Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest victims

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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by wserra »

Burnaby49 wrote:... JIMMY HOFFA RIP© ...
So that's where he was buried.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by NYGman »

Burnaby49 wrote:So what if I refuse to pay?
You are making this too hard on yourself, just draw up a promissory note for the amount, and duly deliver it. This would satisfy the obligation.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by bmxninja357 »

well there is one technology the volks dont appear to have tried. could be hidden in the gibberish mountain poor burnaby49 is climbing but if not, with the proper number of legs this might be as effective: ... rawing.php

it looks at least twice as effective as their previous efforts.....
whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Burnaby49 »

wserra wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:... JIMMY HOFFA RIP© ...
So that's where he was buried.
Let's not ignore Waldo.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Burnaby49 »

NYGman wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:So what if I refuse to pay?
You are making this too hard on yourself, just draw up a promissory note for the amount, and duly deliver it. This would satisfy the obligation.
No, no, I like the elegant circularity of my solution. They sue me for millions based on my use of their names. I counter-sue for billions based on their use of my name in their lawsuit. Then they sue me for trillions because I used their names in my counter suit. Soon we'll be the riches people on earth. Apart from the collection problem.

Well enough deep legal analysis, I have to head off to Federal court. The craziness awaits!
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Burnaby49 »

bmxninja357 wrote:well there is one technology the volks dont appear to have tried. could be hidden in the gibberish mountain poor burnaby49 is climbing but if not, with the proper number of legs this might be as effective: ... rawing.php

it looks at least twice as effective as their previous efforts.....
That clearly won't work. Spiders have eight legs. When you are drawing up legal documents these details matter.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by NYGman »

Burnaby49 wrote:
NYGman wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:So what if I refuse to pay?
You are making this too hard on yourself, just draw up a promissory note for the amount, and duly deliver it. This would satisfy the obligation.
No, no, I like the elegant circularity of my solution. They sue me for millions based on my use of their names. I counter-sue for billions based on their use of my name in their lawsuit. Then they sue me for trillions because I used their names in my counter suit. Soon we'll be the riches people on earth. Apart from the collection problem.

Well enough deep legal analysis, I have to head off to Federal court. The craziness awaits!
What if in my religion I don't believe in copyright? Then this all becomes moot, as they can't enforce any laws that go against my religious beliefs.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Burnaby49 »

Are you ready for the Ladder of Love? I hope so because it is waiting for you in the documents I reviewed today. First a mea culpa. I must apologize for my unseemly panic yesterday. A fresh start this morning with an awareness of the magnitude of the task ahead of me made the job far less daunting than expected.

First my wild statement about two feet of documents. Sheer fabrication on my part. I took a ruler today and measured it out; eighteen inches in total. Then there is the issue of duplication. Our esteemed ministers filed two lawsuits, numbered T-1942-14 and T-1898-14 in the court records. I assumed that these were two separate issues with different sets of facts and pleadings because who would be crazy enough to file two virtually simultaneous identical lawsuits when one would do? Carol, that's who. She filed one against some of the defendants then apparently decided that if she was going to get the $265,000,000 she was demanding (I'll explain that amount later) she needed more deep pockets. So she started another virtually identical lawsuit against a bunch more. After spending about half an hour comparing the binders for the two actions I decided that I could safely ignore either one of them so that cut my eighteen inches down to, roughly, nine. No Deep Knight style jokes please. Carol is going to provide the humour in this posting.

That damn Meads v. Meads added to much of the remaining bloat. Four of the Briefs of Authority cited Meads and included full copies. That's 187 pages each single sided for a total of 748 sheets of paper clogging up the binders.

