New Management at II

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Arthur Rubin
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Re: New Management at II

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Doc Bunkum wrote:Not sure if everyone is aware of this, but say you get banned at a site. They ban your IP Address as well so you can't log in to see what's happening.

No problem.

Go to this site: and type in or whatever. Guess what? You're back in business and once again browsing your favorite forum!
Some of the better web sites (not that any of those would ban you) also block IPs known to be anon proxies.

On the other hand, for those whose ISP or browser blocks access to certain web sites, you can override that (at least until the "inappropriate activity" list is updated) by use of a subscription, which provides, about every 2 weeks, a new anonymous proxy.
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Doc Bunkum
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Re: New Management at II

Post by Doc Bunkum »

wserra wrote: It is only the complete idiot scammer (the type that sued soapboxmom with ignominious lack of success) that goes to court. They bluster, they threaten, but when push comes to shove they slink off. Do the vets here remember Tony Limo?
Tony Limo?

Before my time. I checked and the guy sounds like a real winner! :P

I see a long time poster here that I wasn't aware of, ElfNinosMom, had him in the running for the FIRST ANNUAL FRICKIN' 'TARD OF THE YEAR AWARD.
Anthony Martelli, aka Anthony Sarivola, aka Anthony Steele, aka "Tony Limo"

This dirty cop / ex-Mafia enforcer for the Colombo Crime Family has been running a scam in which he pretends to secure high-ticket loans, gets a very large commitment fee up front, and then accuses people of fraud so he can keep their money. One company which sued him had given him a staggering 145K. He even had a big stamp made so he can more easily mark their files "File Closed Due To Fraud". Anthony is foul and vulgar, but amusing in that he's obviously pretty damn stupid since he keeps getting caught. He is a former guest of the GreyBar Hotel, having spent years in federal prison for running another financial scam. He was convicted of running yet another financial scam while he was behind bars. At one point in time, his bond was revoked because he had threatened his own sister with bodily harm if she didn't post his bond. He was previously in the Witness Protection Program, and Edward McDonald, attorney-in-charge of the Organized Crime Strike Force for the Eastern District of New York, has called Sarivola/Martelli "a nut job" with regard to his testimony regarding the matter for which he was placed in witness protection. This frickin' 'tard has no shame whatsoever, and regularly goes onto the internet pretending to be satisfied customers. Although his current loan company filed for Chapter 11 (in which he stated that he has earned a cool mil over the last three years), his scams aren't over. He has started several new businesses since we started to expose him on Quatloos - one a "church", and the other a company to provide funding for movie projects.

I like ElfNinosMom! :lol:

As for "Tony", I wonder, is he back as a guest of the GreyBar Hotel? :?:
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Re: New Management at II

Post by wserra »

Doc Bunkum wrote:As for "Tony", I wonder, is he back as a guest of the GreyBar Hotel? :?:
Tony Limo drives with the fishes. My sources Down There tell me that Beelzebub recently discovered Tony selling new arrivals non-existent air-conditioned quarters. You don't wanna know what Tony is doing now.

But it couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Re: New Management at II

Post by No_Moron_Here »

I just love it when Lenny, Forum Board Whore Extraordinare, gets all butched up and can exercise his ADMIN and Mod powers over at
Originally Posted by MWave:

Live&Learn won't be responding to these questions for at least the next seven days.

I was really hoping to keep my "no ban" record intact, but when you...

1) Lie about getting a virus from this board;

2) Claim an admin, by name, was responsible for this virus (that is, for the commission of this felony);

... then you get your wish. Live&Learn can now wear his "Banned from" badge with honor when he posts in all the other boards he's trolling around in.

This should also be a good measure for others to see exactly how far you have to go before you get banned (at least by me), and how light the sentence will be (at least the first time you get banned). This should have resulted in a much longer ban!

