Where can I find the definition?

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Re: Where can I find the definition?

Post by Chemnor »

Demosthenes wrote:What does your brother think of your PR efforts mid-trial, Christopher?
He refuses to talk to me. Why Greg?
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Re: Where can I find the definition?

Post by Gregg »

Joey Smith wrote:There is no Constitutional requirement that Congress define in intimate detail or to anybody's satisfaction what a "dollar" is, and any shortcoming of Congress in defining a "dollar" is no defense to a criminal prosecution like Kahre's.

In the U.S. system, the courts are the final and ultimate arbiters of what is constitutional or not; suffice it to say that the Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court are paid in dollars and they cash their checks. :lol:

Anybody who doesn't want to deal in dollars is free to leave at any time; don't let the door hit your arse on the way out.
Might I suggest noted tax free paradises such as North Korea, or maybe Somalia?
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Re: Where can I find the definition?

Post by Gregg »

Chemnor wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:What does your brother think of your PR efforts mid-trial, Christopher?
He refuses to talk to me. Why Greg?
If you mean me, my only brother is dead and you spelled my name wrong. However, if you were my brother, I'd pimp slap some sense into you before you called me to bail you out.
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Re: Where can I find the definition?

Post by Chemnor »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:
Chemnor wrote:...That is just one of the many new names for it. The plans of Gadianton were once a name for the same basic plans. All are satanic. All seek to enslave the little guy....
Ah, that 'splains it. :roll:
Yes. Splains a lot.

People that do not believe in conspiracies reject history. I mean 911 was a conspiracy no mater how you look at it. Either a bunch of Arabs conspired to steal some planes or Bush planned it or something in between but it WAS a conspiracy.

Former Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson was quoting Under Secretary of State to President Calvin Coolidge, J. Reuben Clark Jr.
"Today government has touched our lives so intimately in all their relationships and all these governmental touchings have been so tabbed as political, that we cannot discuss anything relating to our material welfare and existence without laying ourselves liable to the charge that we are talking politics."
"I have been preaching against Communism for twenty years," said President Clark, over twenty years ago. "I still warn you against it, and I tell you that we are drifting toward it more rapidly than some of us understand and I tell you that when Communism comes, the ownership of the things which are necessary to feed your families is going to be taken away from us. I tell you freedom of speech will go (Like with what Greg Damm just did), freedom of the press will go, and freedom of religion will go. Just like our freedom to have equal weight and measures that are not an abomination to the Lord because of the Commie inspired FRNs or to "eschew socialism" as we LDS have been repeatedly commanded to do.)
"I have warned you against propaganda and hate. We are in the midst of the greatest exhibition of propaganda that the world has ever seen, and all directed toward one end. Just do not believe all you read."
"The plain and simple issue now facing us in America is freedom or slavery.
"Our real enemies," said President Clark, "are communism and its running mate, socialism."
So I oppose people and governments that promote and support Latter-day Saint enemies communism and socialism. It is my religious duty to do so. I take it seriously. Even though we cannot win now and America will soon be plunged into a depression that will lead to a civil war, I am sorry to say. But that's nothing new. That was foretold by crazy ole' Joe in 1844 AD in the same story that said the two great parties in the US of A would be the Republican and the Democrat and that was more than ten years before there was a Republican party.

If you believe some other religion that if okay by me. You have that right. But I expect the same tolerance from you. But if you will not grant it then peace be with you.

Anyone that is crazy enough to believe ole' Joe Smith and his Golden Bible has just as much right to believe that folks that ain't too long in the brain power can believe Federal Reserve Notes is Dollars. And that's just nutz... I wonderz if theys on marijawana er sumpthin. You know people can be fooled by dang near anything these days. Some folks even believe a magic bullet killed President Kennedy. What next? That FDR didn't know about the sneak attack on Pearl? LOL Some people's kids. There just no accouintin for stupidity. And most peoples in the USA has got a very bad case of it.
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Re: Where can I find the definition?

Post by Gregg »

Huh? President Clark?

next time you go to the doc, tell him to up the dosage
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Re: Where can I find the definition?

Post by Chemnor »

Gregg wrote:
Chemnor wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:What does your brother think of your PR efforts mid-trial, Christopher?
He refuses to talk to me. Why Greg?
If you mean me, my only brother is dead and you spelled my name wrong. However, if you were my brother, I'd pimp slap some sense into you before you called me to bail you out.
Sorry about the wrong spelling but I was not writing about you so the spelling was correct. Besides the governemnt spells my NAME wrong all the time. So what does it matter?

And my brother wouldn't think of pimp slapping me. I am younger, taller and stronger. He's just a lawyer and you know what corrupt wimps lawyers are.