So I ended up with what was still a considerable amount to go through but manageable. Four hour at Federal Court and I was done. I've ordered a lot of copies but way less than I expected. At 40¢ a copy that's a relief. But fear not, all of this documentary culling doesn't reduce the lunacy; it just distills it down somewhat to its pure essence. I said in my prior post;
I found a massive gold mine of CERI/Freeman craziness! If you love gibberish documents this is heaven. Carol threw everything into the mix, CERI, Millerism (I think), admiralty law, unilateral contracts, fee schedules, birth certificates, strawmen, on and on. Every argument that Belanger ever put forward is in the filings along with orders from Belanager himself to the court telling them they'd better shape up and do what the Volk's demand or god will punish them. All of Belanger's CERI videos are referenced as proof of service of unilateral contracts on the defendants along with all the various crap the Volks mailed on his urgings and the Georgia Straight notices. Everything is there.
Well it is still all there but there is just less padding around it. What I plan to do is just give essentially random observations of what I reviewed today, for just a hint of the crazy to come, then wait until I get the copies to do a more thorough review of the Federal Court case. First we'll start at the end with an extract from November 4th's decision. Keep in mind that Carol specifically denied in her statements that she was in any way an OPCA type litigant;
This litigation has all the hallmarks of OPCA litigation. The plaintiffs seek, under the guise of religious doctrine, to disrupt and avoid the long-established and well-understood civil recourse mechanisms available to a lender, in this case the HSBC Canada. To this end they have targeted employees and officers of the lender and its legal advisers.


1 - The Statement of Claim is struck without leave to amend; and
2 - Costs to the defendant in the amount of $1500.
Since there were five decisions covering the separate defendants or groups of defendants with each awarded $1,500 the total costs were $7,500.

Since I'm in a confessing mood another admission of gross incompetence on my part. Yesterday I said;
The fee schedule is impressive. Any response in respect to the Volk's actions generates;

1 - Cost for their time - $1,000 per minute of their time dealing with it.
2 - Filing legal documents - $1,000 per word filed by the Volks. The stuff I was looking at today is worth billions based on that alone.
3 - Receipt of documents - $10,000 per document sent to them.
4 - Violation of their Human Rights (I assume as defined by Carol) $1,000,000 per violation.
In addition to this schedule, and on the same page (which I somehow missed) Carol also included,
In any and all matters regarding foreclosure, lien, repossession, and or the seizure or (sic) our lawful property 833 Orenda Ave., Victoria, British Columbia shall carry a fee of two hundred and sixty-five million dollars, $265,000,000.00 regardless of the legal decision.
Now I'm sort of a dour, morose individual, not given to laughing at anything, but I was laughing loudly right in the file reviewing area of the Federal Court after reading the next sentence;
All fees are payable in advance as we are under no obligation to extend HSBC BANK CANADA or agents, professionals and individuals in the employ of HSBC Bank credit.

PLEASE govern yourselves accordingly.
Huh? Since most of the fees were dependant on both the plaintiff's and defendant's actions during the actual litigation how could the bank, even in Carol's demented world-view, be expected to pay these prior to the litigation? Well, apart from the $265 mil which HSBC apparently did not pay although it clearly owed it regardless of how the litigation panned out. The bank was obviously not dealing in good faith. Banks!

Perhaps Carol was just being a touch optimistic with this advance payment requirement because she seemed to have concluded that, because of gross legal misconduct on the part of the defendants, she'd won without the case being heard so there was going to be no litigation. She claimed the defendants were precluded from filing any Statements of Defence on the basis they left out the word "minister" here and there when referring to her and hubby and the defendants had additionally used all capital letters in Carol and Rod's names which was obviously reason enough to end the case then and there in plaintiff's favour. Carol's documents included an exhaustive discourse on the implications of all capital letters in legal proceedings (one of Belanger's big obsessions) and how they refer to dead corporations rather than living human beings. She even included an excerpt from a style manual and some copy/paste from some federal act on style of documents in legal proceedings. None of which supported her position but so what? I'm not going into it because I'm getting copies made.

When the court denied her motion to stop the defendants from, well, defending (That's what they do Carol, that's why they are called "defendants"!) she tried to bail out of an increasingly hostile airspace by filing a notice of discontinuance of the actions. Which the court refused to accept, not a good sign. The court ordered that the lawsuits stay open until there was a final disposition of the defendant's motion to strike through a court decision.

