New Management at II

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Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: New Management at II

Post by GlimDropper »

The demand for to delete the Ad Surf Daily thread did not originate from ASD but rather from Robert Lee Guenther and a Dallas Tx. based law firm with whom he has a long relationship. When the secret service raided and closed ASD down in August of 08 there was considerable uproar in it's user base. Several members took it upon themselves to form a trust to secure legal representation for their own interests in the pending prosecution. Initially this group was supportive of ASD and it's owner, a named partner from the law firm hired by the trust was present on a confrence call and claimed that after his investigation he'd concluded that ASD was not a ponzi scheme and after reviewing the court documents he found fault with the governments case. Contributions to the trust began pouring in.

Rather quickly the trust changed directions, denouncing ASD and began selling it's self as a way for ASD members who contributed to the trust to gain some sort of advantage over those that didn't when the government began dispersing refunds. Several fine forum posters (at least one of whom seems to be a regular around here) pointed out how flawed that premise was, that when the eventual court appointed receiver did begin processing refunds being a member of the trust would give it's members no advantage over non members. The trust's spokesman and lead trustee (Robert Guenther) also began to attract criticism for his character, his checkered legal history and what many people viewed as the outright lies he was using to attract contributions to the trust.

The original ASD thread at became a venue for discussing Mr. Guenther, his trust and the ethics of the attorneys who along with Mr. Guenther, were the primary beneficiaries of the money donated to the trust. It became a fairly sorted tale, news of Mr. Guenther's conviction for bank fraud and a bankruptcy judgment against him were the Judge specifically rebuked him for his lack of honesty were but two of the highlights but his lack of transparency in running the trust and his refusal to provide any accounting for how he spent the trusts funds were key issues as well. By the time the ASD thread was deleted Andy Bowdoin had far larger things to worry about than one of many critical discussions of ASD on the internet but Bob Guenther was not only losing his ability to attract fresh donations but a steadily increasing number of his trust's members were demanding refunds. That is why he directed his (and the trust's) attorney to demand the thread be deleted.

As to why George caves in to seeming any legal threat is something I've never understood. But anytime I see that he's logged into the site I check the number of total threads posted and with depressing regularity that number decreases after one of his visits.

Re: New Management at II

Post by Lisa »

The Grumpy Pilot wrote: Funny, Lisa says she won't be posting there, yet she went right back there the next day and is posting away. That lasted five minutes. lol Many of the long time posters and certainly the Mods have known about George, his lies, his background and his behavior for a long time, (and LM's) so her news was no news to me nor to others. Just because you didn't know about him Lisa, does not mean that I and many others did not. You assume an awful lot. Lisa, you never posted on the MLM forum even once til just recently when you saw people squaring off with Len. You never participated there. This crap goes back a very long time. Something which you are not aware of and you were never a part of. The disappearance of the YTB thread for example which was the oldest and most popular and longest thread on the MLM forum went poof one day. All the years of research, articles, lawsuits, history, you name it. No explaination given to the Mods or the members.

You acted like you were the only one to stand up to Len recently. You are quite wrong and clueless. The thread about him (Len Clements who is he anyways) was deleted and we had all been on his ass for many, many months. Where were you? Oh yeah, you weren't there. You never even saw the thread nor did you even read it, even the new version. In fact, we have all said much worse to Lenny than you posted to him, and many times. lol I tried to resurrect along with Doc's help the cached version new version. It was tossed. The original Yoli thread was locked. A new one started and Len has been there daily, threatening members and deleting their posts. In the previous threads, Len threatened to sue posters, including myself. You came in a very long time after this all started. Many of us simply don't give a crap any longer and that is why we are not there. We've moved on and given up on that hell hole. There just is no point. It's not going to get any better. And in my case, I was also standing in solidarity for Tom and SBM.

So when you boast that nobody had the guts to say anything, you have no idea what you are talking about you are totally wrong! When you stated that people were just whining, many of those people already knew the score about George and the site and they damn well have a reason(s) to whine! We said plenty for months and in some cases, years! Where the hell were you when we all have been fighting the likes of the MLM slime bags on there like Chris Doyle, Kerry, Len, MLMers scum on all the Travel MLM threads and dozens and dozens more of them who use the forum to troll and recruit the gullible on a daily basis and bitching about the owner and LM and the threads being deleted, the ads, being banned, being threatened and being threatened to be sued, doing the research and posting the truth, the facts, the figures, the articles, the interviews, the court documents and more for years? Oh yeah, you weren't there were you?