He used to think like most of you guys but when I got the letters from the IRS saying I was not required to file he slowly started to wake up and take an honest look. That is when he started defending people against the Beast. When no one could give him the legal definition of a dollar he woke up a bit more. Well will see how this trail comes out. The government is desperate to convict. So much of their tyranny is on the line in this case. Ole Mormon Mafia Judge Jones isn't on the case any more but Mormon Mafia prosecutor Greg Damm is. I have heard a few good things about this judge out of Hawai'i. But he is still a federal judge so he has a financial interest in conviction.

My brother's son, an attorney, got a religious exemption from Social Secuirty and his kids don't have SSNs. He does not pay SS taxes because he has that exemption. I call him a coward because he will not take the next step but I force no one to be free from the Marxist cult of the perjured 1040. It is as hard to refuse to be an American Marxist today as is was to no be a Catholic in Spain in 1500 AD. And the courts now are just as honest and just as the Spanish Inquisition Courts.

Re: Where can I find the definition?

Post by Chemnor »

Gregg wrote:Huh? President Clark?

next time you go to the doc, tell him to up the dosage
He was also in the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Their title is President, like the president of a company.

My title is "The Most Honorable." Judges love it.

Re: Where can I find the definition?

Post by Chemnor »

Gregg wrote:Huh? President Clark?

next time you go to the doc, tell him to up the dosage
It's voltage, not dosage.

Re: Where can I find the definition?

Post by Chemnor »

Demosthenes wrote:
Quixote wrote: If you supplied the IRS with ambiguous information about your income, as your posts to this thread suggest you did, their conclusion was almost certainly incorrect.
AKA, garbage in, garbage out.
I didn't supply them with anything. Why would I? I am not a taxpayer. Only taxpayers need to send them information. Anyway I can't because I don't believe anything I could put on a 1040 could be true and correct as to every material matter. So since I cannot get my questions answered I cannot sign a 1040 without committing a felony.

You would not be trying to get me to commit a felony, would you?

26 USC § 7206. Fraud and false statements
Any person who—
(1) Declaration under penalties of perjury
Willfully makes and subscribes any return, statement, or other document, which contains or is verified by a written declaration that it is made under the penalties of perjury, and which he does not believe to be true and correct as to every material matter; shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $100,000 ($500,000 in the case of a corporation), or imprisoned not more than 3 years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution.

Re: Where can I find the definition?

Post by Chemnor »

Judge Roy Bean wrote: With all your experience and years and years and years of research you should have been able to raise a cognizant issue (or find a willing foil to risk it for you). Since there really isn't one in a practical sense, you're going to have to get more creative. For $2,500 FRN's per hour I'd be willing to help. Forty hours in advance. No guarantees. :wink:
You can't seem to even give me the definition of what the value of the American dollar is as established by Congress. You must be an IRS agent or as uneducated. Why would I pay you anything?

You know what they call a lawyer with an 80 IQ, Judge Roy Bean? They call him, "judge." :wink:
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Re: Where can I find the definition?

Post by Quixote »

I didn't supply them with anything. Why would I?
To get them to tell you if you had to file a return. I conclude from your surprisingly straightforward response that the IRS did not, in fact, tell you that you were not required to file.
"Here is a fundamental question to ask yourself- what is the goal of the income tax scam? I think it is a means to extract wealth from the masses and give it to a parasite class." Skankbeat
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Re: Where can I find the definition?

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Chemnor wrote:
Judge Roy Bean wrote: With all your experience and years and years and years of research you should have been able to raise a cognizant issue (or find a willing foil to risk it for you). Since there really isn't one in a practical sense, you're going to have to get more creative. For $2,500 FRN's per hour I'd be willing to help. Forty hours in advance. No guarantees. :wink:
You can't seem to even give me the definition of what the value of the American dollar is as established by Congress. You must be an IRS agent or as uneducated. Why would I pay you anything?

You know what they call a lawyer with an 80 IQ, Judge Roy Bean? They call him, "judge." :wink:
The offer stands. I already gave you the definition. If you can't discern it you'll just have to pony up the fee to take advantage of the enlightenment. Then again, some of that enlightenment might not fit too well with your private view of your religious obligations, so I can see why you might be reluctant.

Are you actually still a member of the Mormon church? Do you have the authorization to practice in the temple or are you like some of the scammers I've come across over the years who use their alleged membership to try and influence other members? My experience tells me people of the Mormon church who get way too far off the path go off and create their own version of the church. Some of them are flat out dangerous.

