Austria - Walkner, a life ruined by OPPT

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Austria - Walkner, a life ruined by OPPT

Post by Seelenblut »

After my postings in the UK WeRe bank thread I was kindly encouraged to share a bit more about the freeman/sovereign/oppt movement in Austria and Germany. I want to start with the biggest case we had in Austria so far, the sad story of Michaela Walkner and her descent into oppt madness, leading to a standoff between 200 freeman and 60 policemen on her property in 2014.

(the info to this write-up was mostly collected from newspaper and magazine articles; posts, pictures, videos and documents posted by the involved freeman, including by Ms. Walkner herself; informations by Dietmar Mühlböck, Christian Kreil and other bloggers as well as forums like the German Sonnenstaatland - which collects, Quatloos-like, infos about German and Austrian freeman; Austria is not very transparent about court documents and does not allow access to first instance court decisions, but Ms. Walkner thankfully published some of them herself)

Ute Michaela Walkner, born on December 12th, 1964 in Salzburg, had worked as a masseuse in Vienna when, in 2005, she moved to the small hamlet Hollenbach in Lower Austria, bought a little house at Hollenbach 37 (yes, there is basically only one street there) and started her own little business, eventually taking over a small massage salon (“Energietempel” - Energy Temple) in the nearby district capital Waidhofen. She had two children from an earlier marriage - it is mentioned that the father was still paying alimony - an older daughter that had left home by the time of these events, and a teenage son named Markus.

Around 2011 her troubles began.

She started to fall for OPPT and other pseudo-legal nonsense, believing Austria and all other nations to be foreclosed and non existent, that common law is the rule, believed in the strawman, UCC (her favorite) and all that jazz. While neighbours said she was still an excellent masseuse, she also became more and more unreliable and ungrateful, putting off more and more of her customers. In the summer of 2012 her business finally failed and she had to defend herself against charges of fraudulent bankruptcy (but she was not sentenced, as far as I can tell).

What was left were debts in the range of 10.000 Euro, nothing insurmountable. She still had her house and the surrounding one acre property, estimated later at a value of 47.000 Euro. She could have arranged a payment plan (for the 7.000 Euro owed to the local bank and 3.000 Euro owed to social security, not the cruelest of creditors) or even solved the situation with a mortgage. Instead she decided to aggressively promote her oppt believes, ignored all communications from creditors and courts and barricaded herself behind the usual oppt documents, UCC bills and common law threats.

Court orders were covered with oppt phrases (in German and English) and red ink fingerprints before sent back. Here execution orders for the two debts as an example.
Execution order for 7.000 and 3.126 Euro

Liens were handed out like candy to everybody even remotely connected to her case.
Liens Part 1
Liens Part 2
Liens Part 3

And everybody up to Austrian President Fischer fell into dishonor.
Certificate of Dishonor

Here she proudly posts the headers of the e-mails she send out with every new “lien”, a list of around 800, in words eight-hundred, “debtors”, ranging from the aforementioned President, to ministers and department officials, state, district and community officials, police and justice officials, banks, doctors, European Union officials and even ambassadors.
800 E-Mail addresses

All based of course on her Terms and Conditions, duly posted, which clarify the price for interacting with her - in ounces of Silver, for some reason. For example 500 ounces per day for being arrested. Pages 4 to 9 are in english (as she really likes to register her documents in good UCC fashion a lot of her writing is in english or bilingual).
Terms and Condition (PDF)

It is not too surprising that her troubles with the Austrian courts became more dire, especially as she also had issues with child protective services over her son. His school had reported problems in 2011, and after he was under psychiatric observation for a few weeks, he transferred to the state juvenile home in Allensteig. She still had full access to him and got convinced that they were drugging him with Benzodiazepine - she started to test his urine every week and send out threats and charges to everybody involved. He eventually moved home again in 2014, but she states that these events finally and fully convinced her that she is right in her oppt views.

Now the situation started to escalate quickly. Foreclosure of her house became a real threat and her ongoing refusal to cooperate even a little lead to a psychiatric evaluation and eventually the court assigned a custodian, Margit Metz, to handle certain financial matters. Meanwhile she had started to network within the slowly growing freeman community in Austria and her case became a kind of rallying cry.

