Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest victims

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Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest victims

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Allow me to introduce everyone to Robert Anthony Volk and Carol May Helen Volk! While I am highlighting the Volks as “minister” “paraclete” Belanger’s latest victims, it's probably fair to say Belanger is simply pouring gasoline on a pre-existing fire.

Here's the Ownmon video that brought the Volks to my attention:

Hurrah, it's "minister" "paraclete" Belanger warning the law firm of Lawsen & Lundell and its evil lawyers, Bryan Gibbons and Kimberly Robertson, against foreclosing on the Volks’ residence. It’s the usual CERI ‘write government officials and miracle authority away’ strategy (viewtopic.php?f=48&t=9261), mind you with a stern warning – the Volks are apparently now “ministers” of CERI. Question not their instant and newfound faith, heathens! The King James Bible Smiteth!

That said, it's Belanger's usual patter. Dare not foreclose on them (2:00)! You can’t intimidate a “minister” of the CERI faith (2:30) – the Criminal Code says so. And it doesn’t matter if they just signed up. The Inns of the Court are bound by the King James Bible (3:30)!

And Belanger claims (4:00) that the Supreme Court of Canada, “Your Commercial God!”, in an unnamed 2004 judgment said that a contract is void if it runs contrary to religious belief. That would be this judgment, I’d think:
Sadly, the “minister” “paraclete” Belanger didn’t read the judgment very closely, I guess. It’s about whether Jews had a religious right to set up a ceremonial “succah” hut in a luxury condo building balcony – because that right to religious freedom was protected by …

Drum roll please …
  • The Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, R.S.Q., c. C-12.
Oops. So it’s not so viable outside of Quebec, like in B.C. where the Volks dwell. Civil law vs. common law and all that stuff. But it gets funnier. The majority decision says nothing about a general principle that religion overrides contract. In fact, it hardly mentions contracts at all. Not a single Canadian case that I could find indicates Syndicat Northcrest v. Amselem provides a general rule that religion overrides contract.

Anyway, Belanger warns the bank that usury is wrong, and that the payments the Volks have made to date are offered to close this matter, rather than be bound to the “Annals of Darkness”. And then, the ominous warning (6:00):
This puts you into a breach of your duty of case, as the directors of your various organizations, and LLPs. That breach represents a tort application against you and is undefeatable in any court that a person takes you to – in your private capacity. Now I’m not mentioning these things as a threat to you. I’m merely bringing these into your awareness as the watchman: Ezekial 33 …

That’s my position here today to you, is to let you know that these men and women are exercising their faith, and they’re sincere, and you do not get to trod on it without opening up yourself to private liability – and your bond is gone.
And of course … you’re intimidating them! Inteeeeeemmmmmeeddating them! Intttttttteeeeeeemmmmeddddatting!


Oh, and no magic hat to be seen.

It didn't take long to find the lawsuit:
  • Victoria Law Courts, Docket #133743 - HSBC BANK CANADA v VOLK, Roderick
And here’s the bankster’s claim: ... tition.pdf

The Volks are in default of a mortgage signed on March 5, 2007. The bank seeks foreclosure and sale of the property, and solicitor and client costs. Currently the Volks owe about a quarter million.

The response makes interesting but depressing reading ( ... tition.pdf). Para. 2 suggests the Volks tried the “five letters/three letters” debt cancellation scheme: they demanded a copy of the signed mortgage agreement, probably with "wet ink". HSBC apparently instead closed all their accounts. If true, that indicates this bank is taking a pretty aggressive approach to OPCA schemes.

What follows is a positive grab-bag of OPCA concepts which I can’t align with any particular guru or belief set. Para. 4 reads:
“I am the living, sovereign Witness to the Evidence of the Name Fraud and I have the Prima Facie evidence in the form of the Birth Certificate (copies are attached in Exhibit AD and AE) for the dead legal fiction which you have pentitioned to appear in your private BAR court room. By these words let the Living Witness be known for and on the record I would be committing fraud by representing the Name on the Birth Certificate which is Crown Copyright Owned and for you to aid and abet me to do so is fraud on your part also. Under oath with full commercial liability and penalty of perjury are you enticing me into Slavery?”

The witness statement above is for both Carol and Rod of the Volk Family Clan.
Ok, that’s pure CERI/Belanger tripe. But the next paragraph is a split/double person scheme that sounds Freemanish:
The appearance of the all caps names on all of the documents for case SCBC Action No. 13 3743, Victoria Registry is the paper it is written on. Court has jurisdiction over paper – Period – it is for corporations, not natural persons.

We do not accept any liability for a NAME that is copyright owned by the crown.
Then in para. 6 the Volks demand the lawyers’ oaths – but don't get them. Next at para. 7, it’s our ol’ friend Pope Francis’s Apostolic Letter!
The Apostolic Letter removed your immunity rendering ALL courts COMMON LAW.

