Psam Frank - Sovereign with his own laws and court

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Re: Psam Frank - Sovereign with his own laws and court

Post by Chaos »

how do you know he's not going to apologize for abusing the forum with his gibberish? lmao!
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Re: Psam Frank - Sovereign with his own laws and court

Post by The Observer »

Chaos wrote:how do you know he's not going to apologize for abusing the forum with his gibberish? lmao!
Let's just say, given the past practice of sovruns and freemen, it's a hunch on my part that he will not do that.
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Re: Psam Frank - Sovereign with his own laws and court

Post by LordEd »

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The problem is the word "post" is ambiguous. When I agreed to it, I assumed it meant that I am not permitted to track down the server room where the board is physically located and cement-in a wooden or metal post in its general vicinity with a sign saying "Quatloos Moderators are wieners", or a comic with a pink beaver in a swimming pool filled with Molson.

Psam, lets talk straight here. I'm sorry you find my pointed questions and extreme examples abusive or hurtful, but understand that from my perspective, as soon as you decided your correct remedy was to stop paying taxes and instead pay them to your own society because it is somehow more 'correct' than the current government AND encourage others to pay it (and therefore you), AND still be geographically located within the country you claim is oppressing you while enjoying the benefits of its protection, you start to fall more into the scammer category than the believer.

I repeat again that your definition of the word "in" is not realistic to the context of the charter any more than my above interpretation of "post" is to the terms of Quatloos. Further, I repeat that the charter also explicitly has remedies to charter violations, and that it is the judicial system that decides if there is a violation (which they decided there was not), and what remedy is required. These are my opinions, and are supported by the fact that the judicial system rejected it.

And also, if your interpretation was correct, you don't account for other charter rights acting the same way, such as s.12 requiring you to be frequently punished in order that you have the opportunity to exercise your right to not be punished in cruel or unusual fashion.
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Re: Psam Frank - Sovereign with his own laws and court

Post by Hyrion »

LordEd wrote:
that may violate any laws
The problem is the word "post" is ambiguous. When I agreed to it, I assumed it meant that I am not permitted to track down the server room where the board is physically located and cement-in a wooden or metal post in its general vicinity with a sign saying "Quatloos Moderators are wieners", or a comic with a pink beaver in a swimming pool filled with Molson.
Actually - you still misapplied because you missed the particular clause selected.... I'm pretty sure the pink beaver idea doesn't violate any laws although it may violate common decency.....

As for the post, so long as you do so in a form that doesn't damage property - I think you're safe on that too....
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Re: Psam Frank - Sovereign with his own laws and court

Post by Hyrion »

Upon reviewing the back-story of this thread (I'm still catching up) it dawns on me poor Psam may have put himself into a rather precarious position.
Psam wrote:I was rescinding my allegiance to your Majesty, taking on an individually sovereign character
I am now giving strong consideration to renewing my pledge of allegiance to your Majesty
As I understand, it should be viewed that Psam has basically renounced his citizenship with Canada and has not yet renewed it.

Going back to review the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, we see:
CCRF wrote:3. Every citizen of Canada has the right to vote
If we're to accept - at face value - that Psam has renounced his Canadian Citizenship by renouncing his allegiance to the Queen Of Canada:
  • Psam no longer has any right to vote
Again, we see a fine example where it's a very good thing for the OPCA that we don't actually apply their logic, and what they seem to be asking for, in dealing with them.

Yes Psam, until such time as you truly officially renounce your Canadian Citizenship you still have the right to vote for elected representatives in Canada.

Edit: silly misplaced comma changing intended meanings....
Last edited by Hyrion on Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Psam Frank - Sovereign with his own laws and court

Post by Burnaby49 »

Hyrion wrote:
LordEd wrote:
that may violate any laws
The problem is the word "post" is ambiguous. When I agreed to it, I assumed it meant that I am not permitted to track down the server room where the board is physically located and cement-in a wooden or metal post in its general vicinity with a sign saying "Quatloos Moderators are wieners", or a comic with a pink beaver in a swimming pool filled with Molson.
Actually - you still misapplied because you missed the particular clause selected.... I'm pretty sure the pink beaver idea doesn't violate any laws although it may violate common decency.....

