Ingunn of Røiseland - Norwegian Frikvinne (Freeman)

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Ingunn of Røiseland - Norwegian Frikvinne (Freeman)

Post by Burnaby49 »

During World War II Winston Churchill was obsessed with invading Norway. Normandy? Forget it! Southern France? A sideshow. The decisive blow that would crush the Reich was an invasion of northern Norway. But American nattering nabobs of negativism like General George Marshall cruelly stomped on his dreams. Instead of seeing the strategic brilliance of the concept they just narrow-mindedly nitpicked trivial tactical military issues like the lack of any landing beaches, no open unrestricted ground for armour, vehicles or airfields, an entire country covered in forest and mountains with few roads, endless frozen winter, fourteen German divisions dug in, a military dead end, on and on and on. You pusillanimous pussyfooting Americans had no strategic vision. Well seventy years later Freemanism has achieved what Churchill could not, a successful landing on Norway's scenic shores! So meet the tip of the spear, Ingunn of Røiseland.

For those of you fluent in Norwegian the article I'm quoting from is here; ... ville.html

For those, like myself, just struggling to cope in one language (thanks for the above help Spiro), the Google translate is here; ... &edit-text

The article gives a bit of her background and it seems that Freemanism is just a part of her rich full history of being a crank;
Brief history - Who is Ingunn Røiseland

For those who do not quite know what kind of environment Ingunn Røiseland represents . Ingunn Røiseland we know that the lady who fronted the anti-vaccine movement in talk shows on television a few years ago in connection with the swine flu vaccine. She believes the CIA using vaccines to spread nano chips , which means that "we" can be monitored and tankemanipuleres (note - Don't blame me, that's what Google translated).

She was in NRK - the program Social Security Office on 03.10.2012 involving conspiracies where among other theme was; pop artists are working for the dark forces in this world. Besides conspiracy that NATO and UN spray us with chemicals (popularly known as chemtrails ). In the program she tried frantically to distance from what she previously claimed. In addition Røyseland written articles posted on the News Mirror, which is not appreciably known to be concerned with reality.

Towards bankrupt West
If we move toward a fascist society of control?
Ingunn Røyseland on Libya conflict
Do either the vaccine or terrorist attacks

Otherwise she is featured here:
Angels in bad company - I am not an anti-Semite

Ingunn Røiseland is one of the few people that move with the greatest of ease between the alternative landscape and the more outrageous conspiracy landscape. It means that she has a certain impact in several camps. She is very clever to "sweet to the" for all who agree with her view of the world.
As to what Ingunn has to say for herself, does this sound familiar?
The most important question you must ask yourself is:" I will be in a contractual relationship with the state, or will not I? You must remember that "the contract is King". If you want to accept the existing offer of social contract that says you have agreed to come under its jurisdiction with all that entails. If you say no to contract, as I do, so I say to me all the privileges that come with the contract. This for that.

One of the most important things we can do, is to put us in legal terminology. What does "man (human being)", "person", "natural man / woman." Feel free to use Blacks Law Dictionary, latest edition. To be free, you have to be uncompromising in the way that you do not allow yourself to be led back into the contract with the State, or that you suddenly staggers and think that you need to deal with a jurisdiction that may not apply to you. Change comes from within. You must be able to take clear value choices and understand the consequences of your choices. When you are firm then you are also unbeatable.

I just want to make it clear immediately that I am not afraid of reprisals, to be deprived of property or put in jail, and I'm just think a heavy dose of realism is the alpha and omega for dealing with a radical life choices

To be frikvinne I very first made three things:

1 Announce to the state that there is no contract, or any enforceable between us, referring to my natural right to live in the country because I was born here. Letters are immediately on

In this letter I specify that I refrain from the provision of state benefits and not going to help this community. For my part, there will always be natural to help a community, but a community that regularly and systematically violates so many others' inherent right to life and happiness.

I have not found the answer to this brevet. Det is also indifferent whether I get a response or not.

