new" attorney's defense posture. Frankly, it might stick in the minds of one or maybe even more members of a jury in New Hampshire. I have to admit it's way more rational than anything the :Browns have propounded on their own.
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown: Notice to Judge

Post by Gregg »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:To head back in the direction of the thread:
... she had sufficient reason to believe that she could no longer receive fair
redress from the government or the legal system.

There is an undeniable relationship between possession of firearms and defense of one’s
person and one’s home from unlawful government force.
I believe that may indeed be the crux of her "new" attorney's defense posture. Frankly, it might stick in the minds of one or maybe even more members of a jury in New Hampshire. I have to admit it's way more rational than anything the :Browns have propounded on their own.
I dunno, I can't square "unlawful government force" with the very restrained actions of the Marshals and the fact that they were at the time resisting being taken into very lawful custody.
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown: Notice to Judge

Post by Demosthenes »

Gregg wrote:I dunno, I can't square "unlawful government force" with the very restrained actions of the Marshals and the fact that they were at the time resisting being taken into very lawful custody.
It's a weak defense but what other options does Elaine's lawyer have? When your client is dumb enough to brag about her felonies on a daily radio show, youtube, and national tv, you don't have much choice but to grasp at straws.
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown: Notice to Judge

Post by Imalawman »

Demosthenes wrote:
Gregg wrote:I dunno, I can't square "unlawful government force" with the very restrained actions of the Marshals and the fact that they were at the time resisting being taken into very lawful custody.
It's a weak defense but what other options does Elaine's lawyer have? When your client is dumb enough to brag about her felonies on a daily radio show, youtube, and national tv, you don't have much choice but to grasp at straws.
Yup exactly. Its an argument that as he wrote it he probably shook his head and sighed.
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Re: Ed and Elaine Brown: Notice to Judge

Post by cynicalflyer »

Gregg wrote: I dunno, I can't square "unlawful government force" with the very restrained actions of the Marshals and the fact that they were at the time resisting being taken into very lawful custody.
I read the defense's request for any and all info on the Danny the Dogwalker incident as being the hook from which they are going to hang their hat, as best as they can. If they can spin the firing of bullets on that day to her state of mind, they have a sliver of a possible chance of a hung jury, at least on some of the charges.
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