Rory Hawes - Vancouver Freeman on trial for travelling

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Rory Hawes - Vancouver Freeman on trial for travelling

Post by Burnaby49 »

I'm starting a new Rory Hawes discussion because I've got a lot to update on his current legal problems. His existing discussion;

Rory Daniel Hawes - who the heck is Regina?


is too generalized. The problem from my perspective is that this discussion covers a range of diverse Rory-related topics, an introduction to his Freeman/court history, his current trial, a ramble through the problems of Rory's good friend Gregor Fpic Jahn. Well Gregor has his own discussion here;

Gregor Jahn - Intoxicated Freeman Driver?


And from now on I propose putting all my Gregor Jahn comments in that one. And there will be more, a lot more, on Gregor. I've been to three of his court hearings that I've not yet reported in Quatloos and he has at least one trial coming up next year.

Since both Gregor and Rory have their own ongoing Freeman type legal issues I'm trying to be more focused and separate these by miscreant. This discussion will cover Rory's current issues with the law. I've already posted about one of Rory's hearings that I attended in "Who the Heck is Regina" relating to his driving without a license charge. Since then there have been two more hearings on that charge (latest yesterday) with at least one more to come so I'm consolidating it all here.

The "Who the Heck is Regina" discussion gives a good overview of Rory's past legal issues including resisting a peace officer, dangerous operation of a motor vehicle, flight from a peace officer, driving a motor vehicle while impaired, failure or refusal to provide a sample (probably a breathalyser alcohol sample), driving without insurance, driving without a motor vehicle drivers license, breach of an post-arrest undertaking, breach of an undertaking or recognizance, an impressive list! The first of these occurred in 1997 so Rory's been at this for at least 17 years with, as yet, no recorded wins. He's at least persistent.

He currently faces three charges in New Westminster which were noted in the "Regina" discussion;
Then we have three more charges, all dating from Feb. 19, 2014, each alleging Rory was driving while prohibited or had his licence suspended. A warrant issued for Rory’s arrest on March 5, 2014 on those charges. My bet is this was the trigger for the two other Feb. 19, 2014 charges above.
So I'll start the ball rolling by cutting and pasting (with a bit of editing, for some reason I can't remember I kept calling Rory "Randy") from my report in "Regina" about Hawes' court appearance in New Westminster on June 18, 2014.
Today was Rory Hawe's turn to face three charges of driving while prohibited/ license under suspension. The hearing was held at 9:30 in courtroom 206 of the new Westminster courthouse, a familiar spot since Alexander Ream's trial had also been held here.

When 9:30 came around nothing happening, a bit of a late start. What was of concern was that there was a list of defendants being heard in the courtroom that day and Rory wasn't on it nor was Rory in evidence. Then the judge came on scene and an impressive sight indeed! Looked like an undernourished Santa Claus with a big flowing white beard that went down almost to his waist when he sat, a big bushy moustache that covered most of the rest of his face and full sideburns. However he turned out to be a no nonsense guy who kept proceedings moving briskly.

It turned out to be just a session for assigning court dates, hence the big list of names. First three up to bat were video feeds from remand. The first miscreant was a very matter of fact guy who seemed to take incarceration with equanimity. However he was subject to some confusion, we were in the New Westminster courthouse over charges in New Westminster and he thought that he was dealing with a Vancouver Provincial Court hearing. So judge asked him what the Vancouver charges were. Breaking and entering, car theft, no big deal, his lawyer was negotiating for a guilty plea and a two year sentence. So judge asked him if he wanted to continue with New Westminster trial or wait on Vancouver events. All the same to him, he said he was doing penitentiary time regardless of how it went so logistics irrelevant. So he was held over until Vancouver plea concluded.

Second guy some apparently trivial mischief issue but he was being held for breach of probation. While they were working through his problems Rory walked in, saw his name wasn't on the board, asked the sheriff something then wandered out. I gathered my stuff to follow and see where he was going but by the time I got out he was out of sight. I went down to the lobby to confirm courtroom; 206 correct, so back up and wait. Sat through a couple of assignments then Rory walked back in just in time to be called up.

Mowe had mused that Rory might be considering a guilty plea, not a bit of it! He was feisty, he's going down swinging! First off he was very unhappy that that he was being forced to face trial on what was a clear case of mistaken identity. He had changed his name to place himself outside the jurisdiction of Canada. He was no longer the Rory Hawes the Crown was prosecuting, different guy entirely, and did not want to identify himself under that name. However he reluctantly agreed that if he didn't he would probably, based on prior experience, be "thrown in a cage". So under duress he agreed that he would answer to the name Rory Hawes.

Then he started demanding some evidence from Crown that Crown had apparently refused to give him. Seems he had been brutally assaulted by a six man police undercover "Attack Squad". They had burst into his house, assaulted and injured him, damaged and stolen his property, and tossed him in jail. Serious stuff! He said there was a video and he wanted it as part of his defence because it was a violation of the Unite Nations Declaration of human Rights (actually called the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ). Rory said he planned to rely on the UN Declaration and the Constitution of Canada at trial. So the judge asked Rory if he agreed that he was also bound by the Constitution of Canada. Rory waffled. Judge said he wanted a yes or no answer. So Rory said everybody on earth was bound by the Canadian Constitution. Judge said that he thought that Americans would be surprised to hear that. Rory went on and on about how he'd show everybody what parts of his Constitutional rights and UN Charter rights had been violated but, sadly, nobody really cared.

As an aside every Freemanish/sovereign type trial I've reported has had the United Nations Declarations of Human rights brought up as a magic talisman that purportedly allows the defendant to interpret everything he does as a fundamental allowable human right under the Declaration. Yankson, Holmes, Ream, Smith, Lange, Simpson, all of them have used it as a defence. In every case the judge has noted that the Declaration has absolutely no force of law in Canada. Yet they persist.

