UBUNTU - South Africa gets on the Freedom Train!

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Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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UBUNTU - South Africa gets on the Freedom Train!

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

So now South Africa can be added to the list of locations infesticated by Sovereign Man / Freeman-on-the-Land concepts.

UBUNTU Liberation Movement, Unity & Higher Consciousness for a New World:

At first glance this looks like another bit of new-age bit of flakiness, led by someone named Michael Tellinger. The solution? Contributionism!
In 2005, I called it Contributionism – a social structure where communities live in unity providing for each other, looking after each other – where everyone contributes their God given talents towards the greater benefit of all the people in their community.

A global community where money is completely out of place and unnecessary, because of the principles of Unity Consciousness that triumph.

Most of our ancient cultures had a saying that “if it’s not good for everyone, it’s no good at all.” In Africa, they called it UBUNTU. But this philosophy was shared by hundreds if not thousands of ancient cultures all over the world.

It is on these fundamental beliefs of absolute equality and working together for a common purpose of abundance for all, in united communities that thrive on all levels of society, that the UBUNTU Party was established. I call it the UBUNTU Contribution System. A natural order of things in total harmony with nature, our planet, and all of creation.
[from the “About” page]

Well, that sounds nice. What’s the problem then? Well, it’s that damned Strawman again! And Admiralty law!

http://www.ubuntuparty.org.za/2012/08/t ... ution.html

Just a few excerpts:
Our laws and court systems come from a slow evolving control structure of the royal political elite, and is based on Admiralty Law or Maritime Law. This is why we all have “passports” and we have things like “ownership, internship, partnership...” I hope you get the “drift”?

It involves incredibly complex layers of deception so cunningly crafted over thousands of years that nobody can say that they truly understand it. Its main objective is to retain absolute control over the “vessels” or people, who believe they are free, but in fact are subjects owned by the king or the state.

When driving on a road, one uses a left and right lane. These lanes are symbolic of shipping lanes. Strangely, common city streets have islands which need to be negotiated (like a ship negotiates difficult waters). The person sitting next to the driver is called a passenger. Passengers are paying people who are taken from one place to another on commercial vessels for money.

A solvent is a liquid in which something can be dissolved. If you have too many illiquid assets, you are insolvent. This is why the word liquidity is used in commercial affairs. Everything is about water and the sea because commercial laws of the sea is about commerce and cargo. It’s about turning real solid things (on land) into liquid trading commodities (money, commercial paper and negotiable instruments). How the illiquid (the real assets) are linked to the liquid (money) is the most masterful of deceptions and why lawyers are paid huge amounts of money NOT to investigate this.

Is it a coincidence that babies are also born from a birth canal in a delivery room? And a doctor then signs a manifest of live birth and issues a birth certificate in their name? The baby is then registered (the word register comes from Latin rex regus – “for the crown”) and it, the baby, now has a commercial value as property.
And lots more stuff like that.

Thankful, Mr. Tellinger and UBUNTU are on the job! The website illustrates they are taking charge. Freedom is at hand! The “News” page highlights ongoing correspondence with various South African government entities demanding they prove their genuine authority – in 20 days. And while you’re waiting, there are handy offerings such as:

[May 5, 2013] the dark revelations of “retired United States Judge Dale” including this gem:
The Washington Monument was completed in 1884, as a tribute to George Washington and his military government, which is actually a sea-level obelisk that infers that all of America is “under water” and thus subject to the Laws of Admiralty as opposed or contrary to the intended Constitutional Civilian Government under Common Law.
[May 5, 2013] how to properly interpret the symbolism in the Wizard of Oz – hint: the Strawman is a STRAWMAN

[April 24, 2013] form letters to send to lawyers, with mighty Fee Schedules

[April 19, 2013] do-it-yourself promissory notes - go ahead, buy stuff! Buy LOTS of stuff!

[March 30, 2013] UBUNTU inspired poetry
UBUNTU (I am what I am, because of who we all are)
Under Ubuntu we can create for ourselves a new Earth.
Where all beings are honoured for their individual worth.
Become once again a planet of equal sharing.
With abundance for all and compassionate caring.
United we will evolve into a species at peace.
Set free from suffering. Triggering enslavement release.
No longer controlled by the vice-grip of banks.
Without money there will be no more missiles, guns and tanks.
Treating each other with pure love and respect
will have the enlightening, transforming effect.
Unity between nations. All races and tribes.
Will ensure that our beautiful blue planet survives.
And of course, video stimulation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIo2etWlnDM

Yeah, yeah, I know, you’ve seen it all before. Or have you... ...Because Mr. Tellinger, oops, “Michael of the family Tellinger” is a little more complex than that.

