Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by Hanslune »

Maybe Belanger could try badgering the US government for payments I mean why go after JUST the Canadian one I'm sure his religion is world based, heck go after money from Finland, Switzerland and Malaysia too!
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Please, he's a patriotic parasite.
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by notorial dissent »

Besides, I doubt he can afford the extra postage, not that I am sure he can afford loca postage either at this point.
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by pigpot »

Burnaby49 wrote:Please, he's a patriotic parasite.
Maybe he realised there's no such thing either way. Maybe he realised there was a better way and it didn't resolve in conflict.

How fecking strange.
Boaz. It's a little like Shazam. It certainly meant a lot to Billy Batson.
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Just a short Belanger update. He's put out two new videos. The first is of little interest;

The generic title alone is an indication of the sludge to come;

Baisic info on how the exercising of faith radically removes the assumptions


Just his standard whine, nothing new that I haven't related here before. However he seems to be running on auto-pilot, like he's been wound up and he's just gong through the paces. Same old bible quotes, don't add to my law, don't subtract from his law, same birth bonds. A snoozer. However a surprising lack of ranting about getting his AISH back or his normal diatribe against Chief Justice Rooke. Just an old actor on an off-day droning through his lines.

The second video, posted only a few hours ago, has some life to it. The title isn't just vague rambling, it's to point and has some punch to it;

Throw out the medpharm prostitute Rona Ambrose now!

The whore in question is an elected member of Canada's parliament and a cabinet minister, specifically Minister of Health, an appointment that apparently irks our good minister.

However the video is a disappointment. A spiel about how she's in the pocket of industry lobbyists. So what? What does he care? I'm not aware that he's shown much past interest in federal politics; his political discourse has been limited to rants against Alberta provincial politicians who affect him personally by cutting off his welfare.

Turns out to be self-interest yet again. Belanger is a very long term pot smoker. His first attempts at setting up his own religion revolved around marijuana. This video is a shocking expose of how Rona is working with big pharma to stomp on the rights of Canadian pot users as exemplified by the babbling loon rambling on in the video. Rona is in breach of trust by trying to stop Belanger from treating himself with one of god's gifts, his herbs. Then on to same old, same old. Rona took an oath to Christian monarch. Oath to defend laws of god in King James bible. Rona, in her "trumped up, puffed up arrogant style" doesn't have the authority to take away god's gift. It's all because she is whoring to big pharma! Then rambling on how she is killing children by keeping marijuana illegal.

A comment from me at this point. If marijuana is illegal here in British Columbia it has certainly slipped past the notice of the population and the authorities. To start with medical marijuana is already legal and is a much used loophole. I have absolutely no medical need of marijuana regardless of whatever medicinal wonders Belanger claims for it but I have no doubt that I could very easily get a prescription for it. A quick Google search shows a half dozen entirely legal medical marijuana dispensaries right in downtown Vancouver. And apparently practice has already moved in advance of the law. I was ambling about in the older part of downtown Vancouver last week and ran across this storefront business;

A non-medical hashish store. It looked very well set up and organized so I walked in to check it out. Displays of their various products and a couple of employees behind a counter selling it. I asked a very pleasant young woman if the business was actually legal. She said it was in a "gray area" where it wasn't completely legal but nobody cared. She said that they get drop-in visits from the police a couple of times a week. They just look around and leave. Since the business is orderly and professional they are left alone. I saw no indication that Rona Ambrose and big pharma were trembling in fear at the implications.

Well back to batty Belanger. It's time for the people to revolt against Rona and her support of the death drug industry! That's who she is in bed with. That's who her secret lover is. That's who she's been fornicating with! Uh, Eddy, word of advice. You're going a little over the top here, taking that step too far, the demented loon approach isn't really as effective as you might think. He wants the people to tell Rona that they know that she is a pharmaceutical prostitute and we want her out of bed and back on the street where she belongs. She's in violation of the Criminal Code of Canada. So start voting correctly and let Rona Ambrose know that she's a fraud and an impostor and ask her to leave.

Not a word about his AISH. Maybe he did his own little bit whoring and provided the income tax information necessary to get him back on the gravy train.

For another sign of Belanger's deteriorating mental condition we have this set of OCD obsessive postings he put up on one of Menard's Face Book postings. ... 504943965/

There are about one hundred entries in the comment section of Rob's posting and by far the bulk of them by Belanger. Essentially just an unfocused rant against Menard.
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by The Observer »

Just wondering when the Paraclete and the ServantKing will join forces to battle their archnemesis, the Pharmatute.
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

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Against my better judgment, I thought I would see how far I could get this time through the new videos.

First thing I noticed is that our Paraclete has seemed to have gotten digs in a basement. He calls it his basement, but I kind think that that is not true. I don't think Belanger has owned anything of significant value such as a basement (and the house which one would presume is sitting on top of the basement).

