New Management at II

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The Grumpy Pilot

Re: New Management at II

Post by The Grumpy Pilot »

soapboxmom wrote:Welcome old friend. I sure have missed having all the old gang together. Thankfully, we have escaped relatively intact from a virtual insane asylum.

Strangely, Len Clements, admin extraordinaire, has fallen rather silent. I guess he has discovered the veritable joy of dealing with a certain supermod and the fact that keeping that place cleaned up is hours of hard labor. I wonder how he will spin this fiasco?

Boy, SBM, so have I. I missed all of you. I spent most of my time on the MLM forum. It was all I posted on for a very long time. It was rather recently, that I had gone to the Political forum and the Chat forum and then I would leave those for a long time and always go back to the MLM forum. You were always the best Mod that Scam ever saw. You are still the greatest scambuster and always had the courage to stand up for what was right and it cost you dearly. You and then Tom (beauty over age lol) and then Bibleman and Hopeful Cynic. We had a helluva run over there for many years. I miss the PMs with Tom, my buddy. I liked doing research and exposing scammers and posting the facts, the truth, the figures, etc.

Len has done all the damage he can. He has silenced posters, ran them off, deleted their posts, deleted threads, threatened the posters with banning, told them he will delete their posts, continued to lie and deflect, call the anti-mlm posters trolls and worse, banned them, let the pro MLM dogs like Kerry and Chrissie run amok, hell what else is left? Everyone has pretty gotten the message. Even LM has no control over him and he knows it. lol

What do you want to bet that he has never answered one complaint, done no maintenance, or cleaned up one piece of spam? You know he has done nothing as a Mod. He couldn't care less. He's lucky Bumbles has no life and is still there 24/7 to remove spam and do his job for him. He came there for one reason only. To stop the posts about him and about Yoli or any future MLMs that he will dip his slimey toes in and to run off the true scambusters on that site and force the Mods to cow tow to him or be banned. He has made no appearance in any other of the MLM threads really. But he deleted his MLM's buddy's thread about him. (Broker Jones) I imagine he will do the same for any of his ilk. He's worse than pond scum. He's probably crazy enough to try and turn the site in a new direction and make it more pro MLM. That would be easy now with most of the scambusters gone or rarely there.

I feel so badly for the way that the Super B**** treated you and for how George has done the same. Everyone does, hun. Like I said, screw that place. You will always have the respect, love and admiration of everyone that ever counted over on that cesspool.

P.S. I loved the name of Len's novella over on the MLM forum.......the Whineyfesto!! ROTFL!
Last edited by The Grumpy Pilot on Mon Jun 14, 2010 3:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
Doc Bunkum
Scamologist General (MLM Division)
Posts: 321
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Re: New Management at II

Post by Doc Bunkum »

Well, welcome, Grumpy Pilot!

Lenny must be getting a blister on his index finger by now. I just checked and see the entire Yoli thread has been sanitized - again. Even his own posts.

I hear it on good authority that there's going to be a new scam busting site going up soon - one that won't kowtow to frivolous SLAPP suits.

Am looking forward with interest to that going on line. :wink:

Re: New Management at II

Post by Emet »

To those who are truly MLM scambusters: Doc, SBM, NMH, Mike, Grumpy Pilot? (well, I'm not sure who you are over there, but I think you're in the group),Hopeful Cynic (I think), L&L (did you join an MLM?), and anyone else who truly worked over there to try to keep the MLM crowd from dominating the forum:

As an avid anti-MLMer who mostly posts on blogs, you have my respect and gratitude for your efforts over there. While the industry will never die, as new sheeple are recruited daily, there are many little blogs totally unrelated to the industry that post an article about an MLM, followed by the MLM zealots, followed by me to reveal the truth. They may never run out of suckers, but the word is continuing to spread on-line in the oddest of places.

Keep on educating and posting information-- as you are all very good at it. It's a shame this forum has such a small MLM section, but perhaps it will grow.

Respectfully submitted,

The Grumpy Pilot

Re: New Management at II

Post by The Grumpy Pilot »

Doc Bunkum wrote:Well, welcome, Grumpy Pilot!

Lenny must be getting a blister on his index finger by now. I just checked and see the entire Yoli thread has been sanitized - again. Even his own posts.

I hear it on good authority that there's going to be a new scam busting site going up soon - one that won't kowtow to frivolous SLAPP suits.

