Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest victims

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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Volks are going full frontal CERI in their increasingly desperate attempts to get the powers-that-be to recognize their deeply held (albeit newly minted and totally self-serving) religious beliefs and back down from foreclosing on their home. Their point man Paraclete Belanger is going public! He's coughed up yet another video but there is more, a public newspaper announcement! I suppose you could say that he had already gone public with his prior tidal wave of videos but who watches those apart from pathetic old retirees like myself? However an ad in the Georgia Straight is serious stuff.

First the video. It's titled "Ecclesiastical Notice of treason to the private man Christopher E. Hinkson" so we know it's gloves off, Belanger means business this time. However he's back to searchlight reflections off his glasses and I wish he'd stop clicking his pen while he speaks:

Christopher E. Hinkson, when not a private man, is the Honourable Chief Justice of the Supreme court of British Columbia. Belanger is charging him with treason for his handling, or not handling, the Volk's affairs to Belanger's satisfaction. The Volks are being harassed on all sides because of their adherence to their sincere deeply-held religious beliefs. You know their core belief, the right to a free house because they are entitled to it.

Belanger does bring up a new claim. He says that the Volks are trying to get the bank and the British Columbia to recognize their claim that they are entitled to the same status as the British Columbia Doukhobors who live communally. I don't see the application, not really explained except for the comment that the government allows them to pursue their beliefs. Not, to my mind, an ideal group to try and link to in these parts. The Doukhobors are a Christian group who abjured the ownership of private property to the extent that the most radical of them frequently burned down their own houses while chanting naked around the fire! Not, I think, what the Volks are contemplating. The most radical fringe group, The Sons of Freedom, had a large presence here in British Columbia and confronted the government with what today would be called domestic terrorism. They were a major problem for law enforcement. To quote Wikipedia;
The Sons of Freedom, meanwhile, responded to the Doukhobors conflict with Canadian policy with mass nudity and arson as a means of protesting against materialism, the land seizure by the government, compulsory education in government schools and, later on, Verigin's supposed assassination. This led to many confrontations with the Canadian government and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (continuing into the 1970s).

Peter V. Verigin's son, Peter P. Verigin, who arrived from the Soviet Union in 1928, succeeded his father as leader of the Community Doukhobors. He became known as Peter the Purger, and worked to smooth the relations between the Community Doukhobors and the larger Canadian society. His policies, seen by the radical Sons of Freedom as ungodly and assimilationist, were answered by increasing protests on the part of the latter. The Sons of Freedom would burn the Community Doukhobors' property, and organize more nude parades. The Canadian Parliament responded in 1932 by criminalizing public nudity. Over the years, over 300 radical Doukhobor men and women were arrested for this offense, which typically carried a three-year prison sentence.[16]

In less than a half a century Sons of Freedom acts of violence and arson rose to 1,112 separate events and over $20 million in damages (bill to taxpayers) that included public school bombings and burnings, bombings of Canadian railroad bridges and tracks,[19] the bombing of the Nelson courthouse,[20] and a huge power transmission tower servicing the East Kootenay district resulting in the loss of 1,200 jobs.
Then Belanger goes on about the law firm working on the foreclosure using all capital letters for the Volk's names in their documents. Since graveyard headstones are in all capitals this means that the law firm has deemed the Volks to be dead. Also, since Chief Justice Hinkson's name can be found in various places in all capital letters he is also dead. However, in Belanger's construct, this doesn't mean six feet under dead, it means that Chief Justice Hinkson is a corporation. Somehow this equates to treason on the Chief Justice's part. I have to confess I'm not well enough versed in law to follow and explain Belanger's trail of reasoning leading to this conclusion but since he is citing biblical verses and statutory authorities he must be right! As far as I can tell he is claiming it is treason to her Majesty the Queen to do anything that conflicts with Christian beliefs. He cites S. 176 and S. 180 of the Criminal Coat as proof of Hinkson's perfidy. However when Belanger went to the "Keystone Cops" RCMP over this they were, like me, too dense to understand Belanger's legal analysis and refused to arrest Chief Justice Hinkson as a traitor forcing Belanger to fall back on video notification and unilateral contracts.

Another new point is that there is no mortgage, or debt for the bank to foreclose on. He hauled out the old saw that the Volks paid their debt out in full the moment they signed the mortgage because the mortgage itself was not evidence of debt but were really new "funds" created by the Volks and the bank. It was just an exchange of one set of funds for another set of funds but now the bank wants to double-dip and collect on it too as if it's debt. This is usury and violates God's commands in the bible. Damn ungodly Banksters.

An aside. On that basis why is Belanger living in a mobile home and on the public dole? All he has to do is borrow, say, $10,000,000 from a bank, create equal funds to pay it off just by signing the note, and he's rich. Obviously I'm missing something again.

Then back to same old, same old. King James bible, don't add or subtract from my laws, Coronation Ceremony of 1953, nothing I haven't already flogged to death in my review of prior Belanger videos. He ends by accusing Chief Justice Hinkson of treason by aiding and abetting the fraudulent Banksters and lawyers attacking the Volks but, being a forgiving Christian, gives Hinkson one last chance to redeem himself by stopping all the insanity. He even gives his phone number and tells Hinkson he can phone him any time. However, if he did not contact Belanger in a week, he was going public with it all by releasing the video and other information. Since the videos out I assume Hinkson did not avail himself of this last chance.

