Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by wserra »

Here's the CFTC press release. Jones should probably read it, especially the part about how the lawsuits seek "civil monetary penalties, trading and registration bans, disgorgement and rescission".

And everyone thinking of doing business with Oceanside (or, for that matter, with O C E A N S I D E) should read this part: "The CFTC strongly urges the public to check whether a company is registered before investing funds. If a company is not registered, an investor should be wary of providing funds to that company." One checks to see if a firm is registered here. Don't bother; Oceanside isn't.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, I don’t think Broke Boy is going to have to worry about trading and registration bans, since he can’t and isn’t, and I seriously doubt if he has actually scammed anyone or enough, let along has anything to disgorge. Now the penalties and possible jail time are a whole other matter, and on those he ought to be really worried. The penalties not so much since I doubt he has two dimes to rub together when all is said and done, but the jail time for sure.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by Doc Bunkum »


This is totally awesome!

I think we underestimated Jonsey.

From his website:


Not only is he trading in foreign exchange, he's teaching folks how to do it too! :shock:
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by webhick »

I like how they photoshopped their name onto a building on the Dubai Campus:

Shitty job at that.

ETA: I just shot an email off to the actual owners of the building concerning this.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by rogfulton »

I was kinda suspicious of the emblem above the door but for a different reason, it looks kind of like the tail emblem on some Middle Eastern/Southwest Asian airline.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by Doc Bunkum »

rogfulton wrote:I was kinda suspicious of the emblem above the door but for a different reason, it looks kind of like the tail emblem on some Middle Eastern/Southwest Asian airline.
Naw, it's legit.

Another Photoshop job.

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

Dear Heather Dobrott,
Thank you for your email. We apologize for the inconvenience but we do no have a relationship with Oceanside Network. Thank You.
If you have any other questions please email us again or call 1-877-FOREXGO. You can also go to the following link for a list of International Toll Free Numbers.

Client Services Team

If you would like immediate assistance using our Chat support, please click below:

1.877.FOREXGO (367.3946)
This has caused our ever charming Mr. Jones to fall silent.

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by notorial dissent »

And such shocking unexpected news too!!!!
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by EagleOne »

You'll have to forgive me as I have not been able to keep us with all of Broker's stories of late; so I am confused.

I thought he said O C E A N S I D E had customers using their black box and trading through Gain. Then did he not say on another forum they didn't have any customers that were trading using his black box? Why would Gain allow them to use Broker's black box in the first place? Then he was touting their returns, but if they don't have any clients, then who cares how the black box peformed?

I cannot keep up with all the different stories being told by Broker, and if anyone can clear this up for me, it is greatly appreciated. I just haven't had the time to follow Broker's bouncing ball routine. Thanks.
Lynndel "Lynn" Edgington
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notorial dissent
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by notorial dissent »

I think the operative word here is "stories" as that is just what they have all been. The big problem when you are not telling the truth and you aren't really good at lying, is to remember what stories you have told and when and where, and Broke Boy isn't any more ept at that than he is at anything else. Broke Boy hasn't been doing any trading, since he isn't licensed, as a trader or a broker, and doesn't have any way of doing so through any other entity. He has just been officially disavowed by his pretend FOREX partner, so that is what it has all been, just "stories". In the first place, I don't think Broke Boy could come up with the capital requirements to actually trade in that market, so it is all just fantasy. I rather suspect that the next thing we will hear is that the AZ AG and their Securities Commission is taking action against him for pretending to be whatever it is he is pretending to be, since he isn't licensed or registered anywhere, and for some reason they tend to frown on that. :lol:
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by wserra »