2 In the letter over, I asked the government to inform all their agents via its registers that there is no contract between us, so really wanted to I could end here. However, I have, just for the fun of it, also sent a legal document to individual actors Norwegian Mapping Authority, Collection Agency etc, and informed that there is no authority to act, sign, negotiate or anything else on my behalf. Letters situated within a short time of

3 So, most importantly: I am in the process of establishing a company through a private process (no registration in public registers) and then pledge my birth certificate in an underlying holding company. Then I will inform the state that fact and move in three ads in a local newspaper. Info is soon on .
And this could have been taken right out of the Canadian Freeman playbook (and probably was). Has she been talking to Paraclete Belanger and David (You're all perverts!) Smith?
So how have we been able to be defined as security: The imaginative have lawyers (read: Bar Association, managed by The Crown: ) would define us as a marine product. We come out of the mother's waters, through the birth (berth) canal, Received by the doc (!) ...

"Maritime admiralty law conside you a maritime admiralty product, simply Because you were birthed out of your mother's water. A ship sits in its birth until the captain the railway station, a certificate of manifest to the Port Authorities.

The reason you are required two have a Birth Certificate is Because at the time of your birth there is an exchange of money two cover hospital costs. The doc k signs your birth certificate simply Because That is what the ship is tied two, you will need a doc k to sign your birth certificate. "

The premise that we should be traded, is that we created a marine product AND that maritime jurisdiction comes into play. So how come the maritime jurisdiction into play in Norway? For my part, I doubted that I could find circumstantial evidence for this, and was therefore surprised when I saw how many references that indicate that something is "weird". Two examples: I would recommend reading about maritime jurisdiction in internal waters, and then how internal waters are defined, and how much land we are talking about. "Feeling" is that anything but the mountain is defined as maritime jurisdiction. It is also interesting to read about how the Kingdom of Norway is defined as Svalbard, Jan Mayen and mainland Norway.Where is that, if all of the internal waters shall be deducted from? Many will certainly feel it offensive and "over the top" to read these considerations. Then I just ask everyone to go back to the section on the blue pill versus red what public administration is concerned. However, I must emphasize that this section Admiralty is based on assumptions for the most part. However, it is certain that the often necessarily apply, and that it must be made for it.

Our birth certificate (vi) has been created as a Cestui Que ... trust, and here's a little about this:

If you have not taken the steps you need two take two join the land of the living then you are Regarded by the CORPORATION as a dead entity! From the Cestui Quest Act 1666:

"Cestui que vie remaining beyond Sea for Seven Years together and no Proof of Their Lives, Judge in Action to direct a Verdict as though Cestui que vie were dead.If such person or persons for whose is life or lives such Estates have beene or Shall be Granted as aforesaid Shall Remain beyond the Seas or elsewhere absent themelves in this realm by the space of Seaven Year together and something Sufficient and evident PROOF be made of the lives of such person or persons respectively in any Action commenced for recovery of such Tenements by the lessors or reversion in every such case the person or persons upon-whose life or lives such Estate depended Shall be accounted as naturally dead, And in every Action Brought for the recovery of the said Tenements by the lessor or reversion Their Heir or assign, the Judges before Whom such Action Shall Be Brought Shall direct the jury to Give Their Verdict as if the person soe remaining beyond the Seas or otherwise absenting himself were dead. "

So you can look up "watershed" or "prominence" on Wikipedia, and see that the watershed is high in the mountains. Here lies the opportunity for a creative and highly paid lawyer, who might as well have sworn "allegiance" to the Bar Association or lodge brothers of any kind.

Read on Wikipedia about maritime lien, and understand that it applies to us. We are "the vessel". See also "ship mortgage.
And, of course, a Shout-Out for Meads v Meads;
A Canadian court has addressed the Freemen nonsense. There is a long sentence , the size of a sizable book actually. The judgment has picked apart the rhetoric, and not lose the self-proclaimed "laws" that movement surrounds himself with.