The little puke even removed L&L's posts so we can't see what he said in order to justify that ban. And please note that Lenny, Forum Board Whore Extraordinaire, used the term "trolling" once again.
Originally posted by MWave:

Does anyone recall on or about what date the URL changed from to

I have access to daily viewer stats and I'd like to see what effect the change had. I'm guessing none, since anyone who wants to visit can still type into their browser "" to get here.

Does anyone remember?


Why yes, Lenny, I do know. It was changed by "Zachary"-George on June 3, 2010 at 10:43 a.m. PDT. At that time, the words "power, energy, water" were also blocked from the site. It's nice to know that George Dranichak hasn't broken away from his porn business and let go unnoticed by the porn server he uses. That's why he changed servers Lenny. is now hosted by a porn server which also does his Guerilla Traffic sites. If there is anything else you would like to know, just ask. This one is complimentary. In the future, I'll only charge you $195 for my "Inside Strategy" program, similar to your seminar on July 3rd. Well, I'm sorry, but for some reason, I just can't top one of your subjects, "How to be a Black Belt at MLM Judo.
Turn your competitor's hype and bashing against them!

Re: New Management at II

Post by Emet »

What a difference in tone and message from the recent suspension on Quatloos.
Lennie is quite the bloviating megalomanic.

But I still don't really understand the change in url. Don't porn sites also have words in their urls?
Don't Googlebots begin to crawl by searching url names?

Was Lennie in any way responsible for the url change, as was previously suggested?
If no, why would George, if he did change servers, not include as the url?
Doc Bunkum
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Re: New Management at II

Post by Doc Bunkum »

Emet wrote:But I still don't really understand the change in url. Don't porn sites also have words in their urls?
Don't Googlebots begin to crawl by searching url names?
Sort of out my realm, but domain name servers (DNS) translate human readable domain names into machine readable IP addresses. is easy for people to remember, but machines can't read Quatloos, so DNS have to translate the names into an IP addresses so computers can refer to one another.

How they got an IP address to show up in the address bar, I have no idea, or why they would want that.

Re: New Management at II

Post by Lisa »

My God, Len is a complete and total IDIOT! I don't know if this post will last over there, so I'm posting it here. Just in case.

Oh and, L&L's post was that the site was infecting computers with virus's.

I didn't see him blame Len for it... but I didn't catch all the posts so I don't know if he did or not.

Originally Posted by MWave
If I delete this post for a Rule 8 violation and baiting I'll catch hell for that, and if I respond to it I'll be the one who catches hell for going off topic. So be it.

My response:
Well considering I've come back to reply it's not a "slash and dash" post therefore it does not violate rule #8 so if you deleted the post you would in fact be in the wrong. I'm not trolling the forums. I'm not violating rule #8 and if you'd like to take this to Lady Mod and George I'd be more than happy to discuss you're redefining what a troll is with them.

I just accused you of being argumentative for the sake of argument. I said you get off on starting arguments on this board. And now, when I ignore you, you blatantly bait me to feed you. You need me to respond so you can argue some more. Your post could not have validated my accusation any more perfectly.

My response:
So wait, you're blaming me for you responding??!! Oh my sweet Jesus. Are you serious? I thought by having a high IQ and bragging about it by putting it under your username that somehow equated to a certain level of intelligence.

Let me ask you something Len, and I want a serious answer. Are you accountable for anything YOU choose to do? I wasn't baiting you, I was genuinely excited that you got the point - that I wasn't being argumentative and that I had just as much of a right to voice my disagreement with you as you did with Katie. But nooo, you still don't get it. You started this argument and whined that you had the right to give your input... so don't I have that same right?? Or is this just a double standard and only YOU have the right to voice your opinions??

And would you responding to me be considered baiting me and therefore a rule violation??

Which IQ test did you take? Who administered it?

