Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

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Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by Burnaby49 »

A quote from the bible that Belanger claims is the ultimate law in Canada, Luke 4:23 to be exact. This will have relevance in the second part of this posting where I discuss Belanger's Patient Zero, the first known sucker to fall for Belanger's spiel about how Christian beliefs allow you to opt out of paying your mortgage without any adverse consequences. Patient Zero, as far as I can tell, was the first person to lose his home to foreclosure as a result of following Belanger's instructions.

However we first go back to the very early days of Belanger's journey to guruhood, prior to his conversion to King James fundamentalism to when he was more of a free spirit, a marijuana smoking druid! Back in the 90's Edmonton had a branch, sorry, a Grove, of Edmonton Grove of the Church of Reformed Druids. They were led by Kevin Sisk, this solid citizen;

Image ... in-alberta

As this article from 1994 relates the Church seemed to be essentially a front to justify marijuana and alcohol consumption without any interference from government by claiming it was a constitutionally protected religious right when otherwise banned or regulated substances were used in religious observation. Police raided their church in response to neighbor's complaints;
“It was in response to some complaints we had about activities going on inside,” a police spokesman said. Police thought they were raiding an after-hours drinking club.

“When the officers entered, they found about 70 people drinking and playing darts. Beer was being sold. Police seized some beer, liquor and wine.” Two men were charged with the illegal sale of liquor.

But Sisk said the Druids were praying telepathically. The cans of beer and bottles of rye and vodka were “Druid fluid” — a religious sacrament like Roman Catholic communion wine. The $3 collected for each can of suds was an offering, not a list price.
Belanger was involved in the Edmonton Druids (sounds like a football team) and even claimed That he was the Head Druid and minister of the Onoway Grove of the Church of the Reformed druids. Belanger's Christian Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International was a later iteration of the Druid church. We've already covered part of Belanger's transformation here;


where Belanger was a minister of both the Church of the Reformed Druids and the Church of the Universe. I assume he was covering all bases and the Reformed Druids still claimed to worship Druidism, however they understood it, and the Church of the Universe was Christian. Both claimed the right to use marijuana as part of their religious practices.

In Meads v Meads at para 185 Justice Rooke explained that the Reformed Druids in Edmonton were a precursor to the modern CERI:
Some CERI members were involved in an earlier (unsuccessful) attempt to claim a religious right to use marijuana: R. v. Fehr, 2004 ABQB 859, 368 A.R. 122. At that point they defined themselves as “Reformed Druids”. In the present CERI members could be classified as King James Bible literalists. This Court therefore may have been witness to the cusp of the transformation (or conversion) of CERI from faith to faith, as in R. v. Fehr the “reformed druids” interpreted Exodus 30:23 as the basis for their claim: paras. 20-21.
This background get us to the early 2000's with Belanger as a somewhat peripheral player moving from paganism to Christianity. However even in 2004 his beliefs still seemed somewhat fluid and he was bragging about his joint Druid/Christian background supported by a very impressive listing of academic theological credentials. He listed these in a letter he sent to Douglas Finley of the Canadian Conservative Party on behalf of the Armstrong Ecclesia of the Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International;
Sincerely offered in performance of a function of my calling as an officiating Minister and founder of the Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International 2001 and of and the Cariboo Grove of the Church of the Reformed Druids 2003, The Head Druid and minister of the Onoway Grove of the Church of the Reformed druids 1993; Received Philosophy Degree in 1992 From the Edmonton Grove of the Church of the Reformed Druids, and Master of law degree in 2000 from Grand Druid Kevin Sisk under a charter mission from the Assembly of the Universe, Honorary Minister of the China Grove of the Church of the reformed Druids 1992 and international law Consulting minister for the Belize Grove of the Church of the Reformed Druids 1993 and a Chartered mission brother and research consultant of the Assembly of the Universe Hamilton Ontario 1969 al and the Center for Self Awareness and the Church of Christian Science being all interfaith churches All glory to God and his infinite wisdom. May we all be humbled by his mysteries.
( ... ative.html):

Keep in mind that his 2000 Master of Law degree was bestowed on him by Kevin Sisk, the individual in the above picture. Not something I'd want to wave about in a job interview but I guess that is not an issue for Belanger.

So we arrive at early 2002 and apparently the first attempt at Belanger's "Christianity lets you stiff your creditors scam", the one that is currently working so well for the Volks. So who was the first guinea pig to risk his home by reneging on his mortgage? It seems to have been the good minister himself! Belanger seems to have been a man of some substance before his crazy days. He had a house, was married to Cheryl, and had children; also, I assume, a job. Then he fired this shot across the bow of the bank that held the mortgage on his house;
Monday, January 28, 2002 - 12:00

Author: Edward-Jay-Robin Belanger (

The Banks have been ripping off, in violation of God's command, the common man and rich alike for centuries. Is hope in the wings of the Angels or is faith only applied by works? We shall see how the Money Changers plan to deal with faith vs money in this unprecedented showdown of integrity and God's law with the avarice of an ancient vampire.

From: Edward-Jay-Robin: Belanger and family
C/o Heatherdown ecclesia of the Church of Ecumenical Redemption International near Onoway, Alberta.

To: (note - Various parties, Chairmen of major firm boards, bank officials, etc.)

Dear Sirs and Madams, Chairman Charlie Baillie, and honorable directors of the board of the Toronto Dominion Bank;

I thank God , your patience and good faith to be able to present you with this letter of communication.

I am a man created by God, his minister, and named as Edward-Jay-Robin: Belanger, with wife Cheryl and family also of God’s fleshly creation. I am a sincere minister of God, and in faith and performance of my duty as a function of my calling, as respected and protected by 176 of the Canadian Criminal code, in her majesty's defense of the faith, do hereby claim having been fraudulently exposed to an alleged mortgage and credit line with your corporate institution Canada Trustco #266 and in practicing my faith and honor and calling as a minister of God, I have a few questions that will help clarify our alleged relationship. No joinder herein is intended by this letter of Christian abatement and questions.

Firstly my name is mine only, and by my faith in God is extremely private and sacred to me and it is not allowed or indeed lawful for anyone, corporate body, man, woman or machine to alter my name without my permission. If you choose to act with integrity and you reply in good faith I will only accept mail in that name exactly. For good faith I offer it to you as Edward-Jay-Robin: Belanger ,not to be construed or taken as to offer any contractual relationship with you, along with the repetition of the demand to not alter enter or record my name in any fashion or manner differing from that which is accurate as I have provided herein. My faith in God and the King James Bible advises me that bearing false witness is a sin and unacceptable in God's eyes. It also states that Usury and coveting is a sin as well as theft.