Oceanside's "trolls" site with pages on SBM, Doc Bunkum and fastmoney now reads:
This blog has been deleted or moved to a new location.
The content is no longer available at the location specified.
I thought he was going to sue everybody. Instead he slinks away. Sic transit raptor.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by Doc Bunkum »

wserra wrote:Oceanside's "trolls" site with pages on SBM, Doc Bunkum and fastmoney now reads:
This blog has been deleted or moved to a new location.
The content is no longer available at the location specified.
I thought he was going to sue everybody. Instead he slinks away. Sic transit raptor.
As Soapboxmom posted on several forums yesterday, directed to "Broker" Jones...
That content better remain forever gone. You better remove this as well. If I see either of those up on Monday morning I will be contacting the school and the Mesa Police to see if you have reported all the nonsense you have been posting about on your corporate page. I would hate to see a firestorm in your home community, but you leave me no choice as I am the topic of your corporate pages for felonious acts I never committed and you are not substantiating a shred of it.
Jones, if you're reading this, I'd take what SBM says seriously. I can assure you she ain't bluffing.

In other Oceanside Forex news, posted on their forum yesterday...

No Trading to Report On

Gee, I wonder why that is? Could it have something to do with this?
Dear Heather Dobrott,
Thank you for your email. We apologize for the inconvenience but we do not have a relationship with Oceanside Network. Thank You.
If you have any other questions please email us again or call 1-877-FOREXGO. You can also go to the following link for a list of International Toll Free Numbers.

Client Services Team
What! :shock:

Broker, tell us it ain't so. Gain didn't go and pull the rug out from under you because of all the negative publicity you generated for them, did they? Would you like to talk about it? Talking always seems to help. Remember, big guy, we're here for you!

To paraphrase an old Buck Owen's song, I'd say Broker is singing "A Tiger's Got Me By The Tail" these days. :lol:
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

From Facebook:
Justin Jones And todays lesson of the day for any internet trolls is. Yes you may say whatever you would like on your own forums/blog etc. But you may NOT contact my corporations place of business and slander me. That is a federal crime. :) This might sting a little.

on Facebook
Mayo J Martinez Alexander Deliman Manuel Farrugia Bill Michel Nicole Delucchi-Jensen Jeremy Jay Nanney Terry Hartley Brent Klinger Dwayne Stevens Object id #3 others like this.
Alexander Deliman, *deep inhale* ahhh i love the smell of law suits in the morning :D

I was just qouting you, Broker. Think what you published on your corporate pages was a mistake, lad? If you didn't want your business associates to read it and me to challenge you on it, then you should have never posted it, bonehead. Did you single-handedly destroy Oceanside? And, do quote that federal law. We will all be wating with bated breath. JD was here, so I am sure you can find us as well!

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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

Justin Jones Well. 11 days of sobriety, on the evening of day 7 I had some anxiety, but now all I feel is absolutely wonderful. I think this is a permanent change. God is good.

2 days ago on Facebook
Terry Hartley Adrienne Colman Palesi Sara Jakel Laura Northrup SkidMarc Holloman Nicole Delucchi-Jensen Eva Rieder Diana Morales Rodriguez Samyra Dunlap William Manzoni Alexander Deliman April Huddleston Ryan Molly Alexander Cindy Kham Tony Armanini Bobby Coleman Gabe Luddy Brenda Hansen Mia Irizarry Jessica Odell Object id #3 others like this.
Robin Chambers, gd work. Keep it going

Comment posted 2 days ago

Mia Irizarry, So happy for you! Good job!!!

Comment posted 2 days ago

Rick D Jones, Right on my Brother!

Comment posted 2 days ago

Justin Jones, Aimee, I'm not sure if it was a problem, as it was just "time".

Comment posted 2 days ago

Jon Felts, 11 days! That's good for you!

Comment posted 2 days ago

Martina Cooke Bueno, Overrated!!! Just kidding good for you even if it is just a break or permanent one it's the point that you CAN stop!!!

Comment posted 2 days ago

Alexander Deliman, i bet your wife would like you to give up the video games as well, eh?

Comment posted 2 days ago

Justin Jones, no....I've actually converted her into a gamer. ;)

Comment posted 2 days ago

Alexander Deliman, that. is. amazing!

Comment posted 2 days ago

Paul Speaker, what are you quiting ? drinking ? drugs ? either way good for you man, quit a few bad habbits in life. good luck bud.

Comment posted 2 days ago

Matthew Taylor, Nobody likes a quitter! Haha, just kidding. Good job.