There are also massed of Belanger documentation, pages of his CERI bullshit along with copies of all the documents I've cited in prior postings in this discussion. All proof that ministers of God are exempt from man's law. All of that will be in the copies I've ordered to be posted on Media Fire so I won't bother discussing it now.

Time to move on to more lunacy, the slippery meaning of words. This is a big deal to Carol, she has compiled a paper claiming that the court order approving the foreclosure of their home was void because it was written in nonsensical legalese gibberish rather than the correct language to be used between we Canadians, ancient Phoenician! Really. She has some babbling about how our normal English was codified by the ancient Romans from Phoenician and how "legal" language evolved in a separate unintelligible form. At least that is how I interpret her idiocy. So she demanded that the plaintiffs respond by providing her with a new court order following strict Phoenician usage and that they define every separate word in it on that basis with glossary and supplements. When I promise crazy I deliver.

She helpfully provided an example of what she meant about unintelligible legalese by parsing the "legal" definition, rather than the correct Phoenician definition, of the words in the phrase "Supreme Court of British Columbia". I'll give her take on the word Supreme;


Sup - French for dine, have dinner
Su, sous - French for under or a tribe of Indians; Sioux
Sue - A girl's calling
Supre or super - Very Large, great, or extreme
Reme - Acronym for Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers

On that basis Carol is right! Who can make sense out of this gibberish? She notified the bank that if it declined to provide the Phoenician styled decision she required she was going to declare all of its employees to be Outlaws because they had violated the Ladder of Love. Again, yes, she said this. You can read it for yourself if I post the docs on Media Fire and if you understand it you can explain it to me. This was the point where I stopped even pretending to myself I had any idea what she was babbling about. So now we wait on the photocopies.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by grixit »

O. M. G!

I can't even.

Carol Barca has just conquered Frikintardistan!
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

NYGman wrote:What if in my religion I don't believe in copyright? Then this all becomes moot, as they can't enforce any laws that go against my religious beliefs.
What if my religion doesn't believe in God? I must have a constitutional right not to be affected by God's laws.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Burnaby49 »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
NYGman wrote:What if in my religion I don't believe in copyright? Then this all becomes moot, as they can't enforce any laws that go against my religious beliefs.
What if my religion doesn't believe in God? I must have a constitutional right not to be affected by God's laws.
Wankspittle, that's just silly. The Volks sacrificed their home in support of their deeply felt religious beliefs that they've held since at least the week before last. It was only sheer coincidental that these beliefs supported their position that the banks should give them a free house. And you're mocking them. Shame on you. I did the legwork, that's my job.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by wserra »

grixit wrote:Carol Barca has just conquered Frikintardistan!
Oh, yeah? Then where are the elephants?
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by wserra »

Allow me to answer my own question: they all died trying to cross the Dolts.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Bill Lumbergh »

Burnaby49 wrote: Time to move on to more lunacy, the slippery meaning of words. This is a big deal to Carol, she has compiled a paper claiming that the court order approving the foreclosure of their home was void because it was written in nonsensical legalese gibberish rather than the correct language to be used between we Canadians, ancient Phoenician! Really. She has some babbling about how our normal English was codified by the ancient Romans from Phoenician and how "legal" language evolved in a separate unintelligible form. At least that is how I interpret her idiocy. So she demanded that the plaintiffs respond by providing her with a new court order following strict Phoenician usage and that they define every separate word in it on that basis with glossary and supplements. When I promise crazy I deliver.

She helpfully provided an example of what she meant about unintelligible legalese by parsing the "legal" definition, rather than the correct Phoenician definition, of the words in the phrase "Supreme Court of British Columbia". I'll give her take on the word Supreme;


Sup - French for dine, have dinner
Su, sous - French for under or a tribe of Indians; Sioux
Sue - A girl's calling
Supre or super - Very Large, great, or extreme
Reme - Acronym for Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers

On that basis Carol is right! Who can make sense out of this gibberish? She notified the bank that if it declined to provide the Phoenician styled decision she required she was going to declare all of its employees to be Outlaws because they had violated the Ladder of Love. Again, yes, she said this. You can read it for yourself if I post the docs on Media Fire and if you understand it you can explain it to me. This was the point where I stopped even pretending to myself I had any idea what she was babbling about. So now we wait on the photocopies.
I suspect that she pulled this Phoenician crap from Keith Thompson/Kate of Gaia, who claims to be fluent in Phoenician.