My royal rule of law being the King James Bible, is the supreme law of Canada as promised and proclaimed by Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith. This was sworn to and promised by her majesty during her coronation ceremony in 1953 and such rule of law is spoken of in the Canadian constitutional preamble, being the intent of parliament. This is not a disputable fact!

This is a religious issue and my Christian faith requires I inform you again, that I believe, I was lied to by your institution and by that deception you obtained my promissory note or equivalent financial instrument. It appears that your system of offering to loan that what you do not have is based on deception and fraud and is void abnitio on the face of the record as you failed to fully disclose this pertinent fact to me.
It also appears you have altered my name for a financial purpose with intent and according to the RCMP that is fraud as well. Your officials prior with Canada Trustco being Walter Oliveria who noted via letter to me it was beyond the banks control and was in the hands of international financiers. William Edmund .Clark has repeatedly ignored my notices and Affidavit’s to not alter my name and has requested no permission of me to assign the alleged loan/mortgage to you, a different institution being a chartered Bank and not a trust company. And being under different laws than the institution that I originally was misinformed by..

You hold no bonafide contract with me as it appears fraud was applied and it is therefore impossible to assign a fraudulently obtained debt to third party without gaining the permission of the so called debtor to modify the contract obtained in fraud so as to transfer it to the third party. No permission in knowledge or good faith was ever obtained from myself as a minister of God or my wife and children who I have power of attorney over. My family's property has been declared a church and in faith I pay no taxes as it is not corroborated in the Bible to do so and is in fact biblically resisted and counseled against at Romans 16:17-20

"Render unto Caesar that what is Caesars" is used to give the impression that we should pay tribute money as tax unto Caesar.. Caesar was a Roman pagan god self declared. YHWH's council unto those that worship false gods and offer tribute to them is destruction and death. Jesus refused to pay Caesar any money as the Gold is God's and he is the only God and we shall put no others before him. We are to not add unto God's laws nor take away from them. Deuteronomy 4: 1-2; 12: 32.

I hope you will appreciate this is not a challenge or a threat just a notice of my faith in God and his law and a request to not discriminate against my faith by attempting to proceed against me in knowledge of my faith and how your so called contract is in violation of that faith and law.

I am looking forward to your acceptance of this offer of good faith, in providing a termination of what ever arrangements you believe you may have with my family's Church property NE 31 -53- 1- W5th in the county known as Lac Ste. Ann Near Onoway in the province of Alberta with the account number of 501981 at the Canada Trustco branch # 266 and in good faith and Christian manner of forgiveness in your understanding of your error I will offer no procession against you as previously indicated.

If you decide to act in bad faith, and proceed in fraud as the institution you stand for has in the past, I will be put into a defensive position of utilizing the Supreme law of Canada to expose your bad faith and fraudulent actions in a class action suit along with well over 1000 other members of the faith that are aware of your apparently criminal actions of bearing false witness usury, fraud, extortion, theft and religious discrimination..

1. Have I come to a correct point of learning, that in fact that I have been taken advantage of and lied to by the institution when I came to the trust company known as Canada Trust in 1986, asking for a mortgage/ loan ?

2. Did this institution lead me to believe they had possession of the money by the advertisement’s and as such offered the impression I was going to get a loan of funds from them or money taken out of, basically, their pocket into mine? Does my inquiry and assumption prove accurate about this arrangement, as it appears that this was not a loan at all but an exchange and a massive swindle at that?.

3. Is this logically deducted with no dispute in math upon the simple fact that before I was given anything I put down something, some thing of value, my promissory note, a negotiable instrument classified as funds, real value?

4. Did you take that financial instrument and deposit it in your bank in an account you created, then classified it as your asset, that asset you then took to the central Bank of Canada per the bank of Canada act and asked for cash/funds in return for face value of my promissory note/funds? Did you use my promissory note/funds to create the cash/funds? Does this appear to mean by any standard of definition an exchange? Why was this exchange not disclosed in the so called loan agreement I signed as a promissary note? Does this transaction appear to be of a fraudulent nature?

5. Is offering, someone man or woman created by God and living in a country that recognizes that the King James Bible defended by her majesty is the Supreme law, the impression that you were loaning them your money/funds in your possession when in actuality and truth you had no money/funds to loan him until it was created by the one man or woman wishing the alleged and offered loan, by providing their promissory note/funds to your institution, called fraud ?

6. If any truth offered and contained herein is in error this man would demand your attention to the fact you must rebutt with your own evidence of the error of my assertions. Please in good faith and fair communication standing, respond to this letter of faith and request within fourteen days. If no reply is received, we will conclude you are in tacit agreement and in estoppel acquiescence with our position of fraud on your part and will be providing an offer of settlement to our family and church, or you will be acting in extreme bad faith and will attempt to conduct a criminal conspiracy to defraud me of my property through the courts who I might add will have to provide proof of their allegiance to the Queen and the rule of law and understanding of the meaning of that allegiance..

I invite and in good faith and understanding of the supreme law of Canada, a fully bonafide and understanding sworn allegiant court of dignity along with a members of the BAR that will provide proof of their understood allegiance, as I am a Christian minister who in my faith and duty to God and her majesty Queen Elizabeth defender of the faith ,cannot accept nor be compelled to accept a court or alleged agents of her majesty that will not acknowledge their understanding of the oath of allegiance to her majesty and as such the royal rule of law that her majesty stands in defense of along with her allegiant chosen, and by such failure to provide such reasonably requested proof of such understood allegiance, would by such obvious action of refusal to provide such proof to a request by one as myself as a Christian minister of God and in that claiming the authority to make such a request, would and does violate section 337 of the Criminal Code that applies to all government agents and officers of the court.

The subsequent jurisdiction created by such understood allegiance invokes royal law only based upon a tort or harm to another party or their property or a violation of the commandments. I am the harmed party here, not a corporate Vampire.

I would appreciate the letter I have offered with locus standi, replied to in all points addressing them concisely to the point clearly and in the truth and with documented evidence of your assertions. If you fail to reply in good faith I accept your tacit consent of my assertions and answers to my questions in the affirmative as being estoppel acceptance by you and await your offer.