She declared her home a sovereign nation, and together with Markus Steiner founded the “International Common Law Court of Justice Vienna” (, announced its (one-sided) cooperation with the International Criminal Court in The Hague and charged her custodian Ms. Metz with crimes against humanity. (Although the Walkner case is still the only case mentioned on their website, Walkner has by now broken with Steiner and founded a “Common Law Academy” instead - Steiner meanwhile uses the attention the “court” got in this case to make a little money on the side, opening new cases costs the paltry sum of 250 Euro.)

Finally, a date for a hearing was set, sheriffs nominated and a call went out to all freeman to come and show their support - and on July 28th, 2014 events rushed along.

While in the morning the court set up in Walkner’s home, a throng of supporters surrounded the house and created quite the stir in the sleepy village. As the accused, Ms. Metz, had of course not reacted to the court's summoning, sheriffs were sent out to the Waidhofen police station. There they presented their “credentials” and documents by the “court”, demanding that the policemen help them arrest Ms. Metz. In typical freeman manner they secretly filmed themselves while doing that, probably hoping for a nice gotcha moment, but the officers stayed calm and professional, complementing the common law sheriffs out after a short consultation, ignoring their request (the account with the video seems to be removed by now).

In the early afternoon the police finally reacted and about 60 policemen arrived at Hollenbach, where by now around 200 freeman (mostly Austrians, but a few Germans, too) had overtaken the tiny village (finding no support from the neighbours). Thankfully almost everybody stayed calm, the most aggressive moves coming from US freeman import Terrance “Souvereign” O'Connor, who was temporarily arrested, like 40 others, for refusal to provide identification (he was armed and had an outstanding warrant in the US, but not an international one, and nobody was interested in extradition - he has by now actually applied for asylum in Austria, a country that, he claims, does not exist). Two others actively resisted, with two policemen lightly injured in a scuffle.

Every Austrian media reported about the incident, but - inexperienced with OPPT and the freeman movement - they mostly called the group a sect. (The first link includes a video that shows the scenes of the sheriffs at the police station and an interview with Austrian freeman guru Joe Kreissl, who deserves his own write up)

Austrian’s biggest newspaper (no, I am not listing all newspaper articles) - Krone
Austrian television (yes, the newspaper has a video and the television station has none) - ORF
Local news - Chaos at the Walkner property

The misunderstanding about OPPT being a sect lead to a rather bizarre situation later on, namely that in the 2014 report on sects - a yearly official report by the government agency for sect-issues to the Austrian parliament - OPPT was a core subject, 26 pages (chapter 9, pages 69 to 95) in the 183 page report (Sect Report 2014 - PDF). The report gives a complete but not very detailed picture of the oppt issue overall and the Walkner case specifically - and while it mentions connections to esoteric circles, which are pretty strong in freemen circles here, to its credit it doesn't use the term sect within the oopt chapter even once.

Except for having her 15 minutes of fame none of this actually helped Michaela Walker, of course. She was held in the psychiatric ward of the state clinic in Waidhofen for a few weeks before being released again. Support from the freeman community dissipated quickly. The “international common law court“ expanded its charges to everybody involved, including state, court and police officials, and later demanded rooms provided for it in every state court building in the country, but stayed away from any actual actions.

2015 didn’t start any better, as the foreclosure finally led to her house being auctioned in January - but, the first auction didn’t result in a sale, because the highest offer was below the estimated value (events might have hurt the property value). This resulted in a second auction, this time starting at only half the value, and in December the house was finally sold for only 33.500 Euro. Ms. Walkner continued to simply deny the events and ignored every court contact (here a part of the court papers that shows the estimated value of her home - “Schätzwert” - at 47.000 Euro).
Foreclosure document

After time was allowed for a higher offer to come forward, the sale became official and April 20th 2016 (in 2 weeks) was set by the court as the date where debtors can register their demands. The exact sum that will have to be paid off is not known at this point, but the facsimile of the execution documents mention at least another 2 * 500 Euro in court costs and 7% interest for the around 10.000 Euro debt that is known. Her eviction is probably the next issue on the table.
Court schedule