So where was this all leading? To foisted unilateral agreements sent to all parties involved in the Volk's problems, none of whom replied so all of whom are in agreement with everything Belanger claims. So, case over. I won't bother to go into detail on the agreements, you can read then yourself since Belanger just posted about their existence in an ad in the Georgia Straight, a local Vancouver entertainment paper, and thoughtfully provided a link to the agreements;

The Georgia Straight takes me back. It started here in Vancouver in the mid sixties as a hippy counter-culture publication confronting the man;

All we young progressive types (hey, I was young once, half a century ago) read it but it had a lot of problems with the Vancouver city government until it sold out and became an advertising rag;
The paper was raided and fined by the Vancouver Police for publishing obscenities, and was often banned from distribution for its criticism of the local police and politicians, especially Mayor Tom Campbell. Those controversies ended in the 1970s, as the paper moved to become a more conventional news and entertainment weekly, albeit with a progressive editorial slant.
Definitely not a publication in step with the Volk's purported religious beliefs but I suppose an ad in it is cheap and it does qualify as a public announcement.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by grixit »

but is it a "publication of record"?

also: i believe i've read about the Doukhobors before. Aren't they also known as Old Believers?
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Burnaby49 »

grixit wrote:but is it a "publication of record"?

also: i believe i've read about the Doukhobors before. Aren't they also known as Old Believers?
No, the Old Believers were a conservative branch of the Russian Orthodox who stayed with that faith but refused to change their beliefs when the Russian Orthodox liturgy was revised in 1666. The Doukhobors rejected Russian Orthodox beliefs and rituals entirely which is why they were persecuted in Russia and eventually emigrated en mass to Canada. We had, and still have, almost all of them.

They haven't been a problem since the terrorist activities of the Sons of Freedom ended in the 1970's. During the 1960's we'd frequently get evening news clips (suitably censored) of them prancing around naked in front of a burning community hall or one of their houses. Since individually they were, in general, about as attractive as a naked Belanger, not the sight you wanted to see around suppertime.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Burnaby49 »

Belanger, and by extension the Volks, are starting to reek of panic and desperation. If ecclesiastical logic won't stop the foreclosure maybe endless, endless, repetition might do the job. If so Belanger is the man for it. He has posted two videos just today lambasting the Volk's enemies, about 45 minutes in total. He's apparently sitting in the their living room while recording so maybe he wants to be on hand when the sheriffs arrive to foreclose (time was up for the Volks August 12th) so he can drive them off with threats of biblical retribution, Sections 170 and 180 of the Criminal Code of Canada, and more, many, many more videos and unilateral agreements.

I have to admit that Belanger wins in one respect, he's beaten me down. I'm off on a trip to Eastern Canada starting 4AM Thursday and there is no way I'm grinding through 45 minutes of Belanger's repetitive swill before that, never mind writing it all up. So anyone who wants to know what is in them will have to do so without my analysis.

What I did do is cut to the chase and check out the last few minutes of the second one to see where Belanger proposes going on all this. Whew! He's getting loud, shrill, and angry! He's not responding well to being totally, disdainfully ignored by his adversaries. It's almost as if everything he says is of no relevance whatever.

So he's upping the ante once again. He is going to inform the directors of the HSBC Bank Canada about the evil acts being performed in their names. The SEC will also be brought into the picture. And there is more!
Again I keep reminding you how serious this is yet as you're plodding on ahead you seem to think that when we bring this to the attention of the RCMP, and the FBI, and INTERPOL that they will think it's frivolous too for men and women to establish their faith in Christ and stand fast in the laws of the bible. Let us discover whether they think it is frivolous or not because if we are to expose a fraud the best way to do it is to be diligent about it so everybody gets to see.
Yes, let's do that, let's discover what they really think. Would this be the same RCMP that he called Keystone Cops in his previous video because they totally ignored him when he complained to them about the criminal acts being perpetrated against the Volks?

He ended up on an entirely true note I can agree with completely;
Thank you for your time, I know that it has been a long ordeal to listen to me
Assuming of course that anyone at HSBC Bank Canada or the legal firm of Lawsen Lundell gives a rat's ass about anything Belanger says and actually bothered to listen to him. A big assumption.

Somehow Shakespeare comes to mind, Macbeth Act 5 Scene 5;

It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

With luck the pending epic fail of Belanger's attempts to stop the Volk's foreclosure will end the farce of his traveling video show with his endless babbling of the same stale stories, like a magical chant, about Rooke, god's laws, usury, ecclesiastical rights, the ironclad defense of foisted unilateral contracts, his whole sad empty bag of CERI tricks.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by notorial dissent »

Of course the Parasite is getting "loud, shrill, and angry", he's an egotistical, narcissistic, parasite with delusions of adequacy, and anything that challenges that sets him off. I have to admit that my impression of him is loud, shrill, and angry, but that is probably due to having only seen snippets of his wisdom :snicker: and that is how he has always come off sounding to me, well, we can also go with pompous and stupid, but I thought that was just a given.

Maybe he'll do something really stupid this time and get himself arrested, along with his currentest victims, now that would be fun, and then he wouldn't have to worry about where he was staying for a while, since this gig is about to fold on him.

