Gregor Jahn - Intoxicated Freeman Driver?

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Gregor Jahn - Intoxicated Freeman Driver?

Post by Burnaby49 »

Gregor is not a stranger to Quatloos, he's been discussed here;


and here;


Gregor is a self-described independent journalist although I've tried and failed to find anything he's written. He is a German who got to Canada by marrying a Canadian citizen. Marriage went sour and they ended up squabbling in court about their daughter. ... pc242.html

Gregor is a good friend of Rory Hawes (who's recent activities I will be relating in a new discussion when I get around to it, needless to say more criminal charges, I've been attending his hearings). Gregor also sat in at Alexander Ream's trial and he pumps out videos lamenting the oppressive Canadian government. Gregor has the time to invest in these Freeman activities because, as far as I can tell, the one thing he does not invest his time in is gainful employment.

So what has Gegor been up to? This;
1 - 06-Aug-2014 - CCC - 129(a) wilfully resisting or obstructing a peace officer
2 - 06-Aug-2014 - CCC - 253(1)(a) care or control vehicle or vessel while impaired
3 - 06-Aug-2014 - CCC - 254(5) Failure or refusal to provide sample
4 - 06-Aug-2014 - CCC - 129(a) wilfully resisting or obstructing a peace officer
That would be an alcohol sample, a breathalizer test, that he refused to take.

So, today, I went to Gregor's first court hearing on these charges. First I have to comment on the enthusiastic support I get from my wife in my various Freeman activities. When she saw me writing Gregor's court date in my official appointment book (the kitchen calendar) she asked "What's going on?" l said another court case. "More of those idiots?" I'm sure I said something along the lines of "Not at all! These are brave men fighting for our rights in an oppressive society!" Unfortunately, since her attendance at Alexander Ream's trial, she has formed a very narrow-minded biased viewpoint about Freemen. She gave a disgusted "harumph" and went back to Downton Abbey.

I learned something new today as part of my court experience! I learned that there are two British Columbia provincial courthouses in downtown Vancouver. I found that out by going to the wrong one for Gregor's hearing. I was at the Robson Street Provincial courthouse complex with time to spare but I couldn't find room 307. So I asked at the sheriff's office. No courtroom 307 here, you must mean the Main Street courthouse. Huh? Yes, there is another provincial courthouse, the criminal court, at 222 Main Street. For those of you not familiar with Vancouver 222 Main Street is right in the heart of Vancouver's infamous Skid Row, a thoughtfully easy commute for its main client base. I knew the court was there, it's been there forever, but I though it had been superceded by the Robson Street provincial courts. So I had twenty-five minutes to make it to Main Street, a brisk half hour walk. Doing a very brisk walk I got there with five minutes to spare only to be bogged down by security. Very high level security check just to get into the courthouse itself. Sheriffs everywhere, airport metal detector, wanding, checking in bags, anything not bag checked (wallet, notepad etc) manually inspected. Opened and went through my wallet, riffed through the notebook. To reclaim my backpack I had to leave the Courthouse then go back in. With all that I just made it on time.

Just a Justice of the Peace, not a provincial court judge (that became significant later). I don't know what the session was called, you lawyers would. Just a processing session for adjournments, trial schedules, updates, whatever. Gregor showed up a bit late looking very dapper in his dark suit, red shirt, and narrow tie.

He seemed unable to sit down, he'd come in, sit for a few minutes, leave, come back, leave, come back. Last summer I attended a hearing of his at the Richmond courthouse; Richmond is a large island community just south of Vancouver. It was the same thing, sit down, get up and leave, come back, sit down, repeat. So we worked through a bunch of local skid-row type miscreants but soon came to a halt because, while there were plenty of defendants still lounging about, some lawyer hadn't shown up yet. So the judge asked us all if there were any self-represented individuals who wanted their shot. Gregor, although self-represented, was in the out-of-the-courtroom phase of his cycle at the time. Judge scanned the court, fixed on me, and told me I could come up and speak about my case! I'm just a spectator judge! Apparently spectators are apparently very unusual at these hearings. So she called a ten minute recess. A facetious friend said I should have replied to the JP's offer with a jaunty "I accept that offer for value and return it for value!" One reason I've never spent a night in jail is I don't make comments like that to judges.

