The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by grixit »

Burnaby, i read all your posts, including the one in which a man apparently, honestly thought some entity separate from him would be jailed at the end. But in this case i was simply noting the words used by the soverun himself. He kept saying, not that he and the others were charged, but that their persons were charged. I'm sure that was deliberate and a meaningful distinction to him.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Burnaby49 »

Nice to know I've got readers. Professionally I was a tax guy and started posting here on tax issues but I sort of devolved to sovereigns because I found them so fascinatingly stupid. The two topics tend to blend together anyhow so I tend to flip back and forth. As I've related I'll be doing a court posting next week unless personal issues intervene (pubbing!) but I don't expect much, just a preliminary to the real trial late February. At least I'll get to meet the players. Lange particularly interests me, he seems totally self-destructive. Ream seems just clueless and I predict he'll be a no-show anyhow.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
notorial dissent
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by notorial dissent »

Burnaby, I think "fascinatingly stupid" is an excellent descriptor for this sub-species. You just don't normally find this level of fresh, free flowing stupid anywhere else as a rule, and it is fascinating to watch, rather like the little balls that flow up hill.

I really don't hold out much entertainment value for the arraignments, other than the players suddenly discovering that they aren't going to get to make their grand speeches and carry on as they intended. The real fun won't be until they actually go to trial, and at least one of them hasn't figured that part out yet.

I would say clueless and self destructive are goth quite accurate for the two primary players here, don't know about the rest, but probably a good bet.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by grixit »

Maybe you could bring a camcorder and get some of the players to say what they expect to happen. Then intercut it with what actually did happen.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Oh, I think you're in for a show on Wednesday, Burnaby49. The legions are becoming quite excitable, with Alex's medical detention and all. I particularly like this bit of discourse ( ... 0000662888)
Alexander Ream
[Jan. 18, 2014]
I've been in unlawful captivity since January the 9th 2014. I have been drugged with all kinds of chemicals ever since. Many people labelling me to be something I am not. It is completely insane.


Brian Alexander
they must have a reason why they are doing this to you. do you have a prior condition or trouble with the law?
[Jan. 19, 2014]

Sam Kofalt
I'm sorry this happened to you Alex. People don't understand, and tragically they will never TRY to understand. Did your parents subject you to this or did the police simply arrest you? What happened? How can we help?

Brian, this has been ongoing for a while now. Alex was winning a case and on his way to being declared a legal "Peace officer" the corporate/corrupt/ignorant pigs intercepted the car he was in, in Nanaimo on their way to the provincial courthouse, they smashed the cars windows and dragged them out charging them with "Personating (NOT Impersonating) a peace officer" / something about copyright infringement by using the coat of arms logo of the corporation of British Columbia...

So now, somehow they were able to arrest and drug Alex days before his first actual important court hearing which is in two days...

[Jan. 19, 2014]
With friends like these, who needs enemies?

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Burnaby49 »

I'm good to go! At absolutely no great personal inconvenience to myself I've scheduled pubbing for Monday and Friday and kept Wednesday clear. With three different pub crawl groups to juggle scheduling gets complicated.

It's heartbreaking! Alex was so close to being declared a legal peace officer, it was almost within his grasp, when the "corporate/corrupt/ignorant pigs" (couldn't have put it better myself) managed to thwart him. Then days away from his case, which would have blown the whole rotten conspiracy wide open, they drugged him into incoherence. Well at least a bit more incoherent than usual. No need to despair, Lange will carry the torch for him on Wednesday.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
notorial dissent
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by notorial dissent »

With friends like these, who needs enemies?

SMS Möwe
And just think, they could be called as eh ur character witnesses for the defense?????? :haha: :haha: insert cat emitting hairball emoticon!!!!(we really really do need one of those)
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
notorial dissent
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by notorial dissent »

Actually point of order, I'm not really sure there is anything out there in the current pharmacopoeia that could produce the effects that Alex has already managed all by himself. I'm very much afraid the incoherence is just a natural artifact of who he is. The best we can hope for I fear is blessed silence, and they don't do that much nowadays. Although I will admit that friend Lange is a natural successor and equally fluent in gibberish.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Jeffrey »

I been meaning to type this up but does anyone see a pattern here? Dean Clifford, marihuana user and producer. Menard, marijuana user and alcoholic. Nainamo gang, probably all on the ganja. OPPT gurus, toking and god knows what else they used in Morocco.

