Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

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notorial dissent
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by notorial dissent »

If you didn't know the person was a fugitive, and could reasonably prove that then I don't suspect that there would be much of an issue.

Howsumever, considering who he ran to, and their reactions to the whole thing, extremely stupid in IMHO I am seriously disinclined to believe that his hosts didn't know who he was and why he was on the lam. In fact, considering their stated attitudes, I'm equally betting that they thought they were striking a blow for freedom, or some such footlie twaddle by hiding him, particularly since the real world has no authority over the "living man of flesh and blood" tripe they spout. As neither of them strike me as being bright enough to scratch their behinds without explicit instructions and repeated demonstrations I would bet that they not only knew, but told everyone within reach of one or more of their blogs what they were doing and bragging bout it.

I will also be willing to go as far as bet that is how the "po lice" knew exactly where to find him and in fact why they came literally loaded for bear since certain loud mouths had been running. What it comes down to is that both parties have BIG mouths and can't resist bragging about what they've done, so I think everybody was on the same page.

Just my opinion, but Bonacci is in jail, and likely to remain there for quite some time, and his erstwhile host is most likely going to be joining him. The police had to find out where he was some how, and I think my solution is the simplest and least complicated and covers all the bases.
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by bmxninja357 »

i must point out that sam bonacci is another case of overwhelming selfishness. he yells a lot of i dont deserve tickets. i am not paying tolls. i am not subject to laws.

if he was not selfish he would be more concerned with how do we make the people as a whole not liable for these tolls? how do we prevent all inhabitants of this land from getting fines for driving on these roads? how do we strike down laws the people in general do not agree with?

see the difference? one is selfish and self motivated to try and justify illegal activities, the other could lead to a change by and for the people in general. sam is nothing but a loudmouth with no balls. thats why he ran and hid like the weasel he is.

if he believed a word of his speeches he would do what a real, not for profit, not self aggrandizing and grandstanding activist would do. show up for court and speak to the issues directly. in fact if he was trying to help others he would have paid and presented proof of how much the tolls cost the people in general to travel those roads coupled with evidence of how much fuel it costs in general to go around the toll routes. that figure could be taken to the proper governing bodies and perhaps lead to a vote on the subject.

but why help everyone when its far more glamorous to help only ones self to goods and services and leave the bill for everyone else?

im sure if he cleans toilets or some such he can get a little time knocked off. but i think he is too stupid for the working the fines off route. and its easier to get gullible freetards to donate the little money they have so he can run his mouth about sweet sounding bullspit.

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by notorial dissent »

I think more to the point he just didn't want to have to pay and this was a convenient excuse. Doesn't make him any less of liar, just shows him as the hypocrite he is.
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Here is the man who was harbouring Santos, "Macca Consciousness":


Here is Santos sitting on the opposite side of that sliding glass door:


The latest Facebook Update from Macca's wife:
On the 4th August 2015 our home with international guests was brutally raided by the military/QLD Police Force (Not service) and violated not only my husband and I, but also 2 French and 1 Australian Wwoofers (Willing Workers On Organic Farms). Terrorised and then kidnapped.

The QLD Police force (not service) is out of control, using full military police force clearly unnecessarily. When guns are at the heads of peaceful farmers and flash grenades go off in a small country town at 4:30 am something has gone very wrong. Kidnapped by the QLD policy officers here on the sunshine coast, QLD. It is now day 11 since he was arrested and he has not been charged but he is being held at a Maximum Prison in Brisbane.

Macca will continue to comprehend that he is NOT legally authorized to use the legal birth certificate, the legal name, or legal DOB expressed there on for any legal purpose. Macca Consciousness is a flesh and blood man and is not a party of the legal name fraud. A fraud once revealed is null and void Nunc Pro Tunc.

The QLD police have fraudulently joindered Macca Consciousness to a dead fiction and the crown copy write name that Macca does not have any authority to use in honour. If you know anything about copy write, then you know that what is registered to the Crown, is used only by the Crown in honour. Macca Consciousness is a honourable man and there is no victim here NO ONE is screaming "Murderer" while pointing at Macca. He has done NO HARM.

In the two different courts of record Macca has already appeared in, he asked not once but twice “if it was their intention to commit fraudulent joinder and personage here today?” To which the police officers and court officials replied, “YES” all on record, in a court of law! I don’t know who the Judge was, it seems the ranks are closing in around this. Admitting to committing fraud in a court of law is blatant disregard for the law at the highest level.

Once Macca realised he was not a dead fiction, he stepped out of the system (over a year ago) and will never claim to be the legal fraud of the birth certificate name.
So we have a bit of a Mexican stand off, he will never sign anything fraudulent, and he will not be the dead legal fiction, so the only solution is he will sit in jail. I need your help again. I have run radio stations and news papers, QLD Ombudsman but no one wants to hear it, touch it, associate with it!