For those of you wanting a look at our Nordic beauty, here she is;


Every bit as photogenic and crazed as Hannah Sotbolt. While the article I've linked is from 2013 a picture taken just a week ago shows she is still throwing herself into the fray;


Put her name in Google and you get 18,000 entries but, as far as I can tell, all in Norwegian. Since I'm to lazy to run a sample through Google Translator and clean them up she'll have to remain largely an enigma unless anybody else wants to take on the chore. Hannah has the big advantage of communicating in a language I can understand.
Last edited by Burnaby49 on Sat Oct 25, 2014 12:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ingunn of Røiseland - Norwegian Frikvinne (Freeman)

Post by noblepa »

Are you channelling Spiro Agnew? :)
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Re: Ingunn of Røiseland - Norwegian Frikvinne (Freeman)

Post by Burnaby49 »

noblepa wrote:Are you channelling Spiro Agnew? :)
That's Spiro Theodore Agnew to you Jack!

America lost a much needed source of politial satire when Spiro resigned. Totally unfair, what's a little political corruption in the scheme of things? The man had style, he was still taking under-the-table payoffs as vice-president and Maryland contractors were required to come to the White House to deliver the cash ("let him in, he's just another bagman with unmarked bills for the vice-president").
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Re: Ingunn of Røiseland - Norwegian Frikvinne (Freeman)

Post by The Observer »

During World War II Winston Churchill was obsessed with invading Norway. Normandy? Forget it! Southern France? A sideshow. The decisive blow that would crush the Reich was an invasion of northern Norway. But American nattering nabobs of negativism like General George Marshall cruelly stomped on his dreams.
I was not aware that Churchill was pushing the Americans to invade Norway; I do know that he was the principal architect of the British invasion in 1940 before America got into the war. But I never encountered any history that has recorded Churchill and Marshall going head to head over conducting a second invasion of Norway. I do know that Winston got his way with sucking the West into invading Sicily and Italy, which strategically made little sense - but Churchill thought otherwise, regardless of what advice that he got from anyone else, including his generals.

In any event, perhaps a Norway invasion would have been better, in that it might have changed things so much that our Nordic Freewoman may have had her outlook on life dramatically changed.
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Re: Ingunn of Røiseland - Norwegian Frikvinne (Freeman)

Post by notorial dissent »

I'm betting her brand of nonsense doesn't go over very well with the Norwegians, not a race known for their sense of humor at the best of times.
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Re: Ingunn of Røiseland - Norwegian Frikvinne (Freeman)

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Observer wrote:
During World War II Winston Churchill was obsessed with invading Norway. Normandy? Forget it! Southern France? A sideshow. The decisive blow that would crush the Reich was an invasion of northern Norway. But American nattering nabobs of negativism like General George Marshall cruelly stomped on his dreams.
I was not aware that Churchill was pushing the Americans to invade Norway; I do know that he was the principal architect of the British invasion in 1940 before America got into the war. But I never encountered any history that has recorded Churchill and Marshall going head to head over conducting a second invasion of Norway. I do know that Winston got his way with sucking the West into invading Sicily and Italy, which strategically made little sense - but Churchill thought otherwise, regardless of what advice that he got from anyone else, including his generals.

In any event, perhaps a Norway invasion would have been better, in that it might have changed things so much that our Nordic Freewoman may have had her outlook on life dramatically changed.
I just finished this book, volume three of a massive biography of Churchill's life; ... +churchill

This covers his life from becoming Prime Minster in 1940 until his death. It goes into great detail on his Norway obsession. He kept at it, and at it, and at it, even past D-day. Eisenhower was dead set against it as was Churchill's own staff. He never went toe to toe with Marshall on it, that was Eisenhower's job as Supreme Commander on the spot. Marshall just told Ike to tell Winnie to forget it, a position Ike fully supported. Nobody agreed with him on it because it was, bluntly, a stupid idea. What do you do with an army in northern Norway? Apparently no explanation has survived as to why Churchill was so obsessed with the idea, at least I've not read any explanation that makes sense from a military perspective. All I can conclude is he had two underlying reasons;

1 - The German's kicked the British out in 1940 and he wanted revenge.