There is a copy of this letter included in Exhibit AD and AE.
So the Volks have, at a minimum, been exposed to the Gold Shield Alliance annotated Apostolic Letter.

What’s next in this grab-bag? Menard’s “the only law is do no harm” motif (para. 8):
In summary we feel that there has been so much information submitted to the banks and the lawyers involved that someone needs to take everything we have submitted seriously. The oldest law is DO NO HARM. All we have been trying to do is show the TRUTH however, no one seems to want to look at it. I hope the judge reading this does take a really good look.
Ok – so we have CERI, Freemanish concepts, GSA – what else? The next paragraph (para. 10) (its actually several paragraphs but hey I didn’t number this) is pure Sovereign Citizen:
There are two very active JURISDICTIONS going on here and the “system” defaults to ADMIRALTY, LEX MERCHANTORIUM, COMMERCE, and PHOENICIAN FRAUD where they are also in COMMON LAW jurisdiction but you all avoid it because it removes ALL ability of the “judge” to command the CORPORATE ship and, in turn, your SHIP/NAME as a secondary ship of the line.

A jury has power of the judges and lawyers where they are rendered mute in the same way that we cannot be “heard” in their STATURORY COMMERCE COURTS because we are deemed “legally dead by consent” for using the DEAD LEGAL NAME/FICTION.

A living being CANNOT contract with a dead corporation and why the intensity surrounding the demanding that we GIVE/CONSENT to a LEGAL NAME because it enables pirates to board our ships and plunder our wealth because we are assumed as part of their FLEET without knowing.

We stand in COMMON LAW/NATURAL LAW, without assumption/presumption being allowed. As previously stated, the courts operate in both capacities BUT default to “DEAD BY CONSENT/SURETY LEGAL COMMERCE/SALVAGE RIGHTS versus lawful living truth.

Remember, the court’s immunity has been removed via the Apostolic Letter and therefore makes all of you lawfully liable for your actions where your layer of CORPORATE PROTECTION has been fully stripped away; the emperor has no clothes.
Whew! That’s a blast! Now, as a banana freighter, I am deeply concerned by the implications of this analysis on my legal status. I don’t think I can be “a secondary ship of the line”, can I? Heck, I can’t keep up with a predreadnought, let alone a battle cruiser! Salvage rights?! Pirates?! Banana-plundering?!

Anyway, while that … quite bizarre hodgepodge is impressive, it didn’t work. The court on February 12, 2014 ordered the Volks pay up the outstanding amount or the land would be sold ( ... 0Order.pdf).

The deadline is August 12, 2014. Just a couple more weeks for the Volks – and I suspect that if they have Invoked the Paraclete that they’re still in the residence. Sad.

So, as usual, I poked around. I found nothing significant on CanLII or other databases. With a bit of exploration I discovered the Volks had two businesses. One was a ‘scrapbooking’ business run by Carol ( It folded recently. The Volks may still operate a lawnmower/small engine repair shop called “Volk’s Enterprises”, though on Goggle maps I couldn't find it:
It’s described this way on the Facebook page:
Volk's Enterprises has been in business since 1993 in the Western Communities. We service all small engines from lawnmowers, weed-eaters, chainsaws, generators and more...
Most repairs are done within 2 - 3 days!
Great Service and Great Prices!
FREE Estimates - Call First!
We also buy small engine products (eg. Lawnmowers)
I think Carol rather than Rod is the driver behind this mess. She also operates under the name “Carol Werner Volk”. Her Facebook page ( indicates she's a follower of Michael Tellinger, the South African UBUNTU guru.

She also reviews Volk's Enterprises on Facebook, which is a little tacky.

Using "Carol Werner Volk" we see she's a new-age kook, crystals et al ( ... 9888805792), "blessing circles" ( ... 0935089400), photos of “chemtrails” ( ... 1405871934) ( ... 1405871934), and so on.

And here she is enthusiastically endorsing Belanger's methods in the comments (http://ecclesiasticsalvation.wordpress. ... nt-page-1/) in Thomas Peterson's (viewtopic.php?f=48&t=9829) 'miracling away taxes' blog:
Carol Werner Volk
November 21, 2013 at 9:07 pm
The lies, fraud and deals they do should put them all in jail!!!
Another victim of the Belanger-Machine. Hopefully the Volks find a way to get themselves out of this mess. I have a nasty suspicion that both their businesses may have gone under – and if so, it’s a pity to see persons in desperate financial situations being abused by conmen such as Belanger.

Nice going Ed! Time for another toke, I guess.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Jeffrey »

Only person I've seen use this term is Kate of Gaia aka Keith Thompson.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Bill Lumbergh »

Jeffrey wrote:
Only person I've seen use this term is Kate of Gaia aka Keith Thompson.
Is it just me or is kate/keith the current rising star in guru land? Maybe it's just Keith's current beef with traditional freemen that is getting attention. The bone of contention? Whether the "legal name" belongs to you or whether it is copyrighted property of the crown #FreemanProblems

Keith's radio show is utterly bizarre... recently heard one containing an attack on menard and a threat to expose his crimes, plus really weird things like encouraging the drinking of your "own water" ie urine and theories that your heart doesnt actually pump the blood in your body.
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Jeffrey »

You see the recent beef with Vinny Eastwood?

