New Management at

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Arthur Rubin
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Re: New Management at

Post by Arthur Rubin »

It's cheesecake. Post it in the "good life" forum. :P
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Order of the Quatloos, Brevet First Class
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Re: New Management at

Post by Cathulhu »

Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
Always be a moving target. L.M. Bujold


Post by ohein56 »

Quote from NoMoronHere;
As stated before, sexual orientation insults are not permitted ANYWHERE on any of the forums there and it was used and that is why you know who[ohein56-Me] was banned.
Just for some clarity, I'm also very surprised at NMH's stretching the truth about the rules at!

Rule link here...

So, after Owninater made the insulting, sexual reference to JeBaroo's handle as meaning, "you are a child sex predator i hear", Jeb responded with, doesn't the name Owninater mean a "gay male prostitute"?

I replied to Jebs post, jokingly that, "I'm not surprised Owninator is a gay felcher", or something to that effect.

I was banned for a month, by SBM, for using the word "felcher". No mention was made to "sexually oriented insults", nor is anything remotely like that mentioned in the rules on


Yes, it's GROSS, so is calling people "Douche-Nozzle", & "Douche-Bag", as the two mods in question (SBM & NMH) frequently did.

They set the tone & all I did was follow their lead, & yet I got banned for it! :Axe: has improved tremendously since they've left as they've apparently taken all the trolls with them.

No surprise there!

Good riddance!


Re: New Management at

Post by Emet »

For anyone not following the JREF thread:

They have some really smart skeptics who see through the BS, and some really talented photoshoppers. The thread may end up in their AAH section (Abandon all hope), which I believe does not auto-prune.

I thought I'd add this photo here for as long as this thread lasts:
Arthur Rubin
Posts: 1756
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Location: Brea, CA

Re: New Management at

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Emet wrote:For anyone not following the JREF thread:

They have some really smart skeptics who see through the BS, and some really talented photoshoppers. The thread may end up in their AAH section (Abandon all hope), which I believe does not auto-prune.

I thought I'd add this photo here for as long as this thread lasts:
Nice thread. I think I see why we have a 100 post limit. That thread is drifting for over 1000.
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
ImageJoin the Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign!

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Re: New Management at

Post by Mike! »

Arthur Rubin wrote:
Emet wrote:For anyone not following the JREF thread:

They have some really smart skeptics who see through the BS, and some really talented photoshoppers. The thread may end up in their AAH section (Abandon all hope), which I believe does not auto-prune.

I thought I'd add this photo here for as long as this thread lasts:
Nice thread. I think I see why we have a 100 post limit. That thread is drifting for over 1000.
But it's a fun packed ride!


Post by getupnow »

ohein56 has improved tremendously since they've left as they've apparently taken all the trolls with them.

No surprise there!

Good riddance!

FYI-Kerry has improved tremendously if improving includes censorship gone wild, deleted threads about proven scammers for the purposes of protecting a fellow scammer, traffic way down, many members and moderators no longer participating, Lady Mod and Len being at each other's throats and several major technical issues including "server too busy" errors, IP/URL issues and certain words not even showing up on the boards correctly.

How do you measure success Kerry?


Post by littleroundman »

getupnow wrote: has improved tremendously if improving includes censorship gone wild, deleted threads about proven scammers for the purposes of protecting a fellow scammer, traffic way down, many members and moderators no longer participating, Lady Mod and Len being at each other's throats and several major technical issues including "server too busy" errors, IP/URL issues and certain words not even showing up on the boards correctly.

How do you measure success Kerry?
I think you're being entirely unfair and unnecessarily negative in your assessment of the current situation at getupnow

Why, in the past few weeks of the new and improved regime we've learned:

a) A.I.D.S. is nothing but a huge medical con
b) There is no proof the H.I.V. causes A.I.D.S.
c) The FDA is in cahoots with the pharmaceutical industry
d) Nutritional supplements can cure cancer and diabetes
e) Doctors are complicit in a conspiracy to prevent this information being made available to the public.
f) Chemotherapy is a "scam"

Forget about such trifles as defending downright criminal fraudsters such as Broker Jones or deleting posts critical of overpriced, overhyped drinks.

These revelations come from the "top" so they must be true.

You dreamstealer, you.

All those millions of cancer patients and diabetics out there needlessly suffering, and all you can do is criticize.


Post by ohein56 »

getupnow wrote:
ohein56 has improved tremendously since they've left as they've apparently taken all the trolls with them.

No surprise there!