I don't really expect you to answer that question but it is a kind of "are or you aren't you" test a lot of the really whacked out fringe players don't like to talk about. From personal experience I believe the real Mormons I know are way too rational to fall for your brand of lunacy.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Where can I find the definition?

Post by GoldandSilverEagles »

Judge Roy Bean wrote: The offer stands. I already gave you the definition.
"Roy" baby, you're slipping.

I've reviewed every post of yours in this tread and the closest you come to giving Chemnor a "definition" is as follows:
Chemnor wrote:... I need to know what Congress says it is so that I can calculate the "fair market value" of all other forms of legal tender (money) and any property, other than money, that I receive in lieu of taxable wages, ...

"Roy Bean" wrote...No, you don't need to "know what Congress says it is." It is what it is. Determining "fair market value" of all of the items you list is routine and a fairly simple matter. Their worth is driven by whatever someone will pay you for them and/or whether or not they are depreciable.

"Roy", please remember Article I, Section 8, Clause 5 of the US Constitution: The Congress shall have Power…To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures.

"Roy", your POV is incorrect per the US Constitution. Are you assigning a (fair market) value to tangibles/services by what the federal reserve tells you they are worth, (courtesy of their notes,) or to Congress to whom the Constitution specifically granted such authority to?

A dude like you has been hypnotized into believing a one "dollar" FRN is a true "dollar" in the US and world economies, rather than adhering to what Congress has established as a "dollar" of true value, a Silver Eagle dollar.

If and when you decide to take your attention off a depreciating note, and turn it to a dollar that Congress has authorized through the US Mints, only then can you be free from inflation stealing your wealth.

It's really that simple.
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Re: Where can I find the definition?

Post by wserra »

Chemnor wrote:I cannot sign a 1040 without committing a felony.
Ah, the heartwarming story of Chemtrail and Hendrickson, together again.

Still, before the former puts too much stock in that one for his Cheek defense, he ought to read United States v. Hendrickson, No. 07-1510 (6th Cir. 6/11/2008). He should further note that the Circuit imposed sanctions of $4,000 for a frivolous appeal, characterizing claims such as the one above as "plainly baseless tax protester arguments".
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Re: Where can I find the definition?

Post by Demosthenes »

Chemnor wrote:He used to think like most of you guys but when I got the letters from the IRS saying I was not required to file he slowly started to wake up and take an honest look. That is when he started defending people against the Beast. When no one could give him the legal definition of a dollar he woke up a bit more.
Does he pay federal income taxes?
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Re: Where can I find the definition?

Post by Imalawman »

wow, I missed nothing in this thread. My life is 20 mins more boring now. Who the hell cares that some idiot is confused about gold and value of money? Not me. Maybe I'm losing my patience here - lately, the crazies don't seem as entertaining, just annoying.
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Re: Where can I find the definition?

Post by Lambkin »

Imalawman wrote:wow, I missed nothing in this thread. My life is 20 mins more boring now. Who the hell cares that some idiot is confused about gold and value of money? Not me. Maybe I'm losing my patience here - lately, the crazies don't seem as entertaining, just annoying.
I agree gold-bugs seem to bring their own tedium to everything. Chalk it up to 'mixed nuts'. Sometimes you get the Brazil nut; other times, only half a peanut. The level of annoyance (to me) seems to spring from how much the poster tries to avoid being anchored to a clear position on anything. I see that as a sign of knowing they are likely to lose any frank debate.
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Re: Where can I find the definition?

Post by LPC »

Imalawman wrote:Maybe I'm losing my patience here - lately, the crazies don't seem as entertaining, just annoying.
Then it's not just me?
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Re: Where can I find the definition?

Post by Duke2Earl »

LPC wrote:
Imalawman wrote:Maybe I'm losing my patience here - lately, the crazies don't seem as entertaining, just annoying.
Then it's not just me?
No, it isn't just you. As I get older I find my patience level declining. I just don't have the time or inclination to debate with maniacs. It's just not that amusing anymore going out to Bedlam to watch the poor insane rave and carry on.
My choice early in life was to either be a piano player in a whorehouse or a politican. And to tell the truth there's hardly any difference.

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Re: Where can I find the definition?

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

GoldandSilverEagles wrote:...
"Roy", please remember Article I, Section 8, Clause 5 of the US Constitution: The Congress shall have Power…To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures.
Which has nothing to do with what I wrote. Again, I gave him the answer and I see now you aren't able to discern it, so I'll make you the same offer. For $2,500 in FRN's per hour, at a minimum of 40 hours paid in advance I'll be happy to explain it.

I guess you don't think my time is worth $2,500 per hour in FRNs. 8)
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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