Gerald Lewko - Another Belanger/CERI loser

Moderator: Burnaby49

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Gerald Lewko - Another Belanger/CERI loser

Post by Burnaby49 »

I recently posted an update on the ongoing saga of Thomas Peterson's battle against the forces of evil (aka the Canada Revenue Agency).


Unfortunately I had to report that things did not seem to be going too well for the reverend Thomas. Paraclete Belanger was being forced to spew out videos on an industrial scale to aid his various adherents who were losing their fights against banks, the CRA, and whomever.
Well this posting isn't going to give them any ray of hope in finding salvation through Belanger's nonsense. I've recently run across a case involving another Belanger acolyte who trod the same path Peterson is currently following but did so in 2011. It ended badly.

So meet Gerald Lewko, who, like Peterson, refused to pay his taxes and used the Church of Ecumenical Redemption International's infallible methodology to defeat the Canada Revenue Agency. ... sages/1103

The link is to a posting Lweko made on Yahoo Groups on October 5th, 2011 regarding an upcoming trial he was facing. He was trying to drum up support, a plea for witnesses to attend his trial on October 18th in Kelowna, Brian Alxander's home town.
Hi All:

This is where the rubber meets the road

This is a request for anyone willing to be a witness to court proceedings:

The name Gerald LEWKO has been charged with 3 counts of not filing an income tax return. The Crown Prosecutor is seeking 90 days Jail plus $3,000 fines.

The court date is October 18th, 9:30am at the Kelowna Law Courts - 1355 Water St - Room 008.
As part of his plea he explained the injustices inflicted on him for trying to live a good Christian life as determined by the Church of Ecumenical Redemption International. His response? Send off Private Agreements to the opposing parties just like Peterson has been doing. Since Lewko's foes, like Peterson's, did not respond it meant they accepted the agreements and everything was copasetic. Except that it wasn't.
I the living man, who permits the name taoista or minister gerry for private communication, holder of a Certificate of Birth that bears the name GERALD LEWKO, am being threatened and intimidated by the Crown Prosecutor, Clarke Burnett, a lawyer at Pusher Mitchell, acting on behalf of Revenue Canada and the Justice Department.

I am approaching the Crown Prosecutor in his private capacity as the private man Clarke Burnett, acting as lawyer and crown prosecutor with an Ecclesiastical Notice of Private Agreement to settle the matter before October 18th. This private agreement has been in the hands of the private man Clarke Burnett since September 26th. To date the private man Clarke Burnett has offered no reply to the Private Agreement, other than a further threat to the name Gerald LEWKO by the dead fiction Pusher Mitchell.

The Ecclesiastical Notice of Private Agreement is a full explanation and holds all the details. If you would like to see the Ecclesiastical Notice of Private Agreement, send an email to freedomtraining888@... with a request, and I will forward the private agreement plus the Demand for Full Unedited Disclosure which was delivered to the private man Clarke Burnett on September 30th, as well as the reply from Pusher Mitchell, as well as my response to their reply so that you have a complete comprehension of the magnitude of this undertaking.

I am in the process of completing my statement of truth, Asseveration (Affidavit), and will share it once complete. This will be delivered to the private man Clarke Burnett on Tuesday, Oct 11th and will be filed in the court records.

An interesting twist to this situation is, in November 2010, over 100 of us across Canada, through a trustee, offered 100% of everything to Revenue Canada to settle all account, and in April of 2011, I filed a 100% tax return, offering again 100% of everything. This was ignored completely and CRA proceeded as though it was business as usual, let's destroy more lives to pay the bankers. This will all be in my Asseveration.

Plus on top of all the above, the men and women that act as agents for Revenue Canada have lied under oath, in the affidavits the agents swore to in there package of full disclosure.....this will also be in the Asseveration.

This process, once perfected, will benefit all of us being attacked by revenue canada agents.

This is a momentous time for us all, we can take a stand against the system that destroys lives.

This could be a moment in history when we the people have a common voice and say to this destructive system, enough is enough and we the people aren't taking it any more and the old ways are no longer part of our reality.

I pray over 100 men and women will take the time to show up on October 18th peaceful, non-violent, silent, with note pads in hand to take notes, to witness the proceedings first hand so that you can testify as a witnesses.