Good riddance!

getupnow has improved tremendously if improving includes censorship gone wild,
No more wild than with the previous mods. SBM & NMH had a field day banning pro-MLM members left & right before "leaving".
getupnow wrote: deleted threads about proven scammers for the purposes of protecting a fellow scammer,
One thread full of personal attacks. BFD.
getupnow wrote: traffic way down,
Really? It seems the same to me. Every time I log in the numbers are about the same. There are always more MLM views and activity than any other area on the forum. I don't see what you're observing, at all. It's about the same as usual, with the exception of 7 or 8 trolls and a few anti-MLM extremists!
getupnow wrote: many members and moderators no longer participating,
Yes, Extremist, Anti-MLM trolling activity has been drastically reduced, to the betterment of the forum.
getupnow wrote:Lady Mod and Len being at each other's throats
Really?! Where?! You're just guessing, aren't you?!
getupnow wrote:and several major technical issues including "server too busy" errors, IP/URL issues and certain words not even showing up on the boards correctly.
Sounds like business as usual at, honestly.

Those "problems" at the forum existed long before these most recent changes, & you know it!
getupnow wrote:How do you measure success Kerry?

See above.

So far so good.



Post by getupnow »

ohein56 wrote:
getupnow wrote:
ohein56 has improved tremendously since they've left as they've apparently taken all the trolls with them.

No surprise there!

Good riddance!

getupnow has improved tremendously if improving includes censorship gone wild,
No more wild than with the previous mods. SBM & NMH had a field day banning pro-MLM members left & right before "leaving".
getupnow wrote: deleted threads about proven scammers for the purposes of protecting a fellow scammer,
One thread full of personal attacks. BFD.
getupnow wrote: traffic way down,
Really? It seems the same to me. Every time I log in the numbers are about the same. There are always more MLM views and activity than any other area on the forum. I don't see what you're observing, at all. It's about the same as usual, with the exception of 7 or 8 trolls and a few anti-MLM extremists!
getupnow wrote: many members and moderators no longer participating,
Yes, Extremist, Anti-MLM trolling activity has been drastically reduced, to the betterment of the forum.
getupnow wrote:Lady Mod and Len being at each other's throats
Really?! Where?! You're just guessing, aren't you?!
getupnow wrote:and several major technical issues including "server too busy" errors, IP/URL issues and certain words not even showing up on the boards correctly.
Sounds like business as usual at, honestly.

Those "problems" at the forum existed long before these most recent changes, & you know it!
getupnow wrote:How do you measure success Kerry?

See above.

So far so good.


So you agree with deleting the Broker Jones thread as well? If Len wouldn't have been the one to delete would you have still agreed with it? I mean isn't it obvious there weren't any personal attacks, but simply that Broker Jones is not a real person, but a brand that has been used repeatedly to scam with for years? So if Broker Jones is not a real person, but simply a brand how can their be personal attacks?

Len claimed that the reason he deleted the thread is because Broker Jones had been unfairly victimized and attacked for simply being a promoter of proven scams and not an owner of a proven scam. Yet Broker Jones himself then later admits that he owns and is President of the scam and proved that Len was incorrect and shouldn't have deleted the thread.

Didn't Len either purposefully or inadvertently protect this proven repeated scammer by deleting a very informative thread that didn't break even the most recently posted rules?
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: New Management at

Post by GlimDropper »

Chris, Kerry and Len are pleased as punch about the sites current direction. How many page views do the three of them account for? Well not all that many.


Will this traffic trend reverse? Perhaps. How long will "Zachary" tolerate the lowest site rankings (and lowest ad revenues) in over a year and a half? Who knows. Personally I'm staying off the site not to help the page view numbers to keep falling but rather to explore the other scam busting alternatives on the web. I have little to no input as to how the place is run but I don't support the site in it's current form so I'll use my (very) humble skills elsewhere. If things change, I may go back but I'm not going to waste any mental energy worrying about the things I can't change.
Doc Bunkum
Scamologist General (MLM Division)
Posts: 321
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Re: New Management at

Post by Doc Bunkum »

Seriously, Clements, do you think taking your "Does anybody want to debate Lenny?" shtick to the James Randi Educational Foundation forum was really one of the smarter things you've done in your life?
So - the old "Debate Me" canard, eh Len? We've had Truthers who thought this was a good idea, (most of them can be located now in Foster's Home For Imaginary Debaters) and they all seemed to have one thing in common with each other (and apparently you); they are Slicky Boys. Fast-talking, glib, experienced public speakers, etc... It doesn't matter whether they have any actual facts. What use are facts in a debate where three out of your five points are all based on "Isn't Len Trustworthy? Isn't Len Swell. Why Don't We All Work Harder to be More Like Len?" Those are all opinion pieces, Len. What are we gonna do? Stand there and repeatedly say, "Are not!"?