As for the post, so long as you do so in a form that doesn't damage property - I think you're safe on that too....
Psalm thinks he's abused? Does he have any idea what I go through daily? DAILY? Psam seems too hypersensitive about criticism and hurtful comments to exist in the world of the web. So, like the Canadian electoral system and the Canadian government, he wants us to change to give deference to his unique wonderfulness. We can see how far that attitude has gotten him in life.

I detect a whiff of hypocrisy here because, while he is on a hair trigger about anything that can even remotely be perceived as abuse when it is aimed at him (or even a teensy-weensy, run in your room and slam the door little bit hurtful) he has no problem dishing it out on his Facebook page where he can control his own little kingdom.

First off, this what he thinks of us for disagreeing with his magic voting system;
Samuel Michael Frank
October 26 ·
Earlier today I made a post saying that people who find it fair, decent or reasonable to have an election once every four years are brainless idiots, and I would like to apologise for the inaccuracy of this statement. Of course every single person in the world has been blessed with a brain, by evolution, God, or whatever other source You might believe to be the cause of Us having these stupid things. So it's totally wrong to call a person brainless. However, some People haven't made much effort to learn any competency at using their brain, so it would be more accurate to say that people who find it fair, decent or reasonable to have an election once every four years are incompetent morons. I apologise for my brainless mistake.
Then on to we Canadians who actually participate in making the choice about who represents us by getting out and voting rather than sitting huddled in front of a computer whining
Samuel Michael Frank
November 8 at 6:24pm ·
If You think that your government that is elected once every four years has any right to govern me, then You are a worthless degenerate brainless spineless cowardly piece of filthy garbage.
Samuel Michael Frank
October 28 ·
There are two kinds of people who vote in an election once every four years:
1) someone who thinks it's pretty much useless and pointless but hey, it takes ten minutes and at least it might make some small difference, but I doubt it,
2) someone who's really fucking stupid.
If You voted in the federal election last week, then which of the two categories above do You fit into? There are no other categories.
His opinion of Canada in general for actually holding an election although he didn't want us to?
Samuel Michael Frank
October 29 ·
Telling your child that Canada is a democratic nation because it holds an election every four years is like putting a plate of cow shit on the table in front of Her and claiming that it is delicious because the whipped cream that You put on it has a dash of icing sugar and vanilla in it.
Then telling your child how grateful She should be to live in Canada because look how bad things are in places like North Korea and Sudan is like telling Her that She should be grateful for the breakfast You gave Her because your neighbours don't put any whipped cream on the cow shit They feed their child, and in fact there's a house across the street that feeds their child cat shit, which is way less healthy than cow shit.
That's how I felt when I looked at the ballot last Monday: like I was being fed cow shit, but with whipped cream on it. Hey Canada! Go fuck yourself.
Then on to politicians, candidates in the recent election, and our support of them;
Samuel Michael Frank
October 19 ·
If You step in dogshit today, then walk into the office of the nearest candidate in today's election and take your shoes off and rub them all over the place. They deserve it because they're worthless degenerate filth and the smell of the dogshit will cover up their foul stench.
Samuel Michael Frank
October 19 ·
For any candidate in a periodic election who would be willing to openly endorse an interactive electoral system upon hearing about it, I humbly and respectfully apologise for any insult or contempt I have ever rendered. It was not fair for You to be treated with any disrespect and I'm sorry.