2 - He was obsessed, past any rational explanation, with the "indirect approach". Nothing within reach of Britain was more indirect than northern Norway. You've noted Sicily and Italy. Italy made no sense. If you took the whole thing so what? You've got Italy, a country of no consequence in the war and when you're done you hit the alps. I had an uncle killed in the battle for Ortona. Just pointless. As Wikipedia says;
It is estimated that between September 1943 and April 1945, some 60,000 Allied and 50,000 German soldiers died in Italy.[nb 6] Overall Allied casualties during the campaign totaled about 320,000[nb 7] and the corresponding Axis figure (excluding those involved in the final surrender) was about 336,650.[8] No campaign in the West (Mediterranean, Middle East and Western Fronts) cost more than the Italian campaign in terms of lives lost and wounds suffered by infantry forces.[10]
After the Italian landings Churchill wanted to invade Europe through Yugoslavia, another country with no landing beaches or roads and all mountains. He did his best to try and stop the Normandy landings that so the assembled troups could be used for Norway and Yugoslavia. However by 1944 you Americans were in control and had a very simple perspective. We're here, Germany's there, France is in between. Churchill was thinking politically rather than militarily. He wanted to go north from Yugoslavia and cut the Russian army off by grabbing Austria and Czeckoslovakia first to stop soviet control of Eastern Europe. There was no way the Americans were going to agree with this. They wanted to defeat the Germans as quickly as possible and were not willing to spend American lives and resources to indulge Churchill's post-war fantasies.
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Re: Ingunn of Røiseland - Norwegian Frikvinne (Freeman)

Post by Dai Kiwi »

The Norwegian Front. Yes, I can see that working almost as well as Gallipoli. Oh wait, same person.

Regarding Norse sense of humour, I enjoyed Trollhunter. Perhaps the creative team could find a new target?
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Re: Ingunn of Røiseland - Norwegian Frikvinne (Freeman)

Post by wserra »

Another frikkin' frikvinne.
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Re: Ingunn of Røiseland - Norwegian Frikvinne (Freeman)

Post by grixit »

It was a stretch to refer canadians to Black's but at least Canada and the US share a legal ancestry. I'd love to get a transcript of what happens when someone quotes it to a norwegian judge.
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Re: Ingunn of Røiseland - Norwegian Frikvinne (Freeman)

Post by PeanutGallery »

Or tries to justify the misunderstood etymology of common English words in a non-English language.

Is this the first time that Freemanism has been seen or practiced outside of a common law country?
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Re: Ingunn of Røiseland - Norwegian Frikvinne (Freeman)

Post by notorial dissent »

grixit wrote:It was a stretch to refer canadians to Black's but at least Canada and the US share a legal ancestry. I'd love to get a transcript of what happens when someone quotes it to a norwegian judge.
You have a delightfully wicked sense of humor, can I watch too, I'll bring the popcorn Image ?
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Re: Ingunn of Røiseland - Norwegian Frikvinne (Freeman)

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

PeanutGallery wrote:Or tries to justify the misunderstood etymology of common English words in a non-English language.

Is this the first time that Freemanism has been seen or practiced outside of a common law country?
I though I'd seen some Dutch or French Freeman types, but I can't seem to find the threads. Theres been plenty of Freeman action in Quebec (operates in Civil Code except for criminal matters). I imagine that Louisiana is similarly not immune from common law types but I'm not familiar with them.
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Re: Ingunn of Røiseland - Norwegian Frikvinne (Freeman)

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

What makes me mad/sad about this Norwegian character is how horrifically mediocre she is in her rantings. She has almost fifteen hundred years of Norwegian history to draw from, rebellions against the Danes, against the Swedes, the New Norsk linguistic/cultural movement, and that most egalitarianish band of warriors, the Vikings! All of those rich sources of pseudo historical libertarianism at her disposal and she just regurgitates some generic Anglo-Saxon copypasta! Pathetic!