My response:
I don't know which test I took or who administered. I didn't really care, but I know it was done with the LA chapter in California. My political science professor told me he'd give me extra credit for taking it and even offered to take me to the test. He spent the entire time trying to convince me to go to Berkley once I was done at the community college I was attending and to become a lawyer. I also think he had a bit of a crush on me (he was in his late 20's). I wasn't paying that much attention to the test or the circumstances because I thought he was cute and I was 17. What did I care? lol

Personally, I believe an IQ score is meaningless as a measure of intelligence unless you know the answer to these two questions. There are countless ways to get a "certified" high IQ score (kind of like getting a PhD from a diploma mill). And even then there are strong arguments to be made that this only appraises one's skill at taking tests, not intelligence. Although I do list my Mensa membership on my resumé, and the score that got me in parenthetically (as has been pointed out numerous times by others here), I actually don't give a lot of credibility to IQ scores which is why I, unlike you, have never promoted my high IQ on this board. That, and the fact that I don't need to. I think my arguments can stand on their own merits.


My response:
If you think it's meaningless then why exactly do you have it posted underneath your username so that it can be broadcast to the world? Are you saying that you are, in essence, meaningless?

I wouldn't necessarily disagree with that.

Re: New Management at II

Post by Lisa »

Oh, found L&L's post:

WARNING to anyone who's still posting here. Last night I came to this board and immediately got a virus.

Nice work Lenny.
Doc Bunkum
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Re: New Management at II

Post by Doc Bunkum »

Lisa wrote:Oh, found L&L's post:
WARNING to anyone who's still posting here. Last night I came to this board and immediately got a virus.

Nice work Lenny.
Just a FYI, Lisa, makes it easier to read a post if you use the Quote tab - like how I used it above to quote L&L. 8)

Pretty funny, BTW, blaming Lenny for the virus! :D

Re: New Management at II

Post by No_Moron_Here »

Lisa wrote:My God, Len is a complete and total IDIOT! I don't know if this post will last over there, so I'm posting it here. Just in case.
I sure hope you're not just now discovering that fact.

As an ADMIN, he can do quite a bit. He can't figure out crap. So much for the 155 IQ. One thing that is more than obvious, Yoli does not enhance intelligence. In his case, it has the opposite effect. I'll give the Forum Board Whore Extraordinaire this though, his posts are entertaining. It's always enjoyable to watch someone sink their own ship and think they're beyond reproach. The man is a dolt.

Re: New Management at II

Post by No_Moron_Here »

Originally Posted by cyclemaster:
No, Len it has absolutely nothing to do with traffic since it is clear the traffic is going down and more to do with spam bots and not administrating the forum. I heard SBM was amazing at doing the dirty work and keeping the bots at bay, but ever since she was banned it appears that these types of issues no longer get attention. Maybe shoot her an email and she will give you some insight on how to clean up this issue.
And true to her nature, Stephanie, aka Lady Moderator, aka "Your Majesty" just has to chime in and throw a turd in the punch bowl. So much for a truce.
Originally posted by sojustask:

Mumbles kept them at bay. I think you ought to be listening to something else for awhile.

In an email to me just a few weeks ago she said she was only on here a few hours a day. Now if she was telling the truty, and why wouldn't she, then she couldn't have spent near the time she was spending busting scams and cleaning the forum.

Let's not bring her up again. She said she doesn't want to come back, let it go at that and respect her wishes.

Lady Mod
Really? Mumbles kept them at bay? He kept some of them at bay, but the majority were caught by SBM, Hopeful Cynic and myself. Check the banned list, Haggo.

The reason the site is so slow is because he changed servers, not just because of the spambots. George went cheap. Most likely he got a deal to combine his other sites with the porn server. Just a wild guess that I'm pretty sure is accurate.

So SBM said she was only on a "few hours a day." That more likely translated to at least 8 hours, I'd say more. And you, "Your Majesty?" Maybe 10 to 15 minutes on a good day. Sometimes you didn't come on all week, sometimes not for weeks at a time. Did SBM tell you that she wasn't going to come back? I think not. And why were you so spiteful to remove her signature lines? THAT is the Stephanie I know and hate. You're just plain mean. What's worse is you're still badmouthing her and you can't seem to accept the fact that YOU let the site go to hell. For example, the Hotel Scams forum went from 60 pages full of porn spam down to 2 pages. THAT spam was accumulated during YOUR watch. And you're complaining? Witch.

