Honorary TP sentenced in Orange County

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Honorary TP sentenced in Orange County

Post by Demosthenes »

Tuesday, March 6, 2007
5-year sentence for tax fraud
Huntington Beach man convicted of filing false tax returns, sending IRS bogus $1.9 million check.
The Orange County Register

SANTA ANA - A Huntington Beach man has been sentenced to more than five years in prison for bilking the federal government out of hundreds of thousands of dollars in false tax return claims and then calling to complain about the delay in his refund.

David James Richardson, 48, was convicted in November of filing five false tax returns from 2000 to 2003, claiming the government owed him amounts ranging from $54,485 to $267,414. He ultimately claimed $852,278 he was not entitled and cashed refund checks totaling $286,345 that were paid based on his fake claims. He was also convicted of one count of obstructing the IRS after he repeatedly called the IRS in 2003 to complain his return hadn't been processed, Assistant United States Attorney Robert Gannon said.

Richardson filed a formal complaint on May 18, 2004 with Congressman David Dreier

He then sent the IRS a check later that year for $1.9 million for tax withholdings on a "CCK Sports FDTN" account, a non-profit, as part of his claim he was owed additional refunds. The check bounced.

Richardson's refund claims were based on fake W-2s he gave tax return preparers reporting income from CCK Sports Foundation Inc., and a second non-profit, Everyone Can Play Inc.

He was the sole corporate officer of the CCK Sports Foundation.

Richardson was sentenced Monday to 63 months in prison and ordered to pay the IRS back $286,345. He was ordered to spend an additional 5 years on supervised release after serving his prison time.
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Post by LPC »

CaptainKickback wrote:Another lying, thieving, piece of cr*p who is getting off light. I extend the middle finger of each hand towards him.
You really need to take it down a notch, because you're going to burn yourself out with this level of anger.

One of things that scares me about tps is that they are constantly seething against trivia. They talk about revolutions and violence over traffic tickets and failure to file penalties. You're falling into the same trap, because you're projecting the same kind of violence onto some clueless dorks.

Yes, they are annoying and aggravating. But most of them are losers and nobodys, and you should try to keep it in perspective for your own peace of mind.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
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Post by webhick »

We have just been informed that the Paxil content drinking water in CaptainKickback's area is below the minimum threshold for mind-control...I mean....sing-a-longs...yeah...sing-a-longs.

At this point we have an option of either correcting the situation or sending a "Private Aid to Navigation" to the Captain for a "really good time."

Now, the first option isn't likely to happen anytime soon. There's presently an office war over which department can freak out Ed the worst by way of creative flight plans. And, we're gearing up the A** Ripper on Friday for the pervert who groped me at the DMV today. It's a very busy week ahead.

So, I'll put in a request for a tall, blonde, busty, leggy female devoid of eating disorder. Hope that's acceptable.
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Post by gottago »

Sounds a lot more like fraud than "tax protestor" behavior but you all would know more about that than me.

The captain really seems to have in knickers in a twist these days. Whats that about? I thought that profanity was not allowed by the moderators but I guess that does not apply to the "regulars"

Just one big happy dysfunctional family!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day :D :D

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Post by wserra »

Captain John Paul Kickback wrote:You have not yet seen me genuinely angry.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

CaptainKickback wrote:Feh I say! Feh! Anger? Please that was mild annoyance and no where near angry or even a high dudgeon - let alone a low dudgeon........

You have not seen me genuinely angry. Irate? Yes. Truly angry? No.
Thank you dictionary.com
dudgeon \DUH-juhn\, noun:
A state or fit of intense indignation; resentment; ill humor -- often used in the phrase "in high dudgeon."
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Post by Demosthenes »

profanity was not allowed by the moderators
Since when?
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Post by gottago »

Feel free to expound on your theories, and the theories of others. No profanity please! If you can't make your point (such as it is) without using profanity, please make it elsewhere.

That is written right on the first page of this forum.

If I was to use the type of language and sentiment used by the captain to talk about, say, the RO assigned to my "case" I am sure that, at the least, I would be threatened that jj would take my post and forward it to the DOJ and FBI and whatever other agencies she purports to have contact with.

You all carry on about the anger and potential for violence of the average TP but I suppose any behavior by a quatlooser is considered justified and appropriate.
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Post by Demosthenes »

If I was to use the type of language and sentiment used by the captain to talk about, say, the RO assigned to my "case" I am sure that, at the least, I would be threatened that jj would take my post and forward it to the DOJ and FBI and whatever other agencies she purports to have contact with.
Yawn. Leave it a tax protester to bitch about not being censored.

Still cashing those unemployment checks?

Eric WhoRU

Post by AllanHampton »

Check out Eric WhoRU (Williams) take on Freedom and Taxes;


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