In addition to all that her driving license was retracted in November 2015 (District order) after she drove around with a manipulated license for almost a year. And yet she still shows no signs of having learned from her experience, continuing to being 100% invested into her OPPT illusions - going down with the sinking ship - as her facebook account sadly proves (Walkner's Facebook).
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Re: Austria - Walkner, a life ruined by OPPT

Post by Burnaby49 »

Great post, thanks! Unfortunately I can't give it the attention it deserves right now for the exact opposite reasons that postings like yours are so helpful. We have too much available information. I'm off in a few minutes to attend a court session. I'll spend lunch at the Federal Court of Canada registry researching a file and getting copies of decisions. I'm free to publish anything I find in the court records. In other words I'm swamped because we have the exact opposite of this;
Austria is not very transparent about court documents and does not allow access to first instance court decisions, but Ms. Walkner thankfully published some of them herself.
Thanks to CanLii;

Almost all Canadian court decisions are publicly available. But European privacy laws are so stringent that it is very difficult to get first-hand information, even court decisions, and it is almost impossible to get a coherent story like you've posted. As a result while I'm aware that OPCA/sovereign activities are taking place in Europe we really have no idea what is going on there. So it's great to get reports like this from someone like yourself who has a good idea what is going on, knows the language, and has access to many sources. Thanks, keep it up.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Austria - Walkner, a life ruined by OPPT

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

he has by now actually applied for asylum in Austria, a country that, he claims, does not exist
That is typical of the way the footle brain works. Well, when I say "works" I am not suggesting the footle brain does actually work. We can say for sure it does not fire at top dead centre.
Good post BTW.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Austria - Walkner, a life ruined by OPPT

Post by Burnaby49 »


Proponent duly gives and makes notice to Respondent that Proponent DOES NOT CONSENT to any unlawful and illegal devaluing, diminishing, abrogating, subjugating, subordinating, usurping, invading, violating or theft of Proponent's duly secured BE'ing, any and all creations therefrom, and property thereof. Respondent is duly ordered to CEASE AND DESIST any and all said unlawful and illegal actions against Proponent effective immediately.

Proponent duly makes and gives you due notice that Respondent is lawfully and legally responsible and liable, in principal and triple damages under common law, for any and all unlawful and illegal actions against Proponent by Respondent causing and resulting in any and all damage to Proponent, inclusive of physical harm, physical detention, property seizure, property damage, financial damage, or any other damage of Proponent's measurable energy.

Respondent’s attention is directed to the DECLARATION OF FACTS, specifically the foreclosure in late 2012, of the world’s corporations operating under the guise of the people's governments, banks and all other corporations for cause of treason against and the damage of the one people of this planet without their knowing, willing and intentional consent, specifically:

Government Charters Cancelled: (Refer: DECLARATION OF FACTS: UCC Doc # 2012127914 Nov 28 2012)

“...That any and all CHARTERS, inclusive of The United States Federal Government, UNITED STATES, “STATE of ...", Inclusive of any and all abbreviations, idem sonans, or other legal, financial or managerial forms, any and all international equivalents, inclusive of any and all OFFICES, inclusive of any and all OFFICERS, PUBLIC SERVANTS, EXECUTIVE ORDERS, TREATIES, CONSTITUTIONS, MEMBERSHIP, ACTS, and any and all other contracts and agreements made thereunder and thereby, are now, void, worthless, or otherwise cancelled, unrebutted; ...”
Seems pretty airtight to me.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
notorial dissent
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Re: Austria - Walkner, a life ruined by OPPT

Post by notorial dissent »

Particularly if you're living in a mental vacuum like she seems to be. She really has jumped off the deep end.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Post by Seelenblut »

Update April 19th, 2016:

The original post mentions that two policemen were lightly injured during the "standoff" at the Michaela Walkner's home on July 28th, 2014. Now a 57 year old freemen was sentenced to one year (on probation) for that scuffle.