For any candidate in a periodic election who hears about an interactive electoral system and refuses to offer a public endorsement, go fuck yourself, you pathetic, worthless, ignorant, degenerate, brainless piece of filth.
Samuel Michael Frank
October 15 ·
Whoever keeps writing "Harper" under stop signs so that they say "STOP Harper" is an idiot. What good does stopping Harper do if We don't stop those other equal pieces of pigshit May, Mulcair, and Trudeau (or Trudeau, Mulcair, and May if You prefer reverse alphabetical order) as well? They're all fuckin' lying, thieving scum.
Samuel Michael Frank
October 8 ·
Please don't take this personally, but if You think Thomas Mulcair, Stephen Harper, Elizabeth May, or Justin Trudeau is even a slightly decent person then I fucking hate You as a person for who You fundamentally sort of are. Like I said though, nothing personal.
And let's not forget this off-his-meds materpiece;
Samuel Michael Frank
September 7 ·
Elizabeth May, Stephen Harper, Justin Trudeau, and Thomas Mulcair should take the next runny s**t that comes out of your ass, put it in their coffee, and drink it. And no fucking milk or sugar. And no arguing over which one gets a larger portion. Measured equally with a well calibrated scale.
Hey, it's just what they deserve for being who they are.
Quite the imagination Psam!
Samuel Michael Frank
August 22 ·
If you are running as a candidate in the election on October 19, then words can't express how worthless you are. You should hate yourself for being such a disgusting creature. Any hatred that any person expresses for you is just what you deserve. Fuck off.
Samuel Michael Frank
November 8 at 9:24pm ·
If you think there's any difference between Harper and Trudeau, you're either stupid or a liar. They're both lying thieving cowards. The rest of the distinguishing characteristics are superficial bullshit designed to fool you into thinking your government is fair.
Samuel Michael Frank
November 6 at 8:58pm · Edited ·
For all of those Canadians who think Justin Trudeau is less of a filthy lying scumbag than Stephen Harper, have you been paying ANY attention to the last TEN prime ministers? Seriously, wake the fuck up and look in the dictionary at the definition of the word "politician". He's a fuckhead, get used to it. Don't be an idiot.
Samuel Michael Frank
August 13 ·
If You vote New Democrat, Conservative, Green, or Liberal on October 19, then remember to look in the mirror that evening and try to use some moments of peaceful contemplation to reflect on what point in your life You became such a completely incompetent fucking idiot.
Psam generally aims his witty barbs at the federal government but he's still willing to benefit us with his insights on our provincial politics from time to time;
Samuel Michael Frank
August 13 ·
Remember Carole James? Remember what a fucking idiot she was? Aren't you glad she's gone? Oh wait, but that's right, she's been replaced by an even bigger fucking idiot, John Horgan. Don't you wish Carole James was back so that BC's NDP could have a person at the helm who wasn't quite such a useless fucking moron?
Time to stop! Given the volume of Psam's Facebool postings I could spend all day doing this. I confess that this one has me a bit confused since he voluntarily contacted us although he knew our position on his voting system;
Samuel Michael Frank
October 26 ·
People who think that holding an election once every four years is a decent, fair, or reasonable way to run a country are brainless idiots. Being around brainless idiots all the time is such a miserable life that it is not even worth bothering to stay alive for. That is why I ask People like that to please avoid contact with Me. That way I can enjoy the company of People who know how to think and respect the thoughts of Others, unencumbered by the damaging presence of brainless idiots, ruining all of the joy in life.
Don't think I was cherry-picking. Getting quotes like these from Psam's Facebook is shooting fish in a barrel.

