Freeman Retirement Income Plan

Moderator: Burnaby49

Quatloosian Ambassador to the CaliCanadians
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Freeman Retirement Income Plan

Post by Burnaby49 »

Who needs a pension when a Canadian Freeman has discovered a sure-fire retirement income source. First the genius who discovered it, meet Mieczyslaw Miedzwiedzki;

R. v. Miedzwiedzki, 2004 CanLII 34939 (ON SC) ... MyAAAAAAAQ

In this case, after being found guilty of failing to file income tax returns he appealed on the basis that he was too good, to moral, to pay tax to the genocidal murderous Canadian government;
[3] The appellant now appeals his conviction, claiming that the learned trial judge erred in failing to recognize his lawful duty to refuse to support a society that is party to plans and preparations that are predicated on a will and capacity to commit mass murder.
Pretty convoluted vague stuff. "Party to plans"? What does that actually mean? That somehow Canadian "society", of which I'm a part, somehow has the ability and intent to commit mass murder? If so nobody let me in on the fun. I'm always skeptical of high moral principles that somehow align perfectly with self-interest. The judge apparently agreed;
[4] I find this appeal to be frivolous as there are no grounds articulated by the appellant to justify allowing this appeal.

[5] The learned trial judge did not err in his reasons. He found that the statutory requirements of the Income Tax Act were not fulfilled by the appellant and that it was done intentionally. As well, there was no evidence of due diligence. He found that any forms that had been filed by the appellant were more in the nature of political statements.

[6] The law is very clear. Every person resident in Canada is required to pay income tax and every resident of Canada must file a return of income in a prescribed form that contains prescribed information with the Minister on an annual basis. Section 238 of the Income Tax Act states that every person who fails to file a tax return is guilty of an offence. The case law in this area is also well-established law. Failing to file an income tax return is a strict liability offence.

R. v. Sault Ste Marie (City), 1978 CanLII 11 (SCC), [1978] 2 S.C.R. 1299

R. v. Rohan’s Rockpile Ltd. & Lowther (1981), 1981 CanLII 324 (BC CA), 57 C.C.C. (2d) 388 (B.C.C.A.)

[7] I find the appellant’s arguments to be spurious and completely without merit. He has not raised any relevant question of either fact or law. Due diligence is the only defence available to a taxpayer charged with failing to file an income tax return and there was no such defence advanced at trial. Instead, he is attempting to use the Courts to air a political view and stage a protest. For all these reasons, this appeal fails.
Well that was a decade ago and Mieczyslaw (I'll call him Mike) is getting on and, a couple of years ago, he started thinking of retiring. Problem is the same as most people face, how to afford it. Well Mike has a brainstorm;
Hi everybody I am new (danabigm)

by danabigm » Sun Jul 31, 2011 5:42 pm

Hi everybody I am called Mieczyslaw of the Miedzwiedzki family born in Poland.Nick on the forum is danabigm(dana=my wife's name,big=she is so short but with so big heart and love,finally m=mama).We are happilly maried for about 44 years now and parents of two sons and four grand childs. I started my venture with not paying taxes about 10 years ago and credit cards about 5 years ago. Some little successes so far but the hardest one is CRA(Canada Revenue Agency). Oh I forgot to mention that I live (or trying to live) in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. I started using your proces Last week and I hope everything will go smoothly. I am about to retire from trucking business (I am 64) but to get there I need some cash, may be through a fee schedule? We'll see. So I hope that is enough for the beginning. I am open to free will thinking and open minded friends and if anybody wish to contact me in Canada or anywhere in the Universe - Welcome.

Mieczyslaw and Danuta of the Miedzwiedzki family ... 41&t=32443

Make money with a FEE SCHEDULE! Now that's a great idea! But establish a fee schedule for what? Another lightbulb moment! Copyright his name and wait, like a spider in its web, for the suckers to use his name then just start collecting those cheques.

by danabigm » Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:33 pm

Declaration of Copyright Trademark. I am known by the name : Mieczyslaw Miedzwiedzki©Common Name, Creditor, Trustee, Secure Party, Author of the Copyright Name Trademark Claim autograph MIECZYSLAW MIEDZWIEDZKI™ or any derivative thereof HEREBY ATTEST THAT, I am competent and capable of handling my private and commercial affairs in my full capacity as Agent for the MIECZYSLAW MIEDZWIEDZKI™ and will enforce with prejudice any Copyright Name Trademark Claim infringements. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ... 41&t=32443

Note that he's a prudent chap who, unlike the Volks, decided not to throw a pile of money away by copyrighting his name through the services of high-priced professionals like Les Raketti but instead decided to do it himself through Getoutofdebtfree. And it worked, he snagged one! But Mike had the problem all you business types in the audience face from time to time, collecting. The deadbeat was quite willing to use Mike's name for his own selfish purposes but refused to pay Mike's entirely reasonable (I'm sure) fee for doing so. Now that money was on the line Mike decided it was finally time to get first-rate advice on the issue. So he went to Getoutofdebtfree once again;
someone is not paying an invoice for copyright infridgement

by danabigm » Thu May 17, 2012 1:05 am

Hallo everybody. I just have one question. If you are in UK you go to Perfect but I am in Canada and where I can go? Hopefully not to the Layers(Lawyers) if anybody can help me. Thanks a lot. ... 35&start=0

I'm sure that the only reason that Miedzwiedzki's copyright violator did not immediately pay up is that Mike seems to have tried to collect his otherwise valid fee under the legal principle of "infridgement", a concept unknown to me but which probably involves heavy kitchen appliances.

Mike's first response to this is someone who knows where to go when all else fails; Robert Menard!
Re: someone is not paying an invoice for copyright infridgem

by VisuJulz » Mon May 28, 2012 5:01 am

Robert Menard not only lives in Canada as well and is as Canadian as they come, but the guy knows more than most on any of these subjects and the poor fellow nearly cried when someone gave him a $6 donation and I'm betting if you look him up on YouTube, find his site along with his email and get in touch with him... for next to nothing he might just become your best friend, or at least give you a million trillion things you could do that you didn't even know about. Robert-Arthur: Menard | think free

P.S. And even if lets say he didn't wanna speak to you, in many ways he already has as he can't take back the advice he's already given which is out there on the web and there's plenty of it specifically relating to Canadians. As for the link which danabigm just provided us people from UK with (which I'm sure many us didn't know about), I'd be interested to hear any opinions on it. As with all such things this looks like either a joke or something very useful, any opinions, or facts on the matter?
This discussion ended on that note so we don't find out how Mike finally got that name-dropping parasite to cough up without employing the services of those worthless Layers.

Now, some unsolicited Burnaby49 advice, a guy long-retired. When you are just on the cusp of planning to leave the work force for a life of leisure and are somewhat short of funds it might not be the best idea to start refusing to pay your current creditors. Those guys have a way of screwing you up by trashing your credit rating so nobody will lend you money any more even though we all know that your debts are paid off the moment your incur them because your note is worth the value of the debt. Just go to the World Freeman Society website for proof! But we don't live in that world, we live in the cold, evil world where you can't collect on your fee schedules and your creditors get very vindictive even though they've already been repaid. Good Luck Mike! You'll need it.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".