And, by the way, I'm a trainer and very adequate public speaker. And I'm a fast-talking New York Jewboy, so you set up the venue. Topic: Just How Successful and Swell Is Len, Anyway?

I will, of course, require full disclosure - including Powers of Attorney so that I can contact your bank and your accountant and financial advisor plus, naturally, all your teachers, doctors, co-workers, etc... throughout your entire life. I mean.... Swelldom is a lifelong thing, right? You don't just attain swellness overnight. I should know, I took the Michael J. Fox Swelliness Awareness course to get this swell, so I'm definitely an authority on the subject. Why I've been asked to testify in several of the better known Swellitude investigations in Malaysia and Bhutan.

I mean, why clutter the discussions with all that crap about MLM? There are books written on the subject, dozens of books, pro-and-con. What are you going to settle in a six hour debate that hasn't been covered in the hundred thousand pages that have been written on the subject? But a debate on your swellness (which seems to be your main concern) should be well worth it.


Re: New Management at

Post by ohein56 »

I like what grimdropper said, "I'm not going to waste any mental energy worrying about the things I can't change."

So, have the numbers at Quatloos improved? It would seem to me they would, since all the trolls left and came over here!?


Post by ohein56 »

getupnow wrote:So you agree with deleting the Broker Jones thread as well?
If all it was was a pissing contest with personal attacks (which it was), yes, I do. There's another OceansideWealth thread in the investments area. If you have proof that Oceanside is a scam post it.
getupnow wrote: If Len wouldn't have been the one to delete would you have still agreed with it?
Sure, see my previous answer.
getupnow wrote:I mean isn't it obvious there weren't any personal attacks, but simply that Broker Jones is not a real person, but a brand that has been used repeatedly to scam with for years? So if Broker Jones is not a real person, but simply a brand how can their be personal attacks?
Then please post it in the OceanSide Wealth threadon, where it's pertinent.
getupnow wrote:Len claimed that the reason he deleted the thread is because Broker Jones had been unfairly victimized and attacked for simply being a promoter of proven scams and not an owner of a proven scam.
getupnow wrote:Yet Broker Jones himself then later admits that he owns and is President of the scam and proved that Len was incorrect and shouldn't have deleted the thread.
I'm still waiting with baited breath for your revealing info on OceanSideWealth, proving once and for all that it's a scam.
getupnow wrote:Didn't Len either purposefully or inadvertently protect this proven repeated scammer by deleting a very informative thread that didn't break even the most recently posted rules?
Quite possibly. What can you prove about either Lens actions or BrokerJones involvement in a blatant scam. He did have it removed from the MLM area at least, thank goodness, as it was faaar from being MLM.

Looking forward to your proof, cause I can't figure out what OceanSide is at all. Doesn't really make it a scam one way or another, does it?



Post by getupnow »

ohein56 wrote:
getupnow wrote:So you agree with deleting the Broker Jones thread as well?
If all it was was a pissing contest with personal attacks (which it was), yes, I do. There's another OceansideWealth thread in the investments area. If you have proof that Oceanside is a scam post it.
getupnow wrote: If Len wouldn't have been the one to delete would you have still agreed with it?
Sure, see my previous answer.
getupnow wrote:I mean isn't it obvious there weren't any personal attacks, but simply that Broker Jones is not a real person, but a brand that has been used repeatedly to scam with for years? So if Broker Jones is not a real person, but simply a brand how can their be personal attacks?
Then please post it in the OceanSide Wealth threadon, where it's pertinent.
getupnow wrote:Len claimed that the reason he deleted the thread is because Broker Jones had been unfairly victimized and attacked for simply being a promoter of proven scams and not an owner of a proven scam.
getupnow wrote:Yet Broker Jones himself then later admits that he owns and is President of the scam and proved that Len was incorrect and shouldn't have deleted the thread.
I'm still waiting with baited breath for your revealing info on OceanSideWealth, proving once and for all that it's a scam.
getupnow wrote:Didn't Len either purposefully or inadvertently protect this proven repeated scammer by deleting a very informative thread that didn't break even the most recently posted rules?
Quite possibly. What can you prove about either Lens actions or BrokerJones involvement in a blatant scam. He did have it removed from the MLM area at least, thank goodness, as it was faaar from being MLM.

Looking forward to your proof, cause I can't figure out what OceanSide is at all. Doesn't really make it a scam one way or another, does it?


You obviously haven't read either thread because to anyone who have read them except for Broker Jones, Len and yourself it has been proven that they have violated numerous laws within the U.S. and that it is a scam. This is why they have gone to great lengths to get it registered outside the U.S.