As an aid to you Burnaby, here is Kate's own "Phoenician Starter Kit": ... f-gaia.pdf

The long and short of it is that you can break down, misspell, and mispronounce words and their syllables to arrive at whatever meaning you want.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Burnaby49 »

Thanks, I assumed Carol got it from somewhere because she's too dim to think of it herself. Since I don't follow Kate's nonsense I had no idea it came from him. She was considerate enough to give the court a six page example with "Supreme Court of British Columbia" just a fraction of her creative effort. I've got it flagged for copying. So she's been guru-shopping, larding up the court documents with everything she could find hoping something would work on the basis that bulk is more important than relevance. Neither the bank or the court paid any attention at all to any of it. Possibly the only positive effect if had, from her viewpoint, was increasing my photocopying expense.

Her name copyrighting shows that the lunacy is continuing so I'm waiting for the next chapter. I see a vexatious litigant designation heading in her direction.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Burnaby49 »

Just an update. I've copied almost 200 pages of Karol Kraziness© from the Federal Court file and am trying to beat it into some kind of coherent narrative. What I plan to do is a chronological review of the Volk saga, supported by documents, focusing on Belanger's involvement to show the abject failure of everything that Belanger conned the Volks into taking to court with their own home at risk

I'm also in the process of getting documents relating to Belanger's personal failure when he went off the rails and lost his home to this nonsense in the early 2000s. A companion piece to the Volks write-up showing how their reliance on Belanger gibberish was doomed from the start because it had already failed in court although tried by the master himself. After that defeat Belanger had nothing personal to lose by conning fools into suicidal attempts to follow in his footsteps.

However this is the kind of thing I have to deal with, a couple of random pages extracted from a 17 page document. So it is going to take some time;
fraudulent deception/deceptios whereupon judgment is rendered upon any/all agents of
church/state/self by the very action of claiming via CROWN COPYRIGHT fraud and;

Inasmuch as intent (spirit) must be proven where all are concerned, it is now incumbent upon the church/state that the willful intent to commit fraud ab initio is without intent to do so. With prior knowledge, the agents/clergy/BAR members/ail bound by oaths etc. et al to/of/for/by/with church/state did/do willfully deceive humanity and is, by the actions of all bound to church/state by oaths sworn/taken/given judged by/of/in all acts of harm upon any/all harmed and;

Whereas fraudulent intent of all bound to church/state entities/ld-entities/iiving souls/principalities is visible via omission and/or commission by the actions of harm/intent to harm of/for/by ail beings using a NAME in fraud ab initio, alt claims made/ coerced/assumed/presumed etc. et al are, in fact fraudulent at source of/for/by all claiming any/all legal NAME(S)/fictlonal id-entities/tities etc. et al and/or thus any/all forms/aliases and are of/by/for the criminal intent to do so using the intellectual property of another living soul/spirit or dead fictional entity where I am toto genere, spirit, mind, body and;

Furthermore, to engage in such intently destructive acts of harm/deception/theft/coercion etc. et al against another via any/all means Is shown by one's actions and need never be judged whereby the act is the judge In/of itself, judge not lest ye be judged where assumption/presumption cannot/does not/will not exist after t he act itself and;

Furthermore, any/all REGISTRATION/REGISTERING/REGISTER by omission and/or commission where full disclosure is not evident, the intent of church/state/any/all claiming such association/joinder by means of willful oaths, signatures (cursive), titles, etc. et al are, in fact, willful acts of pre-determined fraud Knowingly or unknowingly where wrongful obligation(s)/curse(s) has/is/was tbe intent where obligation(s) is/are re-placed back upon those who knowingly and/or in ignorance of their fraud do so ab initio, ad infinitum, nunc pro tunc, praeterea, praeterea; praeterea and;