Now since in part their arguments depend upon poor reading comprehension and a bizarre spaghetti logic; how much of it is drug induced. Menard in particular even when you try to explain why he's wrong in the clearest way possible simply isn't able to understand basic explanations. And I've seen people try all sorts of explanations with him. Analogies, appeals to consequence, citing case law to him, the entirety of Meads he either ignored or didn't read.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

notorial dissent wrote:... Although I will admit that friend Lange is a natural successor and equally fluent in gibberish.
Make no mistake, this is not an endorsement of David Lange as eloquence personified, but having observed videos of both? Alex is clearly in a category all his own.

And speaking of Alex, the cry of alarm is spreading ( ... 9917427232)!
Rory Hawes
[Jan. 19, 2014]

ATTENTIION CANADIANS! It has been a while since I have posted anything about the crimes against humanity committed against myself and others by the Canadian "justice" system, but something so heinous has happened recently to a peaceful man I want everyone to know.

Alexander Ream is being held against his will at UBC hospital right now after being arrested, drugged, and interviewed. He is forced every day to have needles in his ass to keep him on drugs. They claim he is crazy because he does not accept the name being forced upon him. Who decides what a mans name is but the man himself?

This is Canada. Political dissonance is not allowed. Stand in court and show them they are wrong and they will throw you in a cage. It has happened to me 4 times now for doing just that. You all know me, how long until they call me crazy and drug me? Last time I was threatened with six months in a cage if I didn't stay in the cage 3 days and talk to a lawyer to get out. Do you know what that lawyer said? He suggested I move away to Australia. He said people have been trying to change things for years and they all end up in cages. THIS IS CANADA!!!

It was not to long ago in a socialist nation that this sort of thing happened. Everyone kept their head down, it wasn't them being pulled from their home. Then one day people were being put in gas chambers.

How long will you let these pirates tell you what to do? How many peaceful men will you let them take away before you do something about it? How many times will you vote for Elizabeth Alexandra Mary House of Windsor to be your master? Have you ever read the constitution of Canada? The first 7 pages make it clear whose servant you are. Do you like having a master? Do you even know you are a slave?

This is canada, and this is why I stopped being "Canadian" 3 years ago. Canada is a nation built upon genocide, apartheid, and slavery. Nothing has changed since they started handing out small pox blankets other then the method they use to destroy you. The only way this can change is if you are willing to be that change. Is being Canadian that important to you? Is it so important to you that you would lock me in a cage because I said I don't want to be a part of Canada?

This is what is happening. It is getting worse. Please stop paying for this. Please stop voting for this. It's not worth the benefits you are being offered. Please stop being a Canadian.

Thank you for reading, please share this status. We are so much better then this. Let's stop the carnage before it's to late.
Mind control drug needles in his ass! In his ass! All because you voted for Queen Elizabeth II, you bastard Canadians!

Actually, reading this, I have to say this "Canada" place sounds like one I'd not mind too much at all. And if you don't like it, there's always welcoming, gentle Australia. Or those handy cages.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
notorial dissent
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by notorial dissent »

My personal inclination is to put the three ninnies in as a nature vs nurture exposition, but I am pretty sure it is a case of nature winning out with nurture just accentuating what was or wasn't, as the case may be, already there. I think all three of them started out as low functioning knuckle draggers, and then further self medicated themselves into an even lower state of function. The more I see, the less convinced I am that they are competent to be making decisions for themselves beyond which pair of white socks the get to wear in the morning.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Burnaby49 »

Just back from the Nanaimo Three hearing. Well worth the effort to attend. Dave Lange put on one hell of a show!

I started out from home with sage words of advice from my wife "wear pants this time idiot!". Well she didn't actually call me an idiot but after 36 years I can read between the lines. While wearing pants got me into the courtroom they didn't guarantee my staying there. It was a trial confirmation hearing with a multitude of defendants being assigned, or deferred from, their day in court. Our heroes were just part of the herd. I was the first person in court apart from the sheriff and, when he found I was a spectator rather than a defendant, he told me that if it got too crowded with people with actual court business he'd have to toss me out because spectators were expendable. Turned out not to be necessary, it was an assembly line operation.

Most of the accused were behind bars and participated through a two way video feed from jail. That helped a lot with physical courtroom crowding. The judge actually convicted one guy right there without bothering with a scheduled trial! Youngish fellow whom his lawyer called "almost a juvenile offender". Judge wasn't having any of that! How old is he? Twenty eight your honour. In my court juveniles are 18 or under, he's an adult. Yes your honour. Anyhow he was picked up for driving without a license because it had been impounded due a prior drinking driving charge. He hadn't done anything specific to get picked up, the cops flagged him on a license plate scan that indicated the car owner was a prohibited driver. Guy had just started a job, getting married, no priors apart from original drunk driving, and nobody seemed interested in pursuing the issue. So defense and Crown had agreed to summary judgment of $1,000 fine and three months suspended. Judge was fine with it so done deal.

