Shrout, Winston

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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by Burnaby49 »

Some advice Wes. Perhaps you should reconsider your ill-advised comments before Shrout makes you look like a legal amateur. Haven't you been paying any attention to events? One of our own posters just reported that he'd attended a Shrout seminar and asked him some probing questions about his tax problems. The response? It's all a very cunning trap that he'd set for the feds and they fell right into it! He's so far ahead of us nobody can even understand his game.
And of course I asked him about the indictment. Oh, that’s a sting, he responded—his sting. He worked very hard to get the government to attack him, you understand, and now he’s got them right where he wants them. I want to stress that I’m barely paraphrasing here, and only because I wasn’t able to take notes while I was talking to him. This is literally his explanation. Now, he says, the government has attacked the sovereignty of an international judge and he’s got or is going to get a commercial lien on the judge. This is crap, of course. Shrout’s not a judge, international or otherwise, and filing liens on judges is an old pseudolaw trick. Like the rest, it never works. ... tical-pun/

Obviously the 'lawyer' writing this is too dim to comprehend the beauty of Shrout's plan but He'll understand when it all falls into place like clockwork. Fraudly Nutcase indeed!

I have to admit I made the same mistake, mocking one of my Canadian discussion subjects after he had what, on the surface, seemed to be an absolutely disasterous court loss. I said it made him look like a complete idiot. Turns out it was a trap too and when he's done I'll look as stupid as he did after he deliberately lost his own case.
Did you notice the judge fails to even mention that 5 of the defendants filed a statement of defense?
Filing a statement of defense precludes the defendants from filing an application to strike.
Everything went exactly as planned.
The lawyers set themselves up to take the defendants place.
Now my guns are trained on them, exactly as planned.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by notorial dissent »

Sorry Burnaby, I think it's a dead heat between the two of them. Terrifying thought though it is.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by The Observer »

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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by jcolvin2 »

In recent filings, Shrout attempts - among other things - to appoint the district court judge (Robert E. Jones) as his fiduciary to collect $1 billion dollars, as "international officers do not work for free." From "Notice of Appointment and Acceptance and Lien and Invoice" filed on January 20, 2016:

I, Winston Shrout, "Third Party Interest Intervenor under Injury," having terminated the previous fiduciary to the corporate entity (ens legis), a documented vessel under United States registry, otherwise described as WINSTON SHROUT or any alphabetical or numerical variation thereof, a.k.a. (Defendant), nunc pro tunc the fourth month, twenty-seventh day, nineteen hundred and forty-eight C.E., said entity having as it's trustee the Secretary of Transportation of the United States pursuant to and in accordance with [Title 46 App. U.S.C. § 1247] and there being no living sentient being responsible to accept service of process or other documents, and cannot appear in a court of the United States or act as a duly appointed transfer agent, and cannot achieve parity with real people. Therefore I, Winston Shrout, "Settler/Beneficiary," hereby nominate and do appoint Robert E. Jones, dba ROBERT E. JONES U.S. DISTRICT COURT JUDGE, as being qualified to fulfill the position of "Public Officer Fiduciary/ Trustee" for the corporate entity described above in all-capital-letter-assemblages, the same to be effective immediately as of the date set forth below, and shall continue until further notice or reappointment, substitution or cancellation, within the venue as ordained and established by the People of the Territory of Oregon, through their original Organic Constitution of Oregon state.

Whereas, said fiduciary responsibilities are to exercise scrupulous good faith and candor towards, and for the benefit and on behalf of Winston Shrout, "Settler/Beneficiary," the exclusive and limited purpose of accepting and receiving all liabilities, accepting and receiving all service of process and other documents, instruments, bonds or other important papers, to appear and discharge, settle and close all matters material to above referred (Debtor) in allcapital-letter-assemblages, the same shall be by order of Winston Shrout, "Settler/Beneficiary" or other delegated or appointee of Winston Shrout, "Settler/Beneficiary," including assignments for or on behalf of the principal (Defendant), WINSTON SHROUT, including any alphabetical or numerical variation thereof as described above, and to do all other acts requisite to faithfully execute said appointment, fully, faithfully, specially under this appointment.