You don't know 10% about the MLM forum, it's members, it's history, the Mods, the sams over there, or the owner that you think you do. You haven't said a thing (just recently, for the first time) to Len that more than a dozen of us haven't said about him and directly to him for many months on Scam. But then again, you were not there to see any of that. That is why you really do not understand what has happened, what has been happening for a long time, how bad it has really become and how ticked off and fed up people are and why, so it means nothing to you. But it meant a great deal to the rest of us. We did expose scams and scammers, we had fun, we were also serious as hell and we made some damn good friends along the way. Now all of that time and effort has been destroyed. You were not a part of any this, so you just don't get it. At least I had the courage to stand up to my convictions, keep my word and stopped posting there when Tom left, the thread was deleted and then Len made an administrator. Some of us have real balls and not pretend ones. Some of us actually had a dog in this mess.

Now that Len's an Administrator, it's over. The fox is now in charge of the hen house. He has a mission and George is letting him have free reign. Len is a very disturbed, desperate, egomanical, pathetic, scamming, phony. He even had several different screen names over on Scam as well. He will go to any lengths to get his way obviously and George has helped him. Two low lifes in partnership. (shakes head)
Please quote where I stated I was the only person standing up to Len... on here, on scam, or even on JREF. I'll be waiting.

How you perceive I act over the internet is not exactly reliable as far as most people are concerned. By all means, continue to complain about me though.

I know a lot of you invested a lot of time and effort into that forum, and I really am sorry that you guys were essentially undermined and were never given the amount of appreciation that you should have been. That being said, to me this is the internet. I'm not going to get that pissed off, I'm not going to start bashing the hell out of anyone (besides Len).

Do not blame me, though, for what's happened. None of this is my fault. I guess maybe I'm an easy target because I'm over here and willing to post. Get pissed at me for posting on scam if you want... but I really want you to think about that for a second. You're so angry with me because I'm posting on another website. Really evaluate that and think about it. Ya, I said I was going to take a hiatus, but I changed my mind. You guys can say all that you want about the political section and how crazy it is, but I have never had anyone in that political forum that's been a regular poster actually post my personal information. I've never had any of them actually threaten to either. We can fight and argue and name call but at the end of the day we all realize that this is the internet and I've only seen one person take it personally. So ya, the political forum is it's own brand of crazy but some of the stuff that has gone down in the MLM forum over the years didn't happen in politics. For most of us in the political forum, it's a website and nothing is personal. It appears for a lot of people in the MLM forum... it is personal. I can understand if you were a mod and you were used and essentially undermined if you felt betrayed. And I can especially understand SBM's frustrations - she is dealing with a real life issue directly related to the website and she has every right to be upset.

So you know what... bash me, blame me, and get upset at me all you want. All of you. I won't take it personally, I'm not going to hold a grudge (never have and never will), and I'm not going to get pissed off. However... if I don't post for a few days I think most of you will understand why.
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Re: New Management at II

Post by soapboxmom »

03-23-2009, 07:45 AM
Lady Moderator- Just call me Your Majesty Join Date: Feb 2005
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FW: New Moderators
.....I don't want to get rid of any more of the New Moderators. But I thought you would appreciate knowing that Zachary still considers me in charge here so that the question never has to come up again.

If you have any questions or problems you feel you need clarification on, let me know. I'll check in regularly from now on.


.....If any of these mods suck, let me know, I'll get rid of them. The site is doing much much better since I mass hired them, I must admit.
03-24-2009, 07:37 AM
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Re: New Moderators
You are welcome to chat with people and moderate. The true goal of was to allow people to have an open forum to express their views and debate in an intellectual manner without fear of censorship. We wanted all the hot topics discussed here. As long as it is intelligent, leave it. We want people to disagree and have runaway threads.

Don't worry about sojustask. She was overwhelmed with the spam and server issues. I upgraded the servers and hired a bunch of people to help with the workload. I honestly don't know why she came back, but I need to be loyal to her.

You do your thing and don't worry about anything. Sorry I am not more involved. I literally have 20 letters from lawyers on my desk that I need to start working through. If posts are deleted, its due to the lawyers.
Thanks a ton too.
Never did the owner tell me to answer to anyone, but him. Curious!


Re: New Management at II

Post by ohein56 »

I just spent the last twenty or so minutes going through this new thread.