On to our boys. Ream, as predicted, a no-show. Simpson and Lange were there, no idea about Smith. Turns out I've met Lange! He was part of the Chief Rock Sino General seminar I attended last October and wrote about here;


On that posting I identified him as Dave Smith because the seminar was just first names and I got my Dave's mixed up.

When it was their turn Simpson went up the bench and quietly stood beside his lawyer. Not Lange! Firstly, he apparently refused to enter the court, you know "crossing the bar" because it was an Admiralty Court (heard that from his wife later) and so stayed in the spectators area right beside me. Lange ranted (yes, I'd call it a rant) to the judge that there was no point to scheduling a trial because he'd sent the court an affidavit apparently dismissing its authority and since the court hadn't replied it had agreed with his position so all charges were dismissed. The judge said she'd been through this before with him and she wasn't putting up with it again. Then Dave got all existential; demanding from the court "Who are you? I demand you tell me who you are". He told the judge she was a legal fiction and (I think, notes unclear) that he needed police protection from the court's attack on civilians. Something about police, the court, and civilians. Again this would fit into the Admiralty Court storyline. At this point Dave was getting really excited and was shouting how he didn't consent to charges or to the court itself. Judge said she'd heard it all before and he had to control himself, his trial was scheduled for February 28th so business here today done and he had to leave. He had no intention of going so judge told the two sheriffs to get him out. They walked up to him and told him to leave but he was past listening to anyone so they each grabbed an arm and hauled him out of the courtroom with Dave shouting that he was being assaulted. As the doors swung shut I could hear him shouting "YOU'RE ALL PERVERTS, YOU'RE ALL PERVERTS!". Simpson did not participate, just stood quietly and watched.

Since the show was over I left too. One sheriff returned to the courtroom but the other kept an eye on Lange until he left the building. While in the lobby Lange's wife loudly proclaimed that the Provincial Court of British Columbia was an Admiralty Court and, since it was on land instead of the water, was an illegal criminal court without jurisdiction over her hubby. For all the calls to pack the courts there were almost no followers. The defendants, Lange's wife, a couple of lawyers and maybe three others not counting me.

There was a small TV crew and cameras on the open square at the court entrance and Lange and his followers naturally gravitated right to them. "Are you here to interview us?". Uh, no, who are you? There was something else going on that was actually worth filming, they were there for that. However since they were killing time they were willing to listen to Lange but with cameras off. I wanted to listen in but was accosted by Santa Claus disguised as an ageing hippy! An affable chap called Marc Boyer who was there as a Lange supporter but, more to point, was a member of the marijuana party of BC, specifically the Vancouver Quadra Marijuana Party. You can check Marc out here;

Lange had told him I wrote for Quatloos so I assuming Boyer wanted to see if there was a publicity opportunity for the marijuana party. While he self-identified as a Freeman he was much friendlier and laid back than the crowd I've met to date. Marc was interested in telling me about 25 legal marijuana dispensaries in the greater Vancouver area and their legal framework. Apparently both the dispensaries and the city want them to pay sales tax on the marijuana sales. The dispensaries wanted to pay tax because it was one more step on the way to legalization. What I was interested in (apart from next paragraph) was some BC Supreme Court injunction the party was trying to get to stop the federal government from shutting down their proposed party headquarters. I told Marc if the issue actually made it to a court hearing to let me know.

Of more relevance to Quatloos was our follow-on discussion as we walked to the Skytrain station and rode home (same direction). We discussed his Freeman positions. He says he has neither a Canadian Birth Certificate nor a Social Insurance number (SIN). The SIN issue has come up in respect to Menard on this thread;


where Menard also claims he doesn't have a SIN. Marc's explanation of how he avoided these two badges of identity (while getting a passport!) that imprison you in the system seems plausible so I'm going to write it up in a new discussion thread titled "The Man Without a SIN". However, enough writing for now.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

That sounds like a much more interesting way to spend one's morning than mine, Burnaby49! Speaking I am certain for many others I always appreciate your narratives.