Have a nice trip, by the way.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Burnaby49 »

notorial dissent wrote:Of course the Parasite is getting "loud, shrill, and angry", he's an egotistical, narcissistic, parasite with delusions of adequacy, and anything that challenges that sets him off. I have to admit that my impression of him is loud, shrill, and angry, but that is probably due to having only seen snippets of his wisdom :snicker: and that is how he has always come off sounding to me, well, we can also go with pompous and stupid, but I thought that was just a given.

Maybe he'll do something really stupid this time and get himself arrested, along with his currentest victims, now that would be fun, and then he wouldn't have to worry about where he was staying for a while, since this gig is about to fold on him.

Have a nice trip, by the way.

After all my beating up on Belanger for his BS positions on how Christianity and religion can get you free stuff and avoid legal consequences I'm going to Toronto, a 5,000 mile return trip, to attend a religious ceremony.

After Toronto we are driving over to Quebec City, back to Toronto and home. One thing I will be doing is dropping in to the Trenton Aviation museum on the drive up to Quebec. They have one the world's very few surviving WWII British Halifax Bomber.


The Lancaster was the other, and better, British four engine bomber so the RAF tended to assign Canadian aircrews to the second-best, the Halifax. My first boss in the government had been a Canadian RAF Halifax pilot. He was lucky, not a lot of the Halifax crews survived.

The British made over 6,000 Halifaxes but nobody noticed, or maybe nobody cared, that they were all being scrapped until it was too late. None of the survivors are authentic. All are from recovered wrecks rebuilt to look like the original. The one at Trenton is largely a fake, or to be kinder a reconstruction. It was built out of scraps dredged out of a lake with most of it being new. However if I want to see a Halifax it is the best I'm going to do.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by grixit »

notorial dissent wrote:
Maybe he'll do something really stupid this time and get himself arrested, along with his currentest victims, now that would be fun, and then he wouldn't have to worry about where he was staying for a while, since this gig is about to fold on him.
And if he doesn't get hauled away with his client-victims, what will his next crash pad be?
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by grixit »

Burnaby49 wrote:
After all my beating up on Belanger for his BS positions on how Christianity and religion can get you free stuff and avoid legal consequences I'm going to Toronto, a 5,000 mile return trip, to attend a religious ceremony.
Sadly people like Belanger seem to be wrapped snugly in Ahriman's shadow. The Light of Truth may shine on them, but it does not illuminate them.

After Toronto we are driving over to Quebec City, back to Toronto and home. One thing I will be doing is dropping in to the Trenton Aviation museum on the drive up to Quebec. They have one the world's very few surviving WWII British Halifax Bomber.


The Lancaster was the other, and better, British four engine bomber so the RAF tended to assign Canadian aircrews to the second-best, the Halifax. My first boss in the government had been a Canadian RAF Halifax pilot. He was lucky, not a lot of the Halifax crews survived.
My father had a brother who joined the Canadian Air Force during the war. I think he was in a bomber, but i'm not sure. He was killed somewhere in the pacific. I really need to get the paperwork scanned for my cousins and their families.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Burnaby49 »

Canada did not have a separate air force in WWII, we were part of the RAF. Your uncle might have been killed in a bomber in the Pacific theatre but I think it unlikely. The Pacific theatre was almost entirely an American show with very little Canadian/British involvement. However the RAF was very involved in Burma and India (the Japanese army actually made it into India) so he may have died there, one of my wife's uncles was an RAF pilot who died in action in Burma. The Australians and New Zealanders were part of the Pacific war as national air forces but under overall American command and served largely in New Guinea. McArthur didn't allow them to be part of the Philippines invasion force because he wanted it to be purely an American show because his inflated ego wouldn't allow any foreign troops to retake what he had abandoned. So he had them do dangerous, but totally pointless, mopping-up chasing after the Japanese in the jungles of New Guineau.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by grixit »

Hmm, now i really have to dig up those docs. As i understand it, he had to go via Canada on account of the US still being neutral at the time.

My dad joined the US Navy after Pearl Harbor. He was a cryptoanalyst in naval intelligence.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Burnaby49 »

Actually I'm wrong! From Wikipedia;
The Canadian Air Force (CAF) was established in 1920 as the successor to a short-lived two-squadron Canadian Air Force formed during the First World War in Europe. The new Canadian Air Force was a branch of the Air Board and was chiefly a training militia that provided refresher training to veteran pilots.[5][6] Many CAF members also worked with the Air Board's Civil Operations Branch on operations that included forestry, surveying and anti-smuggling patrols.[7] In 1923, the CAF became responsible for all flying operations in Canada, including civil aviation. In 1924, the Canadian Air Force, was granted the royal title, becoming the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF). Most of its work was civil in nature; however, in the late 1920s the RCAF evolved into more of a military organization. After budget cuts in early 1930s, the air force began to rebuild. During the Second World War the RCAF was a major contributor to the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan and was involved in operations in Great Britain, Europe, the north Atlantic, north Africa, southern Asia, and with home defence. By the end of the war, the RCAF had become the fourth largest allied air force.[8]