After recess things went briskly because a missing lawyer finally showed up who seemed to represent almost everybody there. Then it was Gregor's turn. As we know from Gregor's videos, and from my experience at the Richmond hearing, Gregor speaks reasonably fluent English. His English was certainly adequate enough, in my opinion, for him to competently handle himself in Richmond. He also claims to be an independent journalist which I assume is done in English. But he wasn't speaking English today, his fluency just seemed to have evaporated! He came to court with a German translator and refused to speak to the court except through her. No idea why he was pulling that stunt. Crown wanted to arrange a trial date, probably in February. The Crown said two days were required, one day for them and probably one day for Gregor who wanted to argue that Canada had no jurisdiction over him so no Canadian laws applied to him. However Gregor had not yet pleaded to his four charges so the JP tried to take him through them. She only got to charge one;

"to the charge that on August 6, 2014, in Vancouver, you wilfully assaulted a police officer in execution of his duty. How do you plead, guilty or not guilty?"

And Gregor refused to plead. His translator said he wasn't going to declare himself either guilty or not guilty. I'm guessing because that would be acknowledging that the laws actually did apply to him but, with Gregor, who knows? The judge wasn't happy about this because the proceedings weren't being recorded so there would be no official record of Gregor's stupidity if it later became an issue. So she said she was going to send us down to a regular provincial court judge to do the charging. A clerk told her she could do it herself by entering "not guilty" to the four charges but she said she preferred a regular judge handle it.

So Gregor, the translator, Crown counsel and I all trudged down to courtroom 102. Bit of a wait for a prior sentencing hearing to conclude with Gregor, as usual, popping in and out. When it was Gregor's turn the judge was blunt and to the point. Refuses to plea? No problem, I'll enter not guilty pleas to the four charges. Then off to the case manager to arrange a trial date. I just checked and he's slated for May 28 and 29, 2015. I'll be there.

Gregor's claim that laws don't apply to him is not new. He tried it in his July 2013 Family Court hearing where the court said, in its decision'
[99] In an affidavit filed in this case on August 1, 2012, sworn by the father, he deposed as follows in paragraphs 1 to 4:
I, G.J., Journalist, swear or affirm that:

1. I file this affidavit under thread [sic] and duress. I understand that the Provincial Court of B.C. doesn't have to follow the law as according to Canadian law, B.C. is to the most parts not even part of Canada but in fact occupied Coast Salish territory.

2. Adjudicators W. and S. willingly broke already their oath to uphold the law. Previously filed evidence was willingly ignored. Both made it very clear that being biased is of no concern in their courts.

3. Jurisdiction over this file was already given away by Adjudicator A. for the Provincial Court and giving to my court by (the mother) which was confirmed on 20th of February '12 with a notice of default (Exhibit A).

4. I understand that the jurisdiction over said issues lies with me. However, I'm forced to continue attending this court under threat and duress as (the mother) and her layer [sic] W.L.S. try again to use this court to enslave my child and myself. As promised in 2004, both tried on numerous occasions to take my child away from me since 2005. Today was the third time within 14 days (July 16, July 30, July 31, Exhibit B and I).

[100] I might note that all the persons referred to in these four paragraphs save for lawyer S. are Provincial Court judges.

[101] I do not believe in my over 40 years as counsel or as a judge I have ever seen such statements set out in an important court document, for example, suggesting that two sitting judges broke their oath to follow the law. This type of conduct is discussed by Rooke A.C.J. in Meads at page 55 to 56 of his reasons. I also note similarities in the refrains in the above paragraphs to Mr. H.'s explanation in court before me of his beliefs.
I noted earlier that I had attended a prior hearing in Richmond. That was on June 24, 2014 and it was similar to today's session in that it was just an interim session to set a trial date and clear up some issues Gregor had. That hearing involved to an entirely different set of charges to the ones at issue today. I still don't know what these charges are but, even if I did, I couldn't tell you because the court has imposed a publication ban on the proceedings. So while I can attend the trial I can't discuss it until the ban is lifted. Trial is scheduled for the end of next month. I'll be there.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Gregor Jahn - Intoxicated Freeman Driver?

Post by Burnaby49 »

I noted in the last posting, from October of last year, that Gregor's trial in Richmond was to start in a month. It has been delayed. He now has a hearing tomorrow to set a trial date. I won't bother to attend. it is at Richmond courthouse, an awkward location to get to by transit and the hearing is only administrative. I'll attend the trial. Speaking of which he has an actual trial scheduled for May here in Vancouver in respect to his drunk driving and resisting arrest charges that I plan to attend. He and Rory Hawes are BFFs even to the point of both ending up with drunk driving charges. I've just made a posting on Rory's discussion that I am posting here too because it invoves both of the dynamic duo but mostly Gregor.