Am looking forward with interest to that going on line. :wink:
Thanks Doc! Glad to be here and see all of you again. The screen name is one I use on another site that my wife picked out and I like it, so I am going with it on here. lol Let me know about the other site. I heard a rumor about it, but that was it.

Lenny is a fool. A failure and a buffoon. He's the Wizard of Oz and the man behind the curtain has been revealed. He never made the big time and he's just another wannabe, a few steps up from Kerry. His blowhard skills are just better. lol Much like his little lap dog, Kerry, Lenny has never has a real education, a real job that he could hold down or a real career. He may be able to control Scam, but he cannot control the entire internet. He can't control this forum, the Yahoo forum, the Randi site or even the MLM site, your blog or anything else. He's toast, excpet to the blind, his fellow scammers and the gullible. That's what has him so ticked off. His cover was blown for months on the Lenny thread and on the original Yoli thread and his continued behavior as an Admin is doing nothing for his credibility and he's making an even bigger asshole of himself. He will never see his behavior either. He couldn't see it on the Randi site, the MLM forum and on Scam. He will bury himself and Scam in the process of his continued egomanical behavior and desperateness for some lame, self-perceived acknowledgment and power that he so desperately craves but that he will never really have.

I have to laugh when I think of Lenny's many rants (and bejebus his novels lol) on scam and whinning about posters posting under anonymous screen names, when the owner of Scam George, has more first and last names than the Pope has rosary beads!
Last edited by The Grumpy Pilot on Mon Jun 14, 2010 2:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: New Management at II

Post by Mike! »

Hey bud! Welcome to the party!
The Grumpy Pilot

Re: New Management at II

Post by The Grumpy Pilot »

Mike! wrote:Hey bud! Welcome to the party!
Hey Mikey!!! Took me long enough huh? lmao How are you buddy?

Re: New Management at II

Post by Mike! »

The Grumpy Pilot wrote:
Mike! wrote:Hey bud! Welcome to the party!
Hey Mikey!!! Took me long enough huh? lmao How are you buddy?
Yes, it's about time! Me? Just watching the New and Improved Freak Show unfold... :thinking:
There's a post limit on threads here so I won't waste anymore space than I have to. :naughty:
I'll let the real pros work thier magic and try not to get in the way. :shock:
Speaking of magic and Len, :whistle: you should check out the 'Amega Wand' thread on the JREF forum... Comedy gold there old friend! :D
The Grumpy Pilot

Re: New Management at II

Post by The Grumpy Pilot »

Mike! wrote:
The Grumpy Pilot wrote:
Mike! wrote:Hey bud! Welcome to the party!
Hey Mikey!!! Took me long enough huh? lmao How are you buddy?
Yes, it's about time! Me? Just watching the New and Improved Freak Show unfold... :thinking:
There's a post limit on threads here so I won't waste anymore space than I have to. :naughty:
I'll let the real pros work thier magic and try not to get in the way. :shock:
Speaking of magic and Len, :whistle: you should check out the 'Amega Wand' thread on the JREF forum... Comedy gold there old friend! :D
Yes, I have seen it. (haven't read it in a while-lost the link---do you have it?) I call that place the Randi forum after the Amazing Randi. lol Len leaves more piles of crap behind him than a dog with non-stop massive diarrhea on amphetamines, doesn't he? He is one disturbed little freak. He is hated everywhere and yet he keeps forcing himself on people no matter how much they ream him, tell him they don't give a rats who he thinks he is and to get lost. He needs some serious help.
Matriarch of the Networked Soap Sales
Posts: 525
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Re: New Management at II

Post by soapboxmom »

She is welcome to have whatever attitude that she wants as long as she remembers that she is here to moderate fairly and consistently. Her main job when brought in by Zachary was to clean spam and ban spammers.

The rest of the job came with my permission and that was to enforce the rules while allowing a fair exchange between both sides of the coin.

Now, this thread is not about SBM nor her ban, NOR whether or not she decides to come back.

It IS about Yoli and I do suggest that it gets back to the topic of scams, and not about moderators.

Lady Mod
03-24-2009, 07:37 AM
Admin Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Lisbao, Portugal
Posts: 67

Re: New Moderators
You are welcome to chat with people and moderate. The true goal of was to allow people to have an open forum to express their views and debate in an intellectual manner without fear of censorship. We wanted all the hot topics discussed here. As long as it is intelligent, leave it. We want people to disagree and have runaway threads.