Please include all precedent that would indicate that this is indeed a loan and not an exchange that would dispute the U.S. of A Minnesota Credit River Decision of Judge Martin Vincent Mahoney of December1968 that established that the banks and the Federal reserve are private banks and created money out of thin air and committed fraud.

Thank you very much for your assistance regarding this. This is not to be construed as an evasion tactic but would rather be the defense of my right in all contract to receive the truth in the full and without reservation, for the benefit of myself my family and my heirs, with regards to the content of any contract that would bind me by its performance guarantee.

In light of discovery that there has been a lack of full honest disclosure of what backs the value of the money, who funded the loan, the method the loan was funded and that an exchange was represented as an loan, to what a reasonable man would determine as fair and with locus standi, it would appear again to a reasonable man that such action nullifies that promissary note or equivalent financial instrument, that was fraudulently acquired , in essence from the beginning and leaves the person who funded the loan in a position to collect all the interest that was fraudulently extracted and stolen from them by the one who fraudulently misrepresented themselves as the party funding the loan and having full possession of the funds advertized to be loaned before the party desirous of a loan came along.

I do appreciate the opportunity to address you and the directors of the board at this time and thank you for your full response regardless of your religious opinion and “contra locus standi

Note that many of the arguments he used trying to fend off the Volk's creditors in 2014 were here already developed in 2002.

1 - He'd paid the loan off by signing his note to Dominion Trust because he created value with his signature (paragraphs 3 to 6 above).

2 - He claimed the trust company was bound by a unilateral contract.

3 - He claimed his home was a church and therefore protected by law.

4 - Writing his name in capitals was fraud.

5 - As a Christian minister he was exempt from normal laws relating to debt.

6 - His belief in the King James bible supercedes any other law because the Queen swore to defend the bible in her coronation oath making the bible superior to man-made laws.

However his scheme worked exactly as well in 2002 as it worked for the now homeless Volks. From a November 28, 2002 article from the Edmonton Sun;
Pay interest? It's against my religion!

An area minister who runs a small church out of his home is refusing to pay TD-Canada Trust the interest on his mortgage because he says it goes against one of God's commandments and his religious beliefs.

Edward-Jay-Robin: Belanger, a minister with the Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International near Onoway, said he has paid the principal of his mortgage, but he won't pay the remaining $41,000 in what he deems interest.

In a statement of claim filed with the court in January, Canada Trustco Mortgage Company says Belanger owes $12,224.53 on his mortgage - most of which is principal, not interest. The company further claims Belanger owes $27,898.49 for a line of credit.

Belanger says the First Commandment in the Bible says you shall not bow down to false gods, which he claims includes banks. So he feels he shouldn't have to pay interest on his property because it would be paying taxes to a false god. "In this country, you can't be told what to believe. You can't be forced to violate your beliefs. I can't be forced to pay taxes to Revenue Canada. I can't be forced to pay interest to the Toronto Dominion Bank. It's in the King James Bible."

Furthermore, Belanger says banks perform exchanges, not loans, so banks shouldn't be charging interest, which he claims is usury and a violation of his beliefs. "They exchanged my (promisory) note, which was the original funds. So who provided the funds? I did by my signature. They're exchanging your note for theirs. It's not a loan."

Edmonton lawyer Doug Hughes, who represents the bank in this foreclosure action, said he doesn't "feel there's any merit in any of the positions that (Belanger's) taken." And this kind of case is unlike anything Hughes has dealt with before, with the defendant claiming he can't pay interest because of religious convictions.
Inevitably the scene played out exactly as you'd expect. In 2003 Belanger and family were foreclosed and kicked out. Apparently he had to be thrown out by the RCMP. No doubt vehemently protesting that they were violating a religious sanctuary and manhandling a minister of god. Since then he seems to have shed wife and children, a permanent home, gainful employment but not his belief that his magic will work if he can just find that last final key that will unlock god's wrath on the unbelievers. He didn't find it with the Volks.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

Interesting, I ran across that Druid Fluid article last month too, but I had no idea it connected it ECRI.

I don't think Belanger is so much "healing" people as "screwing" them. And that would make him less of a physician healing himself and more of, well, a member of a much older profession... :oops:
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by arayder »

A little more than a decade ago Belanger, who tells us he doesn't have to follow any law besides his version of the Christian God's law, was a Druid!

Back in the early 2000's Belanger was well beyond his formative years. I have to question the legitimacy of his late life shift in theology to Christianity. I suspect Belanger has simply changed his public relations approach away from that of a dope smoking Druid opportunist to that of a dope smoking ober Christian Triumphalist opportunist.
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by bmxninja357 »

it is quite common for folks like bellend belanger to shift religions or doctrines to suit their needs at the time. many have caught on that with a decent amount of cherry picking you can make god say whatever you want him to....

they tend to leave out that rebellion is equated to witchcraft and is a death penalty offense. or that jesus bummed money to pay his temple tax despite receiving not one but three kings ransoms at birth. perhaps he ran into a bad financial planner?

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Here is some additional stuff I dug up while checking out the Druids and Belanger, mainly what Kevin Sisk is up to these days. I left it out of my initial posting because that one was long enough as it was. Fisk seems to have prospered as a a television producer! (Or a wannabe one.) The Nov. 17, 2010 issue of Edmonton’s entertainment weekly newspaper had this ad:
Night 32 Productions Inc. seeks a qualified screen writer for a TV pilot titled “Ghostwater” a horror-cop drama. The first draft has been written. Please contact Kevin Sisk, Associate Producer at with contact info and a sample of your work.
Naturally there's no evidence of actual activity by Night 32 Productions, nor Ghostwater.