Said fiduciary shall investigate and report to the US Attorney General any and all acts which may be evidence of felonious acts committed to include but not limited to: any and all GSA bonds issued against the estate of WINSTON SHROUT by parties known or unknown as "qualified heirs" and fill out the requisite IRS Form 706 and 709, any and all 'vouchers' charged against WINSTON SHROUT [Redacted SSN] and return the value of said vouchers to the estate of WINSTON SHROUT, and any other felonies or civil torts committed by parties known or unknown.

Public Officer Fiduciary/ Trustee, Robert E. Jones, dba ROBERT E. JONES US DISTRICT COURT JUDGE is hereby authorized to use the private exemption of Winston Shrout, i.e. WINSTON SHROUT [REDACTED SSN], for the adjustment and set-off of this instant matter, Case No. 3:15-cr-00438 JO, which is Accepted For Value, and Returned for Settlement (see Exhibit A). Fiduciary Trustee is to issue the appropriate IRS 1099 forms and to be in compliance with all revenue requirements in this matter timely. Winston Shrout reserves the right to audit all records and activities of Public Officer Fiduciary/Trustee to maintain good faith.
Notice is hereby given that Winston Shrout has a valid lien recorded in the Fayette County Recorder's Office in Lexington, Kentucky against SHROUT, WINSTON (or any derivative thereof).

All parties are given notice of the maxim: whoever does business with my debtor becomes my debtor.

Fair warning. See Exhibit B.
In as much as the Hon. Winston Shrout (UN Charter Control Number 10-6084 7. Immunity and Authority Guaranteed under Great Seal No. 632258894) has been threatened in this matter under duress and coercion, that time spent dealing with this instant matter is now invoiced against the USDC DISTRICT OF OREGON PORTLAND DIVISION in the amount of One-billion USD payable on demand. Demand is now made of the date of this filing. Public Servant Fiduciary Trustee, Robert E. Jones is instructed to collect this amount and forward said amount to the Hon. Winston Shrout at an arranged time and place. See Attached Invoice

By: _____________ Dated: 1/19/16
Hon. Winston Shrout
UN Charter Control Number 10-60847
Immunity and Authority Guaranted Under Great Seal No. 632258894
Serial No. OITC1001

In re Case No. 3:15-cr-00438-JO

Notice is here given to Public Servant Fiduciary/Trustee, Robert E. Jones, that due to the extensive time and effort that the Hon. Winston Shrout has had to expend in dealing with this instance matter, i.e., Case No. 3:15-cr-00438-JO, this Invoice Serial No. OITC1001 is to be submitted to the Clerk of the Court, USDC, DISTRICT OF OREGON, PORTLAND DIVISION, to pay over to Hon. Winston Shrout One-billion ($1,000,000,000.00) in USD in exchange for said time and effort, as international officers do not work for free.

Demand is now made for payment as of the date of this filing.

Failure of Clerk to pay over, or failure of Robert E. Jones as Public Servant Fiduciary/Trustee to complete this transfer of funds within 30 days of receipt will constitute a dishonor, and said invoice will be liquidated through the US Dept. of Treasury at the convenience of the Hon. Winston Shrout.

By:______________ Dated 1/20/16
Hon. Winston Shrout
From the Notice of Liquidation, filed on January 20, 2016:
By: Winston Shrout, as Real Party in Interest, 3rd Party Interest Intervenor under Injury, Sole Shareholder in WINSTON SHROUT, Settlor/Beneficiary of WINSTON SHROUT [SSN Redacted]

COMES NOW Winston Shrout, a Real Party in Interest, 3rd Party Interest Intervenor under Injury, Sole Shareholder in WINSTON SHROUT, Settlor and Beneficiary of WINSTON SHROUT [SSN Redacted], who is neutral in the public, who is unschooled in law, and making a special appearance before this court under the supplemental rules of Admiralty, Rule E(8), a restricted appearance, without granting jurisdiction, and notices the court of enunciation of principles as stated in Haines v.Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, wherein the court has directed that those who are unschooled in law making pleadings and/or complaints shall have the court look to the substance of the pleadings rather in than the form, and hereby makes the following pleadings/notices in the above referenced matter without waiver of any other defenses.