After the war, the RCAF reduced its strength. Because of the rising Soviet threat to the security of Europe, Canada joined NATO in 1949, and the RCAF established No. 1 Air Division RCAF consisting of four wings with three fighter squadrons each, based in France and West Germany. In 1950, the RCAF became involved with the transport of troops and supplies to the Korean War; however, it did not provide RCAF combat units. Members of the RCAF served in USAF units as exchange officers and several flew in combat. At the same time, the Pinetree Line, the Mid-Canada Line and the DEW Line radar stations, largely operated by the RCAF, were built across Canada because of the growing Soviet nuclear threat. In 1957, Canada and the United States created the joint North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). Coastal defence and peacekeeping also became priorities during the 1950s and 1960s.
Certainly in Europe Canadian aircrews, while possibly a separate command, operated under the control of the RAF, particularly Bomber Command. My ex boss, while Canadian, flew for the RAF. A lot of Americans came up to Canada before the American participation in the war and joined the RAF, mainly fightr command. Battle of Britain and all. However, as I said, Canada had no central/southern Pacific presence at all so if he was killed flying bombers for Canada/Britain it would have been in Burma or India.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by The Observer »

I wish I could tolerate watching a Bellanger video all the way through so I could understand whatever point he is attempting make and fail at. But I can only endure 5 minutes of his whining, effete and condescending mannerisms before I click the 'x" on the video box. This goes to show the fortitude that Burnaby has in being able to endure the full "monty" of Bellanger exposing himself (this last video of Bellanger sans shirt meant that I shut him off after 60 seconds). Obviously the Illuminati of British Columbia are made of sterner stuff than I. I tip my hat in deference to you, Burnaby.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Bill Lumbergh »

Bah! If you want a real challenge, try listening to a 3-hour Kate of Gaia radio show!
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Observer wrote:I wish I could tolerate watching a Bellanger video all the way through so I could understand whatever point he is attempting make and fail at. But I can only endure 5 minutes of his whining, effete and condescending mannerisms before I click the 'x" on the video box. This goes to show the fortitude that Burnaby has in being able to endure the full "monty" of Bellanger exposing himself (this last video of Bellanger sans shirt meant that I shut him off after 60 seconds). Obviously the Illuminati of British Columbia are made of sterner stuff than I. I tip my hat in deference to you, Burnaby.
Thanks for the kind words, he has been a trial. While I was away on my trip Belanger posted three videos on the same day delivering fire and brimstone on any infidels trying to impose court orders on the pious ministers of the Volk family. Haven't watched them yet, maybe I won't get around to it, he seems to be running the same circles on an endless track.

The Halifax bomber was very impressive, part of the reconstruction actually incorporated a Scottish woman's chicken coop. Somebody hauled off the rear fuselage of a scrapped Halifax after the war and used it for 50 years or so to house chickens.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Burnaby49 »

Belanger's gone on a stamp your feet hissy-fit rage against a commentator on his video site who apparently had the outright effrontery to criticize the master!

Frankly I'm not exactly clear what the argument is about because neither participant is particularly coherent but it seem that Clayton (Minister Clayton, I assume of Belanger's pretend denomination) relied on Belanger's advice and assistance about something to do with the law and had his ass handed to him. Seems to be something to do with tax. Then again it may have been another mortgage forclosure issue similar to the Volk's problem that Belanger is so effectively addressing;
paraclete Edward Jay Robin
3 days ago

He has a massive insecurity complex about rejection and has engaged in a vendetta because he put me through a lot of work and moving him so he would have a place to stay for nothing...The message of dividing yourself from the fraud system of monarchy is clear no matter
Clay W T
3 days ago

Ya YOUR christian MONARCH and the bogus trespassing charge was dismissed in about two mins.

((>>What was your expert help there to me YA it was ZERO !!!<<))

Ya one second its a public place and then the next SECOND its private property. Ha ha ha.
I really can't get anything definitive from this mess except that there is a toxic history between them. Anyhow Clayton apparently wined and dined Belanger and helped out in general and suffered the consequences of relying on a bag of hot air and empty promises.
YA who took YOU out to dinner brought coffee , sugar and blueberry's to YOUR sorry ASS and drove you around Edmonton while you were trying to find (SOMEONE FREE) to fix the GAS heap , of JUNK WIRING problems in the ((>> BED BUG infested and black mold,, OLD worn out road home that YOU Shill OUT-OF <<)) Your a CON--artist SHILL.
As I said, not models of clarity.

So Belanger has banned Minister Clayton from posting and deleted his posts but I have the sequence, if you can call it that, which I have included below. Belanger shows the same insightful incisive rhetorical style and logic that he employed against us in his anti-Quatlooos rant in the Peterson discussion thread.