His facebook page is about what you'd expect

It looks like he’s abandoned his Druidical based arguments for Belangerism, He is still running with his old obsession of getting a religious exemption for smoking marijauna but has abandoned the Druidism argument for Christianity, or at least Belanger's interpretaion of Christianity; ... 9712592939
The Queen's oath upon Coronation, was to the Law of God, rule of man. She had Her Hand on this bible. OR has god made up HER mind about the cannabis plant.. Existence is existence.. Thus a reasonable Person would agree all plants must be permitted to grace an altar of god or there is no religious freedom. This matter is before the Edmonton Police Standards Division. They all made an oath of allegiance to Our Queen. This includes the PM et al. Judges tend to take oaths very seriously.
So he's turned into a full-fledge OPCA fruitcake. Menard videos, Strawman rants; ... 1980640170

common law copyright in his name; ... 6111964238

Be warned on this one. Anyone making unauthorized use of the copyright name ©Dr. Kevin Sisk, Ph.D., D.D. of the family: Sisk (and/or any derivatives or variations thereof) and/or his internet usernames/handles or his trade-names/trade-marksis liable for a $1,000,000 payment to Sisk under a Self-executing Security Agreement. Oops! Guess he'll be coming after my farm products;
(2) The User authenticates this Security Agreement wherein the User is “Debtor” and ©Dr. Kevin Sisk, Ph.D., D.D. of the family: Sisk is “Secured Party”, and wherein the User pledges all of its assets, land, consumer goods, farm products, inventory, equipment, money, investment property, commercial tort claims, letters of credit, letter-of-credit rights, chattel paper, negotiable and/or non-negotiable instruments, deposit accounts, accounts, documents and general intangibles, as well as all its interests in all such foregoing property, now owned and hereafter acquired, now existing and hereafter arising, and wherever located, as collateral for securing the User’s contractual obligation in favour of Secured Party, for its unauthorized use of Secured Party’s name(s) and/or intellectual property.
He seems inordinately proud of that fake PHD he bestowed on himself. The Alberta court had a few choice words on its opinion of Fisks academic credentials in R, v. Fehr, 2004 ABQB 859 (CanLII) when he tried to tout himself as an expert on Druid religion based on his PHD;

[17] Mr. Fehr has the obligation of establishing an evidentiary basis for his challenge. He must show, on a balance of probabilities, that he has passed the first stage of the religious freedom analysis mandated by Syndicat Northcrest v. Amselem. He has offered only the evidence of Mr. Sisk in this regard. An invitation to present further evidence was declined. Even with the protection of section 13 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms offered to him, he chose not to give evidence in relation to his religious beliefs and practices. Therefore, a critical analysis of the evidence of Mr. Sisk is required.

[18] Mr. Sisk was addressed by Mr. Carten as Dr. Sisk. I have declined to pay him that courtesy as I am not convinced that he is the holder of a Doctorate of Philosophy Degree that deserves recognition. To address him in this fashion would be insulting to all of those individuals who have earned that status through rigorous academic pursuits, thorough research and proper peer review. Mr. Sisk claims to be the holder of a Doctor of Philosophy Degree from the University of the Universe in Kingston, Ontario. It was not necessary for him to attend classes to receive instruction. He claims to have been granted this degree merely by submitting a thesis. He cannot recall when he received this degree. That is the extent of the evidence he gave in relation to any special qualifications he may possess. The scepticism I have in relation to Mr. Sisk’s formal education is well founded.

[19] Mr. Sisk claims to be one of those who in his words, “initiated the faith” a few years ago. He was one of the founding members of the Edmonton Grove of the Church of the Reformed Druids. He testified in that capacity. One would assume that he would have some knowledge in relation to the practices and beliefs of the religion he was instrumental in starting. Sometimes assumptions can be wrong.

[20] When asked to enlighten the Court by telling something about the philosophy of “the Druidism or Druishness” a simple reply was given. Mr. Sisk said, “We believe that all plants are a gift from the Creator.” In addition to this, he referred to a chapter in the Bible that, from his perspective, reveals that the anointing oil that Moses was directed to prepare by the Lord contains cannabis. The biblical quotation he refers to is Exodus 30: 23. I have taken the opportunity to search different revised versions of the Bible to see what that quotation says. Two are repeated below.

Take thou also unto thee principal spices, of pure myrrh five hundred shekels, and of sweet cinnamon half so much, even two hundred and fifty shekels, and of sweet calamus two hundred and fifty shekels.

Take the finest spices: of liquid myrrh five hundred shekels, and of sweet-smelling cinnamon half as much that is, two hundred and fifty, and of aromatic cane two hundred and fifty,

[21] It is evident that cannabis does not appear in that verse. Mr. Sisk claims that this is an error in translation from the original Aramaic language. No evidence was offered in support of this proposition. Mr. Sisk was not offered as an expert witness having special knowledge in any area that would be of assistance to the Court. His claim that the original Aramaic stated “cannabis” cannot be accepted. This claim is as incredible as his claim to possessing a legitimate PhD. This evidence could not be acted upon.
Moving on;

more Coronation Oath crap; ... 7555141204

and a letter to Green Party leader Elizabeth May on how pot cures cancer and asking if he can set up a Druid alter in her office; ... 5119223345
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by The Observer »

Bellanger has seemed to have dropped out of site. Is this because he cannot find any more people that are willing to allow him to leech reside in their home and eat their food in exchange for showing them the true way? Or did he just simply fade away into obscurity?
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by bmxninja357 »

The Observer wrote:Bellanger has seemed to have dropped out of site. Is this because he cannot find any more people that are willing to allow him to leech reside in their home and eat their food in exchange for showing them the true way? Or did he just simply fade away into obscurity?
this went up 20 minutes ago.

Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International

he is still cluttering the interwebs

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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Please Ninja, for once show a bit of human compassion. Have you listened to it? Heart-rending, the man is really hurting. He is pleading, via one of his hallmark barely coherent rants, to get his welfare payments back! He's been cut off which is clearly a directly targeted attack on him as a man of god and a practicing Christian. Have they no compassion? He obviously can't practice his beliefs if he is forced to support himself.

He's been getting AISH payments (Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped); ... /aish.html

This is an Alberta government welfare program. I assume that they have concluded that if he can prance all over western Canada advising others how to avoid paying their mortgages and income taxes that he is no longer in need of government assistance.

However Belanger will do just fine. Once the people involved in administering the AISH program see this video they will scramble to reinstate him since he has told them he will fire them all if they don't comply.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by Jeffrey »

Someone summarize the video, he's disturbing to watch.
Man up! I watched it. In any case I gave you all the summary you need. He embellishes things with all his tired old arguments about the King James bible, Constitutional right to his religion, criminal code protects men of god, kicking those seven judges off the Alberta bench for defying him, law professors and lawyers all agree with him. But, boil it down, and all it is is him demanding his welfare get reinstated. I'm not aware he ever had a physical disability that warranted a disability pension so I assume the issue was his mental condition. This video is as good a piece of evidence as you can get that this problem continues.
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by bmxninja357 »

the vid summary,

the gov cut of bellends "Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped" because they believe he may be capable of being the worlds worst greeter at walmart or asking if you want fries with that.

if you can travel around western canada regularly, file court documents, smoke pot, drink, and be a general nuisance you are capable of a job.

he is crying cuz every single taxpayer isnt giving him money for being a moron anymore. welcome to the real world reverend bellend. god says go get a job.