Don't worry about sojustask. She was overwhelmed with the spam and server issues. I upgraded the servers and hired a bunch of people to help with the workload. I honestly don't know why she came back, but I need to be loyal to her.

You do your thing and don't worry about anything. Sorry I am not more involved. I literally have 20 letters from lawyers on my desk that I need to start working through. If posts are deleted, its due to the lawyers.
Thanks a ton too.
The Grumpy Pilot

Re: New Management at II

Post by The Grumpy Pilot »

This is one of the reasons I have no respect for Lady B****. She is liar and has always been on a power trip. She is a terrible Mod. She has never been fair and she is always rude and condenscending to any poster who opposes her. I remember when she quit/resigned the forum twice and made these long drama queen posts about how awful Geogre was, that he didn't care and that he was never there, how horrible the site was, she didn't have time...blah blah blah. She did nothing when Mumbles had his meltdown from hell.

After he was banned and the posters/long time members were unbanned and slowly came back and began to post again, the place was free of all spam and trolls were banned do to SBM, NMH, Bibleman and Hopeful Cynic working day and night (when she ran things the spam and spammers and trolls were way out of control because she did zip) and the place never looked so good, ran so well and the posters were never happier. It was the best few months ever on the forum. Traffic was way up. Then suddenly she appeared one day, banned my ass for being part of the Mumbles rebellion and standing up to her, she re-instated his ass as a Mod and unbanned him, (he lost his Modship via George because of how he destroyed the forum and he was banned for being a troll and having temper tantrums and ruining threads with his idiot behavior) and she began to threaten all the Mods and posters and throw her weight around again. She's a hypocrite. She harassed and criticized the Mods in public infront of all the members and broke the forum rules; as members are not even allowed to do that. She couldn't even be professional enough to keep it to PMs. Then she banned SBM for no reason and lied about her, said a bunch of rude statements about her and lied about the reason that she banned her. She is slime.

Infact, that is all she does, when she is not calling posters "cupcake" and daring them to cross her and being a total B**** to them, is post about how great she is in her own tiny mind. She's a pathetic and lame. She disappears for months (she has done this several times) then re-appears and starts to harrass the mods and usurp their power and be rude to the members again for no reason. She is never missed and she does nothing worthwhile at all on the site when she is there and never has. I have never seen her post one meaningful post actually. I've seen this cycle a couple of times with her now. It's all about ego, bow down to me, kiss my ass and control with her. I kissed it once on there for fun several months ago just to see what she would do and she ate it up! I was laughing myself silly. I mean she calls herself Your Majesty. What does that tell you? lmao

She and Lenny are two sides of the same coin. No wonder she is ticked off. She can't do a damn thing about him. George does not give a rats about her and it must be driving her nuts! Good. You reap what you sow. She is second banana to a dung heap. Quite the calling in life!

I love her recent b.s. about how herbs and hydogen peroxide cure cancer and diabetes too. She's an idiot. She's also very pro MLM. She was taken to task yet again in a thread on Scam about the FDA. When a poster asked her if she had a medical background, she lied and said yes. Too bad she didn't tell him that she is an insurance billing clerk in a Chiropractor's office. lmao Another phony liar with a huge ego.

She and George and Lenny all deserve one another. They are all cast from the same dye.

Yeah, George needed to loyal to her because she knew the truth about him. lmao Oh and btw, wtf is Lisbao, Portugal? In all my flights to Spain and Portugal, I somehow missed that city. lmao Was George stoned when he was spinning a globe and picking a mystery city to pretend to be living in? Everytime I have seen that, it cracks me up. You gotta love this crap. The three stooges have all been outted now, baby!
Last edited by The Grumpy Pilot on Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:03 am, edited 5 times in total.

Re: New Management at II

Post by No_Moron_Here »

Lady Moderator, aka Stephanie, aka "Just call me Your Majesty," hasn't learned a single thing from all of this and posted this over at I think it's time again to set the record straight and personally call her a delusional liar.
Originally posted by sojustask:
Perish the thought, Kerry. The discussion on the second thread over there is so full of half truths I have to wonder which I've been on all these years?