Furthermore, it is/was never my intent to willfully use the property of another whereas any/all things REGISTER-ED are, in fact, claimed to be such intellectual property of another, namely church/sfate/GROWN where my Mother and Father (deceased), unknowingly were, in ignorance, aided and abetted of their consent into such churcb/state contracts, be they all forms physical (phi-psi-cu[l)/spiritual/mental and;

Furthermore, I place the onus (own-us) back upon/re-turn to any/all beings by virtue of their oaths etc. et al and self-judged in their acts, any/afj obligations created by any/all contracts where all contracts entered into based on this fraud/original sin/intent to de-fraud are nullified/null and void ab initio, ad infinitum nunc pro tunc and;

Furthermore, ail obligations upon myself created via this fraud are void inasmuch as the perceived/assumed/presumed gift, without consideration of any all NAME(S) is concerned in that a BOND/DEBT was/is/has been created in the form of a BIRTH CERTIFICATE with an assigned DEBT, not value, where I was assumed/presumed to be that value without/void of my willful consent where it was/is/has been the willful intent of/by/for all parties Initiating such acts of obligation upon this, their DEBT and;

Whereas intent is clearly visible by any/aii who engage In acts of commerce (Whore of Babylon) using the NAME (mark of the beast) is/was/has been/wlfl be acting in fraud and creating harm/cannibalism against their fellow humans/beings since all fiat currency is based upon aforementioned BONDS and is guilty of human being trafficking of the highest order and in defiance of creation where consumption ensues and;

Whereas the willful intent from any/all willful associates/members/oathed beings of church/state/CROWN is evidentiary proof of/by/for any/ail acts perpetrated against another where any/aif REGISTERED NAMES are concerned inasmuch as non-disclosure by aforementioned was never given/offered where aiding and abetting in fraud is.the Intent and where any/aii aforementioned have unclean hands accordingly and;

Whereas any/all REGISTERED "things/possessions" are, in fact, property of the church/court/state/CROWN (copyright) where any claim made by any/all not oathed to the aforementioned are matters of church/court/stafe/CROWN inasmuch as willful trespass and enticement into slavery via third party interloping into such matters that do not concern me, the one who shall not be of NAME where my own customary calling is mine and shall never be given and;

Furthermore, by means of this BIRTH CERTIFICATE (long form/short form) deception/non-disclosure/willful act of fraud, the only DOCUMENT(S) ever willfully given as proof of intent to commit fraud/aid and abet fraud by/of/for church/court/state/CROWN etc et al and all oaths bonded to willfully to such titles/fictions/corporations where the claim is also made that the aforementioned take on the role of perceived parens patriea (embodiment of state) and have/are, in fact, kidnapped/abused/harmed any/all who have been fraudulently claimed to be a "ward of admiralty" where the Mother is fiduciary, Father is beneficiary ab Initio and;

Whereas the rites of both Mother/Father have been stolen via non-disclosure and willful Intent as proofed by actions of those, by oath/willful application(s) any/all claiming to be of/for/by church/court/state/CROWN in the form of BIRTH CERTlFlCATE(S)/license's/marriages/FAMILY - NAME($)/iaxes/regisfrations etc et al ab initio therefore;

!s it the/your willful intent of this/you of/for/by/ln church/court/state/CROWN etc et al beings living/dead fictions to coerce by force or deceptive means to have me incriminate myself where I am in full knowledge of this dual fraud where willful intent to do so makes me/you guilty ab initio by claiming to own/be something that is/was/has never been mine/yours-to be/claim?;

is it your ( by oath entity) intent to aid and abet t he furtherance of this fraud/cannibalism/child kidnapping/human trafficking/theft etc, et al via fictitious ACTS/LEGISLATION etc. et dead entities by/for/of dead entities (dead carrying out the dead) where f am One of the living versus a fictional dead entity created by/for/of the church/court/state/GROWN by enticing me via force/coercion/decepfion to be a surety for the church/state/court/CROWN created debt(s)?;

Whereas any/all fraud by virtue of its intent and creation remains as such, regardless of length of time taken for such any/all frauds to be exposed, ail contracts are nuii and void upon its discovery where a fraud revealed is, in fact, null and void, ab initio, nunc pro tunc where all energies stolen in any/all forms shall be re-turned where the intent to commit fraud against me has been/is/will be with INTENT;
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by KickahaOta »