Local newspaper reporting on the trial

The trial was held under strong police protection for fear that a mob might disrupt it, but Austrian's freemen were seemingly busy with other important stuff. The Austrian freemen/sovereign movement is, generally, not very belligerent or regimented, the Walkner standoff was the only show of force. Afterwards (possibly by the strong outing of the police on that very day, which is unusual for a relatively peaceful Austria) the movement separated into small, egoistical but tame groups and individuals with little support or solidarity among each other, in stark contrast to the more and more aggressive and organized German "Reichsbürger".

Concerning the Walkner case, tomorrow the court hears her debtors for the allocation of the founds from the forced sale of the property the standoff happened on.
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Re: Austria - Walkner, a life ruined by OPPT

Post by Seelenblut »

Update Mai 23rd, 2016:

As expected, the eviction of Michaela Walkner will be the next big step in the saga, and it is now set to June 9th, 2016, as posted by herself here.

Well, the post actually announces that she once again follows the classical OPPT/UCC path. She is, for some reason, calling on the International Arbitration Court of the Swiss Chamber of Commerce. In a 12 page document (PDF here) she once again accuses everyone in Austria, from the President Heinz Fischer downwards, and demands, among other things, 113,3 Billion ounces of silver in compensation.

She gives a very shortened summery of the case and her allegations, which range from dishonor to fraud, kidnapping, robbery and "destruction of the land". She mentions the upcoming eviction and bitterly complaints that she has no access to the money from the "illegal" foreclosure auction.

I am wondering if she checked the website of this real arbitration court, because I doubt she paid the 8.000 CHF registration fee or the 50.000 CHF administration fee (plus a percentage of the sum in question - Link to website, Cost of Arbitration, with downloadable PDF). Oh, wait, I just notice, in her document she made clear that "all costs are to be paid by the accused" (VIIa), so she is covered.

At least she didn't forget the red ink finger prints when signing her pamphlet.
Hercule Parrot
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Re: Austria - Walkner, a life ruined by OPPT

Post by Hercule Parrot »

No mockery of the splendid German race, but it's always amusing to see familiar words or phrases embedded in a foreign text.

Rechtsgültigkeit dieses Schiedsvertrages, nunc pro tunc...
Auflistung in der Klageschrift TRUE BILL...
Registrierungen im Öffentlichen UCC Register...

She's basically taken a load of US-specific nonsense and stirred it all in wildly.
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Re: Austria - Walkner, a life ruined by OPPT

Post by JamesVincent »

I'm down with OPPT, yeah you know me. She's down with OPPT, who's down with OPPT?

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Re: Austria - Walkner, a life ruined by OPPT

Post by NYGman »

JamesVincent wrote:I'm down with OPPT, yeah you know me. She's down with OPPT, who's down with OPPT?

Courtesy of NWA
You mean naughty by nature
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Re: Austria - Walkner, a life ruined by OPPT

Post by JamesVincent »

NYGman wrote:
JamesVincent wrote:I'm down with OPPT, yeah you know me. She's down with OPPT, who's down with OPPT?

Courtesy of NWA
You mean naughty by nature
Mea Culpa
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Immerse yourself into the kingdom of redemption
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Re: Austria - Walkner, a life ruined by OPPT

Post by KickahaOta »

Seelenblut wrote: I am wondering if she checked the website of this real arbitration court, because I doubt she paid the 8.000 CHF registration fee or the 50.000 CHF administration fee (plus a percentage of the sum in question[...]
Let's see. Being very conservative with price, that's around 15 billion US$ in silver. So the total arbitration costs will be somewhere between 4271500 and 24133000 CHF. I hope that includes a halftime show and balloons.
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Re: Austria - Walkner, a life ruined by OPPT

Post by Seelenblut »

Update June 14th, 2016:

On June 9th, 2016, Michaela Walkner was finally evicted from her former property. With the media having long lost any interest in the case, the information comes once again by her own hand (here) and in true OPPT fashion.

Yesterday she published "international civil law criminal charges" (yes, to hell with subtle differences) against the officials involved in the eviction and the new owner of the property (I will not repeat the names here, but they are all in her "documents"). Her cup still runneth over with OPPT Kool-Aid - her evidence, that she still owns the property, is a UCC "Title of Property" that nobody has contradicted, of course.