No_Moron left before I could ban him? That's news to me, I didn't even know he was gone until very recently.
No, you did not ban me. No one said you did. "Zachary" banned me 2 weeks after I resigned and the very day Len Clements was made an ADMIN. Had you actually been involved and cared about the site, you would have known. You're the one that locked the thread about it, so don't say it was "recent."
Bibleman quit because of me? Not hardly, he's apologized for the timing but he's serving in Iraq for another tour and has a family, it's too much hassle and stress. BTW, he and I have been friends for several years, if he had a problem with me, he knows he can say so.
Again Stephanie, you are a liar. I have the email from him to prove it. He left because you banned Soapboxmom. That was the final straw for him. If you want to see it, then come over here like the woman with a huge set of nads posesses and confront us here, not where we are unable to respond. Out of confidentiality, I cannot post his email. I will however give you a copy. I will not allow you to have someone send me messages and relay them through this site like you did yesterday.
Subjunk left long ago to run his web building business. He doesn't make money spending time moderating a forum.
Another outright lie. I had several PMs back and forth with Subjunk after he left as being a supermod yet returned to post occasionaly on the forum over at He left because he said, "Yeah, she was difficult (you) and we bumped heads from the beginning. It wasn't worth it dealing with her any longer." Let's face it Stephanie, you're just plain mean and you can't get along with anyone. And for the record, Subjunk set up his own scam site which didn't exactly work out. It's still online though. Maybe you should check it out sometime. I still have the PMs from him in case you would like to see them. He didn't speak highly of you. A pattern to be repeated many times in people that have dealt with you.
Many of the Moderators who left, did so because life for them got busy. Personal life comes before volunteering to moderate a forum for no pay and no thanks.
Really? Is that a fact? It may apply in some cases, but the latest go around wasn't the case. I considered leaving a couple of times but always remembered that just because you're an ego driven and hateful bitch, you did not control me. You could not control me. I was told by "Zachary" to ignore you. I tried, I really did but you were a relentless asshole to me and everyone else. Did I pay much attention to you? No. There are exactly two active mods left out of that huge list of forum leaders, Mumbles and Blue Crab. Katie hasn't done anything on that site in the way of removing spam or the abuse reports in months. And I doubt you have either. You sure didn't before. AND that's the reason all of us were "hired." We cleaned up the site which you allowed to deterioritate yet you managed to continue to have time to slap down hundreds of posts during that time. Once we did the work, you came back. You still did nothing except undermine us. And no, you never did say, "thanks."
No_Moron forgets how they didn't have a problem stabbing their own in the back just a year ago and banning Mumbles. But I was wrong to get him reinstated? I don't think so, he does an excellent job and just needed to understand what was acceptable and what wasn't.
What? "Stabbed him in the back?" And it was a year and a half ago. I sent him numerous PMs pleading with him to stop banning people. He said that being a mod wasn't "a popularity contest." The members left in droves and started another site called ScamPolitics. SBM, Katie and myself were on a 3 way online conversation about this and how to get rid of him since he was out of control. "Zachary" removed him from being a mod. FACT. As revenge, Mumlbes retaliated by intentionally posting huge pictures which corrupted the site. That is when I banned him. Keep in mind that you weren't even around at the time because you had resigned. When you returned (after we cleaned up the site), you reinstated him. You also hard deleted the thread about this very issue. Do you remember this:
From: sojustask: I reinstated Mumbles. He felt he was railroaded. I agree. I am taking him under my wing and I will watch him carefully. I feel he just needs more training. You should lay off.

No_Moron_Here: Fine. He's all yours. But I would like to know your definition of being railroaded. The members railroaded him? It was not the mods.

And in February of this year (excerpt from a PM about a member being banned by a retired mod, Scambuster, which does not need to be published in it's entirety:

From: sojustask: I have asked Zachary to remove Mumlbes as a mod. He has not responded. If you feel he is such a bad mod, then why don't you ban him yourself?

No_Moron_Here: What? I did ban him. You brought him back and were to mentor him. I guess you forgot that "Zachary" removed him, I banned him when he attempted to corrupt the site and you not only reinstated him as a member, you made him a mod again. Now you want me to ban him? He has every right to post on this site. He does not deserve to be banned because he's a lousy mod. You take some responsibility since you brought him back. It wasn't my decision, you made it. You told me to "lay off." I did.

You did not respond back on that. Guess you "forgot."
Time after time two of them broke the rules that they were supposed to uphold or they only applied the rules to members they didn't like and now they complain because they no longer can run amuck.