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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Burnaby49 »

Here is the reference to the "ladder of love". If any of you legal minds out there have any insight on what Carol is babbling about feel free to share it. All a mystery to me.
Legalese in French = Jargon
1. Nonsensical, incoherent, or meaningless talk
2. Speech or writing having unusual or pretentious vocabulary, convoluted phrasing, and vague
3. (Linguistics) specialized language concerned with a particular subject, culture, or profession
4. Unintelligible talk or writing; gibberish; babble

No assumption or presumption can be made using undefined intent.

So that we are fully informed of your words, phrases and intent in the document you mailed us today please send back with every word defined "word by word" w i th the intent of each word, with references, glossary of definitions using whatever dictionaries used, accessed, and understood where we use all definitions/de (of) Phoenicians as per our free will by March 6, 2014, thank you.

Carol and Rod Volk

FY! - Linda, you quoted 13 3354 as the SCBC Action No. on the letter.

Final Note: This is where "stilt " (stiie-Te) becomes the ladder of love where lo-ve can be pronounced as law-ve which means the [b]law of truth[/b]. As soon as you can accept that you must stand in truth fully, you will be considered an outlaw regardless of how many fictitious "laws" of man you think you must obey. Man-made laws/lahs are the aberration of natural law and order. Always look for things that resonate with YOU as per YOUR life path experience. This is what is meant by follow your heart because your programmed minds will try and doubt you out of the true reality.
This was the last page of a six page document that started out with the quote below. The typos resulting from copying a PDF made from a photocopy to Word do not make it any more incoherent than it originally was;

We fully accept this paperwork on the following non-assumption, nonpresumption

All languages are based on sounds and shown via sigils, letters, numbers and words. No assumption and/or presumption can be made solely upon the spellings contained within a single language such as "English", where all sounds have various definitions in various languages.

In short, our definitions of your words are pure gibberish as we define them where we fully accept this "paperwork" as per our definitions using all available sounds/languages/intentions as per our positive betterment.

Roman civil law was written in Phoenician based on the natural law of sound. It is our language of choice. We do not speak legaiese, nor understand Segal terms. If you are using legal terms, please define them and your intentions.

Any/All letters can be silenced in that they are all silent in a word somewhere so that applies to all letters in all words as one sees fit (phi-Te).

. See t he following of some examples:
1. a is silent in each, earth, ear.
2. b is silent in bomb, lamb.
3. c is silent in where k, s, ch, f, ph, are corresponding letters creating same sounds or silence.
4. d is silent bridge.
5. e is silent in bride.
6. f is silent in where g and h are silent (laughter).
7. g is silent in laughter.
8. h is silent in laughter.
9. i is silent in void/vowed.
10. j is silent in that it mimics g and is an h in jorge'.
11. k is silent in know/now, knew/new.
12' I is silent in should or wood/would.
13. m is silent in mnemonic and always silent at the beginning of a word with mn. As a side note, this
only occurs in Ancient Greek where the "rex" is silent.
14. n is silent in damn.
15. o is silent in colonel.
16. p is silent in phone.
17. q is silent in all aspects of t he k sound.
18. r is silent in fever'.
19. s is silent in island, aisle, debris.
20. t is silent in debut, ballet, castle.
21. u is silent in blood,
22. v is silent in of.
23. w is silent in double you and know.
24. x is silent in faux pas.
25. y is silent in say. :
26. z is silent in rendezvous.

in as much as every letter can be silenced, therefore, so will the intent be silenced. We have long assumed and presumed the sounds of our words/whirreds by another's definition and the habits deeply ingrained in us as children. There are no grammatical notes regarding the pronunciation of any letters where we assume what is written versus knowing what is written and our intent is owned by someone else's intent. For us, all definitions must be made clear where no assumption or presumption is tolerated.

As a measure of how much programming we are involved in, simply lift a piece of paper with writing on it and see if you can hear the words. So what is the paper really saying? Nothing, it is we who give life to someone else's spell by agreeing that sigils can actually talk.