He goes on to reassure us that he is "... no different than anyone else." Not sure what he is basing that on or using as a basis of comparison, but I am reasonably sure that there are not a lot of people in the this world that could be mistaken for our Paraclete. He then launches into his "faith immunizes you" spiel. At this point he starts wandering into theology and the law, which at that point I threw my hands up and shut the video down.

I tried the second video and noticed that Belanger looked older and frailer than the previous video. One might be tempted to believe that this might be indicative of his suffering from marijuana deprivation due to Ms. Ambrose. But an interesting article showed up today regarding long term effects of cannabis consumption. So I am wondering if Belanger is looking bad because he is getting too much medical marijuana rather than not enough. In which case, he should be thanking Minister Ambrose for her anti-marijuana position.
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Observer wrote:Just wondering when the Paraclete and the ServantKing will join forces to battle their archnemesis, the Pharmatute.
You can't judge Marcus and Belanger with the same yardstick.

Belanger is a worthless bum, a parasitic whiner demanding that the state support him because he's so holy that he is above work. He claims that he's severely handicapped by something he won't describe in any but the vaguest terms but which he apparently feels entitles him to permanent state support. Whatever his claimed malady might be he certainly doesn't seem in any way impaired in his day to day existence by it. He is narcissistically obsessed with himself and his self-centered demands. He is quite happy to con gullible fools like the Volks and Ministers David and Michelle then abandon them when they've served their purpose.

Marcus was a striver who worked damn hard to attain his dream of breeding and promoting raptors. He failed but he took the risk and tried. His marijuana cultivation seems to have been an attempt to raise funds to save his business and continue his falconry obsession. Illegal, perhaps immoral, but at least he was fighting to follow a personal vision and achieve something of value.
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:You can't judge Marcus and Belanger with the same yardstick.Belanger is a worthless bum, a parasitic whiner demanding that the state support him because he's so holy that he is above work.
Ok, but then the question is whether Belanger's rant is just setting up a situation where he will pontificate that Minister Ambrose is legally required by the King James Bible to provide him with marijuana paid for by the Queen?
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Observer wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:You can't judge Marcus and Belanger with the same yardstick.Belanger is a worthless bum, a parasitic whiner demanding that the state support him because he's so holy that he is above work.
Ok, but then the question is whether Belanger's rant is just setting up a situation where he will pontificate that Minister Ambrose is legally required by the King James Bible to provide him with marijuana paid for by the Queen?

As always it is hard to tell what he specifically wants but I'd say you are indirectly right. I'm guessing via a two step-process. First step is that he seems to want the people to somehow overthrow Ambrose. I've no idea what he thinks that would accomplish. Even if she chose to resign she would just be replaced by another clone and she does not, as Minister of Health, set the federal government policy on marijuana; she just implements it. Nor do I see how anything she does impedes or eases his access to marijuana. Certainly here in British Columbia the policies and ethics of the federal Minister of Health play no part in the marijuana debate. As far as I can tell his whine is that the ministry of Health does not allow marijuana to be included in the list of drugs that can be legally obtained via prescription. Perhaps that means that he can't get it subsidized by the federal or provincial governments. So his complaint might have has something to do with getting it paid for. However I have to admit ignorance of the details of the marijuana debate. I don't follow the marijuana issue so I have no idea how things stand regarding the federal government's involvement or how it affects Belanger. As I said in my initial posting marijuana is freely and legally available under prescription here in British Columbia but I don't think it is covered by our provincial health plan in respect to possible reimbursement.

As moronic as Belanger's video is his timing in releasing it is just plain stupid. We are having a federal election next month and it is entirely possible, if not probable, that the current government will be kicked out. If so Rona will lose her position as Minister of Health regardless of whether or not she retains her seat in parliament. It promises to be an historic election. We have three main political parties, the Conservatives (bit right of center, the current government, been in power 10 years), the Liberals (bit left of centre) and the National Democratic Party (leftist/socialist). The NDP has never been in power and has historically been a far third to the Conservatives and Liberals. The election is in a month and a half and the three parties are currently exactly tied. All three poll so closely that they are within the statistical margin of error. Sometimes a poll will have one party (chose one at random) a few percentage points above the other two then, in the next poll, the lead evaporates.

The second step is Belanger getting his AISH back to provide the funding part. No idea how that is going but he is curiously silent on the issue. As I said maybe he decided to be a whore himself and, against all of his professed religious principles, provided the information the Canada Revenue Agency needed for his AISH application.
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by The Observer »

But you are missing the irony in a tag team match of the Paraclete and the ServantKing against the Pharmatute:

Paraclete: We did it! We overthrew and destroyed the unholy Pharmatute! We made holy cause together and our faith has toppled this harlot of Babylon!