All I can say is,

...I wish to hell I had that twenty-minutes back!

What a waste of time and effort!

A man must be both stupid and uncharitable who believes there is no virtue or truth but on his own side. ~ By Joseph Addison
Don't bother to reply, I won't. I've wasted enough time in this dung-pit already.
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Re: New Management at II

Post by Gregg »

Several fine forum posters (at least one of whom seems to be a regular around here)
I think that may be me, I posted at scam as "Xavier" and a lot of people know my real name. I am going to wrap up the book this summer if the courts don't do something mind blowing just before the deadline (they surely will, just to ruin my day) and my old buddy convicted felon Bob Guenther is not going to like it, but I hope a few others will.

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Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: New Management at II

Post by GlimDropper »

Gregg wrote:
Several fine forum posters (at least one of whom seems to be a regular around here)
I think that may be me, I posted at scam as "Xavier" and a lot of people know my real name. I am going to wrap up the book this summer if the courts don't do something mind blowing just before the deadline (they surely will, just to ruin my day) and my old buddy convicted felon Bob Guenther is not going to like it, but I hope a few others will.

You are who I was referring to. I still recall a few of your posts on Kath Danch's forum pinning Bob down with some very sensible and well pointed questions and his reply was to accuse you of being some sort of liberal because you should have been watching college football instead of posting on the internet. Ah, good old Bob, the man must have a prehensile rectum to spray his crap around the way he does.

Let us know when the book comes out, I'll buy one.

Re: New Management at II

Post by No_Moron_Here »

Posted on this morning:

Originally posted by sojustask:

I might ask the same question? The very first post by No Moron on the link you provide calls me a liar, questions my integrity, says I undermined them just to name a few things.
Stephanie, had you not brought both SBM and myself into this, I would have remained silent. YOU brought it up first. And you continue to knock us constantly and at every chance you get. So there is the "high road" for you. As with you, it's always like driving down a gravel road filled with potholes and a few rattlesnakes slithering across it. Think of me as the roadgrader and a mongoose.
There's a high road? Really? Hopeful, I didn't leave the site and spend the last two weeks running it down because I didn't like the choice of Admin made here from the safety of another site. Maybe you should have a talk with them. I'm doing the job I was asked to do here, nothing more.
No, you left the site for months after posting your lovely farewell letter. Months. After it was cleaned up, then you returned and the heavy hand was slapping everyone about. So don't talk about 2 weeks, talk about the months that you left and did nothing. Then you returned and ran us into the ground, undermined us, and treated us all like shit. Want me to post the PMs?
Like I mentioned before in this thread, Change is good, it has a way of sifting the chaff from the wheat and apparently most if it blew over to Quatloos where it continues to stew and make disgruntled posts.
Not according to your resignation letter. He was a scoundrel, and then you go on just today and say this:
I've had 5 years of frustration with the man, most of them have barely been around to know what true frustration is concerning the lack of communication.
The ones doing most of the complaining have only moderated what? A year? Going on 2? My heart bleeds for them, but not much.
I guess you don't think he's that good since you're still lambasting him to make yourself look like the innocent victim. And you didn't do a very good job of communicating with us either since you would leave the site for weeks at a time.

Remember this?

LOL, some of us remember that he's not the owner anymore and is seldom on the forums. :)

But you are very sweet to remember him, if he doesn't see it before I speak with him, I'll let him know at least ONE person on the forum remembered him.


Lady Mod
Or this one?


I am sure going to miss you. It's been fun, gratifying and humbling to be part of a service that helps people who might otherwise be ripped off. To that end, if the new owners are willing, I'll be happy to stay and continue helping out.

I do hope the new owners won't change things too much. :)


Lady Mod
Or how about this one?

The site was sold a few months ago. Nothing, other than ownership, will change.


Lady Mod
Or how about another one?


I talk to Zachary at least twice a month via AIM. These people trying to stir up trouble are in need of something better to do. I guess that is why one of the other moderators decided to ban them, lol. I removed the troublesome posts and thread though.
I guess those conversations came to a halt some time ago, eh? Oh yeah, and you don't lie. This pretty much proves that you lied and not just covered for him. You lied. hasn't fallen apart. Instead of 10-12 complaints to my email address on a daily basis, now all I get is 2 at most. The doom and gloom they predict hasn't happened, imagine that? Despite what they would wish, this site will recover from any errors that have been made just like it has over the last 5 years. Of that, I have NO doubts.
When there are so few active members left, of course the PMs and emails to you will die down. Look at what was the most active thread on It was the Yoli thread. No one has posted on it in two days. Well maybe they have but I'm sure Lenny sanitized it, or possibly even you did. So much for George's hope for "freedom of speech." And you have to admit, the traffic to the site is way down.