Then the judge asked Crown counsel "Does the New Westminster RCMP have a unit called the "Attack Squad."" No your honour. Hawes said this happened in Coquitlam. So judge asked the Crown counsel if the Coquitlam RCMP has a unit called the "Attack Squad"". No your honour. Are you aware of the video defendant is referring to? No your honour. So judge told Rory he was out of luck, the judge couldn't order the production of an alleged video by a non-existent police unit.

In any case judge questioned relevance. He asked when the video was taken; before, around, or after the alleged traffic offences. After. How much after? Rory was cagey, just after. Judge persisted, days, weeks, months? Turns out months so judge said he failed to see any relevance to charges Rory was currently facing.

Then Rory went on how the government was trying to bind him to a contract and since he was too sharp to fall for that one the Crown had no authority over him. Judge asked Crown counsel if the case involved a contract. No your honour. Rory said that since the Crown had admitted there was no contract the case was over and he could walk. Judge brought up the awkward point that Rory was charged under statutory law of British Columbia not contract law and he would have to deal with the charge as legislated. Rory had the answer to that! He said he was going to argue at trial that the province of British Columbia did not exist and the laws of British Columbia were therefore invalid. He based this position on the argument that the government had not successfully managed to finalize valid treaties with the original natives and this meant they still owned and controlled it, not some fictitious provincial entity. Judge said that argument had zero merit and a complete waste of time. There was going to be a trial regardless of Rory's opinions on whether the laws existed or attached to him and he should focus his energies on defending his case on its merits.

Judge then noted that they were only there to determine a trial date (remember?) and asked Crown how long it anticipated was required. Counsel said she had two or three witnesses and an hour and a half should do. Not Rory! He said he needed much more time, he wanted at least ten police witnesses and a batch of "civilian" witnesses. Apparently friends who shared his views. Judge told Rory to remember that it wasn't up to the courts to get the witnesses for Rory, he would have to subpoena them and some might challenge the relevance of their claimed evidence.

Judge told Rory to go to room 213 (I believe trial management) and they would arrange a trial date. Then Rory started going on how he was demanding that he wanted the name of someone in government who "accepted liability" for all of the problems Rory was facing. Judge said "go to room 213" and we were done.
So we move on to Rory's second appearance on the matter, on September 24, 2014, again at New Westminster. Rory didn't start well by showing up 20 minutes late. He had a somewhat disdainful attitude to the court when he had a chance to speak. He is a victim of the incompetence of the crown and the court. They are wasting his valuable time on this nonsense. When the crown asked for an adjournment because not enough time allocated (crown said it needed only 30 minutes but had no ideal how much time Rory wanted. Apparently he plans to argue BC doesn't exist) Rory disagreed and said he didn't want to waste any more time coming back, he wanted it over today. So judge asked "so you want to proceed to trial now?" Forget that, he wanted charges dropped because of the way his rights had been violated. His first complaint was that his demands for full disclosure from the crown hadn't been met although he told them what he wanted months ago and they had just handed it to him today in court. The Crown's feeble response was that they had the disclosure available for Rory "months ago", soon after he requested it but, even after numerous phone calls to him he hadn't come and picked it up. Today was the Crown's first opportunity to give it to him personally. Rory retorted was that he was way too busy to run around doing errands for the Crown. That gives you an idea of his legal acumen. Demand disclosure, refuse to accept it, then demand case be dropped because you didn't get it. This is very much like Denise Eddy's failed tactic which I reported here;

Another Poriskyite heads to a criminal record

It appears that one of her brilliant legal tactics was to demand that all the documents she requested be delivered to her by registered mail and then declining to give a mailing address.

[160] Ms. Eddy has asked for an order that all the documents she has received, and those she still wishes to receive, be provided to her in hardcopy form by registered mail within 30 days of the order. If the Crown fails to provide this, she requests a permanent stay of the charges against her.

[167] The Crown further submits that Ms. Eddy has refused to provide sufficient particulars regarding how she can be reached. The Crown stated that it was difficult to obtain even the particulars of a mailbox Ms. Eddy uses at a FedEx branch in Red Deer. As a result, sending documents by registered mail is impractical and unnecessary.

However she is a reasonable person who is open to compromise and she said she was willing to drop the disclosure request if the Crown dropped the charges against her. Can't be fairer than that! Unfortunately the Crown was neither willing to drop charges or cough up the information and instead dumped the whole mess on the court to resolve. Unfortunately for Ms. Eddy the court resolved the issue by denying her everything she'd asked for.
Rory's second ground for dismissal of the charges was that his constitutional rights had been violated because he had not been given a speedy trial. He was charged in February. So the judge said "Do you think you can make a charter challenge about delay just by standing here, off the cuff? There are procedures to follow." Again, forget that. Since Rory didn't know what the procedures were he shouldn't be expected to follow them. Judge said he's better learn them. So Rory, getting worked up at this judicial stupidity, said "look, I just want the whole thing thrown out". He nattered at the judge that he just wants it all to go away without the inconvenience of having to come back. Sadly the judge wasn't buying it and sent him off to the JCM (Judicial Case Manager) to re-schedule.

However the hearing did have other entertainment. Before Rory's turn at bat we sat through a sentencing hearing for a worthless asshole. Fifty-six years old, divorced, estranged from his adult children, living in a room in a basement, apparently no friends. All his problems seem to stem from the fact that he was a constantly seething cauldron of overwhelming rage. The sentencing was in respect to conviction for of assault causing bodily harm.