According to her own summery of the events, she had barricaded herself inside her house ("screwed shut the doors from the inside and outside") when at 9 o'clock in the morning a bailiff, a judge and several police officers approached the property. They tried to get her to leave the house (she quotes the judge with "I have already told you several times that the property has been foreclosed") and ignored her generic oppt arguments (no "wet" signature on court documents, no legitimization, her unopposed UCC documents, and so on ...). The police broke open the door and arrested her when she resisted, transporting her off to the local police station, where she was - once again - psychologically evaluated, and later set free. Her children where allowed to remove her possessions from the house, as she was forbidden to return to the property (it is unclear from her writing, but it might be possible that there is a court order against her, to prevent her from harassing the new owners). She again asks for fantasy amounts of silver as compensation and calls upon the previously mentioned Swiss arbitration court for a ruling.

A relatively small debt (we remember, around 10.000 Euro) has now - only because she followed oppt fantasies - led to losing her home and property. It also looks like there were no freeman witnesses, once again showing that the movement has lost interest in the case that brought 200 freemen together less then 2 years ago. Now she is just a ruined loner with oppt delusions.

The "international civil law criminal charges" ...
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The UCC "title of property" ...
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Dr. Caligari
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Re: Austria - Walkner, a life ruined by OPPT

Post by Dr. Caligari »

The UCC "title of property"
The UCC, of course, is American legislation and hence meaningless in Austria. But even in the U.S., the UCC does not apply to real property. So this is doubly stupid.
Dr. Caligari
(Du musst Caligari werden!)
notorial dissent
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Re: Austria - Walkner, a life ruined by OPPT

Post by notorial dissent »

Delusional fantasy is kinda like that, particularly when ya got nutin' else. I'm sorry it went to that extreme, but she brought it on herself by buying the koolaid in wholesale lots.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Austria - Walkner, a life ruined by OPPT

Post by Seelenblut »

Update June 28th, 2016:

Michaela Walkner continues her endless stream of confused fantasy documents, still showing no sign that she has realized the futility and consequences of her actions. Back on June 19th she published a "Declaration of Dishonor", holding the people she charged with crimes, in her writings from the 13th, liable.

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But that was obviously not enough, as she focuses her wrath on the new owners of her former property as well as "keeping the pressure on" the district judge and other civil servants that where involved in the foreclosure, up to the Minister of the Interior (Home Secretary). Yesterday, on June 27th, she added a "Sworn Affidavit" that she took her property back ...


As the reason for it she lists 6 of her UCC documents she has previously published about her ownership of the property, the inability of anybody to take it away from her, the rejection of the foreclosure and a more general explanation of OPPT and why she is absolutely right. She also points at a number of UCC clauses, but manages to avoid mentioning a single Austrian law. For each of the documents she points out that its deadline have long passed and nobody has refuted it (Despite - or because of - her ongoing postal carpet-bombing of government authorities, officials, politicians and now even private people, I doubt anybody has read any of it).

She declares to have taken back her property and forbids anybody to enter it (except family members) unless being permitted by her (in writing, with a "wet" signature). Infringement of her "property rights" cost a hefty 20.000 oz of silver per person and day.

While she has lost her house, she still seems to have plenty of red ink for her fingerprints all over the documents ...
notorial dissent
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Re: Austria - Walkner, a life ruined by OPPT

Post by notorial dissent »

She is STILL nucking futz.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Austria - Walkner, a life ruined by OPPT

Post by Seelenblut »

A partly related update, because Walkner's facebook page lead me to it ...

The Austrian "Wirtschaftskammer" ("WK" or "WKO" - Austrian Chamber of Commerce, every Austrian company is by law a member and it supports and lobbies for Austrian businesses) has provided an English language page (here) about the Austrian "UGB" ("Unternehmensgesetzbuch" - usually "Austrian Commercial Code", literally "Book of Company Laws") ... and has used the term "Uniform Commercial Code" as translation for it.

OOPT fans in Austria - and possibly other German speaking countries - rejoice, finally it is "proven" that the UCC is part of Austrian laws.

And that's how you get ants ...