Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by bmxninja357 »

I don't have a Facebook so can someone see if there is any updates on inmate Sam bonacci?

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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by pigpot »

bmxninja357 wrote:He is one of those people with a face I would love to punch.

Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by Burnaby49 »

bmxninja357 wrote:I don't have a Facebook so can someone see if there is any updates on inmate Sam bonacci?

Not much. This;
A post from Ruth Ramos de Smith

This article is quite relevant, specially now that this page is getting more attention than previous time due to the situation Santos is going through at the moment.

I took the liberty to blocked someone yesterday for making unnecessary comments about Santos detention last Tuesday.

...I am sure not everyone making unkind or nasty comments on FB are paid trolls, but I am also sure paid trolls are real!! So, I want to say that I would not hesitate to delete, unfriend and even block the person who makes unkind/thoughtless and unnecessary comments here on this wall.

I certainly will do my best to keep trolls away from here.
And of course money;
Ancient Wisdom"I'm Santo!!!!"
Free ‪#‎SantosBonacci‬ ‪#‎MrAstrotheology‬
Make a donation to help Santo and his family in these times
Ruth Ramos de Smith again

Like most of you, I too feel anxious about Santos situation and I too pray for his well-being and safe return to his family. I cannot bear the thought of Santos staying in prison not even for a day, let alone weeks. At this very moment in time, no one can shed complete light about the true situation he is in. We all have to wait (even his family) for an update and it is most likely will happen tomorrow (Australian time) when his family are going to get further information.

Rest assured you will be notified of any important update.

For now, my advice is to embrace him with the light of your heart so he stays strong and healthy in mind and spirit towards the very end of this ordeal. I also asks the same for Hiromi who was very tearful when I spoke with her earlier today.

Lots of love to all.

Overall very little activity on his Facebook page.
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by pigpot »

I think Santos seems like a nice guy. He obviously knows a lot about his subject specialism and is keen on personal sovereignty / freedom from the "State" and also lawful rebellion which is very fine by ANYONE'S imagination. It's fine to lawfully rebel yes? Who by-the-way (as in the person / human being) lost out from what he did or didn't do?

Cheers in advance.
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by Jeffrey »

No actual news reports confirming Santos has been arrested.

If I were a little more paranoid I'd suspect it's a ruse for donations.
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by bmxninja357 » ... m=copylink

Interesting that someone in my neck of the woods started this one.

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

bmxninja357 wrote: ... m=copylink

Interesting that someone in my neck of the woods started this one.

Why do I get the feeling of DEJA VU? This is Dean Clifford all over again, complete with factually incorrect statements like "unlawfully arrested" !!!
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by pigpot »

Jeffrey wrote:No actual news reports confirming Santos has been arrested.

If I were a little more paranoid I'd suspect it's a ruse for donations.
But how "they" pounced... Well played. :sarcasmon:

Well played Santos. A man of mystery eh! :haha: :haha: :haha:

Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by bmxninja357 »

bmxninja357 wrote:I don't have a Facebook so can someone see if there is any updates on inmate Sam bonacci?

Same or any new presents from santos under the tree of life?

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

This is Judgie' story Judgie Concieousness and Macca Conciousness are the loyal friends that were helping Santos he was living with them in Queensland....this is a small short version of what happened the morning they came to get Santos...

What Judgie has left out of the story and she will elaborate on later is that they had full military style uniform including helmets and held guns to their heads with silencers and they repeatedly kicked their puppies in the face leaving them with gashes around their eyes and mouth.... She is putting the facts on paper and I will post the full story here when it is complete.....

Her husband and partner is sitting in jail on a hunger strike and won't go into detail but he needs medical attention.....
If you can help her and Macca please get in contact with her
So this is the story from the wife of the man who harbored a known fugitive:

Judgie Consciousness

My husband has been kidnapped by the QLD policy officers here on the sunshine coast, QLD. It is now day 4 since he was arrested and he has not been charged and is still in the Maroochydore watch house, don’t their own rules say they can’t hold them longer than 48hrs?

Once he realised he was not a dead fiction, he stepped out of the system (over a year ago) and will never claim to be the legal fraud of the birth certificate name. The QLD policy officers now have a big problem because they can’t charge the flesh and blood man called Macca Consciousness but the legal fiction that they are trying to fraudulently Joinder will never be given life by my husband.

So we have a bit of a Mexican stand off, he will never sign anything, he will not be their legal fiction, so he will sit in jail. I need your help....when I go down to the watch house, they tell me that there is no one there by that name…forcing the fraudulent Joinder and personage over and over again.

I have run radio stations and news papers but no one wants to hear it, I can’t allow the love of my life to disappear into the night without a trace. No name could mean no trace.