They are like young children trying to convince themselves that they are doing the right thing.
You are so full of yourself that it's pathetic. We followed your rules, the ones you wrote. We did it well too. I made some mistakes and I admitted them. I learned. You haven't. Should you want to come over here and confront me rather than post on where I won't and can't (unless I create another username like Len did), then fine. I see it this way, you're just like Len. You can't keep your damn mouth shut and you didn't realize I kept all of the PMs and email exchanges between us. I have the proof. I have everything. You're grasping for some credibility which you lost a long time ago. Now you've been caught in the many lies you've told over the years and are exposed for the witch and liar which you are. You're the second most miserable person I've ever encountered and now you're still getting your digs in over there. Unfortunately for you, you're being called out by another honest and well respected retired mod on (Hopeful Cynic). That retired mod is also not afraid to take you on. You've been exposed. I expect you to delete that thread too. It's time for you to remove your crown, hang up your robe, and toss down your Amega Wand. The more you post about SBM and myself, the more I will go after you. And it won't be pleasant. It's your choice.

Wes Serra has commented about your total lack of credibility on here also. Seems that he, a litigation attorney, and you, a so called paralegal went head to head on and he slaughtered you. You deleted the entire thread. That's what I call credibility. There is a lot more. Do you really want to chance it?
Well, they are. If they don't like it here, why come back? The last thing I want them to do is torture themselves needlessly by returing here to post.
I resigned. I shut off my PMs, I closed my email account that was linked to, and I changed my signature line. I vowed never to post on that site again. I don't want to go back to Why? Because it was corrupt and is now all being proven. I chose to exercise my ability to protect the members. Unfortunately, George aka Zachary, made a deal with the devil, Len and he was reinstated and made an ADMIN. YOU covered for "Zachary" and lied to everyone about his true identity. Another slip in your credibility department. As for SBM, she can speak for herself but her lack of returning pretty much says it all.
The biggest problem they face is that no other site will allow them to post people's addresses, pictures, names or families, of whom they decide are scammers either, nor will they be allowed to bait members on other forums into arguments and then ban those members for getting out of control and that's liable to crimp some of their click's posting style.

Oh Gee! Whatever shall they do?

Who really cares?

Lady Mod
You did it. You posted people's IPs. Want the proof? I've found many of the posts that still exist on If that information was posted on a scammers own linked website in their signature line, it was fair game. You only started on this kick when Len set up his new rules. And we did remove posts that contained the names, addresses, and information on innocent people. Did you? Only recently did you even take a slight interest in that area.

Remember this:
How many times have you gone to the doctor's office and seen fat nurses, orderlies, overweight doctor's, or have known doctor's that smoke?

Shouldn't the people who work in healthcare be "healthy" before they try to make anyone else healthy?

Lady Mod
And you expect that to go unchallenged? You claim to be in the medical profession. You are a stinking insurance billing clerk in a clinic with an MD and a chiropractor. You want everyone to believe you're some medical expert. But what galls me personally is your total hypocrisy the quote above. As witnessed in the photos you posted online of yourself, you're hauling around a quite hefty load of maybe 50 to 60 extra poundage and are clinically obese. Go figure.

And finally, Stephanie, I sent you this before when you were reversing my decisions and telling us "you had the final word":
From: Zachary
To: Soapboxmom;No_Moron_Here

You are welcome to chat with people and moderate. The true goal of was to allow people to have an open forum to express their views and debate in an intellectual manner without fear of censorship. We wanted all the hot topics discussed here. As long as it is intelligent, leave it. We want people to disagree and have runaway threads.

Don't worry about sojustask. She was overwhelmed with the spam and server issues. I upgraded the servers and hired a bunch of people to help with the workload. I honestly don't know why she came back, but I need to be loyal to her.

You do your thing and don't worry about anything.
Sorry I am not more involved. I literally have 20 letters from lawyers on my desk that I need to start working through. If posts are deleted, its due to the lawyers.
That stings, doesn't it? He had to be loyal to you because you had the goods on him. I tried to ignore you. You wouldn't let me. I see you're still not letting me. Care to continue or are you finally going to shut that large and lying mouth of yours? It would be a wise decision. I suggest you take it.

Re: New Management at II

Post by littleroundman »

With all the huffing and puffing, "he said, she said" that's going on, WRT, it's easy to lose sight of the fact that has now devolved into a site on which:

1) The self styled "head' moderator not only condones but personally promotes unproven and frankly downright dangerous cancer and diabetes "cures." while simultaneously making the outrageous claim that the H.I.V. is not responsible for A.I.D.S.