You just might be right about recovering. Members come and go all of the time. However, with your constant badgering of the mods and the owner, I think your days may be numbered. If I were your boss, you would be gone in a heartbeat. You would have been gone the day you posted your farewell letter back yonder. (I'll have to find that and post it.)
BTW Heather and Tom,

Glad to see you kept the PM's. For what little they prove, it does show that you make regular visits back to this site. Thanks for boosting the stats.
I can't log on. I read a few of the comments, mostly from Len and you. People send me links to your posts. I am especially fond of how professional you are. That's sarcasm. I also enjoy seeing how the site has totally deterioriated with multiple identical thread titles, spam that hasn't been removed, and I love your bogus medical advice/opinions.
Mumbles settled back down and I retracted the request he be removed.
That PM was only from 10 weeks ago. You're telling me that he "settled down" in that time and became an outstanding mod? I was talking about over a year ago, not currently which you brought to my attention in a PM. I hadn't even mentioned him. You did. Out of the clear blue, you brought him up. No offense to dumbles, but I don't believe you. Never have. And what about having Scambuster removed? You said you made the request on that also. He's still listed. Inactive for years except to ban people. I guess you forgot that one too. Possibly I'm just "confused." I don't think so.
You are very strange people to keep so many private messages. What do you do, keep them in a scrap book? Geez! Go through them daily to justify your reason for being?
I kept the PMs and emails in my own folder off of the site. I needed to keep the proof knowing this would eventually happen. When dealing with evil, it's good to have proof. It's been a pleasure and should you continue Stephanie, there will be a lot more to come. Personally, if you would shut the hell up about this and stop criticizing everyone that did your job for you, this would go away. Try that method and see what happens.
Do either of you actually have a life beyond revenge and keeping stuff to post on websites?
It's not so much revenge as it is getting the truth out there. Sure, there is a touch of revenge in this and well deserved. Since you refuse to come to this site to defend anything, you post it on where I am unable to reply and refute your BS. You would most likely delete the threads anyway as you have done to many others in the past. You are more than welcome to post here, or so I've been informed. You don't have the courage to come over here and post because of your past with Wes Serra. It's not that you don't have the time, you don't want the confrontation. You say that the PMs and emails aren't proof. Sorry, but they are proof. As for my time, I stopped posting until Kerry made a grand entrance over here and then you started to post your usual BS over on criticizing us. I will set the record straight and I'm honest. You? No so much.

Care to continue, Stephanie? I have lots more that I can post. It all contains the truth, a lot of very damaging information where you're concerned, and I actually have enough to take this particular thread beyond another 100 posts. I'm sure your buddy, Wes Serra will accomodate us in allowing the thread to continue to Part III. It's your choice. I have the feeling that you won't give up. Like Len, you always have to have the last word. In this case, not a wise move.

I did not post the rest of sojustask's "explanation" over at since it was addressed to SBM. She is more than capable of defending herself as witnessed so far.

(A special thank you goes to Doc for providing the links to LM's older posts.)
Last edited by No_Moron_Here on Tue Jun 15, 2010 3:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: New Management at II

Post by No_Moron_Here »

I found it.
Saying Goodbye

I just wanted to let you all know I'm leaving indefinitely. I'm rather fed up with this site, there is too much to keep up with, the owner never does anything to help nor will give anyone the admin privilege to do it ourselves. If he doesn't care, why should I? That has become my attitude. Frankly, I'm just too busy to want to play on forums that don't work or have absent owners. I put in long hours at the clinic where I work, teach twice a month and am taking some further education classes myself. Along with my home responsibilities, children and a disabled husband, I just frankly do not have the time to play on forums these days.

And I don't know what is wrong with the software. I can't keep the spammers off and half the time the server is too busy to do more than ban 2 or 3 of them before it stalls out. Folks I give up.

It's been a great 3 years, truly. I've made a lot of friends, a few enemies that threatened my life (who need to find something to do besides get pissed off at moderators who ban them for spamming the forum with their garbage) and all in all, it's been pretty entertaining.