My husband just rang me from the watch house, he is off to the woodford jail and will see a judge at the end of the month. He also said that on the record when he was in front of the judge he asked not once but twice if it was they’re intent to commit personage and fraudulent Joinder to which the policy officers said “YES”

He is also now pissing 4 of the hunger strike!
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

A full accounting:
Judgie Consciousness

My partner and I have an orgainc farm, we unofficially help people heal themselves of disease.

On the 4th of August 2015 at 4:30am, my husband Macca and I awoke to a loud bang and crash; I jumped out of bed naked except for a t-shirt that did not cover my lady bits. I rushed to the door of our bedroom to see what had happened. To my horror, 6 or more men dressed in army camo gear, full kit, vests, automatic weapons with silencers and torches invaded our home, it was dark except for the torch lights they brought into the house. Nothing on the uniform said poolice.

They wore camo helmets, some had those yellow safety glasses, a flash grenade deployed, wow what a noise and then a small amount of white smoke more than 6 men screaming Poolice Raid Get on the floor, entered my home with automatic weapons, silencers, and torches pointed at me, I retreated to be with my husband in our bedroom, who was now getting on the floor with his arms behind his back as per the screamed order via one of the masked army dressed men who now had a gun at my head and one at my husbands head. By this time I was next to my husband getting down onto the floor. We have our 3 Jack Russell’s and Bull Mastiff in our bedroom also, and in the excitement our dogs start to fight and the 4 or more men now in our bedroom are kicking our dogs.

Macca asked very calmly to please put the big dog outside to stop the fight, but there was a great deal of kicking and animal abuse done towards the dogs before he was escorted outside. I was screaming, “please don’t shoot my kids” over and over and one of the invaders tried to tell me he was Poo lice, I said yes I know that’s why I’m terrified and I felt pushed to the floor. The dogs calmed down, once the big dog had gone outside. Someone asked me where my pants and clothes were and a small jumper was thrown over me, then someone threw the duvet from our bed over me.

We were asked if there was anyone else in the house and I said 3 kids downstairs, the poo lice said Children? And Macca said 20 something year old kids, 2 French, 1 Australian. I assume then at this stage they were being subject to the same treatment. (we worked out that there would have been around 20 military guys)

Macca was handcuffed and now the poolice were putting on his shorts and also threw me a dressing gown and told me to dress. I put the dressing gown on and then had to sit on the bed. Once Macca was dressed in shorts I had come to my senses and asked to see a warrant, these military guys were kids…training exercise perhaps???? Told to keep quiet and that I would be dealt with shortly.

It was about 45 min since they broke into the house by now and a whole new crew of blue uniform poolice men entered my home, bullet proof vests, maybe 12. The army camo crew then handed over to Cun Bruse Diachkoff (also name on warrant) A local Poolice man in Maleny, QLD.

They moved us out of the bedroom into the lounge while our wwoofers (willing workers on organic farms) were being escorted up the stairs to join us. I kept asking if I could get my ipod and record the scene. I asked again. Cun Diachkoff told me if I wanted a copy of the recording we could get it from the court, but I was not allowed to record. Then they started to search the rooms downstairs one by one.

They took Ben one of our French wwoofers down to his room to search. When he came up, our other French wwoofer Paul, then our Australian wwoofer Luke, so their rooms all searched in turn. Ben was found with 1gram of Marijuana. They also searched the rest of the house downstairs, without anyone to watch them. Macca at this stage was educating Con Diachkoff to the fact of the legal fiction fraud

Side story – 3 years ago Cun Diachkoff came to our gate looking for a weapon that was registered to Maccas gun licence, now expired. Macca told the Cun that the gun was destroyed. While Macca was out of the country for 10 years his gun was being stored in a shipping container, which had a rust hole, and the container filled up with water. The cun wanted Macca (using the legal name at the time) to fill out a statuary declaration to the tune of his story and bring it in to the Poo Lice station, which he did.

Back to raid – Cun Diachkoff finally brings in a copy the warrant. I am asked to sit in our bedroom to watch the search . Cun Diachkoff now says to Macca after hearing the fraud of the legal name and he says he will recognise Macca as the legal fiction from before. To which Macca replies “A fraud once revealed is null and void Nunc Pro Tunc”.

We live off the grid and have an older solar system, so Macca kept asking to turn off lights and I said if the system runs out of battery and the lights go out please don’t shoot us. Slow progress but they start searching our room. A female Poolice offer arrives so I can go to the toilet and put some pants on which I do.

The dawn is starting to break and the officers keep taking pictures of our stuff and us, going through my undies and jewellery. They find some 20 or so ammunition shells (I love steam punk stuff and was going to make something), 2 x flails (medieval weapon with a shaft of steel, and at one end a length of chain with a spikey ball at the end of the chain) between half and three quarters ounce of Marijuana, a pipe, some seeds ummmmm that’s about it. Every time they found something they brought it out to Macca who said, yes that’s mine.