I haven't yet bothered to listen to the last three videos that Belanger vomited up last week in one single-day shot. He's done none since so maybe the forces of darkness have won again and the Volks, and with them Belanger, are out on the street.
paraclete Edward Jay Robin
3 days ago

Your quite stupid you blind lover of fools...I say over and over she has sworn and oath and then show folks it is a false oath..Keep shooting yourself in the foot the way you do and you will not be able to stand at all and your looking kinda crippled in your failed assumptions....Keep looking fer a flaw as yer imaginations are between your ears and have no substance nor heart of Christ in the crooked finger your bearing..No yer still trying to defend your failed and childish ego..Stop your lies and produce the proof of your slanderous assertions...Those who know me say your a schill...Seems that just may be the case as none of your fetid accusations are founded upon fact.... When one sets a trap for a ancient fraud you must be wise in your methods as Christ prescribed and when you show folks their whole system is founded upon a fraud they may just recognize

that it is true and your proof is real and no minister of Christ can be intimidated to follow the commands of men....Seems you do not like the teachingof Christ and that many others are catching on to the irrefutable facts that Christ is King and no man is lord over you...

paraclete Edward Jay Robin
3 days ago

I keep showing folks they cannot go before a non ecclesiastically styled court ,you careless ignoramus , try reading my notice of lawful excuse for failure to appear. to the courts why...It is if your deliberately avoiding everything that make your fruitloop assumptions look invalid and quite braindead...Maybe thats the problem i should have recognised..The Harrp and the WIFI have fried your brain beyond being able to recognise your wrong even when the proof is amply available,,,Yup yer suffering from WIFI braindeaditis. as you so profusely made me and others aware of....So sofry I cannot help yopur malaise

Clay W T
3 days ago

Wow the minister speaks , sad to see you think your with out sin :) Little smiles to ya , I like your righteous anger but (YOUR dribble is quite shocking Eddy .) Compassion is key.

Hay the last time YOUR Christian Monarch queen so called defending YOUR ministry system didn't defend me ether.

Ya YOUR christian MONARCH and the bogus trespassing charge was dismissed in about two mins.

(>Ya the one you said was hard to deal with.<) When I mentioned to ya that I didn't fit the description in the backs law book.

((>>What was your expert help there to me YA it was ZERO !!!<<))

Ya one second its a public place and then the next SECOND its private property. Ha ha ha.

Eddy your christian monarch swore to defend the PAGAN Christ==mas.

paraclete Edward Jay Robin
3 days ago

Note to all readers some trolls here will lie and state I point to and rely upon the Queen as defender of the Christian faith...i point to her own false oath and repeatedly have said to all that her governments additions to the laws of God are fraud..The false god governments of the day Clay seems to defend are in bed with her in fraud and violation of God's command .Christ is King the Queen is an imposter usurping his throne......Seems Clay here wants to dissuade you from the fact and get you to not listen so you can free yourself cause his ego has an axe to Grind...he does not like being told he is wrong and upset someone and put them through a lot of work to help him then left them sitting after great lengths were made to occomodate him in his destitute state...He was told of his error then like a crying baby rather than apologise made it sound as if I did something wrong by letting him know he reneged on his commitment ...His excuse was I was 10 minutes late....I have 3 witnesses to confirm the effort put out to accommodate him and that he renigged on the arrangment .this is why this malicious man has come to slander me with obvious lies to defend his own festering and fetid ego....

Clay W T
3 days ago

Your a complete IDIOT if you think anybody's going to believe your made up story's. WOW you really think you help in any way shape or form??

YA who took YOU out to dinner brought coffee , sugar and blueberry's to YOUR sorry ASS and drove you around Edmonton while you were trying to find (SOMEONE FREE) to fix the GAS heap , of JUNK WIRING problems in the ((>> BED BUG infested and black mold,, OLD worn out road home that YOU Shill OUT-OF <<)) Your a CON--artist SHILL.

(>>Wow you are a true SHILL , yes you are<<)
Ha ha ha,, ya whats that (>STINK<) ya whats ya trying to SELL shill ??

A shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with the person or organization.

"Shill" typically refers to someone who purposely gives onlookers the impression that they are an enthusiastic independent customer of a seller (or marketer of ideas) for whom they are secretly working. The person or group who hires the shill is using crowd psychology to encourage other onlookers or audience members to purchase the goods or services (or accept the ideas being marketed). Shills are often employed by professional marketing campaigns. "Plant" and "stooge" more commonly refer to any person who is secretly in league with another person or organization while pretending to be neutral or actually a part of the organization he is planted in, such as a magician's audience, a political party, or an intelligence organization (see double agent).[citation needed]

Shilling is illegal in many circumstances and in many jurisdictions[1] because of the potential for fraud and damage; however if a shill does not place uninformed parties at a risk of loss, but merely generates "buzz," the shill's actions may be legal. For example, a person planted in an audience to laugh and applaud when desired (see claque), or to participate in on-stage activities as a "random member of the audience," is a type of legal shill.[citation needed]
Shill can also be used pejoratively to describe a critic who appears either all-too-eager to heap glowing praise upon mediocre offerings, or who acts as an apologist for glaring flaws. In this sense, such a critic would be an indirect shill for the industry plant growers Anonymous.

paraclete Edward Jay Robin
3 days ago

again the Clayton Thomas that is trolling this site has no concern for the message I offer in that Revenue Canada is violating their own criminal code and attempting to intimidate a man of faith with defacto godless heathen statute..No, by his dripping lips of hate pride and sick assumption he tries to defend revenue Canada and is likely really just another CRA schill He has no moral concern for those he slanders or who is affected by his ego laden falsehoods..>this is proof of how pathetic a race we have reduced ourselves to when you try to show documented proof of fraud some idiot pipes up and tries to convince folks yer lying..fortunately many have already research my info and indeed have corroborated it is iron clad in scripture truth spirit and motive..blessings upon those not so festered in their soured exposed ego to be able to get the motive of this video is to expose a fraud that uses the title of a Christian monarch Styled as the defender of the faith to intimidate folks to violate his thats a homer that most will see I am exposing an old religious fraud..evidently Clay is deliberately blind and has quite the imagination...he claims to have WIFI sickness...I believe him!!