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Was it something I said? Belanger has pulled the video from his public page where I saw it;

However you can still access it from the link ninja provided. Better hustle over for a video treat, who knows how much longer it will stay up?
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:Was it something I said? Belanger has pulled the video from his public page where I saw it;
Perhaps it has occurred, belatedly, to Belanger that posting all of this nonsense in the public eye was not actually helpful to him staying on the dole.
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by arayder »

Belanger is seemingly articulate guy who cites endless seemingly authoritive sources. But, he's really just throwing stuff on the wall and hoping some of it sticks.

If you try to follow what he's saying, he's making the argument that not recognizing his interpretation of what the law is and how the law works is religious discrimination.

He says the Bible, as he reads it, and God's Word, as he hears it, is law. If the Province and the federal government doesn't buy his argument and allow him to be the supreme lawgiver then, somehow, they are denying him the right to practice his religion.

In essence Belanger wants to be the head of a theocracy.

I will leave it to the reader to wonder how the phony reverend reconciles sucking at the government tit in the form of his disability check with the reality that one can't find the authorization for his government check in the Bible.
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Time for an update on Belanger. He's not surfaced much since the Volk fiasco apart from that hissy-fit about losing his welfare but he's just thrown up some new videos for our enlightenment. Nothing particularly special, except that it's nice to see his racism go overt, arguing that politicians are bastards because they're allowing Muslims into Canada, who are now 'outbreeding' us:

However I found a 2005 Belanger video which is very enlightening. Not because of the contents, same old "you don't have to pay taxes because the King James bible says you don't". What is of interest is how much he's deteriorated in the last decade. He looks like he's aged 30 years in the decade between the two videos. A bit difficult to compare because he doesn't have his moustache in the 2005 video but still, a sad decline.

He had a lot of stamina back then, the video is over an hour and a half.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by Burnaby49 »

I'm switching my comments on Belanger's new batch of videos from the Volks discussion;


to this one because I'm now going to review two videos where Belanger rambles on and on about his welfare payments, a topic previously considered in this discussion. To recap Belanger lost his AISH (Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped) payments after five grand years of getting paid by the Alberta government to do nothing but be a pain in the ass to all concerned. As an aside I have no idea how he qualified as being severely handicapped in the first place. Maybe back in the halcyon days of 2010 when Alberta was awash in money from high oil prices the government didn't care who got it. Now, with the revenue crash from the collapse of oil prices, they are probably sifting through the welfare rolls and kicking out the deadbeats.

So Belanger is fighting back against his welfare loss the only way he knows how. Yammering away on videos. The first one is this Cri De Cour to Heather Klimchuck;

Heather Klimchuck was an Albertan MLA (Member of the Legislative Assembly) until May 5, 2015 when she, along with almost all of the elected members of the Alberta government, were kicked out in the provincial election. The Progressive Conservatives, the party in power, had 70 legislative seats the morning of the election and 10 when the polls closed. A bit of a stunning blow since the PC's had an unbroken run as the elected government of Alberta for 44 years. I'm 66 and I was still a university student when the Progressive Conservatives first took power.

What was relevant to Belanger in all this was that Heather was the Alberta Minister of Human Services from September 2014 until the election. So he sent he this rambling whine about reinstating his welfare payments. He posted it yesterday but it must have been made before the election. He gives a written commentary supposedly summarizing the video;
My qualifications for medical AISH funds is indisputable as of my medical problems that are permanently disabling and I have been approved as of those medical qualifications but your office has chosen to discriminate against me by intimidating me to violate my faith in Christ and the Bible on the excuse that policy not being enforceable law statute code or regulation takes precedent.
He starts with an odd commentary about how his father wasn't his father and the man who wasn't his father gave him a false name on his birth certificate. Since the doctor signed this in pencil the name on the birth certificate was invalid in any case. He concedes that since both parents are dead "it's very hard to get them to testify" to the truth of this claim. Very hard? If he can get either on the stand I'll start believing some of his religious nonsense. This somehow connects to the government bond in his name for $8,000,000 on which the government collects 12.3% per annum. But, before he explains the significance of this he started on about the King James bible and his Christian beliefs. He tended to ramble around for a while about medical marijuana, no drivers license, serving those who need Christ. He's not driving when he serves these people, he's travelling. Entirely different; look it up in Black's Law Dictionary. He goes on and on about this, how the province is engaged in fraud by demanding people have licenses for this and that and he has exposed it all. Remember that this is the same province he wants to reinstate his welfare to support his worthless existence.

Then on to how the government is intimidating a man of god. Always with the intimidation. And he's the victim of a huge fraud since no level of government in Canada has been authorized by god to make laws so how can he be held accountable under these false laws? Then back to his bond and something about Leviticus and other bible references I'm not going to check. He's getting extremely repetitious, not just to other videos (there is nothing new here) but within the video itself, saying the same things over and over. At this point (10 minutes, 14 to go) he's cranked it up from a ramble to a very annoying rant and he seems to lose track of what he's saying from time to time.

Then to the heart of it. Heather's office is discriminating against him because he is supposed to receive his AISH payments but since his religious beliefs prohibit him from filling out income tax or Canada Pension Plan information he has had his AISH terminated. By this time he had his face virtually stuck in the camera lens like he was going to swallow it and was shouting, ranting that he wanted the money he was entitled to while having his beliefs respected. I have no personal knowledge of why he lost his AISH but, if his story is true, it at least shows he is willing to pay a significant financial price for his demented beliefs. Other Christians seem to have no problem paying taxes and contributing to CPP but I suppose they are not as true to Christ as Belanger is.

So he wants Heather to override her minions and use her discretion to grant him what he wants while not making him follow the procedures everybody else has to follow. If that is his goal then, in my opinion, making a video where he comes as a demented ranting self-entitled loon making angry demands for money isn't going to seal the deal.

Apparently he was receiving AISH because he's a loon. He ranted how denying it was stressing him out and his body "doesn't take stress well" which was the medical reason he had to have free money without working for it. He has been arguing this issue for over a year and what is the result? He has received a lot of arrogance, indifference, disrespect and rudeness and somehow it is all judge John Rooke's fault.