Gregor has found gainful employment! Although I have to question both "gainful" and "employment" in the context of producing short community videos that nobody has bothered to watch about his buddy Wil D. Salmon; ... EPw/videos

Wil D. is a guy in a really cheesy paper mache salmon head prancing around the streets of Vancouver. In this one, starting at 1:02 he's cavorting just outside the entrance to Stadium Skytrain station, my main station downtown;

I walk by that Sherman tank all the time on the way to the main branch of the Vancouver public library from Stadium Station. Can't say I've noticed a guy wearing a salmon head though. He has a lot of sidewalk competition from other west-coast oddballs and it's hard to pick individuals out from the clutter. Exiting Granville Skytrain station downtown is an obstacle course through beggars, religious nuts with pamphlets, charity beggars (Greenpeace, PETA etc), people with petitions, ranting loonies, street musicians, whatever. Maybe I've brushed passed fishhead once or twice and didn't even notice; you get jaded.

The six videos posted so far have a grand total of 150 viewings of which probably a half dozen are mine. This one, although posted almost a year ago, had no viewings at all until I took a look;

You can see why if you listen to it. The group starts ok when they just do an instrumental opening but when the lead singer starts howling it gets pretty awful. He seems to rely on volume as a substitute for talent.

Fishhead actually has an hour long show from time to time however, since these are not posted on Gregor's YouTube channel, I assume that he doesn't produce them. He might, he and his daughter are very active in the videos themselves. This one is of some interest;

You can see a triumvirate well known to my Quatloos followers, Gregor Fpic Jahn, Rory Hawes, and Alexander Ream all looking very distinguished at 1:55 having a serious discussion about how the police are a waste of taxpayer's money. As if any of those three pay taxes. However, to be fair to their position, I can see how a lack of diligent policing would be much to Rory and Gregor's advantage.

The video is largely a clip job from other videos including the ones Gregor has posted on his own site. A lot of familiar Vancouver scenes. Some very colourful girls (Team Flower Power!) at 25:23.

A little skit with Rory at 27:00 where, possibly with ironic intent, he pretends he's a police officer handing out tickets. This was taken just to the west of the north foot of the Burrard Inlet at False Creek. A hotspot for joggers, bikers, skateboarder, walkers, and people just enjoying the ocean but not much of that activity the day of the filming. I'm guessing that the very self-possessed girl interviewing Rory is Gregor's daughter. She is featured throughout the video. A few more talks from Gregor at 43:45 and 54:25 babbling nonsense about how he is giving Wil D. Salmon tickets for something. A fair number of musical performances in the video best avoided.

All very professionally done largely in the Shaw video studio in downtown Vancouver. Shaw is a major cable TV company which is required to provide community video and I suppose this all counts as part of their mandatory contribution to local interest. It allows Gregor and his buddies access to first rate facilities and equipment so their shows are at least watchable.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Gregor Jahn - Intoxicated Freeman Driver?

Post by Major Trouble »

promising story, what happened?
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Re: Gregor Jahn - Intoxicated Freeman Driver?

Post by Burnaby49 »

Major Trouble wrote:promising story, what happened?
I haven't forgotten about Gregor but I've been extremely busy juggling Freeman issues and I had to miss his May 28th hearing. I was participating in a webinar reported here;


While my posting is dated May 29 it was made 12:05 in the morning. The seminar was the 28th.

My Freeman reporting started as a retirement hobby but is becoming a full-time vocation. I gave another webinar today. Here is my schedule of Vancouver area Freemen hearings that I currently know about and hope to attend. More are certain to come up;

June 15-19 - Vo Dire - Porisky and Gould jury trial

June 25 - 2pm - Cory Stanchfield to appear at BCPC Robson Square to fix dates for his sentencing hearing (presuming he retains new counsel).

August 11 - Arthur Doerksen File 923 originally at Robson Square now appearances at BCPC 222 Main St Vancouver. Portisyite, trial.

November 16 - December 11 - Debbie Anderson Jury Trial

December 08 - Gregor Jahn - Richmond 9:30 Rm 105, Application


January 25 - Porisky & Gould. Scheduled to run to February 19th.

February - Leo Fung - trial - Poriskyite dentist .File 872 originally at Robson Square now appearances at BCPC 222 Main St Vancouver

Denise Eddy's trial has now been set - Feb. 22 - March 18, 2016
Gregor's December hearing is for an Application, no idea what. I can't find any information on B. C. Courts Online about what happened May 28th or what is scheduled next for his Vancouver case.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Gregor Jahn - Intoxicated Freeman Driver?