Re: New Management at

Post by No_Moron_Here »

Alright Kerry, so I've stayed out of this and haven't responded on any thread in quite some time although the temptation has been overwhelming. Now you want to bring the dirty laundry into this, I will respond. YOU Kerry, removed three of the Send Out Cards threads while you were a mod. Yes, you did. Don't lie about it either. The first one you deleted was in May of '09. I'm sorry, but I didn't capture the title of the thread. The second you deleted was "SOC is a Scam." The third and largest thread you deleted was "Send Out Cards is Doing Well." YOU deleted that thread on Dec. 23, 2009 with a time stamp of 10:23 p.m. I saw you on the thread while watching "Who is Online" and you were on that thread. It disappeared during that time and YOU were the only person on that thread. This is fact. The only remaining thread on SOC is titled " is a scam." It's my OPINION that the only reason you didn't delete that thread is because you weren't bright enough to find it. Here it is along with the accusation that you deleted the other SOC thread. My response to that was post #7. Notice the date of my post.

Now that Len has suddenly become a heavy handed ADMIN and biased mod, you're having a heyday. But funny, he's deleting your posts right and left. Why? Because as usual, you have nothing to contribute. You never have. And you're still not. It's slam the poster and defend your idol, Len.

You know exactly why you were banned by SBM and it was for the extremely offensive sexual reference which is not allowed. Of all of the comments on the thread, "Kerry banned!," the vast majority supported the ban. I suggest you read the comments from the general membership whom where very offended by your post. You can read the comments here:

YOU get your facts straight and I strongly suggest that you shape up. Len has no choice now but to enforce his new rules. You will not post on or most of the other forums because no one there will put up with your slash and dash insolent posts. My guess is that although you paid for Len's program, he has no choice but to ban you for constantly being off-topic. You can defend him all you want, but trust me, his days are numbered on also. Why? It's about money and the site traffic is down. George is not going to tolerate that. The fighting between Len and Lady Mod is very amusing. My bet is on Lady Mod. She already chewed off his nads and has them hanging from her keychain. Today she bit off and swallowed his wanker. Better entertainment can't be found.

Re: New Management at

Post by getupnow »

No_Moron_Here wrote:Alright Kerry, so I've stayed out of this and haven't responded on any thread in quite some time although the temptation has been overwhelming. Now you want to bring the dirty laundry into this, I will respond. YOU Kerry, removed three of the Send Out Cards threads while you were a mod. Yes, you did. Don't lie about it either. The first one you deleted was in May of '09. I'm sorry, but I didn't capture the title of the thread. The second you deleted was "SOC is a Scam." The third and largest thread you deleted was "Send Out Cards is Doing Well." YOU deleted that thread on Dec. 23, 2009 with a time stamp of 10:23 p.m. I saw you on the thread while watching "Who is Online" and you were on that thread. It disappeared during that time and YOU were the only person on that thread. This is fact. The only remaining thread on SOC is titled " is a scam." It's my OPINION that the only reason you didn't delete that thread is because you weren't bright enough to find it. Here it is along with the accusation that you deleted the other SOC thread. My response to that was post #7. Notice the date of my post.

Now that Len has suddenly become a heavy handed ADMIN and biased mod, you're having a heyday. But funny, he's deleting your posts right and left. Why? Because as usual, you have nothing to contribute. You never have. And you're still not. It's slam the poster and defend your idol, Len.

You know exactly why you were banned by SBM and it was for the extremely offensive sexual reference which is not allowed. Of all of the comments on the thread, "Kerry banned!," the vast majority supported the ban. I suggest you read the comments from the general membership whom where very offended by your post. You can read the comments here:

YOU get your facts straight and I strongly suggest that you shape up. Len has no choice now but to enforce his new rules. You will not post on or most of the other forums because no one there will put up with your slash and dash insolent posts. My guess is that although you paid for Len's program, he has no choice but to ban you for constantly being off-topic. You can defend him all you want, but trust me, his days are numbered on also. Why? It's about money and the site traffic is down. George is not going to tolerate that. The fighting between Len and Lady Mod is very amusing. My bet is on Lady Mod. She already chewed off his nads and has them hanging from her keychain. Today she bit off and swallowed his wanker. Better entertainment can't be found.

Seems pretty clear to me what has happened over the last few weeks at based on this new information.

Kerry (Len's #1 Groupie) tells Len how simple it is to become a moderator at and gives him contact info of George(Zachary) to begin the stringent screening process. Len wows a disinterested owner into submission and almost immediately deletes the "Len Clements" thread. Len is then banned by NMH for deleting the thread and goes crying back to the disinterested owner and wows him with some Defcon 5 BS about how he will clean up while exploding traffic only if he will give him control of the website as an Admin.