It also seems you've lost your Supermod midas touch at remembering how to be a mod as witnessed here:
Originally posted by sojustask:

These two threads did not merge in quite the manner I was hoping for. I hope you guys can figure it out anyway. We don't really need two threads about the same company.

I was going to leave the title for the older thread, apparently I merged them the wrong direction, so I opted for a compromise in the title- taking from both.

Ugh! This is why I don't do this very often.

Lady Mod
It's easily fixed. PM me and I'll tell you how (for a fee).

Or this one:
Originally posted by sojustask:

I am not sure how I can get this thread off the "Moderated" list. I'll check to see if I can, but it doesn't seem to be something I can do from the front side of the forum.

Interesting subject by the way.

Lady Mod
Elementary, "Your Majesty." Why not ask someone or just call upon ADMIN Len, the Forum Board Whore Extraordinaire? He is over you, you know, and he has about 100 times more things he can do than a supermod. Fact. Care to bring up any more subjects or do you want to finally throw in the towel? Now why do I know that isn't going to happen? I do hope you're enjoying the complaints. And good luck hearing from George Dranichak, your very good friend. Won't happen either until he cans your sorry ass, and rightfully so. It's sort of tough having to spend a few extra minutes out of your busy schedule as a file/insurance clerk doing some grunt work. Too bad you're failing miserably. History does repeat itself.
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Re: New Management at II

Post by soapboxmom »

Stephanie complaining I was only on a few hours a day. Classic. Nice how she shows her appreciation for the volunteer help. She gave up the rest of the board last I heard to lord over her Political Forum sandbox. And, let's just be blunt here. Why would any sophisticated, honest and decent people want to have anything to do with someone like her. Who needs the hassle and abuse? It lookd like she and lenny will be fighting it out for control of that "cesspool" as Lenny refers to it.

It will be be quite fun to watch her trying to explain to the owner why so many of the talented, dedicated Mods left and the most intelligent and engaging posters have jumped ship as well. Her authority may very soon be at an end after the mess she has made of the place. Funny, but the rest of us mere Mods got no instruction, but did quickly master the very limited capabilities permissioned on the ModCP. I would hate to see her loose on the AdminCP with Lenny there to guide her. Yikes!


P.S. Did I forget to mention the witch removed my entire signature without cause? That is so dang classy! The reign of terror over there continues. And, yes it is down.
Last edited by soapboxmom on Tue Jun 22, 2010 12:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: New Management at II

Post by No_Moron_Here »

I just came across this gem from Lenny (FBWE). To clue you in, mumbles was made a mod (then removed, Lady Mod reinstated him after neutering him), and gave him instructions on what to do and what not to do. Len has obviously read Lady Mod's book on how to mistreat all of the mods that work for free and donate their time. I hope you will enjoy this.
Originally Posted by mumbles"

i noticed above remark that i had to know that len was being falsely accused of something and i should have deleted the thread.

let me say, i never cared about MLM, i am not in involved in MLM. the first i heard of len was the day he became administrator. i don't spend my days and nights gossiping with other moderators. if it's spam i delete it. the only bans i do are spambots. otherwise i may or may not see it and if i do see i may or may not comment. len and MLM are not even on my list of the top 100 most important things in the world. nobody complained to me about abuse by a moderator and if they had i would have explained that i don't supervise the moderators here.
ADMIN Len's very respectful and eloquent response to mumbles:
I'm sorry. I didn't know you were just lazily going through the motions and rubber stamping spam delete requests. I thought you were actually moderating this board.