Now to be fair and balanced here is one I actually agree with, at least the sentiment, not the wording;
Samuel Michael Frank
October 20 ·
For Canada's entire history, the federal government has been referred to as "the liberal government" or "the conservative government", until Harper that wretched arrogant asshole came along and had it changed to "the Harper government". If Trudeau doesn't change it back to "the liberal government" then the first sign that the "real change" Trudeau claims to bring to Canada is just plain bullshit and he's just as much of a worthless piece of garbage as his predecessor.
Background. As soon as our now late and unlamented Conservative government got into power with Stephen Harper as it's leader they demanded that all government departments, when referring to the government of Canada, call it the Harper Government. So when I went on the Canada Revenue Agency website for forms or news releases everything would be titled or announced as "the Harper Government" as if it was his personal property. Our own little cult of the leader. I've been a life-long conservative but it was things like that which had even me voting against them in the last election.
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Re: Psam Frank - Sovereign with his own laws and court

Post by NYGman »

Should it not be a reasonable person standard, not a FMOTL or Sovereign man Standard.

Would a reasonable man think he is being abused. I think under that standard, we are all ok, even those that "Abuse" Burnaby49. :snicker:
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Re: Psam Frank - Sovereign with his own laws and court

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Psam wrote:You should hate yourself for being such a disgusting creature. Any hatred that any person expresses for you is just what you deserve. Fuck off.
Psam, I hope you were looking in your mirror when you said that, just as you suggested here:
Psam wrote:remember to look in the mirror that evening and try to use some moments of peaceful contemplation to reflect on what point in your life You became such a completely incompetent fucking idiot.
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Re: Psam Frank - Sovereign with his own laws and court

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Burnaby49 wrote:Now to be fair and balanced here is one I actually agree with, at least the sentiment, not the wording;
Samuel Michael Frank
October 20 ·
For Canada's entire history, the federal government has been referred to as "the liberal government" or "the conservative government", until Harper that wretched arrogant asshole came along and had it changed to "the Harper government". If Trudeau doesn't change it back to "the liberal government" then the first sign that the "real change" Trudeau claims to bring to Canada is just plain bullshit and he's just as much of a worthless piece of garbage as his predecessor.
Background. As soon as our now late and unlamented Conservative government got into power with Stephen Harper as it's leader they demanded that all government departments, when referring to the government of Canada, call it the Harper Government. So when I went on the Canada Revenue Agency website for forms or news releases everything would be titled or announced as "the Harper Government" as if it was his personal property. Our own little cult of the leader. I've been a life-long conservative but it was things like that which had even me voting against them in the last election.
I have to agree as well. When it was announced as the "Harper Government" I shook my head amazement of the amount of arrogance the move took. In much the same way as when Michael Jackson PERSONALLY pronounced himself as "the King of Pop", purely out of jealousy of Elvis.
"[A] highly placed source at MTV says the network was obligated to refer to Jackson on air as the King of Pop in order to be allowed to show "Black or White."
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Re: Psam Frank - Sovereign with his own laws and court

Post by Hyrion »

Thank you Burnaby - given Psams recent opinions about compassion the list you've provided of his tirades were wonderful humor.

Then again.... if he's truly suffering from split personality - then I feel compassion for him and the pain his alter-ego is bringing upon him and truly hope he finds the psychological treatment he apparently sorely needs.
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Re: Psam Frank - Sovereign with his own laws and court

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Psammy-boy has long since passed the point of being even remotely interesting, as far as I am concerned. He, like so many others of his type, has come here to try to dazzle us with bafflegab which makes sense only to fevered minds like his; and he cannot process any information which does not agree with his (AHEM) novel ideas about what the law says.

Hearing him rave about how his legal fantasies carry genuine legal weight reminds me of the boxer in some dingy local gym who loudly proclaims that he could knock out any other contender for the heavyweight boxing title. He may convince some of his pals that he could do it; but until he actually gets into a ring and does as he claims he can do, his words are just a bunch of delusional bluster. So, Psammy, you have long since passed the point where your bluster means a single thing. GO BACK INTO COURT AND WIN; AND UNTIL AND UNLESS YOU CAN DO THAT, PLEASE STOP BORING US.
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Re: Psam Frank - Sovereign with his own laws and court

Post by LordEd »

CCRF wrote:3. Every citizen of Canada has the right to vote
If we're to accept - at face value - that Psam has renounced his Canadian Citizenship by renouncing his allegiance to the Queen Of Canada:
  • Psam no longer has any right to vote
[/quote]Allegiance to the queen is required in order to gain citizenship if you aren't born here. It is not required to maintain it as is shown by a recent news article posted here.

I had a student work term in a federal department for a year and had to take an oath to the queen. The oath to the queen was required. Using 'god' was optional. Did a quick search and I see that taking an oath is no longer a requirement for all federal jobs.
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Re: Psam Frank - Sovereign with his own laws and court

Post by Hyrion »

LordEd wrote:Allegiance to the queen is required in order to gain citizenship if you aren't born here. It is not required to maintain it as is shown by a recent news article posted here.
While totally accurate


I was applying what Psam wanted: revocation of his Canadian Citizenship so he's no longer subject to Canada's Laws. The result of such application shows how it would be quite detrimental to him (from his perspective) and therefore a Good Thingtm that we haven't actually given him what he thinks he wants.