I am feeling helpless and very lonely at the moment so much advise that has come in, but I'm a farmer not a legal genius...It was all so simple to live in truth and not be the legal fiction, but it's not that simple now....
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by notorial dissent »

Mrs Macca doesn't sound the sharpest knife in the drawer, in fact I would say she is a pretty low wattage bulb altogether. The fact that she doesn't know the difference between "copy write" and "copy right" says a very great deal, or in fact what it is. I also don't think she is even coming close to telling what all has really happened. I do suspect that Macca is going to sit on his hindmost parts in a cell until he grows some brains and quits playing stupider than he is by nature.

Don't feel any sympathy for them at all.

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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by Burnaby49 »

They're in a Mexican standoff?
A Mexican standoff is a confrontation between at least two parties in which
neither party can proceed nor retreat without being exposed to danger.
Since the authorities seem quite happy to leave him in jail until he stops playing silly games about his ID I fail to see how they are "exposed to danger". It's just a guy in jail. Wife says so herself;
So we have a bit of a Mexican stand off, he will never sign anything fraudulent, and he will not be the dead legal fiction, so the only solution is he will sit in jail.
Sounds like a solution to me.
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by pigpot »

Burnaby49 wrote:They're in a Mexican standoff?
A Mexican standoff is a confrontation between at least two parties in which
neither party can proceed nor retreat without being exposed to danger.
Since the authorities seem quite happy to leave him in jail until he stops playing silly games about his ID I fail to see how they are "exposed to danger". It's just a guy in jail. Wife says so herself;
So we have a bit of a Mexican stand off, he will never sign anything fraudulent, and he will not be the dead legal fiction, so the only solution is he will sit in jail.
Sounds like a solution to me.
How long for though? Keep up the good work Santos. 8) There's lots out here rooting for you. :D
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by notorial dissent »

Yes, Santos has done well, he has two wasteoid idiots in jail and it sounds like Mrs Macca is vying for the third position. I can't help but think it would be but an improvement of the general and local ecology with the three of them locked up.
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by pigpot »

notorial dissent wrote:Yes, Santos has done well, he has two wasteoid idiots in jail and it sounds like Mrs Macca is vying for the third position. I can't help but think it would be but an improvement of the general and local ecology with the three of them locked up.
Well people who like me share some of his thoughts possibly think that although he has been MADE to be locked up he still hasn't doffed his hat to "the man" as it were. Amazing how many more people like Santos are coming through though. :shock: Well played people. :lol:
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

pigpot wrote: although he has been MADE to be locked up he still hasn't doffed his hat to "the man" as it were.
It does prove that not doffing your hat to the man has no effect.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
notorial dissent
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by notorial dissent »

He's in jail, he doesn't have a hat. More importantly, he'll stay there.
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by pigpot »

notorial dissent wrote:He's in jail, he doesn't have a hat. More importantly, he'll stay there.
I don't think he needs a hat and "they" are feeding and watering him...... Catch "22" much.

This is an interesting one. It's a long game this one........ My bets (and many others) is on Santos.......

Goooooooooooooo Santossssssssss!

Go, go, go you BEAUTIFUL Italian / Australian piece of work you......... love and light man. 8) :lol:
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by exiledscouser »

Sadly, the only place Santos will be goooooooing is the local jail at Billabong Creek.

Unlike the Australian cricket team he won't be out before lunch. :D
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

pigpot wrote:
This is an interesting one. It's a long game this one........ My bets (and many others) is on Santos.
That is ambiguous. Please explain in precise detail what you are betting on.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Here is a small insight into some of the possible charges facing Santos and the man who harboured him (via Facebook):
Judgie Consciousness Found Santos Bonacci, found 2 flails (medieval weapon, was on our wall) found ammo, found weed approx 18 - 20 grams, found jar of seeds, found pipe! We are hard core crims for sure!
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

BREAKING: I just finished a short email conversation with Herald Post reporter Shannon Deery who had previously reported on Santos.

I gave him all the relevant info, so with any luck, we should have official conformation in the form of a news story within 24 hours !!!
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by pigpot »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:
pigpot wrote:
This is an interesting one. It's a long game this one........ My bets (and many others) is on Santos.
That is ambiguous. Please explain in precise detail what you are betting on.
Wait your time. :shock:
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by Backo »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:
pigpot wrote:
This is an interesting one. It's a long game this one........ My bets (and many others) is on Santos.
That is ambiguous. Please explain in precise detail what you are betting on.
That one day Santos will get out of jail. Clear win for Santos, utter humiliation for the powers that be :roll:
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by pigpot »

Backo wrote:
rumpelstilzchen wrote:
pigpot wrote:
This is an interesting one. It's a long game this one........ My bets (and many others) is on Santos.
That is ambiguous. Please explain in precise detail what you are betting on.
That one day Santos will get out of jail. Clear win for Santos, utter humiliation for the powers that be :roll:
Check out my post and have another think:

Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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Re: Australia: Santos Bonacci Arrest

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Backo wrote:
That one day Santos will get out of jail. Clear win for Santos, utter humiliation for the powers that be :roll:
Only in pigpot's imagination.
Last edited by rumpelstilzchen on Tue Aug 18, 2015 8:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.