Judge went through the whole story before sentencing. Guy drove a truck for a local delivery company. He was crossing the Pattullo bridge from Surrey to New Westminster on the job in his work truck. This is an old, very important but generally overwhelmed narrow-laned bridge linking Surrey to New Westminster. When rage-boy crossed he blocked both westbound lanes by driving right down the middle. Why? Apparently because he felt like it. The car behind him passed him just off the bridge, nothing more than that, and drove off. There was nothing to indicate the driver did anything offensive to set our trucker off. Rage-boy caught up to him by chance at a stop light, got out of his truck, and started smashing away at his car with a hammer (note; he denied at trial that he was angry at any point in the episode, apparently just a normal day on the job for him). When the guy opened his car door to get out, but while still partly seated and apparently tangled in his seat-belt, our thug punched him in the face and badly injured him. His pro-se defense was that it was a open and shut case of self defense because of his fear of being assaulted. He said that when he stopped at the light he was afraid the other guy would get out of his car and attack him so he had to go proactive to stop the impending attack. The trial judge had credibility issues with that. It didn't help his case that he already had a conviction for spousal assault. As I said, divorced with estranged children. Crown wanted six months jail time he wanted the thanks of the populace, a parade, and a pension. Judge cut it down the middle with three months.

They were prepared for problems with the biggest meanest looking sheriff I've ever seen. Guy looked like the Incredible Hulk. When "I'm not angry" stood up and angrily ranted about his sentence Hulk stood right behind him. When rage-boy got too agitated the sheriff grabbed the guy's hands, pulled them behind him, cuffed him, and hauled him off to remand.

His protest about the sentence? The guy was quite reasonably demanding that he get a new trial because the original trial judge had ignored critical evidence that exonerated him. The purported victim had testified at trial that he had been so disabled by the punch he couldn't get off the ground but apparently an onlooker had testified that he had managed to struggle to his knees. That testimony proved to that the so-called victim had intended to attack our real victim all along and was still trying even after the entirely justifiable punch he threw in self defense. However the trial judge had totally disregarded this testimony. Sentencing judge told him if he didn't like the decision tough, appeal it. So, after that 550 word digression, on to Rory's third hearing, held yesterday.

I'd half expected Gregor Jahn to show up in his capacity as friend and independent journalist to record a true narrative of events but he was MIA. Total spectator attendance was three 20/30ish or so spectators for Rory, and me. Rory recognized me which isn't surprising. I tend to stand out in the often otherwise empty seating. As an example I was the only spectator, either for or against Gregor, at Jahn's three so far unreported court hearings. Additionally spectators rooting for the defendant are generally a rotating cast of character, rarely seen with any individual frequency while I'm always there. So after a few times seeing the old guy scribbling away they catch on.

Rory wandered over to me just before the hearing started and said he was glad I showed up. While he complained that he didn't appreciate my "condescending" attitude he conceded that I kept an accurate record of events. All fair commentary! He told me there were alternate narratives of his hearings but not published. I told him to put them on Quatloos, I'd be happy to have an alternative viewpoints of events at these hearings. He said he didn't know that he was allowed on Quatloos. I told him no problem but, if he did, don't bother waiting for a confirmation e-mail, just wait a day or so and sign on. I never got a confirmation email when I joined up and I'm assuming that this is that idiot Pigpot's problem, he's still waiting for his engraved invitation.

Judge was a brisk no-nonsense woman. Crown counsel was Christina Godlewska who was also Crown counsel at the Nanaimo three trial and the Alexander Ream trial. Her boss must hate her. Rory represented himself.

Judge asked how long parties expected trial to last. Crown said a few hours at most. They only had one witness, a police officer, he would take five minutes on direct. Not Rory! He hoped to dispose of the matter through his jurisdictional argument that British Columbia was unceded tribal land still belonging to the Coast Salish aboriginal band so the government of British Columbia had no jurisdiction over him. Additionally he planned to argue that his prosecution was illegal because it violated his human rights as stipulated in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a declaration adopted by the United Nations in 1948. Since he planned to enter evidence about aboriginal treaties, or the lack of them, and whatever he had in respect to the Declaration he planned for the full day and possibly the next.

Judge asked if a plea had been entered. Rory said he had not pleaded anything because there was no proof that he was under the court's jurisdiction and that issue, and his complaint about his human rights violations, had to be addressed before the trial. The judge immediately cut him off at the knees. To quote "I'm one of those judges who will not allow you to argue jurisdictional issues. Jurisdiction is well established in this court, and others, and is discussed in Meads v. Meads."

Rory was devastated, saying that to deny him the right to argue jurisdiction was a grave injustice and put him into slavery! Judge was unmoved and had the first charge read out. I couldn't write fast enough to get a precise recording of charge, things were moving very briskly, but it was essentially that on February 19, 2004 he knowingly drove while prohibited in violation of some B.C. law, didn't get the reference. Rory immediately started arguing that he was not driving in British Columbia, he was driving in unceded Salish lands. Judge entered not guilty on his behalf.

Second charge seemed same as first to me but couldn't copy it, clerk read it out briskly. How do you plead? Another ramble about unceded Salish lands so judge again pled not guilty on his behalf. Rory objected "I'm not pleading to that". So judge asked "Are you pleading guilty?". "I'm not pleading anything!" Judge said she had the authority to plead on his behalf and she was entering a not guilty plea.

Third count the same, seemed identical to first but I believe different code citation. Same Salish argument same not guilty plea entered by court.

Although we had been in session less than half an hour we had to take a fifteen minute break, back at 10:15. Reason was some short video, I didn't catch what, that Rory wanted and was in the Crown's possession. About five minutes long. Crown had just located it this morning so Rory was given the fifteen minutes to review it. As we walked out Rory said to Crown counsel "So I'm not allowed to defend myself?".

