Schiff update

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Re: Schiff update

Post by . »

Yeah, but nuttery is absolutely key.

Without the occasional nut-bag who stumbles incoherently into these precincts, the green eyeshade and powdered wig badinage would lose its edge.
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Re: Schiff update

Post by wserra »

reenie wrote:Don't you think, that now after the bailouts by the criminals, it is time to take the country back?
Actually, no. I think it's time to stop laughing, shower, shave and go to work. The video made that much of an impression.

To be honest, I only watched the first two or three minutes. The collection of myths, lies, distortions and generally laughable claims in that segment make it clear that the rest would only be more of the same. I have a question for you, reenie - instead of linking to a video and saying, "Here, this explains everything, watch it", why don't you try defending this stuff yourself, right here? I suggest an answer - because you have this sneaking suspicion that you'd be unable to do it.

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Re: Schiff update

Post by Nikki »

jkeeb wrote:Welcome to Quatloos, Reenie.

You may learn something if you stay and chat with the folks a few days.
That is SO not likely.

Reenie is a dedicated koolaid addict at Sooey.

She only joined there 5/18/09, but has logged over 200 posts since then, around seven per day.

examples include:
By the way other than a Black's Law Dictionary.............a bunch of different editions too I hear, is there any place on line where I can go to get some of the legalese/terminology with their meaning? I feel as though I am bumbling around too much........ I think that is an area where I need to start .........sort of first things first. Thanks!
I was not aware of the whole Rick Stanley case when it first came down. Something really stinks here.

I am starting to read up on his case.

Have to do a lot more research but on the face of it this seems like a real miscarriage of justice and the wrong people are in

Couldn't sleep because of this case.
And to close with this gem:
Re: Quatloos Propaganda

Always had a strong negative reaction to Demosthenes. Hope she gets her left one caught in a wringer!
Yeah, Reenie is SO likely to actually learn anything.
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Re: Schiff update

Post by Dezcad »

Nikki wrote:
Reenie is a dedicated koolaid addict at Sooey.
And before that, she was Maid Marion at Make The Stand forums (the E&E support forums that has all but dried up). She was practically the only regular poster there in a long time and since she wasn't getting the attention she craved, she migrated to Sooey.
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Re: Schiff update

Post by cynicalflyer »

Famspear wrote: "I mean, there's only one constitutional law enforcement officer in this country. That is the sheriff. He's the only one named in the Constitution."

---at approximately "8:43" on the timer in the video.

No matter how many of these Space Cadets I have run across while studying this phenomenon, it seems there is an endless supply -- and you just never know when the next one may be coming at you, right around the next bend.
Whenever I have run across this, I always throw New York, and NYC specifically, in their face.
The "chief law enforcement officer" for the City of New York is not the sheriff (the sheriff in NYC is only good for serving civil process and the sheriff is NOT elected) but the Police Commissioner.

And the NYS Constitution so allows.
ARTICLE XIII Public Officers
§13. (a) Except in counties in the city of New York ...the sheriff and the clerk of each county shall be chosen by the electors once in every three or four years as the legislature shall direct.

(c) The city of New York is hereby vested with power from time to time to abolish by local law, as defined by the legislature, the office of any county officer within the city other than judges, clerks of counties and district attorneys, and to assign any or all functions of such officers to city officers, courts or clerks of counties, and to prescribe the powers, duties, qualifications, number, mode of selection and removal, terms of office and compensation of the persons holding such offices and the employees therein, and to assign to city officers any powers or duties of clerks of counties not assigned by this constitution.
"Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty." -- General Henry M. Robert author, Robert's Rules of Order
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Re: Schiff update

Post by Demosthenes »

Re: Quatloos Propaganda

Always had a strong negative reaction to Demosthenes. Hope she gets her left one caught in a wringer!
Hi Reenie!

Doktor Avalanche
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Re: Schiff update

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

reenie wrote:Maybe if the jury and some of the people on this site would educate themselves with our history and what has transpired Schiff, Sherry Peel Jackson and Ed and Elaine Brown would not be in jail today!!!!

Take 16 minutes of your time and watch this clip. Then read the documents on the left and see if you have not been betrayed by the Powers that Be.

Don't you think, that now after the bailouts by the criminals, it is time to take the country back?

Welcome to Quatloos.
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Re: Schiff update

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

reenie wrote:...

Don't you think, that now after the bailouts by the criminals, it is time to take the country back?
Exactly who is going to take what back from whom? Seriously - show us an action plan that includes something other than fairy-tale platitudes like "abolish the IRS," or "get rid of the Federal Reserve," or "take the country back."

No, I guess not. That's the hard part. Damn, the Devil's always in the details. Better to divert attention toward the end dream. Then you don't have to work out those pesky rational steps to resolving real issues.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Khedive Ismail Quatoosia
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Re: Schiff update

Post by Dezcad »

CaptainKickback wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:
Re: Quatloos Propaganda

Always had a strong negative reaction to Demosthenes. Hope she gets her left one caught in a wringer!
Hi Reenie!

Were you waving with your left one or your right one?

I'm talking about her hands people..........
Of course, what else could she wave with? :roll:
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Re: Schiff update

Post by Demosthenes »