and I banned him!

paraclete Edward Jay Robin
3 days ago

I deleted the poster Clayton as he cannot seem to get it out of his WIFI damaged brain that I do not support the monarchy as she set up a government that violates God's commands,.,.Clayton knows this as 15 years of telling folks she swore a bogus oath styled as defender of the faith as advertised world wide and has no authority to add to God\s law tells me this man has serious brain damage and an ego the size of lake superior as he deliberately lies to folks about my intent....Folks who deliberately ignore the facts put in their face are either schills or so blind trying to defend their own errors they slide into cognitive dissonance ignoring the proof they are wrong just so their slathering ego can feed off of their own deluded thoughts,,,,I tried to help Clayton but as others will bear witness to he rejected the help and became venomous when rebuked for his attitude. Others who met Clayton asked me to not bring him around again because of his obsessive compulsive point the finger of sinner at everyone and would not cease in that regard,,,So sad,,Clayton does read scripture but is hyper vigilant in not accepting that he may do things that upset people almost as if he gets to do it immune from error...He came close to killing 5 people in a car once I was in and went into steaming anger when all of the occupants commented on his dangerous driving...He has a massive insecurity complex about rejection and has engaged in a vendetta because he put me through a lot of work and moving him so he would have a place to stay for nothing...The message of dividing yourself from the fraud system of monarchy is clear no matter
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Burnaby49 »

Thought I'd check out how things are going with the Volks so I wandered over to the British Columbia Courts website to see how the bank's foreclosure was going. Doesn't look good. The last action on the file was September 3rd and Belanger, that relentless video manufacturing machine, has said nothing about it. The last video he did for them was on August 23rd. As I noted in a prior posting Belanger sent an "Ecclesiastical Notice of treason to the private man Christopher E. Hinkson" on August 16th. Christopher Hinkson Christopher E. Hinkson, when not a private man, is the Honourable Chief Justice of the Supreme court of British Columbia. Since the September 3rd action took place after this notice was sent, and, whatever it involved it wasn't closing the case, I have to assume, against all logic and common sense, that Justice Hickson simply ignored Belanger's accusations of treason.

So I'm assuming the Volks have been kicked out and Belanger, yet again, has to find a new home. This is supported by a look at a new video he released on September 16th. It's called "Why is standing on the land important?" For the last few months Belanger has been making his videos in the Volk's living room, but not this one, a new location entirely. The relatively high production standards of the Volk's series is gone. The picture lags as if the computer he used couldn't keep up with him and the sound is terrible. I guess his new home can't offer the same level of amenities as the Volks or the reverend Thomas Peterson.

No mention of the Volks in it or any reference to their problems. He doesn't discuss how that flurry of ecclesiastic cease and desist orders he sent out worked. It's a new day and let's forget about the past. Instead we're back to Belanger's core position, the BS he's flogged for the last decade, that the Queen's coronation oath is invalid and therefore all Canadian legislation is invalid. David Lindsay, a much more capable, knowledgeable advocate of this position than Belanger, took it to court years ago and lost. And yet Belanger still yammers on and on about it. I guess he's finding that his other song and dance acts aren't getting much traction.

Nothing much new in this one. For those of you following the discussion where Wserra is trying to get ninja to define "Freeman", you need look no further. Belanger does it right here. However he references us to some verses in Corinthians rather than just telling us what he means by the word and I'm too lazy to look it up. He assures us it's the real deal, not the bastardized definition exploited by the "Menardidites" for their own personal gain.

He does comment on one issue that might be an indirect reference to the Volks. I said in a prior posting;
Belanger does bring up a new claim. He says that the Volks are trying to get the bank and the British Columbia to recognize their claim that they are entitled to the same status as the British Columbia Doukhobors who live communally.
In this video, without reference to the Voks, he brought up the Doukhobors again; stating that they grabbed a piece of land, called it a sanctuary outside of government control, and the government of British Columbia has done nothing about it. So why can't members of his church do the same? He also harps on how Christians can void their debt because their beliefs eliminate all laws against them. Same old, same old. Doesn't mention the Volks as an example of how well this works. Apart from this nothing of any consequence except that he showed some mercy and kept it relatively short.

Of course my speculation about the Volks is based on straight assumption. He must have won, he said so on his blog;
FRIDAY, JULY 25, 2014

Church ministers get historical agreement with HSBC Bank and Law firm

July 25th 2014 Victoria British Columbia Redemption Press report.

Two recently welcomed and reborn ministers of the Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International have entered into and have successfully completed an historically significant agreement regarding an alleged mortgage debt with the HSBC bank in Victoria British Columbia. This is the Scan of the witnessed agreement. This is the final witnessed step confirming the agreement with the full names of all the private men and women involved being posted here to in honor confirm that these lawyers and Bankers do agree they have no authority to intimidate act as a nuisance or obstruct our new found minsters (sic) of Christ Roderick Anthony and Carol Mary Helen or any other members of our benevolent church from officially performing the functions of their calling. This Video was sent to the lawyers Bryan Gibbons and Kimberley Robertson acting for HSBC on behalf of Lawsen and Lundell LLP.....
So, If I'm wrong, I invite the parakeet to make a fool of me here on Quatloos. Or spew out another anti-Quatloos video like he did for Thomas Peterson. I promise to watch and report on that one! He can update us on how the Volk story really turned out and how his mighty efforts were the key to their victory. At worst he can tell us how the bank and the province of British Columbia violated, in total disregard of the law, morality, and their acquiescence in the historical agreement above, the ecclesiastic rights of ordained ministers of god of the church of "I Want Stuff for Nothing".