His show is legitimately difficult to listen to. Goes on 30 minute rants about how the entire world is against him and how he's lost his home and family blah blah blah. A terrifying glimpse into serious mental illness.
notorial dissent
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by notorial dissent »

Poor widdle "parasite", nobody wubs hims. :snicker:
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Bill: my impression has been the Keith/Kate has a kind of an "it's there - guess it's ok" status in the OPCA world - but perhaps I'm missing the overall context. I don't randomly encounter a lot of die-hard fans, perhaps at about the same level as Karl Lentz and his "Let's Find Waldo The Queens Bench".

I'd say Keith/Kate is less popular or influential than Marcus the Serpent King - though I'm starting to wonder who actually listens to Marcus vs those who think he's neat and deep - citation for the sake of impression rather than function, so to speak.

I digress. Do you have a link to this unusual sounding broadcast that reverts medicine to a pre-Harveyian state? Now I'm curious.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Spotted some more fun – in case you’ve ever wondered what a Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International notice looks like, “minister” “paraclete” Belanger has thoughtfully posted a copy of his latest missive ( ... rical.html)! This appears to have been produced in conjunction with his recent video, and Belanger describes it this way in a "press report"!
Church ministers get historical agreement with HSBC Bank and Law firm

July 25th 2014 Victoria British Columbia Redemption Press report.> Two recently welcomed and reborn ministers of the Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International have entered into and have successfully completed an historically significant agreement regarding an alleged mortgage debt with the HSBC bank in Victoria British Columbia. This is the Scan of the witnessed agreement. This is the final witnessed step confirming the agreement with the full names of all the private men and women involved being posted here to in honor confirm that these lawyers and Bankers do agree they have no authority to intimidate act as a nuisance or obstruct our new found minsters of Christ Roderick Anthony and Carol Mary Helen or any other members of our benevolent church from officially performing the functions of their calling.
The document is six separate jpg pages:
Or if you like I’ve collected those into a single document:
I’ll say this much, it’s way better formatted and produced than the usual CERI material. (I think that means Belanger had some technical help.) It is also quite unusual in that it makes heavy use of graven images! Where ever possible portrait photos are accompany names and so on.

The document title – in ominous red – identifies this as an “emergent notice”:
This is an emergent notice of religious necessity to bring awareness to you in your private capacity warning you of fraud, obstruction of a ministry, intimidation and common nuisance.
Yikes! That’ll scare ‘em! No less than 12 individuals are targeted, everything from bank employees, to lawyers, court officials, and members of the law society! They’re all “private men” and “defacto” of course.

Belanger introduces himself:
I am minister Edward-Jay Robin, a Christian ambassador of the Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International. I am writing on behalf of our two church members and fellow ministers Roderick Anthony and Carol Mary Helen of the Volk family who have approached me extremely distraught and in hardship.
What’s wrong? Why, innnntttteeeeeemmmediating them, of course! Inteeememidiating!
I have listened to and reviewed the information my members have sent HSBC Bank Canada and their legal department to date regarding this gross commercial banking mistake Rod and Carol are asked to participate in. They have tried to explain your mistakes patiently, respectfully and honourably. My members have been subjected to threat, duress and intimidation for over a year now. Out of despair, they have asked me, their minister for help. I have agreed to help all parties come to agreement and forgiveness.
Then it’s the usual Criminal Code, s. 176, Leviticus 6:2-5, and Matthew 5:25; 18:15-20 routine.

But unexpected - a twist! Belanger pulls out Law! Like, y’know, REAL law! This apparently is a Notice to Admit, per the British Columbia Supreme Court rules:
The following asseverations of this Notice to Admit will be deemed true, factual and correct unless a private written rebuttal stating otherwise is received within 14 days from the receipt of this letter, as outlined in Rule 7-7(2) of your Supreme Court Rules.
I love the “your” rules bit. And he actually got the correct Rule too.

Then we get a list of 18 “Asserverations”. This is kind of an unusual CERI document so I thought I’d reproduce these alleged facts with some commentary:
1. It is agreed that I, Edward-Jay Robin, as a ministerial agent for Carol Mary Helen and Roderick Anthony of the Volk family, in good faith make you privately aware that they have Christian faith bound by the King James Bible and therefore have renounced all lawful contracts.

2. It is agreed that God’s law is Supreme in this country and our Christian ministry deems all laws outside the King James Bible as “de facto man-made laws” of which are inferior to God’s laws. (Deuteronomy 4:2 and 12:32)

3. It is agreed our ministry and all its members submit to no false God or engage in contracts based in fraud, usury or violations of any other Christian principles. (Exodus 22:25, Leviticus 25:37)
Isn’t it convenient that these Christian principles miracle away debts for deadbeats?
4. It is agreed that every Christian ministry is not a respecter of persons or titles and no one can be forced to assume a legal, corporate name or participate in a commercial forum, especially without informed consent. (James 2:9).