First off, let's talk about his career as a pop musician. Along with Russell Stirling he had a 1983 hit with “Call Me”: http://vevo.ymusicvideos.com/video/h32q ... -1983.html

As 80’s hair goes, that’s … a 5. Or 6 at best?

Frankly, I don’t have as much fondness for S&T’s next hit, the 1984 “What’s a nice girl like you doing in a place like this”: http://vevo.ymusicvideos.com/video/r10U ... -1984.html

That said, Michael looks good with a little makeup – dynamite cheekbones and dark soulful eyes!

His later works, like the 1992 “Moment of Desperation” shows a newfound maturity and recognition of a world of cheap plastic distractions from which he had now emerged: http://vevo.ymusicvideos.com/video/iQha ... -1992.html

“I’m convinced I have defective genes.” That’s oddly prescient, considering what’s going to emerge in just a few years…

Wikipedia reports various efforts in television, both as an actor and producer, then he ran the shortlived 1997-2001 Nebula BOS Records: http://www.discogs.com/label/Nebula%20BOS%20Records

Some dabbling in children’s television, including something called “The Brain Food Company” – a rather modest search online did not turn up anything particularly juicy or absurd. Or zombie related.

So. We have a degenerating media/entertainment career on one end, and the UBUNTU Liberation Movement on the other. What could possibly bridge this leap?

Why, ancient aliens, of course!

Behold, the 2005 revelation, “Slave Species of the Gods: The Secret History of the Anunnaki and Their Mission on Earth”, by Michael Tellinger!

Were humans created by “god” as SLAVES?
Was Abraham the first human SPY?
Was Jesus an accidental MESSIAH?

In Slave Species of god, Michael Tellinger takes his readers on a remarkable odyssey of the true origins of humankind in which he:

* draws clear and startling analogies between new discoveries in genetic engineering and ancient archaeological finds…
* highlights emerging scientific information overlooked in the past…
* unravels the Bible’s often obscure stories by linking these to their original forms in Sumerian clay tablets and other prehistoric writings…
* provides explicit answers to why our modern world has become so senseless and chaotic by revealing the very secrets of our prehistory…

While shattering myths about evolution and God, Slave Species of god enables evolutionists and creationists to finally co-exist in one pond. The arguments are compelling, simple and refreshing, retracing the path of human evolution from the murky distant past to the religious dogma that haunts humankind today. The question of who we are and where we come from takes on a new meaning as we discover that our DNA may have been manipulated by our CREATOR some 250 000 years ago to produce a less intelligent ‘primitive species’. In fact, the book’s evidence shows that Adam and Eve were not the ‘apple’ of God’s eye as first suggested in Genesis. Tellinger presents the many arguments and evidence succinctly and convincingly, pointing out the difference between ‘GOD’ and god. How did this genetic manipulation affect humankind? How have we evolved in 250 000 years? Can we achieve immortality? These are just some of the questions answered in this gripping and astonishing work, challenging all those who are looking for new answers in the 21st century.
Long story short, we’re the products of genetic engineering by the Anunnaki – dread space gods, who weirdly have to mine gold to keep themselves alive. We’re genetically derived from Anunnaki, but strangely don’t need to eat gold. And we're stupid. And don't have spaceships.

Amazon.com reviewer F. Sweigers raves:
I only read the first 100 pages of this book, but I found I simply could not continue this farce. From what I could gather, Mr Tellinger is trying to convince us that the human race was created as a "dumbed-down" version of a genetically similar but greatly superior alien race for the purpose of doing their hard labour on planet Earth. The evidence? Well, mainly that you can apply a similar interpretation to the Sumerian creation epic, and besides, most of our DNA is made up of so called "junk genes" hence it must contain some suppressed super abilities, not so? The highlight thus far is his conclusion that George Soros is genetically superior, because he has Greek ancestry (and I always thought he was decended from a Hungarian Jewish family), and the Greeks have a much closer relationship to these superior aliens from our ancient past!!

This book reeks of the philosphical rumblings expected from a bunch of teens that had too much red wine. It is poorly researched, the conclusions do not fit the evidence except for "being entirely possible" as opposed to being "fairly probable", a lot of "facts" are thrown at the reader without any form of supporting evidence and it sometimes becomes just plain naive.
As many other commentators note, "Slave Species" is also broadly derived (i.e. copied) from the ideas of another ancient alient UFO contact kook, Zecharia Sitchin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zecharia_Sitchin

And Michael of the family Tellinger also has become a skilled archaeologist by tracing lines and curves on aerial photographs of various South African ruins:

http://www.zuluplanet.com/intro/temples.pdf [It’s a teaser sample.]