He seems to have been hanging around my home province for the last few months. I guess he has to finish sponging off the locals before heading back to Alberta. Getting pretty cold there though, maybe he hopes to winter here.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by grixit »

Well whatever happens he'll still be out there, shivering standing on the land.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Burnaby49 »

grixit wrote:Well whatever happens he'll still be out there, shivering standing on the land.
He was living the good life a few videos back, shirtless in his trailer enjoying a hot British Columbia summer. Well, like the grasshopper and the ant, that one's done. I went patio pubbing on Tuesday, beautiful late summer day. Wednesday and Thursday? Rain. Alberta? Snow. Maybe he's got more suckers with fireplaces and full fridges but, if not, it's going to be a cold winter for the good minister. However, like the cockroach, he somehow seems to endure.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Burnaby49 »

Documents! I'm finally getting documents to discredit Belanger's bullshit.

First a preamble. We've been going through the saga of the Volks and their attempts to avoid foreclosure. The reverend Belanger has gone all out to help them on this, going for broke to prove that his moronic beliefs that his bible-based spiel can stop the state dead in any actions against avowed church practitioners. This might be of some passing interest except that he is doing real harm to people like the Volks, conning them into believing he has easy answers rather than forcing them to accept the reality of their circumstances.

I've finally got a Mediafire account so I'll be posting documents as I get them. I have some court documents, more to follow. First up to bat is a listing of the British Columbia court's actions in respect to this file; ... 20list.pdf

Note that, notwithstanding Belanger's orders to the creditor's lawyers, the bailiffs, and the court itself to stand down and leave the Volks in peace, things are proceeding as if he had done absolutely nothing of legal consequence;

Also of note is that a court order was issued on September 16th. What might that be? This; ... ession.pdf

A foreclosure order to the Volks requiring them to vacate their house by September 30th, three days from now. The order stated that a copy had to be posted on the Volk's door by September 25th. That would be the Affidavit of Personal Service the court records show as being filed on September 24th. So the Volks, if they are not already out, are going to be physically removed in three days. And where is their church leader Belanger in all this? Missing in action. The September 16th order stated that nobody showed up on the Volk's side to contest it although they had legal notice of the hearing. That would have been the natural place for Belanger to stun the court with his bible-based legal wisdom and stop this travesty. Additionally Belanger's main tool in fighting for the Volks, his tidal wave of videos (by my count sixteen specifically for them), stopped abruptly a month ago.

If I was in Victoria I'd wander over to the Volk's place on Tuesday to see how it worked out. However I'm otherwise engaged here in Vancouver attending an unrelated Freeman court hearing.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Burnaby49 »

I'm just working through two astounding, appalling documents related to the Volks. I'm a guy that's gone through a hell of a lot of OPCA documentation and I'm rarely either astounded or appalled by OPCA nonsense but these two did it. They put an entirely new perspective on the basis of the Volk's problems and change, to some extent, my perspective on Belanger's role in their foreclosure. I'd thought that, without his interference, the Volks might have possibly worked at least something out with their bank but these documents show that they were irrevocably screwed because of Carol Volk's unbelievable stupidity well before Belanger entered the picture. They also answered one thing that had eluded me, the root cause of their problems. Why did things go so badly so quickly, why did the bank go hard-core about foreclosure rather, than is usually done, try to work something out with their mortgage holder?

It was because Carol, on July 13, 2013, about three weeks before their mortgage renewal date, and totally out of the blue, sent the bank this letter;
It has come to my attention that there may have been some irregularities with the funding of the above referenced financial instrument. In order to address this issue you are requested to provide the following:

1. Produce documentation of prior title, ownership and rights to the money allegedly loaned and that it’s free and clear of liens re: the above alleged financial instrument;

2. Produce documentation of the history of the origin of funds that your company purportedly had prior title, ownership and rights to the money allegedly loaned re: the above financial instrument.

History and origin of funds must show at least three [3] generations of the origin of funds;

3. Produce documentation of the actual transaction and transfer of said funds [prior title, ownership, and rights] from loaner to borrower [invoicing/receipts];

4. Produce the wet-ink signature contract where I agreed, under full and complete knowledge, to enter into this alleged contract with this said corporation.

We expect to see all of the above provided in its original forms to make sure the process is fully lawful and serves the purpose.

A failure to respond will be considered an admission that all of the requested documentation is not available and that all my alleged debts with the former corporation known as HSBC Bank Canada are now paid off.

I would also like to request that the auto-payments for my mortgage be stopped and I will entrust the funds with a third party in escrow (money or property held conditionally: an amount of money or property granted to somebody but held by a third party and only released after a specific condition has been met).

Please provide the above documents within 72 hours of your receipt of this request.

I conditionally accept this new agreement providing you can show proof of claim as noted above.