5. It is agreed that it is a violation of their faith to associate with or show respect to ‘persons’ in ‘law’ as they are dead entities recorded as corporations. (James 2:9, Job 32:22)
Same as before. Sure is convenient when you want to ditch your contract with a bank or other lender.
6. It is agreed that Carol Mary Helen and Roderick Anthony of the Volk family are members of the Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International and faith and not legal entities, nor can they tolerate any affiliation with a name conversion fraud resulting in the creation of a fictitious “LEGAL TITLE PERSON” nor can they be forced to abandon their faith.

7. It is agreed that you have neither a contractual or moral civil authority to obstruct their ministry or faith. (Criminal Code of Canada- Sections 176, 180 and 423)

8. It is agreed that every corporate director authorized under an oath of fealty to a Christian monarch has a lawfully binding duty of care to ensure that a man or woman’s faith is in no way impeded.
Well, that’s a rather radical reinterpretation of corporate law and function! I bet those directors don’t remember swearing such an oath.
9. It is agreed you are not under a true oath or lawfully sanctioned council in her majesty’s name, but merely corporate imposters intent on violating your duty of care and trust by intimidation and nuisance.
Doesn’t this contradict “asserveration” number 8?
10. It is agreed that my members cannot and will not be committed to any usury contract entered into that violates their faith. Usury is biblically interpreted in the King James bible as the charge of any interest for increase. (Exodus 22:25, Beuteronomy 23:19, Leviticus 23:37)
Something I find a little amusing is that Belanger can’t seem to make up his mind whether to use the usury hook or not. Often it was not mentioned over the years, but here it’s front and centre. The last few years Belanger’s fixation instead has been that prohibition against necrophilia argument – no commerce with dead things.

Interestingly, the very earliest Detaxer promoters fixated on urury as prohibited in much the same way.
11. It is agreed that HSBC Bank Canada and all of you involved in this have had 12 months to produce proof of contract, proof of loan, proof of oath and full disclosure of every aspect of the mortgage contract (Canada Evidence Act) and failed to do so causing extreme hardship and financial danger by unlawfully closing accounts.
This confirms the Volks have also used the five letters/three letters debt elimination scheme. It’s a little odd seeing this slip into a CERI document since Belanger doesn’t usually seem obsessed about this mechanism.
12. It is agreed there was nothing “loaned” here, there was no money to collect of pay. HSBC Canada has no money to loan but rather exchanged a debt instrument for credit entreis issued. This is fraud. HSBC Bank Canada cannot collect on a loan of no money. A loan is not an exchange.
What the heck?! What’s THIS doing in a CERI document? It’s the old long-debunked John Ruis Dempsey ‘banks make money’ argument.
13. It is agreed that the crown corporation CANADA is in a debtor receivership position since April 10th, 1933 and has no lawful money or Gold, only fiat currency without assets to back its “value”.
The date indicated is the date that Canada formally abandoned the gold standard (though it was operationally abandoned during World War One – this is the formal date where the gold standard was abolished). So … there is no money? Well, who knows – because after this one-off statement Belanger says nothing else about “fiat currency” or the gold standard.
14. It is agreed that HSBC Bank Canada and all banks are legal fiction corporation persons that make and follow commercial rules in conflict with God’s law.

Whew – back to CERI home turf. God’s law and all that.
15. It is agreed that no damage or harm to a fictional corporation can be demonstrated by nullifying this fraudulent account, yet good men and women are seriously being harmed by perpetrating this fraud.
Yeah, except that the debt wasn’t repaid. Oh wait, there’s no money. And banks don’t lend. Right.
16. It is agreed that any payments the Volk’s have made since they entered 833 Orono Avenue October 1, 1922 will be fully applied to the principal of the alleged debt rather than committed to the usury/interest formerly relied upon.
I actually like this term and think it’s an entirely logical endpoint to Belanger’s approach. Except that Belanger’s approach is wrong. Still – this is consistent with the God’s Law – No Usury scheme.
17. It is agreed that no law or legislation of men can abrogate God’s law or intimidate a minister of Christ to violate it. (Exodus 20:3-5)
INnnnnteeeeEEEEeeemeedating me! InnnnnttttTTTEEEEeeedating me!
18. It is agreed this is an unconscionable/frustrated contract as it is referred to in your own civil procedures and that any continued harassment shall be deemed a civil tort, in breach of the Criminal Code of Canada, section 176, 180, and 423. (Ezekiel 33:1-10).
Not sure how this contract is frustrated. That’s what foreclosure is for. I also could go into why criminal offences are not necessarily torts, but hey.