See the following examples for your issuing this gibberish:

• Pro-for
• Ceed / Seed - a ripened plant ovule containing an embryo
»—Irrg^BiJastttre-OT^^ one lying iow, near a rivef : r

• Pro-for
• Noun-physical name for things
• Ce - say, se, c'est, the symbol for cerium

• Sup - French for dine, have dinner
• Su, Sous-French for under or a t r i be of Indians, Sioux
• Sue - a giris calling
o Supre or Super-very large, great, or extreme
• Reme - acronym for Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers

• Core - the center of something
• Coup w i th the p being silent - among certain. Native American peoples, a feat of bravery
performed in battle, especially the touching of an enemy's body without causing injury
• Coo - a sound a pigeon makes
• Couer - meaning heart in French
• Curt- where the " o " is silent as i t can be in many words
• Sort - where a " c u can be sounded as an V or f, or ph, k, ch etc
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by NYGman »

My guess
Total SH*T
To - 2 the number representing the Volk Folk
Ta - Thank you
L - El - Spanish for the
Sh - Silence
IT - Information Technology

So this is: thank you 2 [For the] the silence of Information Technology.

Meaning these two are done posting, hopefully or that all letters are silent, so there pleadings are just a silent statement of nothing....
The Hardest Thing in the World to Understand is Income Taxes -Albert Einstein

Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - As sung by Janis Joplin (and others) Written by Kris Kristofferson and Fred Foster.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by grixit »

fraudulent deception/deceptios whereupon judgment is rendered upon any/all agents of
church/state/self by the very action of claiming via CROWN COPYRIGHT fraud and;

Inasmuch as intent (spirit) must be proven where all are concerned, it is now incumbent upon the church/state that the willful intent to commit fraud ab initio is without intent to do so. With prior knowledge, the agents/clergy/BAR members/ail bound by oaths etc. et al to/of/for/by/with church/state did/do willfully deceive humanity and is, by the actions of all bound to church/state by oaths sworn/taken/given judged by/of/in all acts of harm upon any/all harmed and;

Whereas fraudulent intent of all bound to church/state entities/ld-entities/iiving souls/principalities is visible via omission and/or commission by the actions of harm/intent to harm of/for/by ail beings using a NAME in fraud ab initio, alt claims made/ coerced/assumed/presumed etc. et al are, in fact fraudulent at source of/for/by all claiming any/all legal NAME(S)/fictlonal id-entities/tities etc. et al and/or thus any/all forms/aliases and are of/by/for the criminal intent to do so using the intellectual property of another living soul/spirit or dead fictional entity where I am toto genere, spirit, mind, body and;

Furthermore, to engage in such intently destructive acts of harm/deception/theft/coercion etc. et al against another via any/all means Is shown by one's actions and need never be judged whereby the act is the judge In/of itself, judge not lest ye be judged where assumption/presumption cannot/does not/will not exist after t he act itself and;

Furthermore, any/all REGISTRATION/REGISTERING/REGISTER by omission and/or commission where full disclosure is not evident, the intent of church/state/any/all claiming such association/joinder by means of willful oaths, signatures (cursive), titles, etc. et al are, in fact, willful acts of pre-determined fraud Knowingly or unknowingly where wrongful obligation(s)/curse(s) has/is/was tbe intent where obligation(s) is/are re-placed back upon those who knowingly and/or in ignorance of their fraud do so ab initio, ad infinitum, nunc pro tunc, praeterea, praeterea; praeterea and;

Furthermore, it is/was never my intent to willfully use the property of another whereas any/all things REGISTER-ED are, in fact, claimed to be such intellectual property of another, namely church/sfate/GROWN where my Mother and Father (deceased), unknowingly were, in ignorance, aided and abetted of their consent into such churcb/state contracts, be they all forms physical (phi-psi-cu[l)/spiritual/mental and;