After break Rory asked the judge "Earlier you mentioned a piece of case law that purportedly stops me from arguing jurisdiction, Meads v. Meads. How does that nullify the Declaration of Human rights?" "I've made it clear to you previously that I'm not hearing your arguments. These are not proper arguments to be brought up and are a waste of court time". Rory tried to pass some documents to the judge and she told the clerk to return them to him. "Why can't I defend myself against slavery? You're saying you are unwilling to look at international documents about my human rights? So Meads says the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a waste of time? Meads says these arguments are a waste of time?" Court told him to cut it out, time for the witness.

This was the officer that stopped him. He gave the background. He was lurking about on Austin road in Coquitlam looking for drivers on their cell phones when he heard an engine revving and saw blue smoke. This indicated to him that someone was spinning their tires, maybe drag racing, a significant problem in Vancouver. If so he'd impound the car. It was Rory and he pulled him over. Rory would not provide a driver's license, just his July 2, 1978 date of birth. This was a violation of Section 95 of the Motor Vehicles Act which requires that drivers provide their license to police on request. Crown asked him how long he interacted with Rory. About forty minutes between stopping him and putting him in the cellblock in New Westminster. So Crown asked if officer could identify Rory and he pointed out our boy. That was it for direct. While the officer was speaking Rory went over to one of the spectators and gave him his keys, maybe his phone and wallet, couldn't tell. Perhaps he had a premonition that he would be spending more time in the new Westminster cellblock.

Now I'll risk a guess here. That forty minute gap probably had all kinds of interesting stuff about Rory exerting his rights and confronting the officer. Why else did he end up in jail? However the Crown and the officer steered clear of any questions or comments relating to what happened between Rory and the officer. Obviously this was a deliberate tactic discussed beforehand. A defendant can, on cross-examination, ask a witness about any point brought up in direct examination. I'm guessing that the Crown did it's best to avoid giving Rory any opening to pursue his jurisdictional arguments by keeping direct examination tightly focused on only the facts needed to prove the driving without a license charge and identify Rory. If so, as I'll relate in a moment, they failed.

Judge asked Rory "Do you have any questions for the witness?" Rory said "I'm so incredibly flustered because of my lack of ability to defend myself I'm dumbfounded!" "Do you have any questions for the witness?" "I need to compose myself, I'm just gob smacked (a curious word for Rory to use, very British). You refused to read those international documents, I hadn't expected justice to be denied. Can I have a ten minute recess?" Fine, so at 10:25 second recess called for ten minutes.

At recess Crown counsel asked Rory if he wanted to continue the break until 2PM. Self-serving to some extent since Crown had already told court she had an 11AM dental appointment. Totally accidental, she'd made it not knowing she would be in court today. She said she was just assigned the case the night before. Fine by Roy. So back in court. Up until this point we'd had one sheriff sitting up front the entire time. A sheriff once told me that's standard practice in New Westminster for Freeman type defendants. However after break a second sheriff came in and sat in the back. No idea why. When we reconvened Crown asked for a break until 2PM but before adjournment cited some Ontario case about something, I didn't catch what. Judge said, regarding Ontario case, "We don't have to go that far. Mr. Hawes. I'm trying to see you get a fair trial. Since Crown hasn't entered any evidence about jurisdiction or British Columbia you cannot ask the witness about it."

Then suddenly, right out of nowhere, the trial got derailed! Crown counsel said she thought she had actually mentioned something to the officer about Britsh Columbia on direct examination. When she asked him where the offense took place she phrased it as a question along the lines of "Were you on duty on Austin Road in Coquitlam British Columbia on the morning of February 19, 2014?'" Officer answered yes. Nobody remembered the specific wording so we sat for a minute or two while the clerk rewound the tape and listened. She confirmed that yes, the Crown counsel said "British Columbia". I'm guessing that the judge was concerned that this might trigger the idea in Rory's head that he now had the opportunity to open up the jurisdictional issue so the Court asked him if he had a summary of his arguments. No. So Judge told him to make a list of any motions and arguments he'd like to make. Very short, a few sentences. We'd adjourn to give him the chance. So she said she'd set a full day for continuance and sent them off to the Case Manager to arrange a new court date. We'd had a total of about forty minutes of actual court time and I'd filled five pages of an 8X11 notepad.

Rory seemed elated when I talked to him in the lobby. "Did you see how she (judge) tried to shut things off when British Columbia came up? She didn't want to talk about it." He said he thought that jurisdiction was now an issue that he could argue. I gave him my opinion that the judge was only going to allow him a very short leash on that topic and only during his cross-examination of the officer so he should focus on the cross. Note that this victory, small as it will eventually turn out to be, was not based on something Rory noticed or brought up. It resulted from a disclosure that Crown counsel made that othrwise would not have been even noticed.

I told Rory he was unlikely to find any of my "condescending attitude" in my posting on today's events. Not because I was changing my approach but because nothing really happened today that gave me an opportunity to mock him. He said that in general, apart from my opinions, I was accurate in my reporting but he'd found a few errors in my prior reporting. I told him I didn't doubt it but this would be due to my incompetence, not bias. I try to be objective but I can easily screw up when, like today, I just can't write fast enough to keep up or I don't hear correctly.

I also told Rory that his Declaration of Human rights argument was a loser which had been tried may times by other Freemen and they had all failed to have the court take note of it.