Belanger follows that with reminding of the 14 day deadline. He promises to post notices on newspapers and websites. Then he makes this exciting promise to disclose all documentation!
All previous correspondence with HSBC Bank Canada and its agents will be available for public viewing after the 14 days have expired.
The document is dated July 3, 2014. 14 days have passed. Where are the promised goodies for review?

Then out comes the CERI hammer of legal sanction!
If you intend to ignore our good faith offer and continue intimidation, we may seek damages via private claim and submitting criminal complaints to the Crown and The Law Society of British Columbia. We will also if necessity calls, be seeking via inquest, a de jure civil court of conscience which will recognize its sworn duty to her majesty as herself being sworn defender of the Christian faith.

Please recall, in 2004, Moise & Gladys Amselem (Northcrest Syndicat vs. Amselem) proved that heir faith superseded a commercial contract attempting to intimidate them to submit.

I can also refer you to ‘Ron Carelli vs. Duplessis’ or ‘Saumur vs. The city of Quebec’. Those cases make it clear that no one has the authority to enforce civil or contract law that offends a man/woman’s faith and that the contracts will be determined to be null and void.

I mention man’s law as a warning, as a watchman, and make no use of it! (Ezekiel 33:1-10)
Interesting stuff here. I’ve never seen Belanger pull out the “de jure civil court of conscience” before. I wonder how that’s supposed to work? Well, with luck, he’ll show us in the next few months. I’ve previously commented on the Amselem decision and why it is irrelevant.

“Ron Carelli vs. Duplessis” is actually Roncarelli v. Duplessis, [1959] SCR 121 ( - the plaintiff was Frank Roncarelli. This is a famous (even infamous) case in which the then Premier of Quebec was responsible for the cancellation of Roncarelli's liquor license, not because of any misconduct, but because Roncarelli was a Jehovah’s Witness. The Supreme Court of Canada said Duplessis had to pay Roncarelli damages.

Guess how many times the word “contract” appears in that judgment. Once. In this paragraph of the Rand J concurring decision:
I mention, in order to make clear that it has not been overlooked, the decision of the House of Lords in Allen v. Flood, in which the principle was laid down that an act of an individual otherwise not actionable does not become so because of the motive or reason for doing it, even maliciously to injure, as distinguished from an act done by two or more persons. No contention was made in the present case based on agreed action by the respondent and Mr. Archambault. In Allen v. Flood, the actor was a labour leader and the victims non-union workmen who were lawfully dismissed by their employer to avoid a strike involving no breach of contract or law. Here the act done was in relation to a public administration affecting the rights of a citizen to enjoy a public privilege, and a duty implied by the statute toward the victim was violated. The existing permit was an interest for which the appellant was entitled to protection against any unauthorized inter­ference, and the illegal destruction of which gave rise to a remedy for the damages suffered. In Allen v. Flood there were no such elements.
[Emphasis added.]

Yes, contracts are mentioned once – once – in the context of saying this is not a contract case. Hey Ed! ED! Yeah you, stoner! Read the freaking judgments before you cite them! It makes you look, at best, foolish. At worst, like a conman.

Belanger got the style of cause right for Saumur v. City of Quebec, [1953] 2 SCR 299 ( This is another Jehovah’s Witness case, this time whether a by-law could prohibit distribution of religious material.

Guess how many times the word “contract” appears in this judgment, Ed?

Zero. Zilch. Nada. Not once.

Huh. I guess you didn’t read that one either, did you.

In any case, it looks like the Volks have agreed not to sue under “our” law so I guess the principle of estoppel applies to block any future hypothetical lawsuits.

The Notice closes on a jaunty note:
I thank you for your prompt attention to this matter as this is how Christ intended us to solve our disagreements and trespasses. Blessings from minister Edward-Jay-Robin, ministerial envoy and guide for ministers Carol Mary Helen and Roderick Anthony of the Volk family.

You can contact me at 1-780-616-6647 if you have any questions. Please send your written response directly to Please refrain from using postal codes concerning our ministry, its members or their properties as those attempts of correspondence will be declined.
The notice closes with a smiling photo of “minister” “paraclete” Belanger doing a damned fine creepy insincere religious official impression, with a nice little stamp and gold “Ecclesiastical Seal”.

No visible magic hats, "ecclesiastical" or otherwise.

I hope the Volks exercise some common sense. I hate seeing people who face hard times taking a path that will just add to the pain.

Well, now that I have Ed’s telephone number let’s see whether that turns up anywhere. Oh hey, Ed’s posting on kijiji ( ... 1006679547):
Wanted: Requesting rideshare to Victoria/Nanaimo/Vancouver
Date Listed 25-Jul-14
Price $100.00
Address 10755 133 Street Northwest, Edmonton, AB T5M 1G6

I am looking to leave edmonton ASAP to get to Victoria ..Please contact me..780-616-6647
I guess the “minister” “paraclete” Belanger’s romantic sojourn on “Huge Island” in Edmonton was cut short (viewtopic.php?f=48&t=9261&start=80#p173757).