After all - if he thinks not being able to vote at any given second is bad, how much worse is it if he wasn't allowed to vote with regards Canada's politicians/laws at all?

Of course - his tirades make it clear it's not possible to reason with him as he's not willing to actually be reasonable. But perchance some day one of the OPCA that read the concept above might actually apply a little logical thought to what they think they want and then realize it'd actually make their lives worse.

We can always hope that at least one who drinks the OPCA kool-aid is able to pull themselves out of the alternate reality that seems to put them in.
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Re: Psam Frank - Sovereign with his own laws and court

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

LordEd wrote:Psam no longer has any right to vote.
When I was into the whole "freeman" thing, I looked up the requirements for renouncing citizenship (and this also applies to the Dean Clifford topic).

It seems as though in today's day and age, one can not renounce one's citizenship without FIRST being accepted as a citizen of another recognized nation. One can not simply renounce their citizenship of the nation they are currently in, and then remain there. That is akin to saying you disavow your parents, but still live under their roof - RENT FREE !!!
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Re: Psam Frank - Sovereign with his own laws and court

Post by Hyrion »

Wake Up! Productions wrote:One can not simply renounce their citizenship of the nation they are currently in, and then remain there.
Drat - beat me to it. I was about to say:

The other drawback - if we (the royal Canadian we, not me personally) gave him what he wanted - was that he'd be facing the potential of deportation outside the geographic areas under Canadian Jurisdiction.

I suppose there's an island or two somewhere in International waters not claimed by any government yet. Could ship him there......
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Re: Psam Frank - Sovereign with his own laws and court

Post by The Observer »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:He, like so many others of his type, has come here to try to dazzle us with bafflegab which makes sense only to fevered minds like his
Sir, you may not know it, but that is exactly the kind of abuse that Psam has been complaining about and I am starting to see his point. You should have referred to it in a compassionate manner as "authentic bafflegab" or "genuine bafflegab" instead of giving it generic treatment by referring to it as mere "bafflegab." I will be recommending a fine of 100 Quatloos against you for your insensitivity to our poor, downtrodden, weak, abused, beaten, exploited, impotent, frightened, and intimidated Psam Frank.
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Re: Psam Frank - Sovereign with his own laws and court

Post by LordEd »

The Observer wrote:Sir, you may not know it, but that is exactly the kind of abuse that Psam has been complaining about and I am starting to see his point. You should have referred to it in a compassionate manner as "authentic bafflegab" or "genuine bafflegab" instead of giving it generic treatment by referring to it as mere "bafflegab." I will be recommending a fine of 100 Quatloos against you for your insensitivity to our poor, downtrodden, weak, abused, beaten, exploited, impotent, frightened, and intimidated Psam Frank.
This is abuse. Arguments are in room 12a.
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Re: Psam Frank - Sovereign with his own laws and court

Post by Psam »

You fucking guys are stupid.

I asked about the conduct policy because I was thinking through the things I'd written and thought I might owe YOU an apology dumbass! Not the other way around! D-uh. Stupid.

Anyway, look, now I've gone and used the F word and called You idiots and now I have to apologise for that too. Look what YOOOOU made MEEEEE do.

As far as my Facebook rants go, apparently it made all you people, the people I have come to love so much in such a short space of time, laugh and have fun. That's what it was intended for. Yuu-HUUUCK!!

You're welcome and I love you.
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Re: Psam Frank - Sovereign with his own laws and court

Post by Chaos »

spam wrote:I asked about the conduct policy because I was thinking through the things I'd written and thought I might owe YOU an apology dumbass
Ha! the first thing you've been right about. you do for insulting our intelligence. and I agree you are a dumbass.
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Re: Psam Frank - Sovereign with his own laws and court

Post by The Observer »

Psam wrote:You fucking guys are stupid.
At this point I owe Burnaby49 an apology. After reading Burnaby's post about all the crazy and hateful things that Psam had put on the Internet, I thought maybe Burnaby was stretching the truth under the influence of some cheap ale. But Burnaby nailed it on the head.

Sorry, Burnaby, I will never doubt you again.
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