Quatloos is a daunting and very slick website

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Quatloos is a daunting and very slick website

Post by jg »

from http://www.quatlooslooser.us/
Quatloos is a daunting and very slick website. Make no mistake, Madison Avenue would be proud of their presentation. There is a lot of information on their site. It prides itself on reporting about the many types of Scams, Schemes, Cons, and Frauds being perpetrated in the financial world. It bills itself as a Financial & Tax Fraud Education Association, a non-profit organization. How fortunate for Americans that they selectively decide what schemes, scams, cons, and frauds to report on. How convenient that the education they provide is so one sided.
Hmmm... how could it be possible to not "selectively decide"? Perhaps random selection would be preferable?

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Quatloosian Federal Witness
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Post by wserra »

Ah, yes, our old pure trust buddies at "Young, Green and Rifkin". "We are not Lawyers, Attorneys, or CPA's" but we sure make ourselves look like them, don't we?

Want some laughs? Here's their version of the ol' TP chestnut, an "Affidavit of Truth". It's best not to be drinking anything while reading it.

But Young has a radio show, so it must be true.
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Judge Roy Bean
Judge for the District of Quatloosia
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Post by Judge Roy Bean »

The business opportunity offering is a curiosity, at least. Just think, you too can make a fool of yourself promoting nonsense!

Sounds all so familiar.

Curious - he must be buying the radio time; how many people are actually falling for the scheme?
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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