Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Open forum where offshore scams and offshore scammers can be freely discussed. Includes offshore investment and tax fraud and the latest goings-on in the Dominion of Melchizedek, Principality of New Utopia, Kingdom of Enen-Kio, the OITC, and other fake nations and world agencies.
notorial dissent
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by notorial dissent »

SBM, fwiw, considering that everything else that Busted Boy has said and did has been a lie, consider this: what corporation incorporated off-shore? He has lied about everything else, why should he have gone to all the trouble, and let’s not forget expense of actually incorporating what was essentially a sham corporation to being with. Has anyone actually verified that there is a real corporation out there? I would be more surprised if there were, and if there isn’t then Busted Boy’s “investors” have a whole new laundry list of things to worry about, beyond having lost their investments, like being jointly and severally liable for anything he does in their name, since if there is no legal corporation they are basically either an unincorporated association or a partnership depending on AZ laws. I did a quick check and there is no Oceanside Network listed with the state of AZ either as a domestic or foreign corp, which would mean they have no legal existence in AZ, not a good thing for his “investors”.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

Broker / Justin Plain Jones claims on the Oceanside Assets site:
O C E A N S I D E is a rapidly growing international conglomerate providing services for clients all over the world.
Broker / Justin Plain Jones and JD / Justin Kaiser are in the big time. The proud owners of a rapidly growing international conglomerate. Joker boy must have fallen off of the wagon again!

I think we should contact the Oceanside Assets office and get the scoop!

Office: 888.984.2227
Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm EST

His investors should be thrilled to find out that the company is growing rapidly! Sounds like growing rusticles as is the Titanic! :lol:

notorial dissent
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by notorial dissent »

And yet, amazingly enough, there is no record of them with either the state corporation registry or the state securities commission. How quaint!!!!

Must be a phantom "growing international conglomerate" to go with their phantom profits and phantom super duper software package.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

Broker blathered on his forum:
Default Offshore Stuff

At this time, I cannot teach you about Offshore stuff. You can teach others, (if you know about it), but I cannot promote it or teach it.

It's a stupid regulation.

But I must abide. The only reason I'm even posting his here is because you are all a very private and exclusive group. It is not illegal to have an offshore corp and do what you are going to do. It's a "gray area" on the concept of talking about it, because US authorities might think we were trying to circumvent them.

HOWEVER....of VERY BIG NOTE: The Republicans have sent the Dodd-Frank bill on an 18 month delay of the July 11th deadlines that the CFTC was imposing through this bloated regulatory piece of junk. (Sorry it's how I really feel). Many are speculating that the Republicans, once in power in 2012, will seek to eliminate the Dodd-Frank bill because after some analyzing they have realized it is doing "more damage than safety",and it is further serving to destroy the American Economy ...I just became a Republican for the time being I think.

Those of you who took advantage of things while we still could talk about them.

....Wise Decision.


PS--Oceanside Assets is not owned by me, nor am I affiliated with it in any shape or form. JD administers it and does excellent work. But he also doesn't market or govern Oceanside directly. We are a complex corporate set up, and diversified in our roles. The reason the virus didn't infect the OAssets page is because it is not hosted on Oceanside servers. I believe the name of it will be changing shortly as well.

Last edited by Broker Jones; 06-02-2011 at 11:23 AM.
This landed on Realscam. So much for Broker's private and exclusive group. I adore the way he is now admitting I was right. I wonder just who set Broker straight on this???

notorial dissent
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by notorial dissent »

blathering Broker wrote: .......
It's a stupid regulation.

But I must abide.

It is not illegal to have an offshore corp and do what you are going to do. It's a "gray area"

.... US authorities might think we were trying to circumvent them....

How much you want to bet he's had a for real heart to heart with
either the Fed and / or state securities regulators and they "explained" that "stupid regulation" and those "stupid penalties" to him in no uncertain terms he could twist??? "Gray area" yeah, kind of like the Titanic had a bit of a hole in her side. Yeah, I'll just bet they had some thoughts about him trying to circumvent them. I'll just bet they did.

So Broker and JD now DON'T own or control Oceanside, yet weren't they not too long ago telling everyone that they ran the whole show and just how wonderful they were???? yeah, real complex corporate structure, like manufactured out of whole cloth, since as near as I can tell there is not corporation to begin with.

So what, the virus ate their credibility?????