If so, why doesn't he just fire Rooke? He's bragged in the past how seven Alberta judges were disqualified on his orders, why not add Rooke to that total?

Anyhow he starts talking about his dysfunctional internal organs laid waste by the stress of losing his money and how he will bring the UN into the picture. Apparently they are big on protecting disabled people such as himself. If Heather doesn't get the situation straightened out right now Belanger is going to stop being nice about it al. Her majesty the Queen is itching to step in and help him and the pope is right behind her. So if he has to tell them that Heather is practicing religious discrimination against him they'll be right over to the Department of Human Services to do some ass kicking.

Apparently Heather's problem is that she is just too dense to realize that Belanger is not a person, he is a man, and laws, rules, and procedures apply only to persons. He's not a "person" because the Interpretation Act says that "persons" includes corporations and he is not a corporation. He said specifically that the word "includes" means that only whatever follows the word "includes" is the term being considered in the same way that when "excludes" is used only whatever is after the word "exclude" is relevant.

He said he is now 62 so his bond, issued at his birth, is now worth far more than the initial $8,000,000 so Heather better cough up his fair share of it. Then he ends with his father issues. Ed Belanger was not his father. He is illegitimate and he does not know who his father is. Maybe true but I fail to see the relevance. Apparently he mailed off to Bathhurst Nova Scotia for evidence of his birth and they sent a book accompanied by armed guards who would not let him touch it. Please note that I am not making any of this up. SO COUGH UP HIS AISH PAYMENTS!

I'd suggest that if he is demanding welfare because he is incapable of working that he not indicate his willingness and ability to work by taking out advertisements stating that he is experienced and ready to do plumbing work for $40 an hour; ... 056128541?

The phone number given in this ad, 780-616-6647, is the same number Belanger uses in his social media communications. He used it in the following message he added as a comment to a You Tube video;
paraclete Edward Jay Robin 3 months ago (edited)

get smart and deregister your Church as a 501 3(c) government controlled and submitted corporation.....your openly invited the FDA to have jurisdiction over your Church when you registered with their corporate fraud,,,,As an unregistered church your immune and under international agreements fostering religious freedom.... Registering with a huge corporate fraud was a big mistake as they r a fraud and if your registered with a fraud your subject to the fraud.....BTW this is not hyped opinion this is a provable fact that the lawyers Jim consulted with hate as it exposes how incompetent they r and puts a liability upon them for malpractice....The whole world is living under a religious fraud and the government usesd God to get you to trust them and register with them in submission....The US government is a false god person of law making up it's own laws in addition to God;s laws a violation of his law,.,,Deuteronomy 4:2 12:32 tells it as does James 2:9 ....yup you got scammed into thinking your a person when the Bible condemns persons as sinners James 2:9 KJV....You cannot be coerced into submiting to a fraud,,,Daniel needs to get a private agreement with the man acting as prosecutor as to the facts of who he is and what law he comes under....Mans or God's and if he does not get that private agreement Christ advised at Matthew 5:25 18:15-20 it will be assumed he is a godless person who rejects Christ the Bible and commandments making him open territory for the prosecution,,,,,yes this is real as I got 7 judges disqualified as of their intimidation to violate the commands of God and show respect to their persons and Title.,,I had 5 witnesses confirm the intimidation...poof 7 judges disqualified...I post this for those who wanna assume I do not know what I am taking about.....This action is unprecedented in the history of law as it never ever happened before....If you really wanna help Daniel call me 780-616-6647 please Jim call me!!
The second video that I referred to at the beginning of this posting was addressed to the Minister of National Revenue and put up at the same time that he put up the one to Heather. I assume he has the same rant about filling out forms, not a person, follows god's laws, etc. Have to say that I fail to see what a federal government minister can do about a province canceling a discretionary welfare payment. I may check it out sometime but I've had enough of Belanger for tonight.

A note added after I posted this - I just remembered that, towards the end of the video, Belanger said that he had, under duress and threat, filled out and sent in the requested income tax and CPP documents. He made it sound like a second crucifiction by forcing him to do it. He apparently covered them with notification of duress and attacks on his beliefs and other plaintive cries that he was forced to fill them out in conflict with his religious beliefs. So, if this was the reason that his AISH was denied he should be home free. Except for some possibilities;

1 - He is lying about the forms being the reason for losing AISH and he was denied it for some other reason. Such as a review of his case that showed he was not in fact severely handicapped.

2 - He didn't fill out the forms properly and instead sent the equivalent of blank tax returns so they will get rejected. Since he spent much of the video denying that his last name was Belanger even though it legally is his name I can see him deliberately leaving his surname out of the documents. Given the extremely limited tolerance the government of Alberta must have for him at this point they would almost certainly reject the documents if he tried that stunt.

3 - They get rejected because the forms, while having the requested information, are invalidated because of all the additional crap he scrawled all over them.

We'll have to wait and see. I'm finding him more and more repulsive with every video I watch.
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:And he's the victim of a huge fraud since no level of government in Canada has been authorized by god to make laws so how can he be held accountable under these false laws?
Another thing that I don't quite get. How can Belanger expect a government that is not authorized by God to make laws, to be authorized to make a law that allows him to receive financial support from that unauthorized government? After all, I believe Belanger has thrown around the phrase "servant of Mammon" in denigrating people who are in thrall to government; at what point should we consider Belanger a servant of Mammon because he has his hand out and acting like a three-year old?
If that is his goal then, in my opinion, making a video where he comes [across] as a demented ranting self-entitled loon making angry demands for money isn't going to seal the deal.
That is because he is in wrong country. If he did that here in the States, he would be flooded with all sorts of money. We have a veritable industry set up here that thrives on making people feel guilty about nothing.
Heather's office is discriminating against him because he is supposed to receive his AISH payments but since his religious beliefs prohibit him from filling out income tax or Canada Pension Plan information he has had his AISH terminated.
Good thing that his religious beliefs don't prevent him from receiving handouts from god-forsaken governments. Of course, I have seen in the King James Bible a phrase stating that if a man wants to eat, let him work. Not sure if Belanger has gotten that far in his reading, but it doesn't sound like it.
He's bragged in the past how seven Alberta judges were disqualified on his orders, why not add Rooke to that total?
Well, it is a bit more complicated than that. For instance, I have disqualified members of our Supreme Court many times over the years. But they just keep on issuing rulings and collecting their paycheck as though nothing has happened.
Anyhow he starts talking about his dysfunctional internal organs...
Does the brain count as an internal organ?
...[A]nd how he will bring the UN into the picture. Apparently they are big on protecting disabled people such as himself. If Heather doesn't get the situation straightened out right now Belanger is going to stop being nice about it al. Her majesty the Queen is itching to step in and help him and the pope is right behind her.
That would be a bad move on his part. The UN is just another government unauthorized by God, proof of which is all of those death camps it is constructing so people like Belanger can be imprisoned there. And the Queen has been exposed as being involved in a lot of criminal enterprises, which I don't think Belanger would approve of. And the pope? Well, no need to go into the hundreds of years of papal history, what with debauchery, adultery, illegitimate children, war, murder, and downright intimidation of Christians trying to read the King James Bible for themselves instead of listening to a priest read it in Latin.
He said he is now 62 so his bond, issued at his birth, is now worth far more than the initial $8,000,000...
Given his current appearance, net worth and his whining at 62, I would say that most reputable bond raters would downgrade that bond to junk bond status.
...Belanger said that he had, under duress and threat, filled out and sent in the requested income tax and CPP documents.
He caved in and became a servant of Mammon? Boy, they don't make paracletes like they used to.
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by eric »