ServantKing: Yes, now I will be able to sell marijuana to one and all, without interference or stupid laws to control the prices I can charge. And I have you to thank for the profits that I will be bringing in.

Paraclete: Yes! Now you can sell...uh, wait a minute. Did you say "sell?"

ServantKing: Yes, that is what we were fighting for, against unholy laws being enforced by wicked city women that said I could not sell marijuana.

Paraclete: Now, wait a minute, SK. You must have misunderstood. Our holy fight was to undo the unjust and baseless laws that were preventing me from receiving free marijuana. It would be a violation of God's law if I had to pay for herbs that God said were mine.

ServantKing: No way I would have fought just so I could give you free pot! Whatever gave you that idea?

Paraclete: It says that right here in my King James Bible. I have only read this to you a million times.

ServantKing: It says no such thing. I am pretty familiar with what the Bible says, and it doesn't say anything about me having to give you free weed.

Paraclete: Well, not in so many words. But it does say that God has given me all herbs on this planet. You have to ask yourself this question: if God has given Paraclete all the herbs on the earth, how can I justify keeping any herb from him?

ServantKing: No, I don't have to ask that question. If God gave you every herb, then He did the same for me. So I have just as much right to do with them like I want.

Paraclete: Well then you are as just as bad as the Pharmatute. You are willfully violating God's law! I won't put up with it.! Give me that pot now!

ServantKing: Stay away from me or you are going to get a raptor right in the face!

(Curtain falls as the conversation devolves into petty and meaningless violence)
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by Burnaby49 »

About a week ago I wrote;
Belanger is a worthless bum, a parasitic whiner demanding that the state support him because he's so holy that he is above work. He claims that he's severely handicapped by something he won't describe in any but the vaguest terms but which he apparently feels entitles him to permanent state support. Whatever his claimed malady might be he certainly doesn't seem in any way impaired in his day to day existence by it. He is narcissistically obsessed with himself and his self-centered demands. He is quite happy to con gullible fools like the Volks and Ministers David and Michelle then abandon them when they've served their purpose.
Well he seems to have written off Ministers DavidMichelle.


He's probably moved on to a new set of suckers stupid enought to think his gibberish is actually sense. Maybe he's latched on to whoever owns the house where he's currently residing. If, like the Volks, they've invited in to help with mortgage problems he'd better start looking for another squat. Things go drastically downhill when he shows up on the scene.
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by Burnaby49 »

More top notch legal advice from Canada's finest OPCA litigant, minister Belanger;
Edward Jay Robin Bondservant
Yesterday at 12:18pm ·

If you get sucked into one of their courts and don't know what to do to protect yourself you might try the following exchange:

Early in the proceeding:

Defendant: Excuse me Judge, I'm really confused about all of this.

Judge: What are you confused about?

Def: Well, I don't recognize you and I don't recognize that fellow over there [prosecutor] and I don't recognize this proceeding. I don't understand any of this
[translates: I seem to be in a foreign jurisdiction that I don't consent to], however, I believe you could clear up my confusion if you would answer a simple yes or no question on and for the record.

Judge: Well, I will if I can.

Def: Sir, on and for the record, do you have authority over a flesh and blood man standing on the firm dry soil of the land of the Creator? Yes or no, Sir?

After about 3 seconds of silence which I believe I can predict:

Def: I take your silence as acquiescence to my presumption that you do not have such authority. Any business I may have had here is now extinguished, therefore I shall depart.

As to the judge getting forceful with you an excellent question to ask him or her is "Are you trying to force me to contract with you against my will?". I'm betting the judge will back off as it is a felony in Fed or State court to do so--its called inducement into slavery.
Perhaps he should employ those vast legal skills towards getting his AISH back rather than just ranting about it semi-coherently on You Tube.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Post by NYGman »

Burnaby49 wrote:More top notch legal advice from Canada's finest OPCA litigant, minister Belanger;
Edward Jay Robin Bondservant
Yesterday at 12:18pm ·
Def: Sir, on and for the record, do you have authority over a flesh and blood man standing on the firm dry soil of the land of the Creator? Yes or no, Sir?

After about 3 seconds of silence which I believe I can predict:

Def: I take your silence as acquiescence to my presumption that you do not have such authority. Any business I may have had here is now extinguished, therefore I shall depart.
Judge: Not so fast there, You did not give me enough time to stop laughing and answer your silly question. On the Record, Of course I have authority over a flesh and blood man, standing on the firm dry soil of the land of the Creator. You are in my court room. Your name is on the Docket for today, and I have been selected as the Trier of Facts. It is my job to listen to what the parties have to say, and render judgement. My authority is derived form the Law, those legally enacted statutes, and acts passed by the government. It applies to all, equally, unlike the Bible, that only applies to those that believe in it.
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