I'm sorry to leave you all stranded like this, but moderating this site under it's current conditions is an exercise in futility. Stop reporting spam and complaints via the complaint buttons, it all goes into my spam file and I never see it anymore. You are wasting your time until this site gets an owner that gives a damn.

Those who have my email addy, keep in touch. May all of you choose your work at home programs wisely and for pity's sake, catch a clue. A SCAM site is the worst place in the world to try to recruit from. You aren't going to make money wasting time here defending your programs.


Lady Mod
Nice! You speak so highly of George, I mean "Zachary." Sort of the same patern you have shown with all of the mods. Bitch.
The Grumpy Pilot

Re: New Management at II

Post by The Grumpy Pilot »

No_Moron_Here wrote: Nice! You speak so highly of George, I mean "Zachary." Sort of the same patern you have shown with all of the mods. Bitch.
And with all of the members of Scam who don't kiss her fat, ignorant, delusional, power hungry, cellulite ridden ass.
Last edited by The Grumpy Pilot on Tue Jun 15, 2010 4:51 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: New Management at II

Post by wserra »

No_Moron_Here wrote:your past with Wes Serra
Most of which has been deleted. Someone missed this page from a few years ago.

The Eniva thread was even worse.
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Re: New Management at II

Post by soapboxmom »

Re: Banned?‏
From: Stephanie
Sent: Fri 5/21/10 12:14 AM
To: Elizabeth Templin (

Who told you to copy me? Enforce the damned rules. He saw the earlier warnings. He couldn't have missed them. Don't give me any more of your simpering lame excuses. Because that's all that they are.

I don't care about your concerns, Len hasn't done any of the things you are so afraid he's going to do. George is NOT a stupid man, and not easily taken in. I trust George's judgment first and foremost over your concerns. You were letting people get away with a rules violation by starting those threads in the first place. As soon as Len was made Admin, new threads should have been closed and warnings made at that time. He was made moderator. You allowed this same crap before when it came to Mumbles and OHein. And then wondered why they went balistic when they did. And then wouldn't accept your part of the blame for it happening.

You are way too one sided most of the time. But that's just my opinion. George likes you as a Moderator, I respect that. But whether YOU like it or not, Len is the Admin. I think he's been a real gentleman for even allowing those stupid threads to continue as long as they did. Well, I have limits to my patience and waiting to see if one of you Moderators are going to actually enforce the Moderator rule. And my limits have run out.

Now good night.
Amazing request. Even though the forum software will only put up posts for moderation if they are filled with links and often that happens only with new posters, I was expected to prevent posters from starting threads in the first place. Is she going to ask George to give us all admin status so we can set up the forum in such a way that no posts can go up without administrative of moderator approval?

She has the nerve to tell us not to copy her example? She has been screaming about her authority and being in charge all along even though the owner has no idea why she came back. She demands we do things her way even though the owner specifically told me I could do my own thing. So, she proceeds to ban me and publically attack me for doing exactly what she herself was doing. Folks wouldn't have even seen her addendum to the addendum of the rules. The forum does not change the time and date stamp of those things if they are updated.
So, neither I or the poster in question she banned with me had any idea she was posting more rules.

Since Len Clements is a proud administrator over at now I wonder if he still calls the forum a "cesspool" and the posts "troll dung" and disgusting garbage etc. Len spent a great deal of his time on trying to out posters' identities and harass them, so I did everything possible to loook out for our valued members. What a nightmare!


Re: New Management at II

Post by Emet »

Lennie continues to whine, as he did here.
Only a small (but prolific) clique of anti-MLM zealots (Taylor, FitzPatrick, Minkow, Coenen, etc.) and a few online trolls seem to believe there is no such distinction (and the trolls just parrot Taylor and FitzPatrick).
It was literally 95%+ made up of ex-Amway reps. When I suggested they change the name to (and provided undeniable proof that anti-MLM claims they were making were wrong), they banned me for life. Just like what happened to me earlier here, and what has also happened on Tracy Coenen's site. Funny how the predominantly anti-MLM forums are the only ones that try to prevent me from participating. But I digress..."
(he was speaking of his suggesting that change it's name to

When Tracy Coenen learned of her name being mentioned over at JREF and that he whined that she blocked him from her blog, she had this to say:
Poor Len. He lives in an alternate reality. What a shame he believes that not allowing him to dirty up my website is somehow a First Amendment issue. Someone ought to tell him that the First Amendment relates to the government allowing free speech. ... te-number/
(Comment 24 May 2010)
The Grumpy Pilot

Re: New Management at II

Post by The Grumpy Pilot »

I see thew Bitch banned Doc today. The thread in the Internet Forum called Why I Quit This Place was also deleted. So much for free speech.