Since that time numerous moderators and large amounts of members have left and are searching for a suitable alternative to run a "real" Scambusting website. Who knows maybe in the next couple of weeks a "real" scambusting website will emerge and give those who are interested a suitable alternative to a website that used to be about exposing scams instead of covering up for them. Seems like an opportune time to continue to carve a large amount of traffic from what used to be a thriving scambusting website.

Re: New Management at

Post by No_Moron_Here »

getupnow wrote:Len is then banned by NMH for deleting the thread and goes crying back to the disinterested owner and wows him with some Defcon 5 BS about how he will clean up while exploding traffic only if he will give him control of the website as an Admin.
I will make this correction ONE more time and then I'm done. This is what I said: "On April 23, I received an e-mail stating that the Len Clements - Who is he anyway? thread disappeared. I logged on and saw that it had indeed been hard deleted. I then checked to see who logged on to the site that was an ADMIN or moderator. Both the ADMIN and Len had signed on earlier that day. In my OPINION and through the process of elimination, I highly suspect the thread was deleted by the ADMIN with a request from Len to do so. Keeping my promise, I immediately banned Len for life with the reason "Deleted thread." The rest of my post is here: and I stand by my statements.

What Len and others cannot seem to understand is that I am of the OPINION that George, aka Zachary, the owner, deleted the thread. I never said that Len deleted it or that George deleted it. I do not know for sure and I never will unless one of them fesses up and that is highly unlikely. Len claims I "admitted" for a fact that the ADMIN (George) deleted the thread. Being that Len is a "court certified expert," I would assume he would know the difference between an "opinion" and "I highly suspect." As for the reason I placed on Len's ban, does it say anywhere that HE deleted the thread? No, the thread was deleted and it was a direct result of a request from Len. There is no other explanation. Of course that's just my OPINION. When I specifically asked Len that in a post on, he refused to answer. Par for the course.

Re: New Management at

Post by Emet »

GlimDropper wrote:Personally I'm staying off the site not to help the page view numbers to keep falling but rather to explore the other scam busting alternatives on the web.
I have to admit it's hard not to lurk and see the shenanigans over there, but I too have been avoiding it, and have decided to no longer view it, as I personally think that's a good thing to do.

I may have the minority opinion here, but it seems to me that it was never a good site for scam busting, or much of anything else. Most forums have a point of view (look at the parenthetical words of the MLM sub-forum here), and are moderated to prevent ad hominem attacks and not let threads derail to the point of absurd flame wars, and inanity/insanity.

When I have gone researching MLM's, I found blogs more helpful than, and have posted information on many. There's just way too much crap and personalities to wade through, and very little information to be gained (but I admit that I only read certain threads).

I wonder if someone can answer this: how can a forum have any credibility when it allows such vile discussions on the political forum? IMO, the readership is high there for the ultimate wrestling with mud and knives entertainment value. (but I realize I may be wrong)

I've already updated one MLM thread here, with plans to update/add more in the future. But I believe someone already posted that this forum has a 100 post per thread limit.

I respect anyone else who chooses to either continue to read or post on in an effort to expose/educate/inform. But for me, as a "troll" according to Lennie, "put a fork in me, I'm done."

Re: New Management at

Post by USANAWatchDog »

GlimDropper wrote:Chris, Kerry and Len are pleased as punch about the sites current direction. How many page views do the three of them account for? Well not all that many.


Will this traffic trend reverse? Perhaps. How long will "Zachary" tolerate the lowest site rankings (and lowest ad revenues) in over a year and a half? Who knows. Personally I'm staying off the site not to help the page view numbers to keep falling but rather to explore the other scam busting alternatives on the web. I have little to no input as to how the place is run but I don't support the site in it's current form so I'll use my (very) humble skills elsewhere. If things change, I may go back but I'm not going to waste any mental energy worrying about the things I can't change.
I've seen this graph on other sites being used to claim that Len Clements' policing of is responsible for the drastic drop. As much as I cannot stand Len Clements and don't agree with anything he says in defense of MLM pyramid schemes, that drop has nothing to do with Len.

I'm sure everyone following has noticed that no longer shows up in their URL, and instead has in its place. I believe this change is why the dip is seen in the graph. That dip started at the same time the URL changed. The site still has just as many views. The stats are not correctly being counted by the bots.

Now whether Len Clements has anything to do with that URL changing from to that particular IP address is another issue. So Len may inadvertently have something to do with it, but there is no proof of it.

On a side note, if I threaten to sue the owner of, would I be able to become an Administrator of that forum??? Len, can you answer this one?