The Blowhard Channel: All Hendrickson, All The Time

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Re: The Blowhard Channel: All Hendrickson, All The Time

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Famspear wrote: In a sense, the IRS has NOT been enforcing its procedures uniformly. Sometimes the IRS catches the CtC filings and correctly denies the claim for credit or refund, and other times the IRS erroneously issues the refund or credit. The latter is what happened, of course, in Pete's own case. The problem for Pete's followers, of course, is that they almost universally swallow the doofus theory that the mere issuance of all those refunds somehow means that CtC must be "correct." Again, this is analogous to arguing that if you steal money by false pretenses, your "success" in stealing the money "proves" that there is no law against the theft.
This is exactly what Lex Liar is saying; and will likely keep saying all through his eventual trial, prison term, and afterwards.
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Re: The Blowhard Channel: All Hendrickson, All The Time

Post by Famspear »

See the report entitled An Estimated $1.6 Billion in Fraudulent Refunds Was Issued During the 2006 and 2007 Filing Seasons, reference number 2008-10-172 (Sept. 22, 2008), Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA), U.S. Department of the Treasury. In PDF format, it's a 47 page report with cover memo. There is a link to this report, available on this page at the web site for the TIGTA:

(Scroll down a bit on that page to find the links for this particular report, available in either PDF or html format.)

Hendrickson's Heroes seem to almost uniformly swallow the stupid argument that the issuance of large numbers of Cracking the Code-based refunds somehow "proves" that the Cracking the Code scam isn't a scam. Statistics like those in the TIGTA report help put the problem of fraudulent federal tax refunds in perspective.
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