has finally launched

Moderator: Burnaby49

Quatloosian Ambassador to the CaliCanadians
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Location: The Evergreen Playground has finally launched

Post by Burnaby49 »

However it seems to be nothing but an alternative gateway to whatever is on

Sue Wrongdoers has three subscription levels at $9.00, $49.00, or $199.00 per month;

Everything is locked so no peeking, pay to play. However like a sideshow barker they show a little leg and give you a tantalizing glimpse of the delights inside;

H4J Do Common Law Courts Exist?
H4J-Part 1 – Capitus Diminitio
H4J-Part 2 Porisky Pre-Trial and Trial Analysis
H4J-Part 3 Webinar: Court Fiction of Voluntary Consent
H4J-Part 4 Farmer George Attorn to the Jurisdiction

I'll save you the fee just to access Porisky. You can analyze the Porisky trial yourself by reading the decisions here; ... 2t5AAAAAAE ... 2t5AAAAAAE ... 2t5AAAAAAE

I get confused amongst all these contending gurus. Didn't Mary Croft just promise The Solution for $30.00? Or was it $50? But there's More! Private-Person reports that Russ Porisky accessed a Secret Court in 1999-2000!

( ... rts-exist/)

and that's how he escaped from the Tax Man! Well, apart from his trial and conviction. Then again, since the verdict was quashed and a new trial ordered perhaps he has found the answer. In Private-Person's worldview the main events in the Porisky pre-trial and trial revolved around;

1. a challenge to the style of the name on the summons and much later the charging instrument “Information” (NAME vs Name)
2. claim natural person status from outside the bar
3. court recognizes Russ as a natural person
4.court issues an Order confirming the recognition of the natural person before the cour
5. court changes the style of the name on the Information from NAME to Name
6. court issues Order that Russ, the natural person is the Named defendant
7. on the day of trial Russ is asked to change courthouses to another city’s courthouse 2o miles away!
8. the new court house on the day of trial (in Abbotsford) has a Canadian flag flying from the roofline of the specific courtroom
9. no Canadian flag was anywhere on the grounds or roof of the courthouse before, or after trial
10. courtroom for the trial has no bar, no judges bench, no witness box.. only tables and chairs on a flat floor etc.
11. judge on her own initiative argues with Crown after Crown closes their case, and acquits Russ on a “technicality” without him speaking or raising any issues
12. Crown (DoJ) does not appeal the acquittal
13. courtroom and courthouse after trial is back to “normal”…. bar, judges bench, witness box, no flag etc.
14. The legal concepts in play and addressed during this ENTIRE court process are what Hope For Justice explores as well as the process of being recognized by the courts in a status that ensures all your rights are intact and protected by the court.

Wow! Who knew?! Russell Porisky knew the Truth all along ... but then somehow forgot it and failed to teach it to all his followers, his wife, and himself. Quatloos has all kinds of discussion on convicted Poriskyites (Russ himself being the only one yet who got off and that is only temporary).

Beyond that, there's a couple of audio recording "testimonials" but of course, no in-court wins, because there aren't any. ... timonials/

And the Sue Wrongdoers Youtube page: ... GOQyvL4wvg

When I just logged in I saw the new "mini-promo" video has had a total of ... 5 views. Even though the 'grand opening' has been hyped by Mary Elizabeth Croft herself! The suckers seem to be getting a little more cagey. And if they balked at Mary's $30 fee for The Answer there is no way they are going to be conned out of $200 per month for more of the same.

Next up, the Facebook page! ... 0412305601

Which has zero comments on ANY post.

So - what do the potential suckers customers have to say? Most of the cheapskates at Get Out of Debt Free smell a scam - but a few are tempted to expend their hard earned money yet again; ... 37&start=0
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: has finally launched

Post by bmxninja357 »

Burnaby49 my lunch has finally launched
fixed for mild amusement.
whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: has finally launched

Post by Jeffrey »

Bit of a derailment but isn't Porisky supposed to get a re-trial soon? ... story.html

Or did it already happen?
Quatloosian Ambassador to the CaliCanadians
Quatloosian Ambassador to the CaliCanadians
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Location: The Evergreen Playground

Re: has finally launched

Post by Burnaby49 »

Jeffrey wrote:Bit of a derailment but isn't Porisky supposed to get a re-trial soon? ... story.html

Or did it already happen?
Not yet, the decision to have a retrial was just this spring and the courts are clogged. I'm waiting for that one; I plan to be there. Since he is the instigator of one of the biggest and best organized tax evasion schemes we've seen up here in years there is no chance the Crown is just going to let it go. He has as much chance in front of a jury as he has in front of a judge; none.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".