Really, really amusing.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by littleroundman »

notorial dissent wrote:
How much you want to bet he's had a for real heart to heart with
either the Fed and / or state securities regulators .
Never bet on certainties, my sainted mum always used to tell me.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by wserra »

soapboxmom wrote:Broker blathered on his forum:
It's a stupid regulation.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

I joined the webinar hosted by Broker Jones today under my own name. Shockingly, young Justin Jones apologized to me personally by name at the beginning and end of the call. I appreciate that he has now acknowledged that he was out of line. I take his kind words to mean he regrets making false allegations of me and his online critics sending his wife and daughters emails threatening them with rape and death. He did not go into those specifics, but certainly those hideous allegations are what he should be retracting and apologizing for so brazenly publishing.

While I am very pleased to see him trying to make amends with me, that does not change the fact there are serious concerns about his business. He still has no education, experience, training, registrations or certifications that would suggest to me he should have a limited power of attorney to manage folks forex accounts with the Swiss bank, MIG bank. He talks a very good game and has gotten the CYA disclaimers down to a science now. But, as to Oceanside, I don't see any hope of it surviving Broker's management decisions of the past few years. There are lengthy threads about his outlandish claims and lack of any qualifications on numerous sites across the web. The history of the Oceanside Titanic will live on forever.

MIG bank:
Explore new business opportunities through a partnership with us

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If MIG bak finds out about the history of Oceanside, I suspect that relationship will end as the one with Gain Capital did earlier this year. Jones is again talking $2,000.00 minimum accounts plus $1,500.00 in start up fees for those. He also talks about high dollar client referrals and the associated referral fees. The MLM crowd that hangs with him is in no way able to deal in that kind of financial outlay. It sounds like more fantasy on his call. Not surprisingly no one asked a question or spoke at all, so I am sure there were very few attendees.



He spoke of folks money being protected by the Swiss government. Perhaps our financial experts that come on here would like to comment on that further.

There is nothing like having ol' Mom here set a boy straight on a few things.


Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by ytfxaffiliates »

A Forex broker is a necessary ingredient in forex trading. Forex brokers take care of the orders, perform the transactions, offer trading platforms and all the necessary trading tools, such as charts, real time news, fundamental and technical updates, economic calendars and more.

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

MIG Bank, Broker's latest partner, can't take United States citizens as customers. I tried registering for an account and I was redirected by MIG Bank to Penson Futures. I had a lovely chat with several people there including a very nice gentleman in the compliance department. JD Kaiser was working behind the scenes preparing to get U.S. customers signed up there. Since he and Broker are not even licensed dog catchers they won't soliciting U.S. customers any longer and sending them through MIG to these honorable folks. Remember how I read Gain Capital the riot act and the boys were unceremoniously dumped. Well, it looks like Penson Futures will be showing them the door as well!

JD and Broker, don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!!!



If the boys ever host another webinar at least they will have something new and interesting to discuss!!!

Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by thomaslowell »

People trading or considering trading Forex want to be successful. A big secret to your success is your choice of a Forex broker, especially when using certain scalper type strategies that look for many small gains. A fair spread is one of the key points in selecting the correct broker.

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by wserra »

thomaslowell, ytfxaffiliates and ronaldlee are all the same person. Moreover, all of "them" endeared themselves to us by posting some meaningless bullshit as an excuse to spam a commercial link.

They no longer darken our doorstep. The site they tried to spam is pretty obvious, and anyone who wishes might have at 'em. Maybe I will later, but I have a lot of work this weekend for an upcoming trial.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

I should update. Broke boy is completely out of the forex scamming business. He is now running a juice bar. His long suffering wife, who he publicly bragged of spanking and accused me of sending rape and death threats to, filed for divorce and rid herself of that drunken, 'roid raging and serial scammer. Hopefully, his multi-millionaire businessman buffoonery has ended for good!

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by Cathulhu »

soapboxmom wrote:I should update. Broke boy is completely out of the forex scamming business. He is now running a juice bar. His long suffering wife, who he publicly bragged of spanking and accused me of sending rape and death threats to, filed for divorce and rid herself of that drunken, 'roid raging and serial scammer. Hopefully, his multi-millionaire businessman buffoonery has ended for good!

Yeah, but would you drink a juice he squeezed? I sure wouldn't.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by LaVidaRoja »

All of his on-line boasting about how much money he had/was making ought to make for some interesting explanations on his part in the divorce hearing.
Little boys who tell lies grow up to be weathermen.
notorial dissent
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by notorial dissent »

Awww, poor Broke Boy.... :snicker:

I have to agree with Cathulhu here, would you want something his hands had touched???? EWWWW H... NO!!!

Wonder where all those millions he supposedly had went to, probably off with his little magic black box looking for a new shill.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.