NOTICE OF LIQUIDATION OF Case No. 3:15-cr-00438-JO

Notice is hereby given that Case No. 3:15-cr-00438-JO is liquidated via the US Secretary of the Treasury.
See Exhibits: A-E.
From the Notice of Assignment of Reversionary Interest, filed February 3, 2016:

Notice is hereby given of the status of and relation of Winston Shrout (an American national) to WINSTON SHROUT (the fiction).

On or about the month of April, 2015, evidence that Winston Shrout is not a "US citizen" was delivered to Mr. John Koskinen, the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue (Washington office) of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, Philippines for the purpose of updating the Master File in relation to the non-nexus of Winston Shrout to WINSTON SHROUT.

See Exhibits: F - K.


I, Winston Shrout, deny that I am a resident of Washington, D.C.
I, Winston Shrout, do not consent to the jurisdiction of the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, DISTRICT OF OREGON, PORTLAND DIVISION.
I, Winston Shrout, do not consent to be taxed by the Internal Revenue Service, a company owned by Northern Trust Company, on any contract real or imagined.
Many documents are attached to all three pleadings, several stamped with a seal, and accompanied by the following text:
A Sovereign Jurisdiction with Charter Granted and Recorded by the United Nations
United Nations Charter Control Number: 10-60847
Immunity and Authority Granted under Great Seal Number 632258894
Notary Exequatur
With Authority of Legate Adjudicata
BTW there was a Faretta hearing and Shrout will be representing himself:
Minutes of Proceedings: Arraignment Hearing held on 2/3/2016 before Judge Robert E. Jones for Defendant Winston Shrout regarding Winston Shrout (1) Count 1-6. Defendant advised of rights and charges. Record of Faretta hearing. Court finds that defendant is competent and that he knowingly and intelligently waived his right to representation of counsel. Defendant may proceed pro se with the Federal Defender present as advisory counsel. Not guilty plea entered. Order that Discovery is due in 14 days. Defendant was advised of trial rights. Defendant waived his speedy trial rights pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 3161(h)(7)(A). Jury Trial is set for 5/3/2016 at 09:00AM before Judge Robert E. Jones in Portland Courtroom 10A. Defendant remains on pre-trial release pending jury trial. Counsel Present for Plaintiff: Stuart A. Wexler.Advisory Counsel Present for Defendant: Steve Sady for Ruben L. Iniguez.(Court Reporter Jill Jessup) (bp) (Entered: 02/03/2016)
Edited 6:36 pm PT on February 8, 2016 to redact a SSN that I failed to catch the first time.
Last edited by jcolvin2 on Tue Feb 09, 2016 2:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by NYGman »

This will be one to watch, can't wait for it to get going in earnest. Looking forward to all the ramblings and reports on how the corrupt courts are ignoring Shrout's expert analysis of the law. This is hopefully going to provide us with a wealth of entertainment. Let the festivities begin... And remember, this is Shrout's plan all along, he is conducting a Sting against the Courts and Government. Can't wait to see what he exposes and who ends up going away for a long time. However, I think we may not end up learning anything, and we may be in for a surprise on who will get locked away.... Time will tell.
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

I wonder how patient Judge Jones will be.

Shrout won't be able to make it through voir dire without wandering off into the weeds of fantasy-land and one can only hope the Judge has a low tolerance threshold for nonsense.
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by wserra »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:Shrout won't be able to make it through voir dire
Sorry, JRB, but I know you're from Texas, and I can't juxtapose a Texas lawyer and the phrase "voir dire" without telling a story, one I've very likely told here before.