Many of you are familiar with minister marko and his teaching of the Court Room Workshop where he shares is experiences in court using an Ecclesiastical remedy. minister marko is assisting me with this Ecclesiastical Remedy.

The Ecclesiastical Notice of Private Agreement will become public on Friday, October 7th, at which time I will share the full text of the agreement with all my brothers and sisters, worldwide.

If you would like to offer additional assistance to help me perfect the process with private men and women acting as agents for Revenue Canada and the Justice Department, please contact me directly by phone or email. There are specific things you can do to help.

Phone 778-478-2171 or Email: gerry@...

I appreciate any support you can offer with gratitude.

Pass this on to any and all you feel have an interest.


minister gerry
Strangely none of this stopped the trial. I can't locate a decision but I got the results from the BC Courts website. He has two BC Provincial Court files, two are subfiles'
75178 - three failure to comply with the ITA (ITA, s. 238(1)) and a failure to appear (Criminal Code, s. 145(2)(b)) - Oct. 26, 2012 guilty on all counts, three sentences of 30 days in jail and $1000 fines, one sentence of $575 fines.
In other words a disaster. As a bonus the court records another loss on the same issue a few years earlier;
66161 - three failure to comply with the ITA (ITA, s. 238(1)) - Nov. 22, 2007 - pled guilty to all charge, three $1000 fine sentences
Perhaps he ended up in court again in 2011 (or didn't end up there since, for all his brave talk, he didn't show up for his own trial) because he thought he'd take another swing at it with Belanger's fool-proof method of stopping the CRA in its tracks.

So let's list Belanger's success stories. Lewko convicted and sentenced to jail time and fines. Peterson seemingly heading towards the same fate. The Volk's about to be evicted from their home. Belanger himself indigent and moving between whatever free accommodation he can scrounge up while spewing out completely worthless gibberish videos that just get his followers in deeper. A total failure in all aspects.

Lewko wasn't just an opportunist trying to get out of his income tax obligations, he seems like a true believer. He also lectured on the subject of Freedom Training; ... sages/1083

Freedom Training was classic straight up Freeman/Sovereign foolishness;
(TEST - Truth Establishes Sovereign Times)

What is FREEDOM Training?

It is being free of DEBT. It is understanding “Your Signature is Money”. It all starts with understanding the true purpose of a Certificate of Birth. We believe it is a representation of our Birth and the registration of our Name. We believe it is identification since we need to use it to get Government issued documents like a drivers licence, passport, SIN number, etc.

What if we are mistaken? What if we misunderstood the purpose of a Certificate of Birth? What if we have been using it incorrectly?

Through Knowledge and Truth we can take our proper role in our community and the economic system for the benefit of yourself and everyone else.

The proper use of Government Issued Documents will free us all of Debt on a national level, local level, and personal level. How would freedom from Debt change your life?

What if it was never intended you Work for Money? This is a difficult concept to understand because we have been conditioned from birth to get a job, start a business, or whatever ,to earn money to live a good life. The more money you make the better life you can live. We have been programmed to work for Money in order to survive.

What if this is all wrong?

Through the use of an affidavit admissible in court as evidence of the truth and the accompanying exhibits you will be given the Truth with the Proof.

You can then begin to see the power of the Certificate of Birth as a “VALUABLE TOKEN” which was never intended to be personal identification.

Valuable token to what? Come and learn the truth that will set you Free. Free from what? Free from fees, fines, taxes, debts, and much more. Come learn how to implement this knowledge into your life when you are ready.

Settle all you debts with JUST YOUR SIGNATURE……

This training is in a constant state of evolution as more knowledge and more experiences bring more clarity.

The tuition for this training is $100.00 cash one time forever.

You may attend all future training sessions where ever they are held Free forever after your first one. You may want to hear this a couple of times because you have to overcome the programming and patterning that has been going on since your birth.

This will eventually sink into your mind and it will Change Your Life forever to ------ FREEDOM.

IN Up Coming Training Sessions – New Information Will Be Shared

Please Register and Confirm You and Your Guest’s Attendance

Call 1-800-584-4920 or email freedomtraining888@...
Your can find more about Freedom Training here; ... =us&rip=ca
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Gerald Lewko - Another Belanger/CERI loser

Post by grixit »

No job, no school, no money, no license. Learn the truth: our true purpose is to lay around being spoon fed by the shape-shifting lizards until they're ready to eat us.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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