And a ride share? Did your motor home get seized?

And - ah ha! - Ed – I caught you! You used a POSTAL CODE! It’s even the correct postal code!

A small residence in north west Edmonton. No idea who lives there, but it’s previously been used as a return address in CERI documents … but always noted as “no code non commercial”.

Back to the Volks I guess. Hope they wake up soon - that August deadline is coming fast.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Jeffrey »

If I'm following correctly. The Volk's already have an order against them by the BC Supreme Court so it's too late for sending in a Notice to Admit and the bank doesn't even need to respond. Not to mention, Belanger isn't involved, the bank doesn't have to respond to anything Belanger sends in.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by JamesVincent »

Jeffrey wrote:......Not to mention, Belanger isn't involved, the bank doesn't have to respond to anything Belanger sends in.
Would an email that says," LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOL..... LMFAO" count as a response?
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Jeffrey wrote:If I'm following correctly. The Volk's already have an order against them by the BC Supreme Court so it's too late for sending in a Notice to Admit and the bank doesn't even need to respond. Not to mention, Belanger isn't involved, the bank doesn't have to respond to anything Belanger sends in.
Yes, true on all points. Though at least Belanger opted for something that isn't made up. Too late? Absolutely. But still, it's more functional that the foisted unilateral agreement that I expected. (Though operationally it is still a foisted unilateral agreement.)

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

1. It is agreed that I, Edward-Jay Robin, as a ministerial agent for Carol Mary Helen and Roderick Anthony of the Volk family, in good faith make you privately aware that they have Christian faith bound by the King James Bible and therefore have renounced all lawful contracts.
I always like how people make great legal sounding pronouncements without thinking them through. Not only is this a fantastic non sequitur, it would mean that the Volks aren't married (in the eyes of the state at least) wouldn't it? Also, all their previous employers want their money back.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Bill Lumbergh »

The Volks speak! Well, to be more accurate, Carol speaks for a few minutes and then Belanger takes over.

The happy gang were guests on the most recent 'Canada the Nation": ... ts/2369455

We hear some of the same information already posted above. Carol indicates that she first came across OPCA concepts on facebook, coincidentally (or perhaps not) at the time her mortgage was up for renewal. She claims that she sent a few letters to HSBC simply asking questions about what she had discovered, at which point HSBC closed all of her accounts. This was a glorious victory as it definitively proved that Carol had "figured something out". Carol claims that she has never missed a mortgage payment and that really, since interest is usury, the interest paid should really apply to the principle and so the house was actually paid off years ago.

What is of note is how the Volks and Belanger first met. Carol reached out to Shelagh (McFarlane) and Shelagh's ex-husband Arthur (Kobierinski). Shelagh also takes part in the call and admits to going through the same troubles as the Volks. Shelagh and Art have been on "Canada the Nation" before (if you scroll down that page you can listen to their wisdom on how to get free hydro). I actually considered giving them a separate thread, as they appear to be wannabe gurus. Anyways, the "remedies" they suggested all failed, but that's only because they were "commercial remedies". What was needed was something else... something more...biblical?

Suddenly, thanks to Shelagh's industriousness, who should appear at the Volks' front door (in a whisp of smoke, no doubt) but the paraclete himself! Since then, he's been running the Volks' fight to save their (and now probably his) house, which isn't going well. The "Order Nisi" has been issued and the Volks have until August 12 to redeem their mortgage, or else. No worries, though, with Belanger's help they already have lawsuits1 waiting in case the worst/inevitable happens.

It's clear that Carol doesn't have a full grasp of what's going on or what Belanger is actually teaching and he quickly pipes up with the usual nonsense we're familiar with. Again, much of the info above is repeated but I took note of a few things I haven't heard from him before.

Belanger makes the Menardian claim that when cops run his name, he is flagged as someone they are not to apprehend.

All King James Bibles have been removed from Alberta courtrooms because of a letter Belanger sent to the Queen.

Something called "Operation Silent Defender" explains the real reason behind the all-caps name. Belanger discovered this super secret operation in some book. He verified it when he met just happened to meet a high ranking military fellow, who incidentally let Belanger on his merry way despite his knowledge of this super top secret information.

Belanger refers to, misquotes and twists s.794 of the Criminal Code. That section simply states that where there is a legal exception, exemption, etc. that may be used by an accused person to defend himself, it is the accused who has the burden of proving that the exception, exemption, etc. applies. The Crown does not have to prove its inapplicability. Belanger takes this to mean that you can send a letter with CERI twaddle on it and by doing so you are exempt from law. Or something.

Oh and Mowe, there are several references to Inteeeeeemmmmmeeddation.

The overall impression I got from this is that the Volks are desperate and that they have gone all-in on the CERI bandwagon. This will only end in tears.