All this, and a political genius too. Huh. I think that beats out any of our Canadian nutcases. While David-Wynn :Miller may beat Tellinger out in the 'nutty politics' category, it's pretty hard to top the 'Tellinger as Everything' factor.

So... ...South Africa Wins! [insert persistent vuvuzela audio here]

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNMoUnUiDqg at 11:25]
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Re: UBUNTU - South Africa gets on the Freedom Train!

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Apparently Canada needs more alternative knowledge, 'cause Michael Tellinger is on a coast-to-coast tour, teaching pseudo-archeology and the miracles of UBUNTU:
Other feature speakers focus on UFO's, various secret conspiracies, and other stuff. Santos Bonacci is appearing by Skype to no doubt not discuss how he will pay his massive motor vehicle fines.

I have to admit I am very tempted to attend a local session which will feature UFO conspiracy fixture Stanton Friedman, but I doubt I could keep my giggling under control. It's a serious personality flaw.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNMoUnUiDqg at 11:25]
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Re: UBUNTU - South Africa gets on the Freedom Train!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Very reasonably priced too. The Vancouver conference ticket has been knocked down from $93.45 to $72.45. The full-meal deal (which actually involves a full meal) of one day conference, evening workshop, and lunch costs $134.90. I wish my Professional Development seminars back in the days when I was an accountant had been as cheap. A little light on speakers though with only three in person and Santos off in the weeds.
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Re: UBUNTU - South Africa gets on the Freedom Train!

Post by grixit »

So, is Erich Van Daniken getting any royalties?
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: UBUNTU - South Africa gets on the Freedom Train!

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

I just don't pay much attention to South African politics and for that reason I was unaware of the UBUNTU party's smashing success in last month's general election. While the previous ruling party, the African National Congress, returned to power with 62.15% of the total votes cast, Michael Tellinger and the UBUNTU party received 8234 votes, for 0.04% of the total cast (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Afri ... tion,_2014).

To put that in context, UBUNTU therefore received almost twice the votes of the "Keep It Straight and Simple Party", known as "KISS" (http://www.kissparty.co.za/) (the KISS policies are pretty cryptic - the website is worth a brief visit!) but fell well behind the 25,976 votes received by another party, Al Jama-ah, that proposes wide-based revision to the South African legal and social apparatus to implement Sharia Law.

And all of those, and quite a few other minor parties, can test their success by the fact their votes received fell far short of the number of South Africans, 251,960, who simply spoiled their ballot, rather than vote.

Michael has posted an official response on UBUNTU's website (http://www.ubuntuparty.org.za/2014/05/a ... ssage.html). He sounds a little down...
... UBUNTU received 8234 votes, where we needed about 45,000 for one seat in parliament. We were hoping for at least 50,000 votes from a support base of around 200,000 NewEra and UBUNTU subscribers and a further 800,000 sms supporters. So I would be lying if I said that I was not disappointed.

Not because UBUNTU did not get a seat - but because of the realisation that humanity is so mentally enslaved, so traumatized and so battered by the slave masters, that we keep giving them back the whip to be beaten some more. The fear factor in humanity seems to be much stronger than I imagined. Instead of voting for saving ourselves and for true change in our lives, we vote for safety in numbers where we believe the others will vote.

As I write this, I feel completely drained and exhausted from the events of the past three weeks and I will need to take some time to recharge. BUT - this will last for a day or two, and our journey will continue. We have much work to do to inform and enlighten and allow those that are still sleeping to wake up and join us on this path to true freedom and enlightenment. ...
Well, at least he can look forward to has nice trip to Canada.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNMoUnUiDqg at 11:25]
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Re: UBUNTU - South Africa gets on the Freedom Train!

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Oh no! UBUNTU and Michael Tellinger need money! Fast!
Please help the UBUNTU movement recover from the devastating financial loss in the South African elections.

We went into these elections with a support base of close to 1 million people. These were 160,000 members of NewERA; my personal database of about 20,000, and an additional 20,000 subscribers to UBUNTU. We had a further 800,000 sms – message responses from people who said that they liked UBUNTU and our philosophy.

We therefore expected at least 45,000 votes for one seat in parliament. It is now clear from various reports, that there was gross manipulation of the votes to prevent us from reaching parliament, as this would have been very damaging for the crooked Reserve Bank.