This is because it has absolutely no legal weight in Canada. It is a declaration, not a treaty, and so is really just a big fuzzy serving of good intentions which is not in any way law that the courts are required to follow. Wikipedia says;
While not a treaty itself, the Declaration was explicitly adopted for the purpose of defining the meaning of the words "fundamental freedoms" and "human rights" appearing in the United Nations Charter, which is binding on all member states. For this reason, the Universal Declaration is a fundamental constitutive document of the United Nations. In addition, many international lawyers[23] believe that the Declaration forms part of customary international law[24] and is a powerful tool in applying diplomatic and moral pressure to governments that violate any of its articles.
So if anyone or any nation wants to apply "diplomatic and moral pressure" on the government of British Columbia on Rory's behalf they are free to do so but the government is free to ignore it. If Rory is sincere in his belief that his human rights (apparently as he alone defines them) are protected by the Declaration perhaps he should consider a move to one of the other signatory countries that, no doubt, give it more weight and respect than the sham justice meted out here in Canada. I'm thinking of some of the original signatory countries like Ethiopia, Syria, Venezuela, Afghanistan, Iran, or Iraq, all shining beacons of governmental respect for human rights!

Rory might not approve of the title of this new discussion because at some point in yesterday's hearing he denied being a Freeman. He was just trying to get justice. Well he should get it, but perhaps not in a form he likes, on March 5, 2015, the date the case has been rescheduled. See you there Rory!
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Rory Hawes - Vancouver Freeman on trial for travelling

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

Once again, your direct reportage is a feast for us hobbyists - even better than a transcript since you give such wonderful flavor to the scene!

A few legal points to clarify the process:
1) the courts jurisdiction is on fact a critical issue in every prosecution. Not for Rory's crazy reasons, of course, but rather because if no crown witness testifies that the events took place in the same province as the court, then the court can't conclude it has jurisdiction (or is there a work around? Bill, anybody? It seems like the court could just take notice of the fact that Vancouver is in BC, but it's well beyond my pay grade)

2) In BC there are a number of different sections of the Motor Vehicle Act under which a driver can get suspended or prohibited, each with its own section under which a driver could be charged if he drives in defiance of the driving prohibition/licence suspension. My guess is that Rory was banned from driving three ways, so getting caught once led to three, nearly identical, charges

As to why the officer's evidence was so brief and straight to the point, why not? There's no reason for the Crown to lead evidence that Rory is a nutbar: it's not incriminating, it could be seen as prejudicial, and in any case the judge /knows/ that already (amazing that the cop only had to put up with 40 minutes of Rory but the judge gets days!)
Quatloosian Ambassador to the CaliCanadians
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Re: Rory Hawes - Vancouver Freeman on trial for travelling

Post by Burnaby49 »

Fmotlgroupie wrote:Once again, your direct reportage is a feast for us hobbyists - even better than a transcript since you give such wonderful flavor to the scene!
Thanks, all this court attendance and reporting I'm doing seemed to come out of nowhere. Literally. I didn't know Freemen even existed when I retired (I was familiar with detaxers). The first trial I attended was Bernie Yankson in October last year and things somehow ballooned from there. I was just at two hearings in Vancouver in the past two weeks that I'm going to post under the title;

Master Gee Wants to Evict Me!

As in me personally and all the rest of Burnaby. He's picked the Squamish Nation as the lucky recipient of our homes although he has no connection to them whatever. A hard-core Freeman. Already written up but decision was reserved so it has to wait until the decision is released. I'm not going to be fair and unbiased in that one. This is my current court calendar;

December 16 - 1:30 Jahn - Richmond
December 18 - 2:00 Michael Spencer Millar - Robson St. - Room 102

January 06 - 9:30 Michael Spencer Millar - Robson St. - Room 105
February 24 - 9:00 Richard Stanchfield - Robson
March 05 - 9:30 Rory Hawes
March 09 Keith Larson & May Dang-Larson. Robson. To April 10
May 28 Gregor Jahn -

Millar, Stanchfield and Larson are Poriskyites.

These hearings keep popping up from nowhere. I found out about the Master Gee hearing just the day before. As you've noted I have a fairly specific style but it's hard not to mock these guys and in any case that's just how I am. I was happy to hear Rory's confirmation that he considers me an accurate reporter. If these guys are unhappy about my personal slant on things, tough. Win a few cases, or even one case, and I might show some respect.

I keep rambling on about a big post on Belanger and his failed methods and I'm working on it but I have over 200 pages of documents to review and I keep getting sidetracked by new things. When I retired I had no concerns that I would be sitting around staring out the window, I was certain I'd have no problem filling in the time with things of interest and that has been the case. Many of it things I'm currently doing hadn't even entered my mind when I retired but I have more on my plate than I have time to handle. Works out perfect.

You said;
A few legal points to clarify the process:
1) the courts jurisdiction is on fact a critical issue in every prosecution. Not for Rory's crazy reasons, of course, but rather because if no crown witness testifies that the events took place in the same province as the court, then the court can't conclude it has jurisdiction (or is there a work around? Bill, anybody? It seems like the court could just take notice of the fact that Vancouver is in BC, but it's well beyond my pay grade)
While jurisdiction is critical the judge was quite right that it is not an issue. Already decided in prior decisions. That was the same key point in the Master Gee case, he tried to force the Supreme Court of British Columbia to concede that it was not actually a legitimate court. Again, res judicata, So what confuses me with the Hawes case is why whispering "British Columbia" in court is of any significance. So what? Why does that open any doors for Rory? Beats me.
2) In BC there are a number of different sections of the Motor Vehicle Act under which a driver can get suspended or prohibited, each with its own section under which a driver could be charged if he drives in defiance of the driving prohibition/licence suspension. My guess is that Rory was banned from driving three ways, so getting caught once led to three, nearly identical, charges
I don't doubt that is exactly the case. Being a voyeur rather than a lawyer "knowingly driving while under prohibition" was good enough for me. I think charge 1 related to 154.1 of the Motor Vehicles Act. I checked it out and it is very close but it didn't quite seem to fit. However I couldn't be bothered to research more deeply.
As to why the officer's evidence was so brief and straight to the point, why not? There's no reason for the Crown to lead evidence that Rory is a nutbar: it's not incriminating, it could be seen as prejudicial, and in any case the judge /knows/ that already (amazing that the cop only had to put up with 40 minutes of Rory but the judge gets days!)
I can't see it being prejudicial if it is a straight relating of events at the encounter that resulted in the charges. Apart from that I can think of one excellent reason to have the officer tell the court what happened. I wanted to hear it and give the no doubt very entertaining story on Quatloos. I don't go to these things to hear lawyers ramble on about precedent and statutes. I get all I want of that by reading current income tax decisions.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Rory Hawes - Vancouver Freeman on trial for travelling

Post by Burnaby49 »

More potential cannon fodder for my court reporting career and in my own municipality. Posted eight hours ago;
free 2 be me


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This is my first issue ever. I have been trying to study and learn all this stuff for the past three or so years. Apparently I haven't learned much....I have been travelling about in my ride for the past year and a bit without a "valid driver's license" finally/unfortunately happened, I was pulled over on hwy one in Burnaby this evening for no reason, only because the cop ran my plates and made this discovery about the license. (In 27 years of travelling, this is only the second time I have been pulled over.) He immediately presumed I was the owner, I admitted to being the "registered owner" and admitted I had no license. I asked why I need a license when I am not using the public roads for conducting commerce. He flat out said I needed one and I asked is that under the Motor Vehical Act that I need a license? He said yes and it's the law all over Canada as well. He said he cannot allow me to continue on. He was going to have my ride towed. I asked him not to because I could not afford a towing charge. He said I could wait for my son to pick me up but he didn't want to wait on the side of the road. This is the interesting part...I had no ID. He asked if I had a British Columbia care card or anything with my name on it. I told him I don't carry any documents like that with me. I leave that sort of stuff at home. He asked to see my insurance papers. I asked him what for? He said " so I can see you have insurance" I said "you already know I have insurance by the decal on the plates etc."... Anyway, he came back to my window, told me that he would follow me to the nearest RCMP detachment, which was about 10 km away, so I could be picked up and he could go on his way.
Then, the ticket he gave me not only had my name spelled wrong, but he did not have me sign it. The "ticket" states that by signing, it indicates that I received the ticket....So, does anyone know if this is a valid ticket? Was he letting it go and letting me off without actually telling me?

And, now I'm afraid to travel because my vehicle/plates are probably flagged. I'm trying to get out of the system, that is why I didn't renew the license. My son is suggesting that I transfer the vehicle into his name. (I trust him) and next time I don't associate with the legal person. Any thoughts or advice on this incident?

I know, there is so much I could have done differently, but I believe I handled it fairly calm considering I have not had any previous issues or any interactions with policy enforcement. After my police escort with pretty flashing lights, I thanked him. ... l?start=10
Thanking him? Bad start. Rory wouldn't even consider it. Perhaps free 2 be me should contact Rory for some tips on how to handle these kinds of situations.

I can empathize because I too have my own story to tell how I was the victim of oppressive police harassment while simply exercising my clear right to travel and how, when faced with my own moment of truth to confront the powers of the state, I failed miserably because of cowardice and servility to the so-called rules of law. A shameful story.

It happened on October 30th, just over a month ago when I was on a Quatloosian errand. About 9:30 in the morning heading to Richmond courthouse for one of Gregor Jahn's innumerable hearings. On foot, raining, on a side road, running late; I got to a streetlight controlled intersection, no traffic, light turned green in my favour but since I hadn't pressed the "walk" button the walk sign wasn't on. I crossed anyhow. It was a trap! Suddenly a police car lurking nearby drove up with lights flashing and I was suddenly, unexpectedly, subject to the full force of the police state. A young officer leaned out of the window and said "Would you please not jaywalk sir, we've had a lot of people hurt in Richmond recently". Did I employ the correct responses that would have been automatic to Menard, or Clifford or, Hawes? Did I tell him that I was the real peace officer and he was under arrest? Did I phone 911 to get help from real peace officers because I was being assaulted by an impostor? Did I tell him I was exercising my constitutional right to travel and just continue on? No, I panicked and just said "ok officer" and he drove off to wait for the next victim.

I still cringe in shame at the memory of my humiliating subservience. How can a man live with this oppression in honour? So I can do nothing but commend the courage of the brave souls who fight this evil on my behalf! On the other hand I'm not on criminal charges or trying to figure out how to get my car back from impound. So I guess I've found my level.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Rory Hawes - Vancouver Freeman on trial for travelling

Post by Bill Lumbergh »

A few legal points to clarify the process:
1) the courts jurisdiction is on fact a critical issue in every prosecution. Not for Rory's crazy reasons, of course, but rather because if no crown witness testifies that the events took place in the same province as the court, then the court can't conclude it has jurisdiction (or is there a work around? Bill, anybody? It seems like the court could just take notice of the fact that Vancouver is in BC, but it's well beyond my pay grade)

I think the problem is that when Rory says "jurisdiction" he actually means legitimacy, which, as Burnaby pointed out, is well settled.

Section 470 of the Criminal Code:
470. Subject to this Act, every superior court of criminal jurisdiction and every court of criminal jurisdiction that has power to try an indictable offence is competent to try an accused for that offence
(a) if the accused is found, is arrested or is in custody within the territorial jurisdiction of the court; or
(b) if the accused has been ordered to be tried by
(i) that court, or
(ii) any other court, the jurisdiction of which has by lawful authority been transferred to that court.
But it is true that jurisdiction is a live (though usually undisputed) issue at every trial. For the trial court to have jurisdiction, there must be a valid, sworn information before the proper level of court and judicial officer. Generally, the trial must take place in the judicial district where the offence took place.
The Crown must establish the jurisdiction in which the offence took place as part of its case, in the same way it has to establish identity and the elements of the alleged offence. This is often conceded by the defence because it is painfully obvious that the events took place within the court's territorial jurisdiction. Otherwise, the Crown need only ask its witness, as it did here, (usually the arresting officer), where the crime was committed, to establish jurisdiction. I suspect that is the reason why the Crown brought it up, so that the record is clear that the evidence established jurisdiction.
I think the court can take judicial notice of territorial jurisdiction if it is beyond dispute and commonly known. So Vancouver being in B.C. would work, as would the location of known local cities, famous landmarks etc. There are limits though. For example, if the only evidence before the court is that an offence took place "on Main street", I doubt that the court would take judicial notice that Main Street is in Vancouver, as that is not a fact beyond dispute. The Crown then would have to prove that the Main Street in question is located in Vancouver.

So where does this leave Rory?

Nowhere, really. Cross-examination in Canada is not limited to questions and issues raised in direct by the Crown. Rory can ask questions of anything he wants, even on matters that have not been proven as long as they questions are relevant and he is asking them on a good faith basis. He may struggle with that last part.
As to why the officer's evidence was so brief and straight to the point, why not? There's no reason for the Crown to lead evidence that Rory is a nutbar: it's not incriminating, it could be seen as prejudicial, and in any case the judge /knows/ that already (amazing that the cop only had to put up with 40 minutes of Rory but the judge gets days!)
The Crown's one and only job is to prove the elements of the offence. The fact that Rory may or may not be a nutbar is irrelevant to whether he was driving without a license. It's also evidence of bad character, which the Crown can't use unless the defence makes the character of the defence an issue. There is, however, something to be said for entertainment value.. :whistle:
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Re: Rory Hawes - Vancouver Freeman on trial for travelling

Post by Burnaby49 »

So where does this leave Rory?

Nowhere, really. Cross-examination in Canada is not limited to questions and issues raised in direct by the Crown. Rory can ask questions of anything he wants, even on matters that have not been proven as long as they questions are relevant and he is asking them on a good faith basis. He may struggle with that last part.
My mistake. The last law course I took was in the early 1990's for an accounting designation and it was just commercial law. Everything on the criminal side I've just picked up as I went along.
The Crown's one and only job is to prove the elements of the offence. The fact that Rory may or may not be a nutbar is irrelevant to whether he was driving without a license. It's also evidence of bad character, which the Crown can't use unless the defence makes the character of the defence an issue. There is, however, something to be said for entertainment value..
Exactly my point.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Rory Hawes - Vancouver Freeman on trial for travelling

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

Bill Lumbergh wrote:There is, however, something to be said for entertainment value.. :whistle:
I don't know if the crown was truly enjoying it like we do. I mean, which of us would miss Rory-style craziness for a dentist's appointment?
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Re: Rory Hawes - Vancouver Freeman on trial for travelling

Post by littleFred »

Burnaby49 wrote:... I crossed anyhow. It was a trap! ...
You could move to the land of the free, the UK, where we can cross almost any road wherever we want. We have a much-cherished right to be splattered any place we choose.
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Re: Rory Hawes - Vancouver Freeman on trial for travelling

Post by Burnaby49 »

littleFred wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:... I crossed anyhow. It was a trap! ...
You could move to the land of the free, the UK, where we can cross almost any road wherever we want. We have a much-cherished right to be splattered any place we choose.
I've been on a half-dozen pubbing trips to the UK in the past decade (home of real ale!) so I know all about the hazards of crossing British Roads even when I remember to look in the correct direction. However I'm sure you brits are very polite about it after you've run somebody down "Dreadfully sorry about that leg, they can probably stick it back on again".
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Rory Hawes - Vancouver Freeman on trial for travelling

Post by Burnaby49 »

As readers of my Rory Hawes and Chief Rock Sino General discussion know I was faced with a hard choice on March 5th. Both of these individuals had court hearings on that date but in two different municipalities. I could only attend one. So I abandoned Rory in favour of the Chief. The Chief's write-up is here.


In hindsight the right choice because Rory decided not to show up and there is now an arrest warrant out for him. He's now a fugitive just like Menard!
77636-3-A 1 05-Mar-2015 CCC - 145(2)(b) Failing to appear pursuant to court order Commit HAWES, RORY Daniel New Westminster BC

77636-1 HAWES, RORY Daniel 1 New Westminster Law Courts 05-Mar-2015 09:30 AM 205 CNT WI
I hope he didn't decide to not show up because he knew his faithful chronicler had betrayed him for another. I can only take consolation in the fact that he was in a cascading series of catastrophic events of which the March 5th hearing was only a minor part.

As Colonel (Hon) John Randolph Stingo said in A. J. Liebling's great book The Honest Rainmaker “Disasters never run singly, but always as an entry" and Rory is currently facing a lot of disasterous entries, all entirely of his own making. He's on the run from a multitude of arrest warrants including one for not showing up for a drunken driving hearing. Turns out Rory was stopped on December 7, 2014 and was charged with driving while impaired.

Vancouver Provincial Court Docket 237646
- driving while impaired, Dec. 7, 2014
- driving while with a blood alcohol over 0.08, Dec 7 2014
237646-1 1 07-Dec-2014 CCC - 253(1)(a) care or control vehicle or vessel while impaired Commit HAWES, RORY Daniel Burnaby BC
237646-1 2 07-Dec-2014 CCC - 253(1)(b) care or control vehicle/vessel with over .08 Commit HAWES, RORY Daniel Burnaby BC
Finding Canc.
237646-1 HAWES, RORY Daniel 1 Vancouver Provincial Court 31-Mar-2015 02:00 PM 307 FA WI
237646-1 HAWES, RORY Daniel 2 Vancouver Provincial Court 31-Mar-2015 02:00 PM 307 FA WI

And since he wasn't supposed to be driving in the first place he was also charged with that in addition to his already existing charges on the same offenses and, obviously, he chose not to attend that hearing either since it was a combined hearing with the drunk driving charge.

