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Re: ITSB Group London Nickolaos Petros Kangelaris

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 1:02 am
by webhick
[Admin note: Due to reasons that cannot be discussed publicly, the original poster has been sanitized from the thread. Content of the thread remains generally intact.]

Did you say Nickolas Petros Kangelaris?

It looks like we've talked about him before (Atlas Treasury and Provider of MTN)

It is highly likely that he is the same one from Atlas Treasury. Per the old thread, he and his wife Birgit were running a similar scheme to ITSB and were brought up on charges. If you check out the Investor Relations Page, you'll see that not only is NP Kangelaris on the board, but so is B. Helene Kangelaris. A simply Google for Birgit Kangelaris turns up a search result confirming that it's the same woman which is just useful enough for me to express my personal opinion that you should run from whatever they're trying to sell you. Run quickly and report them to the authorities, which I think is ... rised-firm

Re: ITSB Group London Nickolaos Petros Kangelaris

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 6:57 pm
by webhick
Man is the Federal Services Register search borked. After trying for 10 minutes to figure out why the stupid form kept saying "Post code out invalid," despite it passing the regex checks in the source and verifying the post code through the Royal Mail, it SUDDENLY worked with the very first post code I tried! Miracles!

ITSB turns up nothing on the firm search with "best" option. I tried "starting with" and...well...server error. I thought our government websites could be bad, but I had no idea what the Brits were putting up with. It's not just the server error and it being down last night when I checked it, it's the fact that it took me fifteen minutes to find the damned search area last night. I mean, it would have helped if I knew it was called "FCA Register"/"Federal Services Register"/"Financial Services Register"/Something else that I think had a "C" in it. I had to go through the Consumer section of the site and then "Protect Yourself" and then "Search the Register" and then when the main content of that page was super unhelpful, I found the link for searching in the left navbar, only to find another "informative" page about searching - but at least there was an actual link to the fraking search page!

No offense to our visitors from across the pond, and maybe this is more of a "stupid American is not used to our terminology" but I really do not recall the last time I was so frustrated with a professional website.

Re: ITSB Group London Nickolaos Petros Kangelaris

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 7:18 pm
by rogfulton
webhick wrote:... but I really do not recall the last time I was so frustrated with a professional website.
Try applying for a state job in Texas online. Many agencies have switched to Neogov but several still have their own special brand of torture. :brickwall:

Re: ITSB Group London Nickolaos Petros Kangelaris

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:30 pm
by JamesVincent
Is it bad when even the company listing them says their "office" is a mail drop?

Not only does his apparent wife end up as a Director for this company, another familiar name from Atlas, MR. KLAUS JUERGEN LOUIS, IIRC was one of the directors of Atlas also shows up here.

Re: ITSB Group London Nickolaos Petros Kangelaris

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 8:30 pm
by webhick
Per the page I listed earlier, the Consumer Help line is 0800 111 6768. Report them!

ETA: I emailed the FCA and pointed them to this thread. The automated response says that it takes about 12 days to hear back from them. That's assuming they would do anything as I do not have first-hand experience with this company and cannot personally attest to anything that has transpired. You still need to call them.

Re: ITSB Group London Nickolaos Petros Kangelaris

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:08 pm
by pcfriars22
Was approached about a similar opportunity with ITSB Group as being discussed a couple of days ago. Reading the information on here and doing some digging helped us avoid getting involved. Appreciate the heads up, as it's unfortunate that there are too many companies trying to fleece investor's money.

Re: ITSB Group London Nickolaos Petros Kangelaris

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:43 pm
by notorial dissent
[poster name redacted], unfortunately at this point, I rather suspect that any money you gave to them, is shall we say, gone bye bye. This didn't sound any too auspicious to begin with, and sounds even less so now.