(If you want an example of a Canadian Walter Mitty going nuts about Norse history check out ... e-culture/ (the "we Norse were better off before Christianity came" rant ... complaint/ (how detached from reality buddy was)
I know this comes closer than it should to religion on the board but I just can't resist a crazy person)
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Re: Ingunn of Røiseland - Norwegian Frikvinne (Freeman)

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

(Man I'm steamed about her lack of creativity!)

How about this for a redemption scheme: "the government has $160,000 for every man woman and child in a (very public) account (which is totally not for scammers to pay private debts)"? Pretty damn Norwegian at least: ... d=21488085
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Re: Ingunn of Røiseland - Norwegian Frikvinne (Freeman)

Post by Thule »

Burnaby49 wrote: Put her name in Google and you get 18,000 entries but, as far as I can tell, all in Norwegian. Since I'm to lazy to run a sample through Google Translator and clean them up she'll have to remain largely an enigma unless anybody else wants to take on the chore. Hannah has the big advantage of communicating in a language I can understand.
Well, she hates Child Protection Service. Thinks joos are secretely running the world. Hangs around Holocaust-deniers. Vaccines, no good. Her fans refer constantly to Blacks Dictionary, which seriously makes no sense. Hangs around disbarred lawyers with a grudge.

Tried to declare her house sovereign territory and exempt from taxes. Tried selling food (spring rolls, if I remember correct), got into trouble for refusing food safety inspectors access. Got evicted from her house after failing to pay taxes for 2013.

So she not only parrots US sovruns, she even matches their success rate. Although 18 months from declaring sovrunity to getting kicked out of her house, that's pretty fast I think.

And she's a graduate of Astarte Academy. A school (drinks down, please) where the Princess teaches you to speak to angels. Real angels, with feathery wings and all. And yes, Princess as in "Daughter of the King".

Most of the links are news stories, sovrunity has a certain amusement value over here. And several links are to bloggers picking her story apart.
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Re: Ingunn of Røiseland - Norwegian Frikvinne (Freeman)

Post by Thule »

notorial dissent wrote:
grixit wrote:It was a stretch to refer canadians to Black's but at least Canada and the US share a legal ancestry. I'd love to get a transcript of what happens when someone quotes it to a norwegian judge.
You have a delightfully wicked sense of humor, can I watch too, I'll bring the popcorn Image ?
Believe me, if that ever happens I'll have the translation online within the hour!
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Re: Ingunn of Røiseland - Norwegian Frikvinne (Freeman)

Post by Burnaby49 »

Thule wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote: Put her name in Google and you get 18,000 entries but, as far as I can tell, all in Norwegian. Since I'm to lazy to run a sample through Google Translator and clean them up she'll have to remain largely an enigma unless anybody else wants to take on the chore. Hannah has the big advantage of communicating in a language I can understand.
Well, she hates Child Protection Service. Thinks joos are secretely running the world. Hangs around Holocaust-deniers. Vaccines, no good. Her fans refer constantly to Blacks Dictionary, which seriously makes no sense. Hangs around disbarred lawyers with a grudge.

Tried to declare her house sovereign territory and exempt from taxes. Tried selling food (spring rolls, if I remember correct), got into trouble for refusing food safety inspectors access. Got evicted from her house after failing to pay taxes for 2013.

So she not only parrots US sovruns, she even matches their success rate. Although 18 months from declaring sovrunity to getting kicked out of her house, that's pretty fast I think.

And she's a graduate of Astarte Academy. A school (drinks down, please) where the Princess teaches you to speak to angels. Real angels, with feathery wings and all. And yes, Princess as in "Daughter of the King".

