Jackson, Sherry Peel

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Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Jackson, Sherry Peel

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Fuzz, at the risk of the obvious, Ms. Jackson and her minions have paved the way for suspicions about her reports of her circumstances in the past, in what amounts to be a misplaced attempt to garner sympathy and foster some kind of mythology that she is so important a case as to need to be put to death in some kind of grand conspiracy.

Get a grip. She's a lightweight - a relative nobody in the scheme of all things criminal. Unless you're fascinated with the almost infinitesimal number of people who espouse things like her, you'd have no clue who she is.

The health care of prisoners is abysmal at best but it is also free and a significant step above that given to the typical homeless person. She is no more a target of some instructions to "kill" her than you are. Silencing goof-balls does not require extraordinarily stupid conspiratorial acts or orders from on high.

You apparently have no real grasp of what goes on in prisons. Some prisoners believe in their own cult of personality and try to garner attention every hour of every day and others deserve serious review of their situation, but those who rant on and on about their so-called "political prisoner" status because they think they have a following on the outside are appropriately deemed nut cases and only damage their credibility.

Having said that, if a prisoner presents genuinely acute medical conditions as Ms. Jackson alleges and the staff doesn't respond appropriately, there can be consequences for the administration of the facility as well as the medical professionals who are charged with providing adequate care. The remedial path for those circumstances is well known to criminal defense counsel and it rarely involves postings on the 'net.

Whoever is trying to manage her public image isn't doing her any favors.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Jackson, Sherry Peel

Post by notorial dissent »

Fuzz, to put not too fine a point on it, Sherry is a liar and a fraud, and an attention whore and a first rate drama queen, and quite frankly has by her actions over the last few years proven herself to be totally unreliable when it comes to anything that has to be taken at face value. In language simple enough for you to understand, she has cried wolf too many times to be believed by anyone, and particularly by the people she most needs to convince. She has made a lifestyle of not living by anyone’s rules but her own, and where she is now that attitude will only make her life that much harder.

If she does in fact have Graves, and from the symptoms she has listed I believe that she may, she has my sympathy, she has found something really nasty to contract, and she is going to be in for a miserable time of it. It is not going to kill her, but it is going to be unpleasant, and thanks to her getting herself incarcerated, it is going to be doubly unpleasant because she will have a harder time managing it than she would otherwise. Which is not to say that it would be any better for her if she were not in jail. Graves is not my idea of something fun to have, and she may well be one of those who have a hard time controlling or managing it and her lack of good sense will only add to the difficulties. If she has serious health issues, then she needs to follow the rules of the institution, and make sure her attorney makes sure she gets the treatment she needs, and if not there are channels he can use to see that she does.

I will also take issue with one of your usually ill considered statements. Sherry’s “heartfelt stand” as you so dimly put it may not be malicious, I will reserve judgement here, but it is incredibly destructive in that anyone stupid or gullible enough to listen to her ends up in the same level of trouble as she is now in for the simple reason that her “heartfelt stand” is a lie and a fraud, and induces some gullible fool to commit a Federal crime, which can have consequences reaching far into their futures. So I can’t honestly say I see any reason to feel any sympathy for her whatsoever, she has put herself in jail by her own hand, she has down immense amounts of harm to anyone who has followed her “advise”, and she quite frankly deserves no sympathy for being where she is.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Jackson, Sherry Peel

Post by Trippy »

From an email list:
Sherry's husband wrote:I just wanted go give you a quick update. I picked Sherry up from Coleman, FL prison and took her to a halfway house on Feb. 15th [2011]. ... She already has a job working at our church and we're praying that she'll only be at the halfway house for a few weeks; no later than March.

We need help. Our church is going through a severe financial crisis because of the economy. Sherry has to have a minimum "wage" of $7.25. That's about $290 per week. Please, forward this email to anyone who may care about us and could help us come up with this amount for the next few weeks. We're praying that it won't be too long.

If you can, please send support to: [address redacted]

Thank you so much, in advance, for your help and for caring about us throughout this whole ordeal. God bless you.

In Christ, Colin (Sherry's husband)
Guess no one wanted to hire her ... but then, that's what being a convicted felon will do to you.
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Re: Jackson, Sherry Peel

Post by The Observer »

In addition, she hasn't helped her cause by maintaining that she is correct regarding her view on taxes. The question in my mind is will she continue to swallow the koolade now that she is out of the graybar hotel?
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Re: Jackson, Sherry Peel

Post by Trippy »

The Observer wrote:The question in my mind is will she continue to swallow the koolade now that she is out of the graybar hotel?
I predict she'll be back within two years, for not filing tax returns. IF she manages to keep herself out, she'll be whining to anyone and everyone about her yearly IRS audits.

Re: Jackson, Sherry Peel

Post by Nikki »

Has she settled (lost) the civil case, or is that yet to come?

Re: Jackson, Sherry Peel

Post by Trippy »

Nikki wrote:Has she settled (lost) the civil case, or is that yet to come?
Unfortunately, I don't have access to any court documents ... perhaps one of the resident legal eagles could answer that one.
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Re: Jackson, Sherry Peel

Post by LPC »

Nikki wrote:Has she settled (lost) the civil case, or is that yet to come?
What civil case?