Our exclusion from reaching parliament means that we lose all the money spent on our election campaign, while parties that make it, get all the marketing money refunded. During the last two weeks I threw everything we had at the campaign in the absolute belief that we had crossed the entry threshold. This has left us with a huge financial hole and loss of around $60,000 or R600,000.

This could be devastating for our young movement. So please share this with those that followed our road to the elections and resonate with our message. It is ironic that the thing that we are trying to eradicate from society is the thing that is harming us in the process - money.

Please make a donation if you can to help us recover, or become a monthly donor towards the UBUNTU movement, which will help us cover the debt over the next few months. Click the link to make a contribution. http://www.ubuntuparty.org.za/p/donate.html

In the mean time we have gained strong support from the community and we continue with plans to turn Waterval Boven into the first UBUNTU village that functions on the principles of Contributionism.

In pure truth – Michael of the family Tellinger.
Conspiracy! Sabotage! 800,000 favorable text messages! I spent all my money on a stupid thing and I want you to pay for that stupid thing!

You'ld think a media-savvy dude like Michael of the family Tellinger wouldn't be so caught off guard by this result.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNMoUnUiDqg at 11:25]
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Re: UBUNTU - South Africa gets on the Freedom Train!

Post by littleFred »

This is old news but I've only just noticed. It seems that we the people of the UK will get the chance to vote for the Ubuntu party in the May 2015 General Election, exactly a year after their South African non-victory. Gosh. I'm so excited. I can hardly wait.

Ubuntu's founder Michael Tellinger is frequently cited on GOODF after creating a world-wide legal precedent that bank debts can be paid with promissory notes that promise nothing.

As we all know, money was invented by aliens to enslave humanity so the Ubuntu Party UK will abolish it. As an intermediate step, money will be interest-free and tax-free, with no inflation. There won't even be trading or bartering. As funding will be freely available, this will create 100% employment. Free energy for everyone. Harmony and abundance. Traditional healers will make big pharma redundant. (Cures have already been found for all diseases, but the discoverers have all been bumped off or whatever. Likewise free energy.) Crime will vanish because the only cause of crime is money, so if there's no money then obviously there's no crime.

The founder and leader of the Ubuntu Party UK is Paul Toussaint. We hear from him on a Capricorn Radio programme.

I suppose Michael and Paul know they have zero chance of winning any seats, but this will give them publicity and recognition. If anyone fancies joining the party and not being voted into parliament, respond to the appeal on Ubuntu Party UK's website. Provide your own £500 deposit. Non refundable.
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Re: UBUNTU - South Africa gets on the Freedom Train!

Post by bmxninja357 »


let the wide world of fail begin!

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: UBUNTU - South Africa gets on the Freedom Train!

Post by notorial dissent »

I'm curious, is UBUNTU somehow short for hit repeatedly over the head with a heavy blunt instrument.
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Re: UBUNTU - South Africa gets on the Freedom Train!

Post by The Observer »

notorial dissent wrote:I'm curious, is UBUNTU somehow short for hit repeatedly over the head with a heavy blunt instrument.
UBUNTU is an acronym for "Unusual Beliefs Usually Not Too Useful."

Alternatively, it is a Zulu word as explained in the following anecdote:

A sovrun shows up in South Africa and visits a Zulu village, where he begins to expound on the many wonderful things that will happen if the villagers will embrace their natural rights and reject the artificial authority that has enslaved them.

The sovrun citizen tells the villagers assembled in the square, "If you adopt the sovrun way of life, you will be free, you will be wealthy, you will be happy!"

The villagers respond back with energetic voices, "Ubuntu!"

The sovrum the tells them, "That as a sovrun citizen, you will no longer have to have driver licenses, you will no longer have to pay taxes, you will no longer have to pay creditors!"

The villagers respond even more enthusiastically, "Ubuntu!"

The sovrun then promise them that the dinar, the dong, and the zimbwabe dollar will RV and if they invest now, they will have riches beyond imagination.

The villagers, as one, give out a resounding shout, "UBUNTU!"

The sovrun, now having finished, turns to the Zulu chief and expresses his gratitude for being given the opportunity to speak to the village. The chief, in return, offers to show the sovrun the local cattle farming and the sovrun graciously accepts.

The chief starts leading the way, and says, "Ok, right this way. And oh, watch where you walk, we wouldn't want you to step in the ubuntu."
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Re: UBUNTU - South Africa gets on the Freedom Train!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

UBUNTU is an acronym for "Unusual Beliefs Unfailingly Not Too Useful."

Fixed it for you.
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Re: UBUNTU - South Africa gets on the Freedom Train!