Most of the links are news stories, sovrunity has a certain amusement value over here. And several links are to bloggers picking her story apart.
Thanks. We Canadians deal with local Sovereign/Freeman types who are so lazy they just parrot American sovereign mythology based on bizzare interpretations of the US Constitution and American jurisprudence. However there may be at least some very slight relevance to Canada, particularly their reverence for Blacks if the edition is at least a century out of date. However none of this has any relevance whatever to Norway. I guess Ingunn is just too lazy or stupid to think of something new to fit within the local laws and customs.
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Re: Ingunn of Røiseland - Norwegian Frikvinne (Freeman)

Post by Thule »

A bit more details, for those who are interested.

It seems that Mrs. Røiselands descent into sovrunity follows the usual path, trouble with the government. Back when she went to school learning how to talk to angels, she received unemployment benefits. Such benefits are for the unemployed, not students. So the government is demaning their money back, naturally. On top of this, she defaulted on her mortgage, compounding her problems.

It seems to be around this time she started spoting the gospel of "fiat ain't money" and "birth certificates are collateral". Then it gets really interesting, she has partnered up with a certain Herman Berge.

Mr. Berge is interesting, I've followed his loony tale for some years, purely for entertainment purposes, and in no way to keep track on him for sinister purposes.

We have to go back to the '70s, when the couple Einar and Amelia Riis got treated rather poorly in an inheritance dispute. By all accounts, the Court mishandled the case quite badly. The Wikipedia article provides a good background to the case, and how Mr. Berge got involved. ... tance_case

Now, from what I can tell, Mr. Berge did some fine work, and deserves (and got) handsome payment. Only problem, he wanted much more. His latest claim is for virtually all of the money, because Mr. Riis (quite dement during his last years) wanted the money to be used for some sort of fund managed by Berge.

Berge took of to Luxembourg, and runs a couple of web sites claiming that a huge nazi-commie-mason group is behind it all, and that he is a marked man who will never be able to return because he got to close to the Truth. Like all good conspiracies, this one involves pretty much every key politician and lawyer since WWII. Oh, and he has sued the President of France and the Prince of Monaco, apparently they are in on it too.

Anyway, back to Mrs. Røiseland. She and Berge has now cooked up the brilliant plan of forming a "People's Court" and try the Government and the banks there. This court will be made up of around 200 people (no word on how the members are appointed), and will hear the case of Mrs. Røiseland.

Cute plan, but they forgot one vital detail. You need a fitting venue when playing court, and there are no Denny's in Norway.
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Re: Ingunn of Røiseland - Norwegian Frikvinne (Freeman)

Post by Burnaby49 »

All of the Scandinavian countries rank right at the top of any lists compiled for corruption, government and private. Top in this context means corruption free. However the Riis case just reeks of a corrupt judiciary. At best totally incompetent. How could a probate court "lose" a huge amount of assets it held in trust otherwise?
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Re: Ingunn of Røiseland - Norwegian Frikvinne (Freeman)

Post by Thule »

Hard to say, although the shipping magnates of the 60s and 70s was hugely influential. Some of the key players were among the richest men in the world, but nobody ever found out where they hid their money. Google Hilmar Reksten or Anders Jahre, these guys are almost comparable to the Robber Barons of the 1800s.

As for this case, I believe the problem was that the court was not aware of the complex ownership structures used in shipping. There were two claimants to a particular ship. One was Riis, who claimed ownership due to an agreement with the current owner. The other was a bank consortium who held a lien to cover leasing fees due from the industry giant The Reksten Group.

For several reasons, the court cancelled the Riis-agreement. This allowed the second claimant to take over the ship and move it out of Norwegian jurisdiction. The ship was meant to serve as her inheritance, however the family fortune was dwindling, and with the ship gone, there was nothing else.

At best, this was grossly incompetent. As for corruption, it is hard to say. The main allegation is that the result was motivated by the desire to save Reksten, who was in huge troubles. However, the value of the ship was peanuts compared to the money that was leaking out of Reksten Group.

IMO, the greatest injustice was that nobody owned up to the poor handling for almost 30 years.
Survivor of the Dark Agenda Whistleblower Award, August 2012.