I don't see anything in Tax Court, or on PACER.

And the Bureau of Prisons still lists her as a prisoner, probably because the CCM ("half-way house") is considered a form of custody.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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Re: Jackson, Sherry Peel

Post by Nikki »

The civil case related to her tax debt, collection, sale of her house. etc.

When all of that hits the fan, I wonder if her husband will have the brass ones to go for innocent spouse.
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Re: Jackson, Sherry Peel

Post by Noah »

Nikki wrote:The civil case related to her tax debt, collection, sale of her house. etc.

When all of that hits the fan, I wonder if her husband will have the brass ones to go for innocent spouse.
It's not a matter of brass, but of knowlege. So far they have only shown enough knowlege to "hang em high". Therein lies the tragedy.
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Re: Jackson, Sherry Peel

Post by Famspear »

The Federal Bureau of Prisons now shows that Sherry Peel Jackson, inmate # 59085-019, was released on August 8, 2011.
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Re: Jackson, Sherry Peel

Post by LPC »

Although released in August of 2011, Sherry Peel Jackson is have a "Peace and Freedom Party" on August 11, 2012, "To celebrate Sherry’s freedom and the launch of a new life," and we're invited.

"There is no admission price but a gift box will be set up for anyone that wants to seed into Sherry’s ministries."
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
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Re: Jackson, Sherry Peel

Post by JamesVincent »

Had someone send me this today. Look's like Mrs. Jackson is doing more videos.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8VOPEQX ... ture=share
Sherry Peel Jackson, former IRS revenue agent and former CPA, was thrust into the national spotlight for taking a stand against government fraud and theft, and landed in federal prison for three years. The government shut her down at every turn and suppressed evidence of her innocence. Now that she is out she is even more determined to help conscious Americans renew their minds and control their own futures.

She is a true patriot aiming to help the American people emerge from under the thumb of all types of oppression and become empowered to rule their own lives!
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Re: Jackson, Sherry Peel

Post by AndyK »

It appears that the '2x4 upside her head' has failed to make any impression on her thought processes.

Years of work with the IRS, obtaining and maintaining a CPA, and a prison term haven't opened her eyes to the world in which the rest of us live.

Even the collapse of the We The People Foundation, upon which seh so heavily relied, has failed to make any impression.

Perhaps she's lined up enough speaking (compensated) engagements to make up up for her loss of income due to having her pre-conviction credentials revoked.

On the other hand, perhaps she's just a total moron.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Jackson, Sherry Peel

Post by notorial dissent »

I personally will go with the last option, as that is the one she has evidenced the most thoroughly. I still do not see how someone could go to all the trouble to get CPA status, work for the IRS for so many years, and then expound on the things she has, and be all there, I just really don't follow the math there as the saying goes.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Jackson, Sherry Peel

Post by JamesVincent »

Haven't really seen it mentioned much but SPJ has her own blog. http://www.sherrypeeljackson.org/. She continues the "good" fight there. She has also written several books including Questions People Ask About Prison Life: Answers From A Former Political Prisoner, and WRONGLY CONVICTED A CHRISTIAN WOMAN'S JOURNEY THROUGH THE VALLEY OF PRISON. Now, I might not be a great book critic (or I maybe, who knows) but those hardly seem the titles of someone who has repented. In fact, kinda seems the exact opposite.
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Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Jackson, Sherry Peel

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

JamesVincent wrote:Haven't really seen it mentioned much but SPJ has her own blog. http://www.sherrypeeljackson.org/. She continues the "good" fight there. She has also written several books including Questions People Ask About Prison Life: Answers From A Former Political Prisoner, and WRONGLY CONVICTED A CHRISTIAN WOMAN'S JOURNEY THROUGH THE VALLEY OF PRISON. Now, I might not be a great book critic (or I maybe, who knows) but those hardly seem the titles of someone who has repented. In fact, kinda seems the exact opposite.
When you're a guilty quasi-sociopath with a relatively short sentence that you get through you have to come out and proclaim victory over the oppressor.

What else is there?
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Jackson, Sherry Peel

Post by JamesVincent »

Judge Roy Bean wrote: When you're a guilty quasi-sociopath with a relatively short sentence that you get through you have to come out and proclaim victory over the oppressor.

What else is there?
I get that Judge but even Jimmy Buffet figured it out by the third chorus. And he was drunk on margaritas. IDK, maybe my mind just cannot disconnect from reality enough to understand why people do some of the stupid things they do. And then continue doing them and be proud of them.
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Re: Jackson, Sherry Peel

Post by JamesVincent »

Not only is Mrs.Jackson still around she is still active. Her YouTube channel lists 100 videos and 25k subscribers. On May 30 she announced that she now has a Patreon page. For those unfamiliar Patreon is basically a paid blog site where members pay a subscription to view content. I've been told its very popular for female models of questionable clothing but I wouldn't know. :whistle:

However, I do believe some of the older members would be interested in her description:
I will be talking about escaping the rat race on my Patreon platform. My first first guest is tax attorney Nathan MacPherson.

She also appears to be giving investment, employment and vacation advice.
Disciple of the cross and champion in suffering
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notorial dissent
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Re: Jackson, Sherry Peel

Post by notorial dissent »

Yes, contribute to her retirement fund.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.