And Tom, the so called "truce" b.s. didn't last long. She's back to running her lying mouth again. I say bring the fight on. This time, no holds barred. She gets exactly what she deserves. She is a pathological liar and a few more words that I won't post on here.

She lied about not being able to post on here also. Has this cow ever told the truth about anything in her entire life? She is the female Lenny. They are two sides of the same coin - egomaniac, lying, con artist, uneducated, unintelligent, condescending, conniving, backstabbing, no morals, no values, no ethics, cowardly, pompous, phony, full of it, loser, pathetic pieces of garbage.
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: New Management at II

Post by GlimDropper »

Now now Grumpy, I don't really see where in any of her recent posts LM re-lit any brush fires. And if you look at the second page of the internet forum you'll find the "I quit" thread is still very much there. Complain all you like about the place, Lord knows I have, but feel free to let the facts get in your way some time.
The Grumpy Pilot

Re: New Management at II

Post by The Grumpy Pilot »

GlimDropper wrote:Now now Grumpy, I don't really see where in any of her recent posts LM re-lit any brush fires. And if you look at the second page of the internet forum you'll find the "I quit" thread is still very much there. Complain all you like about the place, Lord knows I have, but feel free to let the facts get in your way some time.
After your post, I looked and you are correct. The thread is now on the second page because a post or posts, dated today were/was deleted this afternoon. There was a post made there today that I read and now it's gone. That somehow shoved the thread back to the second page, because when I saw it earlier, it was the first thread on page one. My error. I thought it was gone; instead it's just buried.

I just didn't care for her snotty comment today: "No hatred, and since you've participated on the Quatloos forum on the thread, I know that you are aware that she (SBM) has no love for me at the moment. And never particulary liked Kerry." No hatred my ass. She has spewed much hatred publicly about SBM since she banned her. And why should anyone "love" her actions and her words, ever, especially recently. Again, she plays the "I am so perfect" victim. She still cannot stop herself from talking about SBM and getting her little digs in. She defends Kerry, who has failed at a dozen MLMs and has had over 50 jobs and is the biggest loser troll on that forum and has been banned ....... what a dozen times? He never contributes one thing of meaning or value there, ever. Yet he's her little lap dog and and pet.

And she did lie about not being able to post on here. She's a coward and a liar.

Read the truth in a response from Wserra about her not being able to post on here. How's that for some "facts"?

And Doc was banned today. Want to bet he never even got a warning first? He's been a member in good standing there for almost 3 years......til today, apparently.

From the Rules at the top of each forum:

" is an open forum, for ALL points of view. This board was founded on controversy and debate. We welcome arguments, debate and runaway threads." Yeah right. Founded on Hypocrisy is more like it. Funny, the MLMers are never harrassed, called trolls and worse, chastised or threatened by her or Lenny now, but every single anti-mlm poster is. And Lenny is and has taken two threads that I have read, way off topic. Yet he keeps lambasting again, the anti-MLM posters if he thinks they are doing that. He also has deleted dozens and dozens of anti-Mlmer's posts! Then of course, throw into the mix the Bitch's constant condescending insults, threats and comments to the anti-MLM posters (never to the pro-MLM posters) and it's just peachy over there now.
Last edited by The Grumpy Pilot on Fri Jun 18, 2010 2:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Doc Bunkum
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Re: New Management at II

Post by Doc Bunkum »

The Grumpy Pilot wrote:And Doc was banned today. Want to bet he never even got a warning first? He's been a member in good standing there for almost 3 years......til today, apparently.
Yes, I noticed that today!

Oh, the ignominy of it all. My first official ban in almost 3 years.

Funny thing is, I didn't make any smart ass comments or call Lenny any well deserving names.

I made a simple reply to Lady Mod in that "I Quit" thread - my first post in probably a week. She was going on about certain former mods running out of places to slander and libel people - something like that.

I pointed out that wasn't necessarily true - was going live soon.

Or maybe it was the link to my blog. Something set them off.

But, hey! It's George's site. He's paying the bills and can make the rules. If members don't want to abide by them, they're free to leave. I realize that.

Lenny may think he's silenced his critics. He may have - temporarily. But wait until that web site mentioned above goes live! If Lenny thought was harsh on him...