Furthermore, I place the onus (own-us) back upon/re-turn to any/all beings by virtue of their oaths etc. et al and self-judged in their acts, any/afj obligations created by any/all contracts where all contracts entered into based on this fraud/original sin/intent to de-fraud are nullified/null and void ab initio, ad infinitum nunc pro tunc and;

Furthermore, ail obligations upon myself created via this fraud are void inasmuch as the perceived/assumed/presumed gift, without consideration of any all NAME(S) is concerned in that a BOND/DEBT was/is/has been created in the form of a BIRTH CERTIFICATE with an assigned DEBT, not value, where I was assumed/presumed to be that value without/void of my willful consent where it was/is/has been the willful intent of/by/for all parties Initiating such acts of obligation upon this, their DEBT and;

Whereas intent is clearly visible by any/aii who engage In acts of commerce (Whore of Babylon) using the NAME (mark of the beast) is/was/has been/wlfl be acting in fraud and creating harm/cannibalism against their fellow humans/beings since all fiat currency is based upon aforementioned BONDS and is guilty of human being trafficking of the highest order and in defiance of creation where consumption ensues and;

Whereas the willful intent from any/all willful associates/members/oathed beings of church/state/CROWN is evidentiary proof of/by/for any/ail acts perpetrated against another where any/aif REGISTERED NAMES are concerned inasmuch as non-disclosure by aforementioned was never given/offered where aiding and abetting in fraud is.the Intent and where any/aii aforementioned have unclean hands accordingly and;

Whereas any/all REGISTERED "things/possessions" are, in fact, property of the church/court/state/CROWN (copyright) where any claim made by any/all not oathed to the aforementioned are matters of church/court/stafe/CROWN inasmuch as willful trespass and enticement into slavery via third party interloping into such matters that do not concern me, the one who shall not be of NAME where my own customary calling is mine and shall never be given and;

Furthermore, by means of this BIRTH CERTIFICATE (long form/short form) deception/non-disclosure/willful act of fraud, the only DOCUMENT(S) ever willfully given as proof of intent to commit fraud/aid and abet fraud by/of/for church/court/state/CROWN etc et al and all oaths bonded to willfully to such titles/fictions/corporations where the claim is also made that the aforementioned take on the role of perceived parens patriea (embodiment of state) and have/are, in fact, kidnapped/abused/harmed any/all who have been fraudulently claimed to be a "ward of admiralty" where the Mother is fiduciary, Father is beneficiary ab Initio and;

Whereas the rites of both Mother/Father have been stolen via non-disclosure and willful Intent as proofed by actions of those, by oath/willful application(s) any/all claiming to be of/for/by church/court/state/CROWN in the form of BIRTH CERTlFlCATE(S)/license's/marriages/FAMILY - NAME($)/iaxes/regisfrations etc et al ab initio therefore;

!s it the/your willful intent of this/you of/for/by/ln church/court/state/CROWN etc et al beings living/dead fictions to coerce by force or deceptive means to have me incriminate myself where I am in full knowledge of this dual fraud where willful intent to do so makes me/you guilty ab initio by claiming to own/be something that is/was/has never been mine/yours-to be/claim?;

is it your ( by oath entity) intent to aid and abet t he furtherance of this fraud/cannibalism/child kidnapping/human trafficking/theft etc, et al via fictitious ACTS/LEGISLATION etc. et dead entities by/for/of dead entities (dead carrying out the dead) where f am One of the living versus a fictional dead entity created by/for/of the church/court/state/GROWN by enticing me via force/coercion/decepfion to be a surety for the church/state/court/CROWN created debt(s)?;

Whereas any/all fraud by virtue of its intent and creation remains as such, regardless of length of time taken for such any/all frauds to be exposed, ail contracts are nuii and void upon its discovery where a fraud revealed is, in fact, null and void, ab initio, nunc pro tunc where all energies stolen in any/all forms shall be re-turned where the intent to commit fraud against me has been/is/will be with INTENT;
... When at last the warders were convinced that i was sensible again, and let me out of the straightjacket, i discovered that nearly three months had passed since that fateful night. The night that i inadvertently glanced, for the merest instant, upon a single page of the Necronomicon.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. . . . . . Dr Pepper
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