Post by The Observer »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:UBUNTU is an acronym for "Unusual Beliefs Unfailingly Not Too Useful."

Fixed it for you.

No, your fix makes my asymetrical meter even more asymetrical.
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Re: UBUNTU - South Africa gets on the Freedom Train!

Post by wserra »

The Observer wrote:The chief starts leading the way, and says, "Ok, right this way. And oh, watch where you walk, we wouldn't want you to step in the ubuntu."
Thanks, Kemo Sabe.
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Re: UBUNTU - South Africa gets on the Freedom Train!

Post by davids »

Forgive me for asking, especially if someone else already has, but does this have absolutely nothing to do with the Ubuntu operating system?
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Re: UBUNTU - South Africa gets on the Freedom Train!

Post by bmxninja357 »

the only possible connection i can see is the ubuntu party want free stuff so they would be too cheap to buy windows.

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Re: UBUNTU - South Africa gets on the Freedom Train!

Post by littleFred »

I suspect the etymology is the same: "humanity or fellow feeling; kindness". Though I like the Urban Dictionary definition:
Ubuntu is an ancient african word, meaning "I can't configure Debian"
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Re: UBUNTU - South Africa gets on the Freedom Train!

Post by wanglepin »

Behold, the 2005 revelation, “Slave Species of the Gods: The Secret History of the Anunnaki and Their Mission on Earth”, by Michael Tellinger!
All plagiarized from authors such as Zachariah Sitchen and Christian and Barbara O'Brien.
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Re: UBUNTU - South Africa gets on the Freedom Train!

Post by Normal Wisdom »

Our own Hannah Rose Shotbolt is trying to contact Michael Tellinger because she wants to get involved with Ubuntu UK and perhaps even stand as a candidate!

Apparently she is already paying her recent court fine with a promissory note as per Michael's instructions.

Looking forward to this one playing out.
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Re: UBUNTU - South Africa gets on the Freedom Train!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Normal Wisdom wrote:Our own Hannah Rose Shotbolt is trying to contact Michael Tellinger because she wants to get involved with Ubuntu UK and perhaps even stand as a candidate!

Apparently she is already paying her recent court fine with a promissory note as per Michael's instructions.

Looking forward to this one playing out.
You Brits have a guy somewhere in the UK who is following in Hannah's footsteps and it is not working out very well for him. He is trying to get advice from the pros, our Canadian Freemen, on how to get his impounded car back and get his assault conviction against a police officer nullified. The advice is basically to not do whatever Hannah does.

http://worldfreemansociety.ca/forum/43- ... -suspended

Advice like this;
You can cancel out your record for assaulting a police officer simply by going back in time and not assaulting the police officer. What do you think? Or do think there might be another way to change something that you've already done?

As for how to get back your vehicle, they already told you how to do that...

they said if i want to claim my car i need to show proof of insurance + valid drivers license

Do you have any reason not to believe them? Do you have any reason to believe there is another way to retrieve your vehicle? You need to have the vehicle insured and have someone with a valid driver licence to drive it away on the public roads. And you, or someone, will probably also have to pay the fine and fees attached to it before it's released. That's what Hannah Rose in England had to do when almost exactly the same thing happened to her and her vehicle as a result of her Freeman encounter with police -- an encounter that almost precisely mirrors your own in act and consequence.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: UBUNTU - South Africa gets on the Freedom Train!

Post by littleFred »

You owe me for a coffee-splattered keyboard.
takito wrote:i was given a £2500 fine for contempt of court
That's an impressive fine. I'd love to know what brought it on.
Xabre wrote:May I suggest if you haven't already look up Dean Clifford's, and Robert Menard's video's on Common Law and its more intricate subtleties, as their are in depth procedural avenues that must be taken in order for you to have the slightest chace of winning in a Corrupt court of Admiralty Law.
Dean Clifford knows how to win at court? Nope.
takito wrote:... iv been using dean clifford stuff to learn this hes a lawyer that isnt corrupt he tells the truth to the public, and because he knows the truth about the law he is always getting let off without charges infact his techniques worked for him so much one day they even took him to court kidnapped him because he was seen as a threat to the system and they wanted him to stop telling other people!
Or, to put it another way, Dean boasted about breaking the law until he got banged up.

Still, I've often thought that jail must be a freeloader's paradise: free board and lodging, no council tax, no income so no income tax, no car tax or worries about getting it through the MOT (annual roadworthy test). Takito, like Hannah Rose (who recently posted a charming video of her abusing police officers), is heading in that direction.