And yes, Lenny, it's being set up by someone that isn't impressed by frivolous SLAPP suits, just so you know.

Re: New Management at II

Post by WishfulThinking »

It's a pretty sad reflection on the state of affairs at, when the only comments they can make about concerns over the state of the site are of this caliber:
As far as referring anyone you know here? If our traffic was dependent on just your referrals, don't you think this place would have closed a long time ago?
It's not imparative [sic] that those who don't like it here, continue to stay here. Frankly, I don't know why those who are unhappy would insist on sharing that unhappiness with the rest of the world? Can't you guys find someplace else willing to listen to your petty complaints? I'll bet you can if you try hard enough. If the one site you are currently using isn't good enough I'm sure you can find others.
The professionalism of this and other similar posts, now so typical over there, is seriously underwhelming.

The only problem with right now is that they have the domain name I dont think anyone would be half as concerned if it had a different name. However and because of that it is often the first place innocent people go to, to find out about possible scams. If they are not getting good advice there any more, because of the absence of reputable posters, then the name is a serious misrepresentation. It seems that the war of personalities they are conducting over there is now far more important than any role the site might have in informing people about scams.
The Grumpy Pilot

Re: New Management at II

Post by The Grumpy Pilot »

I am No Lady But I am A Pyscho Bitch Mod, now moved the I quit this place thread to the Chat forum and has continued her smart ass comments.

"LOL, some airplane pilot guy is complaining about this thread disappearing because it fell to the back page and Doc's post was deleted.
He want's to start another flame war, itching for one, said so himself. Real grown up behavior, you know the type?
Lady Mod"

Your flame wars against SBM and all of the regular anti-MLM posters has never ended. You have the credibility of dog crap. Traffic has fallen off at Scam, but then you lie about that as well. You lied about NHM and SBM. You lied about Bibleman, Subjunk and the other Mods and why they left the site. You lie about the Owner, you lie about the posters, you lie about Lenny the con man and support him publicly. You have no spine. You have no life. For someone who has used the excuse constantly of being to too busy to spend time at Scam, you seem to have no problem with being there long enough to throw your hefty weight around, feed your ego, trying to get your ass kissed on a daily basis, ban posters, flame posters and Mods, try to discredit others to make yourself look and feel somehow superior to them, and harrass them. You have no life outside of that forum except for knitting wash cloths. You're nothing but a lonely, old crackpot pushing your tired, worn out ego driven desperate agenda and trying to use Scam to con others into believing how marvelous you are and also con them into believing your lying, medically unsound and unproven, quack, false claims of herbs curing cancer and other serious diseases. When others post the truth, the facts, the data and the research and de-bunk your ridiculous claims, you never address that, you do exactly what your male counterpart Lenny attack the poster and try to discredit them. You're an ingnorant, uneducated moron and you're dangerous.

Have you ever told the truth even once in your life? Having such a great background in medicine as you do (being a billing clerk at a Chiropractor's office) see if he can refer to to someone specializing in personality disorders.

Well come on, you lying sack of B.S., haul your lard ass over here if you don't care for my views and opinions. You lied about not being able to register and post here, so let's see who is really the coward and the liar. I know the type very well. Known it and seen it for years on Scam. Try looking in the mirror, Bitch. I suppose the next excuse from you is that you don't care and don't have the time. But you do care and do have the time to keep posting b.s. on Scam, apparently don't you? I am sure your little boot licking MLMers like, Chrissey, I am a Willy and Heiney will rally around you as soon as they see your posts over there, so don't worry. You'll always have the respect, support and admiration of other liars, fools, phonies and con artists to fall back on.
Last edited by The Grumpy Pilot on Fri Jun 18, 2010 4:15 pm, edited 11 times in total.
Doc Bunkum
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Re: New Management at II

Post by Doc Bunkum »

Not sure if everyone is aware of this, but say you get banned at a site. They ban your IP Address as well so you can't log in to see what's happening.

No problem.

Go to this site: and type in or whatever. Guess what? You're back in business and once again browsing your favorite forum!
Grand Exalted Keeper of Esoterica
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Re: New Management at II

Post by Demosthenes »

Doc Bunkum wrote:Not sure if everyone is aware of this, but say you get banned at a site. They ban your IP Address as well so you can't log in to see what's happening.

No problem.

Go to this site: and type in or whatever. Guess what? You're back in business and once again browsing your favorite forum!
For a quick and dirty solution, works well too.