Post by Burnaby49 »

Congratulations are in order for our Teutonic Freeman Gregor Fpic Jahn!

I'm just dusting off some of the names I haven't reported on in a while and checking up to see what's happened to them. Haven't done Gregor recently so I did a search for him on BC Courts Online. Nothing but old news there which was puzzling since I've attended criminal hearings for him in both Vancouver and Richmond and both actions, as far as I was aware, were still ongoing.

So I decided to do it old-school and I went down to the Supreme Court of British Columbia registry and checked the records there. All charges against Gregor, both in Vancouver and Richmond, have been dropped and there are no current outstanding charges against him for anything. Good going Gregor!

Can't say the same for his buddy Rory Hawes however. Still an arrest warrant out for him.

"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Gregor Jahn - Intoxicated Freeman Driver?

Post by NYGman »

So was this an actual win, or was this some sort of Dismissal in contemplation of adjournment, where if he stays out of trouble, they drop the charges? It seems odd a freeman gets off using woo, did a "Real" Lawyer help him out?
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Re: Gregor Jahn - Intoxicated Freeman Driver?

Post by Burnaby49 »

NYGman wrote:So was this an actual win, or was this some sort of Dismissal in contemplation of adjournment, where if he stays out of trouble, they drop the charges? It seems odd a freeman gets off using woo, did a "Real" Lawyer help him out?
It wasn't a win in the sense that he had a trial and he was found innocent. Nor, in the three or four hearings that I attended, did he have a lawyer. Nor was it a "Dismissal in contemplation of adjournment, where if he stays out of trouble, they drop the charges". When the Crown choses not to proceeed but wants to leave the case open to revive charges they are stayed, not dropped. A random quote from the internet to explain the difference;
What’s the difference between having charges withdrawn or stayed?

The decision by the Crown to stay or withdraw charges means they discontinue the prosecution. In both situations, once your charges are withdrawn or stayed by the Crown, you don’t have to go back to court.

However, there is one important difference. Stayed charges can be “brought back to life” within one year of the day they are stayed. While this tends to be rare, you should know that if you’re charged with new offences during the one year period after you’ve had charges stayed, the stayed charges could be brought back and the Crown could prosecute you on those same charges again. If charges are withdrawn, the prosecution of those charges is finished and those same charges can never be brought back.

The clerk at the registry told me charges were dropped which means the Crown gave up. No idea why.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Gregor Jahn - Intoxicated Freeman Driver?

Post by NYGman »

Burnaby49 wrote:The clerk at the registry told me charges were dropped which means the Crown gave up. No idea why.
That's just sad :( perhaps when you didn't show up for the trial, they just gave up :)
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Re: Gregor Jahn - Intoxicated Freeman Driver?

Post by Burnaby49 »

NYGman wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:The clerk at the registry told me charges were dropped which means the Crown gave up. No idea why.
That's just sad :( perhaps when you didn't show up for the trial, they just gave up :)
I was unfortunately derelict in my duty but I was giving a Webinar with Ron Usher on the day of Gregor's last hearing. I miss a few hearings and it all goes to hell, Gregor let off, Hawes on the run. There's a lesson there somewhere.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Gregor Jahn - Intoxicated Freeman Driver?

Post by LordEd »

Burnaby49 wrote:I miss a few hearings and it all goes to hell, Gregor let off, Hawes on the run. There's a lesson there somewhere.
Clearly the lesson is that freemanism has won. Time to pack up the site. Birth bonds for everyone.
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Re: Gregor Jahn - Intoxicated Freeman Driver?

Post by Burnaby49 »

LordEd wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:I miss a few hearings and it all goes to hell, Gregor let off, Hawes on the run. There's a lesson there somewhere.
Clearly the lesson is that freemanism has won. Time to pack up the site. Birth bonds for everyone.
Agreed, we're just wasting our time here.

Although to offset, Dean's been convicted, Menard on the run, Belanger howling about his AISH, the Brits recording Crawford's downfall. I guess they need a win once in a while to keep them motivated.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Gregor Jahn - Intoxicated Freeman Driver?

Post by LordEd »

Won the battle, lost the war.

I'd wager the reason for the drop would be lack of evidence or error. Strange that evidence matters to a corrupt court.
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Re: Gregor Jahn - Intoxicated Freeman Driver?

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

LordEd wrote:Won the battle, lost the war.

I'd wager the reason for the drop would be lack of evidence or error. Strange that evidence matters to a corrupt court.
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