2) For whatever reason, the AdSurf Daily HYIP ponzi "autosurf" fraud received special treatment in that the relevant warning thread/s were removed and/or edited. A fraud, BTW through which it is estimated US 400 MILLION dollars passed. A fraud which claims to have snared 100 THOUSAND people worldwide and a fraud which involves the US IRS, FBI and DoJ.

3) The demonstrably criminal activities of habitual serial fraudster "Broker Jones" continue to receive management initiated protection, as we speak. Hopefully, sufficient evidence remains on the 'net to minimize further damage. Unfortunately, however, the use of selective post deletion/s virtually assures that unwary "investors" are being mislead WRT "Jones and his "Oceanside Wealth" fraud.
Matriarch of the Networked Soap Sales
Posts: 525
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Re: New Management at II

Post by soapboxmom »

Admin Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Lisbao, Portugal
Posts: 67

03-23-2009, 07:10 AM
Re: New Moderators
You are doing a great job. Thank you.

Originally Posted by Soapboxmom
Dear sojustask,

I have been a devoted poster on for over 3 years. I was always respectful toward you and all the posters here. You chose to leave and we all believed you had left for good. Zachary asked for new moderators and asked that we clean up the spam. We worked very diligently to honor his wishes.

The hotel forum, for instance, was dozens of pages of porn and pharmacy ads. It was reduced to just 2 clean pages of threads largely due to the herculean efforts of bibleman and No_Moron_Here.

As you were gone, all the moderators PMed and decided to honor you by keeping your rules intact, but adding our desired change that all moderators work together as that is what we feel is best for Scam. We agreed to remove the names of Mods that are long gone and simply insert the link to the forum leaders as posted by Zachary. Zachary's wishes were left as originally posted and we have all worked hard to honor his dream for his site.

I can't believe you would come back and not want to help the Mods you say you outrank with your experience and advice. If you really are Zachary's friend, then respect his right to chose the moderators for his site and support us. After seeing the mountains of spam it is obvious the site needs to have a good number of moderators for things to run smoothly.

We have an obligation to work together and to treat each other with respect as Zachary "hired" those he wanted for the job. If you were intending to come back and moderate again then why the Saying Goodbye announcement. We believed you and went about the work that needed to be done accordingly. If you have any problems with what I am doing as a moderator by all means take it up with your friend Zachary. The public attacks are completely out of line. If you would like to talk do it through PM please.

I take you removed the rules from most of the forums. I was simply doing my job to the best of my ability after consulting the other mods. Please do let me know what I have done to offend you and what I should be doing as a moderator to please you "You're Highness"

Thank you!


We read you on the
Originally Posted by SoJustAsk
I just came from there. It's a lot cleaner than it was but OMG, when did it turn Neocon? I didn't recognize the place. I did decide to ban AJX again, that dimwit just won't stay banned. It was the principle of the thing, I ban you, you WILL stay banned. You would think they would catch a clue.

It's nice that I'm missed. There is always something in my inbox there from a person who doesn't blame me for leaving or wishes I'd change my mind.

It's just not the same place and my schedule didn't get any lighter after leaving.

But some of those Mod choices? I have to wonder how desparate Zachary was for good mods? I can think of half a dozen that would have been better qualified.

Lady Mod
Matriarch of the Networked Soap Sales
Posts: 525
Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 1:00 am

Re: New Management at II

Post by soapboxmom »

03-17-2009, 04:38 PM
Lady Moderator- Just call me "You're Highness" Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: East Texas
Posts: 17,616

Re: Forum Rules


Senior Scambuster? Since when?

And weren't the rules good enough when I posted them? It wasn't like you changed the words or anything.

I would recommend that you get that ego under control soapbox mom. You are just a moderator.

Lady Mod
Matriarch of the Networked Soap Sales
Posts: 525
Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 1:00 am

Re: New Management at II

Post by soapboxmom »

03-25-2009, 05:01 PM
Lady Moderator- Just call me "You're Highness" Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: East Texas
Posts: 17,620

I asked Zachary to reinstate Mumbles and he said he would if I would take responsibility which I agreed to do. I also asked him to activate the Moderator's forum so that we can discuss running this forum. I said it would be much easier than PM or doing it on the public side.