Mr. Boyer has already come to our attention: viewtopic.php?f=47&t=9423

He is indeed a very interesting fellow.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Burnaby49 »

Another Mea Culpa is in order from me. I'd forgotten all about that thread even though I posted on it in respect to Boyer's calumnies about my grandfather's sexual proclivities! How could I have forgotten? Unfortunate because Marc seemed unaware of Quatloos until Lange told him I write for it and, had I remembered, I'd have told him that he'd rated a whole discussion thread. I told him I'd be writing Lange's court tantrum up and that I'd mention Marc so he may yet check Qutloos out and, thanks to Mowe's link, peruse his own write-up.

In any case, while Mowe's thread brings out a rich deep vein of crazy, Marc was entirely personable and reasonable in a face to face conversation. He did repeat many of the themes in Mowe's thread. Not the outright crazy ones but the ones about moving out of country for 16 years (a romance in Florida) and his father's issue with birth certificates.

Thanks to Quatloos, and Mowe, I'm meeting an interesting (well, at least unusual) bunch of people who would have otherwise never come to my notice.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by grixit »

I'm envisioning a series of illustrated booklets titled "Through Darkest Frikintardistan with Captain Burnaby, Gentleman Anthropologist".
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Burnaby49 »

grixit wrote:I'm envisioning a series of illustrated booklets titled "Through Darkest Frikintardistan with Captain Burnaby, Gentleman Anthropologist".
Well it's certainly getting darker. My court reporting started with Bernie Yankson, a harmless nutcase who just wanted the government to give him a pile of money and thought gibberish and magic would get it for him. A three civil hour hearing and done. Holmes essentially the same but a much more intense and focused individual. Now we are moving into criminal charges and a five day trial with four defendants, one of whom is hospitalized on what seems to be mental issues and another who was just forcibly removed from the court after intemperate rantings at the judge. While they don't know who I am when I'm not Burnaby49 word is getting out that the old guy scribbling away is the Quatloos reporter making those less than flattering postings. Notwithstanding their exhortations to their phantom multitudes of supporters to pack the court they have almost nobody showing up (apart from Bernie, he had a full house!) so I tend to stand out. However we're still on the tamer side of bad craziness, Edmonton has that one covered with Nanya-Shabbu. Although we do have Irene Gravenhorst.

One reason it is so easy to get known is that the Vancouver area Freeman community seems incredibly small. The same names keep bubbling up. Haven't met Menard yet but no doubt that is coming. Frankly just having him as a leading name in the movement here shows how bankrupt it really is. Menard is basically an unemployed and unemployable bum with a lifetime of failure on every scheme he has tried. His bold attempts to bring down the system seem to involve no more than riding transit without a ticket and trying to get free restaurant meals. Chief Rock is another big name (well, big in a small context). However I don't think the Chief is truly committed, at least to the same depth as Lange, just opportunistic.

I have a pile of documents beside me while typing this, the submissions that the BC Notaries made to the court when getting the Chief banned from pretending to be a notary. The one in front of me now is a $9,000,000 Private Indemnity Bond from David Lange to the Ministry of Transportation trying to work Freeman magic to make his legal problems relating to traffic issues go away. A unilateral contract that worked as well then as his claimed contract under unanswered affidavit did today in court. It has a familiar litany of names. Surety by co-defendant Andrew Simpson and witnessed by co-defendant Alexander Ream. Notarized by the Chief. The next one, another $9,000,000 bond from Simpson trying to get his 1997 Ford Econo Line back, just turns the name around and is signed by Lange and Ream. There is yet another for someone called Dean Curtis: Jackson with Charles "Call Me Charlie" Holmes providing surety. Charles Holmes had the Chief's documents at his hearing and no doubt the same incestuous circle provided surety and witnessing for him. And so it goes, there seems to be no real depth to the movement. There seems to be at least some spark of Freeman life left in Alberta.

Hopefully when I go to the February trial they manage to pack the court and I get to meet an new cast of characters.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

A whole lot of quasi-random thoughts here.

Jeffrey, your comment on the link between drug/intoxicant use and the Freeman-on-the-Land community: there is definitely a correlation but I am not certain on cause and effect. While a very broad range of the typical 'Freemen' seem quite fanatic about their marijuana, I think it flows more from lifestyle than anything else. One thing that has surprised me, as I get to know the persons in this community, is the very high incidence of milder to middling criminal activity. Never anything much organized, but these people seem to have a belief they can bend rules, engage in small-level deceptions and schemes. (And sometimes more.)

It seems to me that if you have that kind of personality where rule-breaking is a norm, and you're not very good at getting away with that rule breaking, then you have our typical Freeman. He/she adopts a quite bizarrely hollow scheme that's supposed to provide rewards, but of course is easily detected/sabotaged. This seems to me to be a very typical profile of a petty criminal.