Burnaby49 wrote: A note added after I posted this - I just remembered that, towards the end of the video, Belanger said that he had, under duress and threat, filled out and sent in the requested income tax and CPP documents. He made it sound like a second crucifiction by forcing him to do it. He apparently covered them with notification of duress and attacks on his beliefs and other plaintive cries that he was forced to fill them out in conflict with his religious beliefs. So, if this was the reason that his AISH was denied he should be home free.
Belanger certainly is internet aware, and as such, he should have noted that the AISH legislation, plus their Policies and Procedures Manual which governs their actions is available on line.
He should certainly have figured out that when AISH demands information as to your financial status, the recipient has 30 days to reply, else they face cut off of benefits. Since Belanger is now 62 years of age and potentially eligible for seniour's benefits and AISH is very thrifty they probably wanted him to simply sign and date two documents:
1. The first document allows the CRA to release financial information about him to AISH to verify his income;
2. The second document allows CPP to verify his eligibility for receiving any pension benefits.
If he simply signed the documents he would not be cut off his disability benefits, instead part of his monthly benefit would potentially come from the federal pot, rather than all from the province of Alberta.
BTW, I have personal experience dealing with AISH since a very close family member is disabled from a stroke.
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Time to face up to my responsibilities and review the second demented Belanger rant about losing his AISH. It's all very depressing. Not his losing the money, he's a worthless self-satisfied hypocritical parasite who richly deserves it. I enjoyed that part. It's depressing that I have to listen to his whining. This one is titled;

Private message to Kerry Lynne Findley acting as minister of taxation

One would assume that Belanger, doing a video on an issue so critical to his well-being, would at least correctly identify the recipient. One would be wrong. Firstly her name is not Kerry Lynne Findley, it is Kerry-Lynne Finlay. Secondly she is not the Minister of Taxation. There is no such position. She is the Minister of National Revenue. Belanger is an idiot.

When I reviewed the Klimchuk video I didn't bother to point out that Belanger spelled discrimination as "discrimnation" in the title. l didn't think it was significant. But, given Belanger's obsession with the legal ramifications of people's names, the errors in the title to the Finlay video obviously invalidate it making a review of it pointless. However I'll soldier on.

I'm not going to listen to it in detail. It is even longer than the Heather Klimchuk video and that one was unbearable. So I'll sample. I think it safe to assume it will be a virtual copy of the Heather video. Belanger is incapable of playing any new tunes on the old piano.

He stated the purpose of the video in the comments;
Making you aware and with knowledge of my faith and beliefs taking precedent over your policy and codes
And the assumed results of his having prepared it;
I got no response to rebutt my words so I assume Kerry Lynne is with inescapable knowledge awareness of her private liability to me
So Kerry Findley, whomever she might be, has been duly warned. Let's get started;

- Can't get AISH because he is require to file consent forms for CRA and Canada Pension. Against his religious beliefs. Apparently his profoundly felt belief that his role is to take money from the government but not give anything back.

- She has no authority to write law or intimidate him and his religious beliefs

- Queens' coronation oath means Findley must kiss Belanger's ass because she has to serve true Christians

- laws only apply to people who have classified themselves as persons. He hasn't. Interpretations Act says "Persons" only include corporations, dead things, he is a living breathing walking man.

- His income support is paid through his annuity so the money has been his all along. Apparently it is not welfare at all.

- All of your codes regulations and statues are applicable only to persons. Since I am not a person none of these relate to me. Laundry list of scripture citations proving this. Apparently Kerry is expected to look these up at her leisure.

- Parliament of Canada is a corporation trading on the United States Stock Exchange

- Since I am not a person but a man of Christ I'm being intimidated. I think that he should have "I Am No Longer Being Intimidated" carved on his headstone.

- You are all Policy God worshipers

- Intimidating me is a policy of your office and is not enforceable at law. You are making me feel uncomfortable by making me fill out a tax form and submit myself as a dead entity. Something about Operation Silent Defender and all capital letter names.

- a lot of rambling about how all capital letters makes people corporations

An explanatory note before the next point. Canada used to have what was called Family Allowance where the Federal government would send mothers a cheque every month for a specified amount for each child. A straight cash payment until the child was 18. My parents got it for me but it is now long gone. My sons are over 30 and it stopped just after they were born. The bastards shut it down just when I got on the gravy train! Sorry, a sore point. Belanger isn't the only one bitter and angry, still fulminating impotently over old grievances. Anyhow Belanger comments on the family allowance because it proves we are all slaves and allows him to bring a new villain into the narrative, the Jews. So, with that, back to the rant;

- since we benefited by getting the Family Allowance this means the government beneficially owns us. Since we were registered at birth and a price paid for us we are now government property, "persons" who are slaves. The 18 years of payment were the "installment purchase plan". It is all in Leviticus 25, verses 44 through 50.

Belanger doesn't bother to recite these verses so for any of you as rusty about bible scholarship as I am here they are from the King James itself;
44 Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids.

45 Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession.

46 And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen for ever: but over your brethren the children of Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigour.