Without Prejudice UCC 1-308

Kindest regards,

and a foreclosure flyer
The bank responded immediately by closing her accounts and notifying her that it would not be renewing her mortgage.

What? Where the hell did that come from? Turns out we had another player advising Carol before Belanger got in the picture,

Heather Tucci-Jarraf and the One People's Public Trust! They told her to send the letter!

When she received the letter from the bank she phoned the OPPT gurus in a panic and they thoughtfully saved the entire conversation in a couple of blog entries that I came across at 2:00AM this morning. ... impowered/ ... i-m-power/

So how did the call go, constructive advice, a reality check, maybe a rethink of where she was heading? Let's not be stupid here, we're dealing with OPPT. The description of the session, as given at the start of one of the blogs was;

I watched and took part in a wonderfully IMpowering transformation today. It was in the RTS Skype room. One eternal essence imbodied went form (sic) Panicked FEAR energy to I M Powered and Joyful all while “Playing” with HSBC and their old Fear tactics… I have copied the conversations that went on over a five hour period July 24, 2013 (my time PST, US)

This was an amazing experience for all of us in the room as it happened. And an IMpowering experience for all of Source’s Universe as we are all one and all connected. It all moves us forward with the unfoldment of Absolute Freedom, Absolute Data, Absolute Abundance… BZ
Carol started the conversation in a panic!


[7/24/2013 1:10:06 PM] Carol MHVolk: closing my credit card too which is how I do business with my store and to cut it up

[7/24/2013 1:10:54 PM] Carol MHVolk: my husband wants me to get this straigtened out asap and if means I have to grovel and beg he wants me to

But, by the end of the call, the OPPT nitwits had convinced Carol that she'd won, mortgage gone, and the bank was on the run. All she had to do was send another letter expanding on the first but stop being so damn polite this time. Gloves off!
[1:24:51 AM] carol.mhvolk: ok I think this one is the best — version 3 — sorry for posting it so many times but MAN OH MAN AM I HAPPY YOU GUYS ARE HERE XOXOXOXOXXOXOXO
[1:24:59 AM] carol.mhvolk:

Thank you for your letter(s) dated July 22, 2013. Since you have not proven that you loaned us a single penny, we expect payment back of every dollar we`ve sent you for fraudulent mortgage payments, and on my credit card. We do not consent to you closing our bank accounts and will be charging you a fee of $25,000 to cover the costs of time and inconvenience you have caused us, please include this amount with the mortgage and credit card money you owe us. In cash please and thank you!

I agree that the mortgage will not be renewed due to the fact that HSBC Bank Canada has not provided evidence that it had title, rights, or ownership of that which HSBC Bank Canada allegedly lent me as requested in my letter dated July 13, 2013. What I requested is below:
“It has come to my attention that there may have been some irregularities with the funding of the above referenced financial instrument. In order to address this issue you are requested to provide the following:

1. Produce documentation of prior title, ownership and rights to the money allegedly loaned and that it’s free and clear of liens re: the above alleged financial instrument;

2. Produce documentation of the history of the origin of funds that your company purportedly had prior title, ownership and rights to the money allegedly loaned re: the above financial instrument.

History and origin of funds must show at least three [3] generations of the origin of funds;

3. Produce documentation of the actual transaction and transfer of said funds [prior title, ownership, and rights] from loaner to borrower [invoicing/receipts];

4. Produce the wet-ink signature contract where I agreed, under full and complete knowledge, to enter into this alleged contract with this said corporation.

We expect to see all of the above provided in its original forms to make sure the process is fully lawful and serves the purpose.

A failure to respond will be considered an admission that all of the requested documentation is not available and that all my alleged debts with the former corporation known as HSBC Bank Canada are now paid off.

We expect to see all of the above provided in its original forms to make sure the process is fully lawful and serves the purpose.

A failure to respond will be considered an admission that all of the requested documentation is not available and that all my alleged debts with the former corporation known as HSBC Bank Canada are now paid off.

Please provide the above documents within 72 hours of your receipt of this request.“

Failure of HSBC Bank Canada to respond within 72 hours with clarification and documentation addressing the four points above constitute admission that the purported loan was fraudulent.

Thank you for your services and we are glad that you`ve realized that you do not own our house and that you do not have any standing over us and that we do not owe you anything further for either the fraudulent mortgage nor the credit card.

Thank you for your business!
Without Prejudice UCC 1-308
Kindest regards,
Oh dear! Really, there is nothing I can say to expand on that. I assume she sent it and that was the end of any chance to salvaging anything from the shambles. Refinancing at a different lender was out because nobody was going to loan them money after checking with the original lender as to why the mortgage hadn't been renewed.

So why was her husband freaking out? Because she apparently hadn't told him anything about her original letter before sending it and the first he knew about the whole thing was when the bank sent their letter refusing to renew. She seems to have done it almost on a whim; let's just send this off to the bank and I'll give hubby the mortgage forgiveness as his Xmas present. There was no apparent thought at all that there might be negative consequences.

I just ran across this at 2:00AM this morning and haven't had time to go through it in depth. It's made me lose whatever sympathy I had for the Volks, well at least to Carol, she is entirely the author of her own misfortunes. I can't even really blame OPPT any more than I can blame the predators on the veldt for eliminating the weak and the cripples.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".