I wonder if Lenny has even one real friend in the world? His lack of appreciation for anything done for free on a volunteer basis is amazing. Especially when you consider that he doesn't know how to operate the ADMIN control panel. He has mastered the art of banning and dishing out meaningless warnings, especially disregarding those warnings that should be given to his pro-MLM freaks. What a fine example of a true ADMIN.

Re: New Management at II

Post by littleroundman »

No_Moron_Here wrote: I wonder if Lenny has even one real friend in the world? His lack of appreciation for anything done for free on a volunteer basis is amazing. Especially when you consider that he doesn't know how to operate the ADMIN control panel. He has mastered the art of banning and dishing out meaningless warnings, especially disregarding those warnings that should be given to his pro-MLM freaks. What a fine example of a true ADMIN.
Users of should be aware that should Clements have been given full Admin access, he DOES, in fact, also have access to private messages.

Whether or not Clements is aware (or admitting) so, is irrelevant, the fact/s remain an "Admin" has access to private messages with the particular forum software being used.

Re: New Management at II

Post by Lisa »

Well... I've been trying on and off for a couple hours now and cannot get to I've tried on both IE and Safari and the page doesn't load. I also tried on 2 different devices.

Hmmm... anyone else having these issues?

Re: New Management at II

Post by littleroundman »

Lisa wrote:Well... I've been trying on and off for a couple hours now and cannot get to I've tried on both IE and Safari and the page doesn't load. I also tried on 2 different devices.

Hmmm... anyone else having these issues?

for several hours it was returning:

The connection was reset

The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.

* The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.

* If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network

* If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.

However, it is now returning a blank page.

A new "admin" playing with the settings, perhaps ??? :D :)
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: New Management at II

Post by GlimDropper »

littleroundman wrote: Users of should be aware that should Clements have been given full Admin access, he DOES, in fact, also have access to private messages.

Whether or not Clements is aware (or admitting) so, is irrelevant, the fact/s remain an "Admin" has access to private messages with the particular forum software being used.
I've spent significant portions of the last few days crawling through the guts of a vBulletin Admin Control Panel, however it isn't the same version of vB that scam uses. From what I've been learning in the process I'm inclined to say that while it is not impossible for Len to be able to read PMs, I would be willing to say it's rather unlikely.

(Again, based on a different version number) First off, not all Admin are created equal. The owner of the software license (or Super Admin) can assign any number of "permissions" to an individual Admin account. You could give someone basically little more than Super-Super Mod authority all the way up to full settings and configuration ability with server access. Based on a few of Len's comments I believe there are at least several permissions that he hasn't been assigned.

Further, in my understanding the ability to snoop read PMs has never been an "out of the box" feature in vB. vB has an extensive community who write all manner of code modifications for the software and modifications allowing an Admin to read PMs DO exist. It's fairly pointless to speculate if George ever made the effort to find and install one of these mods, if he did he'd never admit it (sorta like the "Zack" thing) and the only way to know for sure is if you had full permissioned access to the Admin CP, something which I don't believe even Len has.

One other little tidbit, remember that poll thread in "chat here" asking how you liked the changes on that site? If you voted (like I did) feel confident that Len knows how you voted. He may lack the "permission" to view that panel but that ability is an "out of the box" feature.
Doc Bunkum
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Re: New Management at II

Post by Doc Bunkum »

littleroundman wrote:However, it is now returning a blank page.

A new "admin" playing with the settings, perhaps ??? :D :)
Wouldn't that be a high one if numb nuts wiped out the entire data base! :P

Re: New Management at II

Post by BruceShuell »

Good Morning all!

I can't get to load either. I guess traffic will REALLY be down today!

Looking forward to the new board coming soon...
Doc Bunkum
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Re: New Management at II

Post by Doc Bunkum »

I was just checking some numbers on Alexa and it had this rather strange comment about Quatloos!
Average Load Time for

Very Slow (13.4 Seconds), 99% of sites are faster.

Note: Slow sites may be penalized by search engines.
This site is slow? 13.4 Seconds average?

I sure have never found that to be case - not anywhere near that.