What do you think?
Matriarch of the Networked Soap Sales
Posts: 525
Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 1:00 am

Re: New Management at II

Post by soapboxmom »

Private Message: Re: Moderators???

03-22-2009, 02:29 PM
Lady Moderator- Just call me Your Majesty Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: East Texas
Posts: 17,637

Re: Moderators???
Didn't Zachary say that you were to clean the spam?

Did he give you any other duties on this forum?

If not, then all you are to do is clean spam. Ban spammers and those breaking the rules, which were already posted.

There are enough of you now that you didn't need to change the post and even if you had decided that was necessary, all you had to do was edit it, not delete it and post it under your name.

You should have asked Zachary first.

It's all gone now. I've already spoken with Zachary. If he want's me to repost them in every forum, he'll let me know. If I feel it's necessary before he decides to do so, I'll do it anyway.

The new Mods cleaned up the site and really worked. We changed the rules to include the contact information for Mods that were active and available. The woman with the ego to match her size comes back infuriated because the rules are not under her name anymore. Why would we leave them under her name? Folks that need help or have a question would click on her name and leave a PM that would go unanswered.

She also claimed she had given up the rest of the board and that the Political Forum was her personal sandbox. She said she would check in maybe once a week and we were to keep our hands off. A large site like that can't be run that way. It takes a huge time commitment that she wasn't willing to make. She ran off all the folks that were working and protecting the owner's interest on a daily basis. She has almost destroyed that site. Talk about fulfilling Len Clements' wildest fantasy!

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Re: New Management at II

Post by soapboxmom »

Originally Posted by sojustask
Bibleman quit because of me? Not hardly, he's apologized for the timing but he's serving in Iraq for another tour and has a family, it's too much hassle and stress. BTW, he and I have been friends for several years, if he had a problem with me, he knows he can say so.
More fiction, different day! sojustask tore apart our family on the MLM forum. The constant drama and nonsense was her doing. Her banning me and publically attacking other Mods are the reasons our best Mod left. This stuff should all be sacred and private, but Stephanie just continues lie and mislead people about this situation and I believe in the truth! She has hurt too many people and folks deserve the facts.
Re: FW: Banned?
From: bibleman
Sent: Fri 5/21/10 9:25 AM
To: Elizabeth Templin (

I was VERY surprised to see that! I noticed it last night, along with the final post in that thread of cyclemaster's.

I've slept on it and have made the decision to request my moderatorship be revoked.

...wrong is wrong and this REALLY all just feels wrong anymore.

If you keep on keepin' on, I salute you. It's just too much drama and nonsense for me. It is just not fun anymore!
If you choose to stay on, I salute you!

Take care, Heather. You are an awesome lady!

We all miss bibleman. He was an outstanding person and very talented Mod. We were really friends on that forum and cared deeply about one another.

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Re: New Management at II

Post by soapboxmom »

04-07-2009, 10:00 AM
Senior Scambusting Moderator ---- Don't mess with Mom!!!!! Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Mars
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Re: My status?
Originally Posted by $%&!@
Can you please update me with my current status on
I dont know if I can continue to post or not.
My apologies for all the hassle you have had to endure in the past.(I will not be posting on the same subject as the last thread!)
Dear !$*&^,

You are welcome here as long as you stick to one ID. Everyone should be mindful to substantiate any facts presented and see that innocent people are not hurt by postings. Opinions and intelligent discourse are always welcome here. I will see you out there!

That is a typical day helping posters, enforcing the rules and seeing that posts going up would not hurt innocent parties. Stephanie dropped in to wreak havoc every few weeks while the rest of us handled the workload professionally. Now, she sits on attacking folks still listed as Mods for not doing their jobs. It is all really quite laughable. What a huge embarassment to the owner having her behave like that on his site as she complains endlessly about him too. If she hadn't continually lied about us over there and posted PMs and e-mails herself, then none of this would need to be discussed and clarified. She and Len just don't know when to stick a sock in it.

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Re: New Management at II

Post by wserra »

GlimDropper wrote:First off, thanks for the accommodations wserra, they are appreciated.
No problem.
I did find out who demanded the ASD thread be deleted, but not from George. And I know what law firm wrote the request and for as much anger and disappointment I felt when I saw that thread was gone in retrospect I can't really blame George. I saw that same law firm SLAPP a 74 year old man living in a trailerhome on social security with a bogus nuisance lawsuit just to shut him up over the same issues they found objectionable with the ASD thread. I have little doubt that had George chosen to go to court in this matter he would have prevailed, but not until the legal fees mounted past any reasonable measure. And that was the whole point.
That doesn't sound exactly right, for several reasons. I freely admit that much of this is speculation as to, but it is informed speculation (if there is such a thing). And I don't question your word, GD, I question "George's".