The show ended with the promise of a follow-up show and of course, a plea for donations.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by notorial dissent »

I'd say really really desperate and/or stupid.

Not goign to end well, and another feigned victory for the parasite.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Thanks for pointing out that broadcast, Bill. Canada The Nation is not part of my usual patrol routes, so I completely missed the Volk/Belanger show. Probably should start watching it, especially since the formerly high productive Global F.A.C.T. Radio program has pretty much dried up as a source of 'stuff' ...

Ah, the dulcet tones of "minister" "paraclete" Belanger...

Funny how Belanger's immunity doesn't seem to extend to court security:

Or being arrested for drug charges:

Oh well.

Yeah, doesn't look good for the Volks. Unfortunate.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Burnaby49 »

Belanger still doesn't realize that making his videos outdoors ends up with wind affecting his mike to the extent that his gibberish is only semi-audible. Not that we lose anything by it. He's still playing the same tired tunes on the old trumpet; you can't add to or take away from God's laws, all the judges have violated their oaths, God's law trumps court laws.

He has this in his commentary as part of his rant against the shariff that had the temerity to kick him out;
I intend to contact Dunn and Bradsteet and file a complaint against his Public Liability Bond and have initiated a suit in the Federal court. 5th Floor Nova Scotia Place..I do not take antagonistic biased discrimination lightly nor do I tolerate assault..I want to see the video and have been denied in violation of 337 of the criminal code. Their are others I wish to copmplain about but have been refused their names..The 2 Sherriffs and a man dressed in a gown a public servant who I claimed as my witness but he refused to give me his name Again violating 337 of the criminal code...I want to see the video!! I demand it or those whop refuse will be sued in Federal court bypassing the provincial courts which are biased and with provable false oaths
As with my comment on Dean Clifford's misapplied filings, what does the Federal Court of Canada have to do with any of the issues Belanger is whining about? It doesn't have the jurisdiction to address Belanger's complaint that the provincial court won't give him a video or to hear his claimed tort filing against the sheriff.

He seems very peripatetic. His trailer sojourn at Big Island seemed to last the wink of an eye and I assume he is now staying at the house whose yard he is filming in. I had trouble concentrating on his words of wisdom because I was obsessed by the positioning of the drainpipe behind him. It sticks out from the roof of the house almost parallel to the ground for about eight feet then just ends in the air. It's almost like a framing device for his head. I couldn't stop thinking about this;

"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Oh hey it’s Ed again, this time with a video message for the Victoria bailiff who is going to be kicking the Volks out of their soon to be former home in a couple weeks:
A summary for those who take less pleasure in "minister" "paraclete" Belanger's lovely person. 833 Orono Ave. Victoria B.C. V9B 2T9 is not a house anymore – it’s now a church! So bug off (1:30)! Civil enforcement will breach the Criminal Code (1:45). The Volks are no longer going to interact with “persons”, to do so makes one a sinner (3:15) – God is no respecter of persons (3:45).

British Columbia is a corporation (4:30). You work for a corporation (4:45). Corporations are dead (4:45). We can’t respect them (5:00). No one can impede worship under civil law (5:00). If you come here you can only do so by worshipping here (5:20).

5:40 – innnntteeEEEEEEEEeeeedation!

Look at our goofy notice that was mocked on Quatloos (6:00)! It has pretty pictures (6:15)! Our goofy notice is a Notice to Admit – God’s and Man’s law says they had two weeks to refute the facts (7:00).

They didn’t – so we win we win we win (7:15)!!!

At 7:40 the “paraclete” (oh how I want to type in “parakeet”) holds up a notice that will be posted on the “church”:
Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International

Private Property

Notice and Covenant

This land and house are the privately designated sanctuary of the Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International wherein the ministers and children of God conduct religious worship.
[editorial note #1 – this means we get really, really stoned.]
No de facto military or civilian police, bailiff, sheriff’s officer or other de facto agent, official, or officer of Her Majesty may enter unto this land for any purpose whatsoever relating to any process of any agency or department of Her Majesty without prior written approval.
[editorial note #2 – well, it sure is a good thing that the bailiff has de jure authority! Ha! You didn’t think about that now did you Ed?]
All such men or women who violate this no-trespass notice hereby covenant with either minister to be held criminally responsible pursuant to the Criminal Code of Canada and privately liable for all damages as a result of their unlawful action in trespass.
[editorial note #3 – oh well, too bad that the inherent jurisdiction of the superior courts trumps that. You did read Meads v. Meads, didn’t you Ed?]
They also covenant to pay private ecclesiastical damages of one hundred thousand dollars for each said violation.
[editorial note #4 – same as note #3. Incidentally, can they pay their “ecclesiastical damages” in “ecclesiastical dollars”?]
Section 176 of the Criminal Code of Canada (C.C.C.) states that it is a criminal and indictable offence to disturb, obstruct or otherwise interfere with the religious worship of the ministers herein or to attempt to apply a civil process to arrest any minister. Section 423 of the C.C.C. prohibits anyone without lawful authority from intimidating the ministers of any church to violate their religious beliefs.
[editorial note #5 – you're inttteeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEeeeemmmeeeEEDdddating me! IIIIIiinnneeeeeTTTEEEEEeeemmeeeating me!!!]
No such lawful authority has ever been provided to minister Carol Mary Helen and minister Roderick Anthony of the Volk family upon their repeated and numerous requests to do so.
Back to Talking Head Ed. You’re not welcome here if you are innnnnntttTTTTTEEEEEeeeeeemedating the ministers here (7:45). You’re a nuisance to them and iiinNNTEEEeemedeeEEEEdating them (7:55). InnntteeeEEEEEEmmmeedation is 423 of the Criminal Code (8:00).