47 And if a sojourner or stranger wax rich by thee, and thy brother that dwelleth by him wax poor, and sell himself unto the stranger or sojourner by thee, or to the stock of the stranger's family:

48 After that he is sold he may be redeemed again; one of his brethren may redeem him:

49 Either his uncle, or his uncle's son, may redeem him, or any that is nigh of kin unto him of his family may redeem him; or if he be able, he may redeem himself.

50 And he shall reckon with him that bought him from the year that he was sold to him unto the year of jubile: and the price of his sale shall be according unto the number of years, according to the time of an hired servant shall it be with him.
I don't see any direct link to family allowance and ownership by the Canadian government there but I'll defer to Belanger's superior knowledge on the issue.

- Since this was written for the Jews and there are still Jews around they are allowed to apply this. It comes from the Talmud which teaches that gentiles are like cattle and are to be abused, taken advantage of and destroyed. This is in the Talmud not in something I'm making up. This is not me exercising hate. It is the Talmud itself that is exercising hate against gentiles. You can find similar things in the Koran exercising hate against anybody who is not Islamic. They call us infidels and for an Islamic to get to heaven an infidel must be murdered. So the Jews can have slaves and everybody who owns or runs the World Bank is a Jew. He's not discriminating by saying this, just pointing out facts.

We seem to be wandering somewhat off topic here regarding his AISH issue. Maybe he connects it all together later. He suddenly dropped the Jews and gentiles and whatever right after the World Bank comment and more or less got back on track.

- Your records (Finlay) would like to have me as a person beneficially owned collecting annuities at 12.3% PA on an $8,000,000 bond at birth. So when it comes to paying taxes and filling out these forms it is an extreme violation of my faith in Christ. Finlay is just acting as a collection agency for the IMF. Before Finlay throws Belanger to her "law monkeys" she better realize, now that she is brought into awareness, that his religious beliefs, protected by the Charter, are paramount and cannot be overruled by her laws.

- Then the threat of retaliation. He had seven Alberta judges disqualified from the bench because they had the audacity to intimidate him to violate his faith and beliefs. "That's how serious I am". I will not back down. These are very serious issues I'm bringing forth to you. He has the senior analyst from the Treasury Board of Canada on his side. Apparently the guy studied Belanger's letters to the Queen for eight months and concluded that Belanger was entirely right in everything he claimed, including the slavery issue. He briefed the Treasury Board on this in 2005 and they also all agreed that Belanger was right. It is all in Leviticus Chapter 6 verses 2-5;
2 If a soul sin, and commit a trespass against the LORD, and lie unto his neighbour in that which was delivered him to keep, or in fellowship, or in a thing taken away by violence, or hath deceived his neighbour;

3 Or have found that which was lost, and lieth concerning it, and sweareth falsely; in any of all these that a man doeth, sinning therein:

4 Then it shall be, because he hath sinned, and is guilty, that he shall restore that which he took violently away, or the thing which he hath deceitfully gotten, or that which was delivered him to keep, or the lost thing which he found,

5 Or all that about which he hath sworn falsely; he shall even restore it in the principal, and shall add the fifth part more thereto, and give it unto him to whom it appertaineth, in the day of his trespass offering.
- Based on this he expects letters from Finlay and Heather Klimchuk telling him he is entirely right, he doesn't have to fill out any forms, and he is getting his AISH back. He goes on and on for a few minutes how nobody has to pay taxes if they profess to a belief in Christ and claim that taxes are against this belief but the government is hiding this fact. That one hasn't exactly worked as advertised for Thomas Peterson, another Belanger sucker;


- Belanger also demands that Finlay make a public announcement to the people of Canada telling them that if they believe in Christ and the bible they have no need to register with Revenue Canada (whatever that might be, the Canada Revenue Agency is the government organization responsible for collecting taxes) or pay taxes because they have a right to make a livelihood which is quite different than being employed and bringing in an income.

That above point is very embarrassing personally. I spent 35 years as an income tax auditor without having a glimmer of understanding about any of this!

- Belanger is a generous Christian soul so he doesn't blame Finlay entirely. Most Canadian men and women haven't studied the law like he has, reading the original statutes, so they just can't understand the law's true real meaning until he teaches them. Apparently he's gone all the way back to 880 AD to when King Alfred the Great instituted the 10 commandments as the law of England. So England was a Christian paradise until 1215 when those sneaky Barons pulled a bait-and-switch by swapping the Magna Carta for God's laws. Everything has been going to hell ever since.

I've already covered the King Alfred angle on British law in these Quatloos posting


- Finlay was deceived and didn't know what she was doing but she no longer has that excuse after having been brought into awareness.

- Your codes and regulations only applicable to persons. I am not a person. I am a man under Christ Then some bizarre comment about a regulation that says if you don't have a meter to put the postage on a letter you are allowed to lick the stamp. Huh? Belanger gave the address of his current squat so that Finlay can mail him her letter of capitulation. It is 10755, 133 St. Edmonton Alberta if you want to check it out on Google Street View. He specifically refused to give her the Postal Code because god apparently disapproves of Postal Codes. May Christ give you the light that we all need and search for. God Bless!

Apart from Belanger's general contempt for any religion other than whatever he professes to believe in I can't see any reason for his commentary on Jews and Muslims. It doesn't connect to his topic in any way that I can determine. I think it very unlikely that any reader of this post is going to make the effort to listen to the video and enlighten me so it will remain a mystery.
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by notorial dissent »

Observer, the parasite is easy to understand, if you take him in the context that he is a liar and a hypocrite, it answers all your questions to a T. He is a liar first as he will and does say whatever is convenient and in his best interests at the moment and in the next breath be demanding something as his right that he has only just quit preaching against, a gov't pension say. The gov't has no authority or authority over him, except when it should be paying him money, by his lights.
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by The Observer »

notorial dissent wrote:Observer, the parasite is easy to understand, if you take him in the context that he is a liar and a hypocrite,...
Oh, I understand him on that perspective quite well. He has made himself abundantly clear that he is never going to take responsibility for himself. It is the fact that he does this in that whining, effete, nasal drone that makes me wonder if he has any self-awareness that he is probably driving more people away from him than attracting them to his philosophy.

Early on in the video, Belanger states that he was raised in the Jehovah Witness church. Given some of the liberties that this particular church has taken in translating and interpreting the Bible, it is not suprising to see Belanger exhibiting the same in his interpretation of what the Talmud and Old Testament really say.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff