Shrout, Winston

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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by NYGman »

To bring back an old Post...
Gannibal wrote:I'm on board attending the conference, blogging it (slowly given time and data constraints) at Violent Metaphors -, natch.

Shrout did indeed board using a birth certificate. I know that because he passed it around the audience at his lecture, so we could all see the ALL CAPS that makes him a non-taxable entity. (Live babies are original issue, so non-taxable.)

I asked him about the indictment. No worries, guys! It's a sting. HIS sting. He had to work SO HARD to get them to attack, but now he's got the government riiiiiiiight where he wants it. Now they've infringed on the sovereignty of an International Judge. He's going to get the IRS and the corporation that owns it (wrote the name down, can't recall it at the moment) over a barrel. Why, he's already got a commercial lien on the judge!
So seems to all be going to plan then...
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by notorial dissent »

WOW. Couldn't have happened to a nicer more deserving individual. :sarcasmon: He may get to spend the remainder of his life in prison as a result of this conviction.
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by Famspear »

For the record, I'd like to post the bulk of the text of the Department of Justice news release linked above.

So heeeeeere we are:
A Hillsboro, Oregon promoter was convicted today [Friday, April 21, 2017] following a jury trial of making, passing and submitting fake financial instruments to a financial institution and the U.S. Treasury and failing to file tax returns, announced Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General Stuart M. Goldberg of the Justice Department’s Tax Division.

According to the superseding indictment and the evidence presented at trial, from approximately 2008 through 2015, Winston Shrout, 69, formerly of St. George, Utah, created and submitted more than 1000 bogus financial instruments with the intent of defrauding financial institutions and the U.S. Treasury. Shrout held seminars and private meetings to promote and market the use of these fake financial instruments to pay off debts, including federal taxes. Shrout sold recordings of his seminars, templates for fake financial instruments and other materials through his website.

The evidence presented at trial also proved that Shrout failed to file his 2009 through 2014 tax returns despite earning $562,224 from presenting at seminars, licensing fees associated with the sale of his products and annual pension payments.

Sentencing is scheduled for Aug. 1. Shrout faces a statutory maximum sentence of 25 years in prison for each count of making a fake financial instrument and one year in prison for each count of failing to file a tax return. He also faces a period of supervised release, restitution and monetary penalties.

Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General Goldberg commended special agents of IRS–Criminal Investigation, who conducted the investigation, and Trial Attorneys Stuart Wexler and Lee Langston of the Tax Division, who prosecuted the case.
--Office of Public Affairs, U.S. Department of Justice, April 21, 2017, at: ... s-treasury
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by Jeffrey » ... dium=email

Shrout posted this statement concerning his verdict on his website.
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by The Observer »

Oh boy.
Winstron Shrout wrote:For instance, when people would contact me and observe that I had been indicted … remember the mirror … I would just say the reverse of the concept and reply that ‘no, the government did not indict me, the government indicted itself’.
Not really a new tactic, Winston. It's routinely called 'denial'. Its usually used by losers pretending that nothing bad happened to them.
But since I operate at some of the higher levels, and much of it on the international level, I run into things that 99% of people don’t experience.
Probably because 99% of the people don't pursue idiotic actions like passing fake bonds like you did.
So, what now? Was it a total loss?
Uh...yes. You are facing jail time. Oh, wait - let me guess, you won't get jailed, the government will jail itself?
Hopefully, if it comes to that, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals will see ‘things’ a bit differently. And I think that will be the case. For those who don’t know, judges are trained at different educational levels. The higher up you go, the better trained and educated the judges are. Are reversals possible? Could be … we’ll see.
Winston, the only thing you are going to see is that an appellate court is not going to overturn your conviction. Why? Because you are not going to able convince them that a mistake was made in your trial or that the judge interpreted the law incorrectly. Even if your conviction is miraculously overturned due to some technical error, it would have nothing to do with you being correct about your idiotic theories regarding sovereign citizenship.
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by notorial dissent »

What an incredible load of self serving sovcit BS. Pure Shrout, pure BS.
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by wserra »

Winnie the Fool wrote:I filed all of my assignment of reversionary interest and authentication paperwork into the case
when I received an official appointment into the OITC in 2010, Dr. Ray C. Dam as sole arbiter ‘noticed’ the appropriate officers in the US Government and the United Nations
I was able to put my appointment and accompanying Apostille into ‘evidence’ meaning now that OITC has moved beyond ‘notice’ as I was able to make the ‘record'
Now can the US say … ‘so what?’
You betcha.
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by notorial dissent »

It keeps coming to mind whether or not Shrout actually believes/believed the codswallop he has been peddling all these years, or came to believe it. The only conclusion I can come to at this point is either that he is a consummate liar, both to himself and others, or he is a flat out loony.
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by Famspear »

Winston Shrout wrote:
In case you haven’t seen the ‘news’, the USA vs. WINSTON SHROUT ended in a guilty on all charges verdict. In this case there were ‘charges’ made by US Attorney against the entity known as WINSTON SHROUT and then the job of the attorney was to somehow make a connection of WINSTON SHROUT and Winston Shrout.

Boy, I can imagine how difficult it must have been for the prosecution to “somehow make a connection” between “WINSTON SHROUT” and “Winston Shrout.”
It was standard procedure that when Winston made any motion it was routinely dismissed.
That’s what happens when you make frivolous arguments.
Of course, I filed all of my assignment of reversionary interest and authentication paperwork into the case, but to no effect as there was an agenda here.
Yeah. The agenda was to conduct the trial in a sane and orderly manner, according to the rules of law. Frivolous arguments in court are not worthy of serious consideration.
Every battle field commander knows that to win or lose one battle does not win or lose a war. I am fully confident that the ‘big’ war has already been decided, but yet like the Japanese soldier who was found decades after the end of WWII on some remote island in the Pacific who still thought the war was waging, we have some who think they can still win the war by picking off this or that soldier. It won’t work.
Every battle field commander knows that to win, you have to bring real weapons and real ammunition to the battle field, Winston. You are not a battle field commander, and you have no clue about the law.
Most people are not high enough in the ‘chain of command’ to experience what I have had to deal with.

Most people are not high up enough in the chain of crooks, you mean, to have to experience what you have had to deal with. How fortunate for them!
Again, when I get pulled over in a low-level traffic situation and after running my STRAW MAN on NCIC, the officer just sends me on my way, that is on the day to day stuff most of us deal with.....
Yeah, right.
But since I operate at some of the higher levels, and much of it on the international level, I run into things that 99% of people don’t experience....
Yeah. Right. Winston, you have never operated at a higher level, international or otherwise. And the only higher level you are going to be seeing in the future might be a top bunk -- in your prison cell.
In some respects, the ‘Guilty’ verdict actually helped me...

Yeah. Free room and board for Winston Shrout, care of the Federal Bureau of Prisons. I bet you just can’t wait, eh Winston?
So, what now? Was it a total loss?

Is that a trick question?
But let me cue one important thing I was able to accomplish. The Office of International Treasury Control has been in existence since 1995. I have exposed this in several of the public arenas where I have spoken as I have shown my official association with that. For instance, when I received an official appointment into the OITC in 2010, Dr. Ray C. Dam as sole arbiter ‘noticed’ the appropriate officers in the US Government and the United Nations. Look at the word ‘noticed’. For those who are a bit educated in some of this, you would be aware that a ‘notice’ has little weight … ‘I got noticed, so what?’.

So what?
But when I was able to take the stand and give evidence in my own defense, with the help of some ‘angel’, I was able to put my appointment and accompanying Apostille into ‘evidence’ meaning now that OITC has moved beyond ‘notice’ as I was able to make the ‘record’. Oops. Now can the US say … ‘so what?’, or is there now a responsibility/liability? That was one small ‘victory’, but obviously it did not win the battle.
Eeewwwwwww! Be still, my heart!

The U.S. can indeed say “so what”. And the U.S. prosecutor won the battle. The “Office of International Treasury Control” is about as real as the millions of women who find me to be irresistible.

Winston, if you end up with a cell mate, I’m going to feel sorry for him. Unless it’s someone who refuses to listen to your blather, in which case I hope you will learn to keep your mouth shut.
Will I solve this problem in the US court system? Maybe, but there appears to be little remedy there. I will take this up at the international level. I suspect that I will shortly have this resolved.
Eeewwwwwww! You got everyone where you want ‘em, eh Winston?

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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Shrout's fantasy world must be very real to him. You really have to wonder if he was mentally competent to understand what was going on.
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Famspear wrote:

"Winston, if you end up with a cell mate, I’m going to feel sorry for him. Unless it’s someone who refuses to listen to your blather, in which case I hope you will learn to keep your mouth shut."

I have a feeling that Winston will wind up as King of his very own private cell, to prevent him from a) getting beaten up by a cellmate who has had it with Winston's blatherings; b) getting beaten up by a cellmate who listens to Winston's blatherings, and suffers financially and criminally as a result; or c) becoming the "very special friend" of a cellmate who takes a swift dislike to him.
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by The Observer »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:Shrout's fantasy world must be very real to him. You really have to wonder if he was mentally competent to understand what was going on.
You have to consider the audience for that message. Winston is just trying to keep his faithful followers around as long as possible in order to maximize whatever he can con out of them. After all, he is going to have a prison canteen account to fund...
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by notorial dissent »

I have to agree with Famspear pretty much down the line here, EWWW, just EWWW.

As I said previously, I don't know if Winny is a pathological liar, or really that delusional. What ever, he has got it bad.

I will hope that part of his sentencing is disgorgement of all the money he has conned over the years, leaving him penniless, as I am sure he left some of his followers, and he will certainly be in jail where some of his followers have ended up I believe.
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by Jeffrey »

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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by notorial dissent »

Isn't he just too precious. Image Guess he really doesn't want to not go to jail. I doubt if the court would even accept that load of codswallop. Pure genuuine sovcit jibber jabber.
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

notorial dissent wrote:Isn't he just too precious. Image Guess he really doesn't want to not go to jail. I doubt if the court would even accept that load of codswallop. Pure genuuine sovcit jibber jabber.
Not only that -- he is quick to cite the Supremacy Clause in the Constitution, as he wails and gnashes his teeth over the TREASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! being committed by the meanies who are prosec -- or rather, PERSECuting him; but he somehow skipped over Article III, Section 3 of said Constitution.
Last edited by Pottapaug1938 on Thu Apr 27, 2017 6:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by fortinbras »

Jeffrey wrote:This is allegedly Shrout's appeal: ... 2b7da9.pdf
Looking as this, Shrout has gone bonkers upon losing in trial court. He is tossing every kind of sovtard nonsense in this pleading, hoping that something will stick, and absolutely none of it will. He's the convicted defendant in a criminal trial, yet he uses business terms like "third party intervenor" and "secured party", he tries to pretend it's an admiralty case, and also that he's making (as this very late stage) a "special appearance". And then he starts throwing around accusations of treason, and claims of being immunized by some UN function, and calls himself "Hon. Winston Shrout", etc.

Too bad for him this is not adequate evidence of diminished mental capacity. It certainly does not support an insanity plea; quite the opposite. The judge will be delighted to put him out of circulation.
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by Famspear »

Actually, that does not appear to be his appeal. Looks like something he filed as a preliminary matter about a year ago.

EDIT: And, the motion was denied by the Court three days after Wacky Winnie filed it.
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Some of these recent posts should be moved to his thread in the SovCit (or possibly Tax Protester) forum; they are not really status updates.

I'd do it, but the last time I tried to move a thread, I ended up re-titling the first post.
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Re: Shrout, Winston

Post by wserra »

They're all about Shrout. Please leave them.
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