Comment posted 2 days ago

Katie Chandler, good job, keep it up.... well worth it :) incredible gift to give urself & ur family :)

Comment posted 2 days ago

Todd Kimerer, Good work Justin. It only gets better from here. quitting drinking was the best thing I have done for myself.

Comment posted 2 days ago

Rachelle Thomas, Good for you!

Comment posted 2 days ago

SkidMarc Holloman, Gratz man! Good to hear!

Comment posted 2 days ago

Cory Mark Garrett, yeah, here comes the 6 pack! lol

Comment posted 2 days ago

Justin Jones, @Cory....oh yeah bro. Ripped status incoming.

Comment posted Yesterday
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

Justin Jones Well, I just spanked my wife so hard it hurt my hand. She deserved it!

19 hours ago on Facebook
April Huddleston Ryan Josh Goessling Crysta McFarland Dwayne Stevens Alexander Deliman Jennifer Jackson Quinn Alexandra Furia Mia Irizarry Object id #3 others like this.
Brent Worley, TMI?

Comment posted 19 hours ago

Justin Jones, You liked it.

Comment posted 19 hours ago

Brent Worley, LOL

Comment posted 19 hours ago

Justin Jones, :)

Comment posted 19 hours ago

Justin Jones, See two girls feel like this was appropriate! ;)

Comment posted 19 hours ago

Brent Worley, And as I'm reading this, in the "Friend's Photo Albums" in the top right hand corner is a picture of your wife...so who enjoyed it more...you, or her?

Comment posted 19 hours ago

Justin Jones, lol...she's crying about it actually.

Comment posted 19 hours ago

James White, oh damn

Comment posted 18 hours ago

Justin Jones, lol

Comment posted 7 hours ago

Diana MacCarthy, "When you go to hit a woman, you must use an open hand" ( Sean Connery)

Comment posted 4 hours ago
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by wserra »

soapboxmom wrote:From Facebook:
But you may NOT contact my corporations place of business and slander me. That is a federal crime.
Only if you hack into their network to do it.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume
Doc Bunkum
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by Doc Bunkum »

Justin Jones: And todays lesson of the day for any internet trolls is. Yes you may say whatever you would like on your own forums/blog etc. But you may NOT contact my corporations place of business and slander me. That is a federal crime. :) This might sting a little.
Not sure if that is a federal crime, but spousal abuse - I'm quite certain that's a State crime.

Probably not the smartest thing you ever did publicly admitting you beat your wife, but then again, brains don't seem to be your strong suit.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by EagleOne »

Is it me, or has Broker gone silent all of a sudden? I haven't seen him or JD post in quite a while anywhere. Did Gain pull the plug on him and JD? He seems to have disappeared after his public claim he spanked his wife and stoped drinking.

I think it is just a matter of days now until O C E A N S I D E is gone. I am still laughing over his claim to be a Ponzi Killer. :lol: :lol:
Lynndel "Lynn" Edgington
Founder/President Eagle Research Associates http://eagleresearchassociates.org
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notorial dissent
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by notorial dissent »

I don't know, maybe they die laughing at him!!!!!! :lol: :lol:
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Oceanside Forex: Broker Jones Rides Again

Post by soapboxmom »

Last Trade at Gain Capital before Gain terminated its relationship with Oceanside:
2011/01/31 13 144.02 -15.46 128.56 0.6 9.32 11 85.0 2
Stats on Oceanside Category 2:
Weekly return -0.7%
Monthly return -2.7%
Profit factor 0.72
History 56 days
Gain Capital terminated its relationship with Broker due to what he wrote on his trolls corporate page, Oceanside Strikes Back blog entry and on various forums such as this one across the net. As I said, I was in contact with almost every department there and I quoted Broker. Quoting the garbage he writes is not slander. Unfortunately for Oceanside I will be quoting him for quite a while to come and he will not be able to do business with any reputable U.S. broker or company due to the negative internet presence he himself created. All this advertising he has done will live on forever.

Bye, bye Oceanside!