(1) Most scammers would rather pull their own heads off than sue for defamation. Damages to reputation are a major part of a defamation lawsuit; therefore, the plaintiff's life (certainly recent life) is fair game. The last thing these guys want is having to answer questions under oath about their lives. If they claim loss of income, their financial records are fair game. It is only the complete idiot scammer (the type that sued soapboxmom with ignominious lack of success) that goes to court. They bluster, they threaten, but when push comes to shove they slink off. Do the vets here remember Tony Limo? I've been threatened with suit many times. It's never happened, and I've never deleted anything I've posted due to a threat. I have to believe that the owner of a board the size of knows this perfectly well.

(2) appears (I am not expert enough in this stuff to be sure) to be hosted here in the US. A traceroute:
1 [my ISP]
2 0 0 * 0.6 ms [+0ms] AS21844THEPLANET-AS 0 miles [+0] 254 US Unix: 13:19:51.825
3 0 0 * 0.6 ms [+0ms] AS21844THEPLANET-AS 0 miles [+0] 62 US [Router did not respond]
4 0 0 * 0.7 ms [+0ms] AS21844THEPLANET-AS 0 miles [+0] 61 US [Router did not respond]
5 0 0 * 0.7 ms [+0ms] AS3356Level3 0 miles [+0] 250 US Unix: 13:19:51.914
6 0 0 * 0.8 ms [+0ms] AS3356Level3 0 miles [+0] 249 US Unix: 13:19:51.949
7 6 14 * 6.0 ms [+5ms] AS3356Level3 0 miles [+0] 249 US Unix: 13:19:51.988
8 18 14 * 14 ms [+8ms] AS3356Level3 0 miles [+0] 249 US Unix: 13:19:52. 50
9 46 20 * 20 ms [+6ms] AS3356Level3 0 miles [+0] 248 US Unix: 13:19:52.117
10 39 39 * 39 ms [+18ms] AS3356Level3 0 miles [+0] 247 US Unix: 13:19:52.179
11 39 39 * 39 ms [+0ms] AS3356Level3 0 miles [+0] 246 US Unix: 13:19:52.210
12 45 40 * 39 ms [+0ms] AS3356Level3 0 miles [+0] 245 US Unix: 13:20:08.357
13 39 * * 39 ms [+0ms] AS36529AXXA-RACKCO [Reached Destination] 0 miles [+0] 53 US [Router did not respond]
If it is, 47 USC 230(c)(1) applies, and provides and its owner with immunity for posts others make there:
No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.
Yeah, I know, being sued costs money. But: (a) contains a lot of advertising, and thus has at least some money, (b) if "George" runs porn sites, you know he has lawyers already, and isn't a 74-year-old in a trailer, and (c) if you aren't going to stand up to what are likely empty threats, maybe you shouldn't run a site called "". And then there are SLAPP laws.

(3) Finally, with respect to ASD specifically, it was shut down as a pyramid. What's the lawsuit gonna say? "Well, yeah, we were a pyramid, but you were meanies"?

Doesn't sound right. Doesn't mean it isn't, just doesn't sound it.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Re: New Management at II

Post by Emet »

Thank you, wserra, for confirming what I had surmised and posted on Doc's blog, based simply on what I had read on the Internet. I often have difficulty interpreting legalese, but had reached my conclusions based on very popular bloggers who are critical of others, and have been threatened:
“George had a legitimate reason for faking the sale of the site…He figured if he “sold” the site that the lawyers wouldn’t bother him anymore and would instead go on a manhunt for “Zac”.”

Well, that’s just plain silly. Lots of people “know” he faked the sale, and an attorney wouldn’t be able to discover that?

Threats of litigation to large Internet sites are often just threats, and savvy folks don’t worry about them; nor do they kowtow to them. According to Wikipedia, anti-SLAPP legislation exists in 26 US states and Quebec so far; I suspect more states and Provinces will enact legislation as cases are presented.
Feel free to correct anything I may have overstated or written incorrectly.