In brief, I see no need to invoke drugs when Dunning-Kreuger will do the trick.

Following up on Burnaby49's observations, at least it's nice to see that Simpson is in damage-control mode and perhaps can get his life in gear. Lange ... oh, he's going to need a further trip down into the bowels of the system, with associated acid burns. And the "Admiralty Court" bit was magical. See?! The only REAL courts are on barges sitting in the Vancouver harbour!

What I keep expecting but have never personally witnessed is these persons turning on those who led them astray, whenever they finally 'snap out of it'. If I was an OPCA guru I'd be pretty damned scared about that. People lose their homes, livelihoods, families - and following your advice? Maybe most will slink away, but a certain proportion are going to be very, very angry. I've never heard of retaliation directed to the teacher, and that surprises me.

Community size: I fully agree with Burnaby49 that there simply are not that many of these people out there. Again, the 30,000 estimate is absurd. What we have is a small but highly networked group who constantly re-enforce one another's ideas and actions, led by a small number of low-end hucksters and grifters. Very marginalized in life and belief.

I think that's a big difference between the Detaxer and Freeman periods. The Detaxers (guru customers at least) included people with real assets and income. Most of those folded pretty promptly when they recognized the kind of trouble they had caused themselves. I have not encountered a single Freeman who falls into that category - the most successful are small-scale tradespersons and business operators, but many, if not most fall into a much lower economic bracket, with minimal to no skills and income. Many Detaxers were professionals, even well educated. I've encountered a very few examples in the Freeman world who have any post-secondary education, and when that has cropped up it has been in some domain like the fine arts, English, foreign-language studies, etc. that has no real marketplace value.

It's hard for me to get over just how gullible these people are. I've been watching a meme travelling through the west coast Freeman community - an idea that a vast wave of radioactive materials is passing through the Pacific Ocean from Japan and will be swirling down the coast, from north to south, rendering uninhabitable the entire region. The Freemen and their circles are clearly apprehensive - they have to get inland before it's too late! This has been a huge cause of tension - and playing Nostradamus here I bet it's going to turn out that when Ream's hospitalization details are broadcast that this was the stressor that made him flip out.

To me this trope is wonderfully stupid, because if it were true the effects of the radiation on the ocean environment would be catastrophic - particularly in the smallest organisms that have little 'volume' to avoid radiation damage. Of course there has been absolutely nothing of the kind. Nevertheless, I've been quietly cackling over the paranoid banter inside the larger conspiratorial/leftist/occupista community where Freeman concepts reside. "Ha ha! They're all going to bug out and go inland, property values in B.C. will depreciate, and perhaps persons like myself can afford to move to a warmer climate!"

Then I had this horrible realization - the only vacancies that would be generated are in slum/marginal housing - and instead there is a prospect of this wave of social losers and welfare grabbers who may surge east, into the remainder of Canada, fleeing a wave of lethal radiation that never comes. And really, B.C., you can keep your social welfare cases, thank you!

Of course, Burnaby49, when you're not dead in six months that will either prove you are a robot or consuming a supply of secret Cabal-Brand(tm) anti-radiation pills. That somehow the conspiracy also administered to every other living thing. Or something.

In any case, illustrative of the place from which these persons emerge.

So - does anyone else think Burnaby49 should begin changing his signature file to reflect his latest in-court adventures? In that case it should now read:
"YOU'RE ALL PERVERTS! YOU'RE ALL PERVERTS!" - David Lange, Jan. 22, 2014.
I checked to see if the online court information has been updated for the Nanaimo Five Four - nothing so far. I just wish we had an agent in the Okanagan to attend Brian Alexander's hearing tomorrow. I sense there'd be some High Quality Stuff.

Oh, and one last note, I see Menard has hopped on the Alexander Ream sympathy-o-rama wagon ( ... 0412047375):
Folks, please pray forAlex. He is a gentle and well meaning soul.
Perhaps Rob has forgotten throwing Alex under the bus a few months ago? Mmm.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Jeffrey »

The Fukushima thing is more of a general alt media / conspiracy theorist meme but they intermingle.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Burnaby49 »

David Suzuki seemed to have started it. Basically he just pulled it out of nowhere but he has, for some reason, credibility amongst the gullible set; ... h-america/
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
Quatloosian Ambassador to the CaliCanadians
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Burnaby49 »

good advice re the signature so i've taken it.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".