Many years ago, I tried a federal criminal case here in New York with a lawyer who came up from Texas to represent his Texas client. He was a good guy and a good lawyer, and we not only did we do a good job, we had fun. But I'll never forget when he started talking with me about "VOW-er DYE-er". I had no idea what he was talking about.
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by Burnaby49 »

wserra wrote:
Judge Roy Bean wrote:Shrout won't be able to make it through voir dire
Sorry, JRB, but I know you're from Texas, and I can't juxtapose a Texas lawyer and the phrase "voir dire" without telling a story, one I've very likely told here before.

Many years ago, I tried a federal criminal case here in New York with a lawyer who came up from Texas to represent his Texas client. He was a good guy and a good lawyer, and we not only did we do a good job, we had fun. But I'll never forget when he started talking with me about "VOW-er DYE-er". I had no idea what he was talking about.
I can empathize with your Texan because I was just corrected by a Department of Justice lawyer on exactly the same issue. I was discussing the huge amount of voir dires that the Poriskyites are spewing up and he informed me that it was not dire as in "fire" but dire as in "deer". At least I can spell it.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by Jeffrey »

In fairness to Winston, his filings indicate he drinks his own koolaid.
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by notorial dissent »

I think he not only drinks it, he bathes in it, showers in it, and saunas in it.

The funny, or tragic depending on your viewpoint, thing, is that as near as I have been able to determine he has had exactly zero success with it, and yet I know there are idiots paying him good money for his larnin'.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by Famspear »

Burnaby49 wrote:
wserra wrote:
Judge Roy Bean wrote:Shrout won't be able to make it through voir dire
Sorry, JRB, but I know you're from Texas, and I can't juxtapose a Texas lawyer and the phrase "voir dire" without telling a story, one I've very likely told here before.

Many years ago, I tried a federal criminal case here in New York with a lawyer who came up from Texas to represent his Texas client. He was a good guy and a good lawyer, and we not only did we do a good job, we had fun. But I'll never forget when he started talking with me about "VOW-er DYE-er". I had no idea what he was talking about.
I can empathize with your Texan because I was just corrected by a Department of Justice lawyer on exactly the same issue. I was discussing the huge amount of voir dires that the Poriskyites are spewing up and he informed me that it was not dire as in "fire" but dire as in "deer". At least I can spell it.
I may have mentioned this story before in some other thread, but this reminds of a day in a class in my first year in law school. The professor was questioning a student and the student was concerned about how the student should pronounce the term prima facie. The professor responded with what I think everyone in the class thought was a good rule: Any way that a lawyer or law student pronounces a Latin or French legal term is considered to be a correct, albeit possibly alternative, pronunciation.

Nevertheless, having taken several years of French long before I went to law school, I still shudder a little when I hear a Texas lawyer pronounce voir dire as "VOY-DYE-er", especially with that eeeeeeeelongated Teksizz draaaaawwwwwl.


I never took Latin, but I would assume that in the Latin in the time of Julius Caesar, the term pro hac vice would have been pronounced something like "pro hock WEE-kay", not (as I have heard it pronounced here in Houston) as "pro hock veech").
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by The Observer »

I think that is the problem with Latin - there are so many different voices on how the words should be pronounced. There is no certainty as to how the Romans pronounced their words. It doesn't help that the language got adopted by Germanic barbarians (sort of like Texans adopting English) who add their own spin on the language and the Catholic Church.

I have heard "Veni, vidi, vice" pronounced as "Vee-NEE, Vee-DEE, Vee-CHEE", "Vee-NAY, Vee-DEE, Vee-CEE", "Weenie, Weedy, Weeky", and as "Wee-NAY, Wee-NEE, Wee-CEE". The virtual fistfights that break out in forums over which is right is somewhat amusing.
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by Famspear »

The Observer wrote:I think that is the problem with Latin - there are so many different voices on how the words should be pronounced. There is no certainty as to how the Romans pronounced their words. It doesn't help that the language got adopted by Germanic barbarians (sort of like Texans adopting English) who add their own spin on the language and the Catholic Church.

I have heard "Veni, vidi, vice" pronounced as "Vee-NEE, Vee-DEE, Vee-CHEE", "Vee-NAY, Vee-DEE, Vee-CEE", "Weenie, Weedy, Weeky", and as "Wee-NAY, Wee-NEE, Wee-CEE". The virtual fistfights that break out in forums over which is right is somewhat amusing.
My understanding is that the spelling is "VENI VIDI VICI," and that in the old Latin it would have been pronounced something like "WAY-nee, WEE-dee, WEE-kee."

Part of the problem is that there is no "only one correct way" to pronounce Latin words, any more than there would be "only one correct way" to pronounce English words. Some pronunciations gradually change over hundreds of years. So, the Latin spoken in the Roman Catholic Church in, say, the Twelfth Century, would not necessarily have been exactly the same as the Latin spoken in the time of Julius Caesar.

I think that in Julius Caesar's time, the word "CAESAR" was supposed to have been pronounced not as "SEE-zur," but instead as sort of close to the way English speakers typically pronounce the German version of the same word (i.e., the word "Kaiser"), except that instead of saying "KYE-zur", the Latin of 2,000 years ago may have been closer to something like "KYE-zar".

Over hundreds of years, the gradual changes in pronunciation of Latin were, of course, part of what resulted in what we now know as French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Romanian, and so on.
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by Famspear »


todos de la Galia está dividida en tres partes [Castilian Spanish]

l'ensemble de la Gaule est divisée en trois parties [French]

Tots els de la Gàllia està dividida en tres parts. [Catalan]

Tutti Gallia è divisa in tre parti. [Italian]

Toda a Gália está dividido em três partes. [Portuguese]

Toate gal este împărţită în trei părţi. [Romanian]

Toda Gália está dividido en tres partes. [Galician]

All of Gaul is divided into three parts. [English]
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by Gannibal »

What is this pseudoecumenical bullshit! There is ONE way to pronounce voir dire - it rhymes with "more wire."

What the hell did we Texans invent Latin for, if you're just going to muck it up?
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by The Observer »

Famspear wrote:My understanding is that the spelling is "VENI VIDI VICI,...
Yes, typo on my part. I did mean to spell it "vici."
...n the old Latin it would have been pronounced something like "WAY-nee, WEE-dee, WEE-kee."

Yes, that is another way I have heard it pronounced. But again, who really knows what is the correct way?

Gannibal wrote:What the hell did we Texans invent Latin for, if you're just going to muck it up?

I agree. The old saying, "When in Texas, do as the Texans do" ("cum in Texas , et sicut in Texans" - Google Latin, "Y'all make nice an' jest act like us" - Texas Latin) certainly applies here. Hopefully, Famspear takes note and applies this the next time he engages in Latin with a Texas judge.
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by Famspear »

Ah don't get me started about Texas.

I love Texas.

I've been here for the past 29 years (and I lived in Texas for couple more years back in the early 1970s). A few weeks ago, the Houston Chronicle ran a feature on quotable quotes. Here are a few:
The story of Texas can be reduced to one sentence: somebody has something somebody else wants and will put up a fight to get it.
--Mimi Swartz (journalist)

You can go to Hell; I will go to Texas.
--Davy Crockett

All new states are invested, more or less, by a class of noisy, second-rate men who are always in favor of rash and extreme measures, but Texas was absolutely overrun by such men.
--Sam Houston
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by Famspear »

The Observer wrote:.....Hopefully, Famspear takes note and applies this the next time he engages in Latin with a Texas judge.
And, the last time I heard someone pronounce the term pro hac vice as "pro hock veech", the speaker was a Texas judge (actually, a Federal judge here in Houston).....

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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

My experience has been "vee-chey."
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by pigpot »

notorial dissent wrote:Wonder if he still even has a passport.
Why's that?
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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