I am asked to get off the bed and stand at the door to our bedroom. Then I am asked to sit down at our dining table. I look out the window to see a Poo Lice car come up the drive and park just where I can see clearly. I see Santos Bonacci in the back of the vehicle. He is cuffed as he raises his hands to adjust his beanie. It was 4 degrees this morning. Its is now 8:30 am and a Pooliceman man gets into to the car and reverses down the driveway. This is the last time I saw Santo.

After searching our bedroom we are asked to move outside onto the terrace so that they could conduct a search of the lounge. You have a beautiful home, one Poolice man says to me (I could have done something bad in that moment) but Luke replied “Imagine how beautiful it would be if you were welcome” I felt immediately better!

The search went on and on, they had metal detectors moving around under the house still searching. We certainly did not waste the opportunity to educate these poo lice to the fraud they are apart of, the corporation they work for and the Australian people they are betraying. We just sitting around chatting.

Its now about 10:15am and they have Macca still handcuffed, but now get some proper clothes on him so he can be transported to the watch house along with our 1 gram Wwoofer no handcuffs. I ask one of the poo lice men when Macca would be released and he said. "these are minor offenses and he should be released by the afternoon. I kiss Macca and he is escorted off and they all drive away leaving one hell of a mess.

Another aside – apparently around the same time there were 90 raids on properties around the area, which was aimed at the bikes. They busted a meth lab etc… it was on the news in the last day or so.
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Judgie Consciousness

Open Letter to the QLD Police Department....

..i the undersigned flesh and blood living soul of female gender recognise all of you police officers as flesh and blood living soul of male and female gender

You are not a thing

nor an entity

nor a person under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)

This puts you the flesh and blood living souls inside the Commonwealth of Australia and subject to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 as Proclaimed and Gazetted and the common law of England.

You are now committing peonage under the Commonwealth Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) and treason against this nation.

Further you are not protected by the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) as all the acts passed in 1972 and 1973 have not had royal accent and do not comply with the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution 1901 as Proclaimed and Gazetted.

Further you are guilty of Treachery to remove the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 as Proclaimed and Gazetted which gives you a penalty of 25yrs in prison.

You have two hours to release Macca Consciousness or
Face court for treason!

In light and love
Judgie Consciousness
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by Wake Up! Productions »


I need to clarify a situation that has arisen with a man called Basil (Ancient Wisdom) and myself, Ruth Ramos de Smith

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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by Jeffrey »

I can't help shake the feeling that something is odd, probably a false positive, but it seems to me like we would have heard something concrete by now. The Herald Sun covered both his contempt verdict and the subsequent arrest warrant, so it's odd that they wouldn't mention his arrest: ... 7294527030 ... 7317399651

The meth lab mentioned in the previous Facebook post appears to be this: ... irr52.html
Mr Smith said in total police had now seized more than $1 million cash, three automatic weapons, five handguns and a quantity of drugs over the past 24 hours.

The raids centred around the Hells Angels methamphetamines distribution network on the Gold Coast.
Maybe the Santos news got eclipsed by the meth raids?
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Another interesting tidbit I found was Sonia Bonacci's facebook page; ... hc.friends

If you recall, during Santos' first arrest he mentions that the house was "Sonia Bonacci's property". Based on her photo, I can only assume that she is a younger relative of his, perhaps his sister or even his daughter.
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

I can't help shake the feeling that something is odd, probably a false positive, but it seems to me like we would have heard something concrete by now. The Herald Sun covered both his contempt verdict and the subsequent arrest warrant, so it's odd that they wouldn't mention his arrest:
The only thing I can think of is that the arrest happened in a different State, therefore the local media may not be aware of it yet.
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by NYGman »

Just in case:

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Definition of PEONAGE

   a :  the use of laborers bound in servitude because of debt
   b :  a system of convict labor by which convicts are leased to contractors
:  the condition of a peon

So she believes the "poo lice" are Peon's? How does she get there?
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by BBFlatt »

I think that she is accusing them of putting Macca into peonage, but it's hard to tell exactly what she's going on about.
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by NYGman »

BBFlatt wrote:I think that she is accusing them of putting Macca into peonage, but it's hard to tell exactly what she's going on about.
I read it as she was accusing the "poo lice." Freeman writing is so often hard to decipher even when written in what looks like English.
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by Jeffrey »

Someone said Sonia was his sister, now I'm not sure if that was confirmed or just assumed.

House seemed like it was in a nice neighborhood and they had a cleaning lady present when the police showed up, so the sister at least is not in a bad financial situation. I'm wondering if the police showing up led to them kicking Santos out, who probably was not contributing to rent.

The Queensland people seem like followers of his who let him in, wonder if they knew about the warrants, lot of Santos' supporters seem unaware of them.

I am a little concerned about the SWAT style raid, assuming that version of events is true. The first arrest video you could see the cops were extremely nice and not kicking any puppies in the face. I don't see why they would go in what sounds like a no-knock raid fully armed for a non-violent offender.