At 8:00:
You should educate yourself to the Sovereign Decision of 1953 wherein the City of Quebec felt they could innntttttEEEEEeeedate minister of Christ and they found out that the court told them at they were wrong. And that they had to cease using civil code regulation against these ministers.

We’re hoping that you’ll recognize in 2004 that the Amselem couple went to the Supreme Court of Canada, and were informed by the Supreme Court of Canada that a contract of any shape or form or fashion is null and void if it offends your ability to practice your faith, belief, and traditions.
I guess Ed still hasn't read those judgments.

The bank’s contract is a dirty thing that is against God’s law (9:00). We’ll sue if you bother us, criminally and civilly (9:15). Your duty of care is not to innnttTTTTTeeeEEEEedDDatte us (9:30).

At 9:45:
This is not a joke. This is not some commercial pseudo-action named by some judge Rooke, trying making up some huff and puff story to make you believe that men and women don’t get to believe in Christ. Don’t get to quote the Bible. And don’t get to stand within its borders. Everyone man and woman under the Queen gets to choose to stand with Christ over standing with men. They have made their choice to stand with Christ, and we hope you will respect it.
At 10:35
I just pressed the button! I don’t know if that’s what shuts it off. I pressed that button right there.
Wrong button Ed.

So – you going to delete this video when that “huff and puff story” means your soon to be former friends are tossed on the street?

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

No de facto military or civilian police, bailiff, sheriff’s officer or other de facto agent, official, or officer of Her Majesty may enter unto this land for any purpose whatsoever relating to any process of any agency or department of Her Majesty without prior written approval.
But he has got prior written approval - off a real court. De facto or de jure, they will still turn up and throw the Volks out.
Edited to add - for a guy who has a "church", making videos in a park seems a bit odd. Virtual church is it?
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Burnaby49 »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
No de facto military or civilian police, bailiff, sheriff’s officer or other de facto agent, official, or officer of Her Majesty may enter unto this land for any purpose whatsoever relating to any process of any agency or department of Her Majesty without prior written approval.
But he has got prior written approval - off a real court. De facto or de jure, they will still turn up and throw the Volks out.
Edited to add - for a guy who has a "church", making videos in a park seems a bit odd. Virtual church is it?
A servant of the Lord goes where he's needed. In Belanger's case it's where they can satisfy his need for three squares a day and a roof at night. Give him credit, he leaves a trail of total failure behind him but keeps finding hopefuls (in the Volks' case desperate pathetic hopefuls) willing to accomodate him. However his stay at Big Island seemed unseemingly brief, maybe the Lord was telling him to move on to help the Volks.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by JamesVincent »

There's two people we have profiled and comment on quite a bit that seem almost halves of the same person, namely Belanger and Hendrickson. The same, tired old rhetoric that never changes (and never works), the use of quasi-legal explanations (for the things that never work), and the absolute willingness to throw anyone under the bus when they fail (at the things that never work). They both have left a trail of destruction behind them in their followers, said followers losing their homes, their marriages, and their freedom on a consistent basis (cuz' of the things that never work). The same narcissism runs deep in both of them, either you are my paid follower or you are a paid government shill, there are no other people in the world but those two categories. Look at poor, poor Mowe, he gets the brunt of Belanger's wrath, I mean getting called a vampire of all things. Mowe is Belanger's Famspear don't you know.

Or his windmill..... :sarcasmon:
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Burnaby49 »

And Belanger has puked up another video, this time wearing a disco shirt from the 70's! ...

One comment on the video was a tad unkind about Belanger's attire; "1974 called, it wants those collars on that shirt back."

As far as the video goes same old, same old. The Volks, being brand new converts to the Church of Ecumenical Redemption International, have just had their eyes opened to a true understanding of the scriptures and Christian beliefs, one of which is the evils of usury. So they are bound, by their consciences and beliefs, to renege on their mortgage because to continue paying their mortgage obligations would be the sin of acquiescing to usury. Because of these firmly held (and conveniently self-serving) new beliefs the bank is obliged to forgive the mortgage and leave them alone. Sadly I don't think a few Belanger videos are going to keep the sheriffs away.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".