Vancouver Provincial Court Docket 237647
- driving while disqualified, Dec. 7, 2014
- driving while prohibited, Dec. 7, 2014
- driving while license suspended, Dec. 7, 2014
237647-1 1 07-Dec-2014 CCC - 259(4) Operating motor vehicle while disqualified Commit HAWES, RORY Daniel Burnaby BC
237647-1 2 07-Dec-2014 MVA - 102(a) driving while prohibited Commit HAWES, RORY Daniel Burnaby BC
237647-1 3 07-Dec-2014 MVA - 95(1) Driving while prohibited/ licence suspended Commit HAWES, RORY Daniel Burnaby

237647-1 HAWES, RORY Daniel 1 Vancouver Provincial Court 31-Mar-2015 02:00 PM 307 FA WI
237647-1 HAWES, RORY Daniel 2 Vancouver Provincial Court 31-Mar-2015 02:00 PM 307 FA WI
237647-1 HAWES, RORY Daniel 3 Vancouver Provincial Court 31-Mar-2015 02:00 PM 307 FA

And just before the drunk-driving stop he was nailed for yet another driving while prohibited and he skipped the hearing in that one resulting in yet another charge and an arrest warrant;
93393-1 1 05-Dec-2014 CCC - 259(4) Operating motor vehicle while disqualified Commit HAWES, RORY Daniel Port Coquitlam BC
93393-1 2 05-Dec-2014 CCC - 259(4) Operating motor vehicle while disqualified Commit HAWES, RORY Daniel Port Coquitlam BC
93393-1 3 05-Dec-2014 MVA - 95(1)(a) Driving while prohibited Commit HAWES, RORY Daniel Port Coquitlam BC
93393-1 4 05-Dec-2014 MVA - 102(a) driving while prohibited Commit HAWES, RORY Daniel Port Coquitlam BC
93393-1 5 05-Dec-2014 MVA - 102(a) driving while prohibited Commit HAWES, RORY Daniel Port Coquitlam BC
93393-2 1 13-Mar-2015 CCC - 502 fail to appear: purpose of criminal identification HAWES, RORY Daniel

93393-2 HAWES, RORY Daniel 1 Port Coquitlam Provincial Court 13-Mar-2015 09:30 AM REG APW END APG
93393-1 HAWES, RORY Daniel 1 Port Coquitlam Provincial Court 09-Mar-2015 02:00 PM 003 FA WI
93393-1 HAWES, RORY Daniel 2 Port Coquitlam Provincial Court 09-Mar-2015 02:00 PM 003 FA WI
93393-1 HAWES, RORY Daniel 3 Port Coquitlam Provincial Court 09-Mar-2015 02:00 PM 003 FA WI
93393-1 HAWES, RORY Daniel 4 Port Coquitlam Provincial Court 09-Mar-2015 02:00 PM 003 FA WI
93393-1 HAWES, RORY Daniel 5 Port Coquitlam Provincial Court 09-Mar-2015 02:00 PM 003 FA WI

And, as Colonel Stingo foretold, there is yet another entry in Rory's list of disasters. On March 13 an additional warrant was issued in response to a failure to appear charge on an earlier driving while prohibited charge.

Port Coquitlum Provincial Court Docket 77636
- driving while prohibited, Feb. 19, 2014
- driving while prohibited, Feb. 19, 2014
- driving while prohibited, Feb. 19, 2014
- failing to appear, March 5, 2015

Rory was supposed to appear on March 5, 2015. He didn't so an arrest warrant was issued. Rory has previously been arrested at least twice for this set of offenses, and was granted bail on Feb. 20, 2014 and May 26, 2014.

I bet he might not find it so easy to get bail this time.

I have to wonder, is he totally self-destructive? He just won't stop getting in that car and driving, either drunk (although assumed as yet to be innocent) or sober, regardless of the consequences and the destructive effect this must be having on his life. The frequency of times that he is being stopped lead me to conclude that he must either be driving recklessly when, in his position, he should be very cautious about drawing attention to himself, or the police are very efficient about scanning plates. Either way he should take public transit like I do. Speaking of the trainwreck he is turning his life into he appears to be a new father! ... riends_tab

He's setting a fine example for his son on how to end up broke and in jail. So where is he currently lurking? With Menard? In a skid row hotel? In the Hole-in-the-Wall Pass in Wyoming with the ghosts of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid?

I'm betting on the deep woods of British Columbia where a man can really be free. He just took a crash course on how to survive in that harsh environment;

http://ryanstalesofadventure.blogspot.c ... -snow.html

If you want to see some videos of his arrest way back with a nocturnal hit by the RCMP here they are;

And followup
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Rory Hawes - Vancouver Freeman on trial for travelling

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

Thanks for tracking Rory so well from afar! He certainly likes to keep trying doesn't he?
A couple of quick points:
-BC transitioned 5 years ago (my how time flies) to a provincial administrative penalty system for drunk driving, wherein drivers aren't criminally charged unless they've been caught (and suspended) at least once before. Rory is obviously not on his first kick at the can in the drunk driving arena either.
-if Rory has been charged with driving over 80, he has been scientifically measured to have had over (and given the safeguards in the system, well over) the legal limit. The court is required to presume him innocent, but personally I presume him as innocent as I do Russ Porisky- there isn't a snowball's chance in hell he was actually innocent, though the courts can do some crazy things so don't bet the farm on a conviction.
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Re: Rory Hawes - Vancouver Freeman on trial for travelling

Post by Jeffrey »

- driving while with a blood alcohol over 0.08, Dec 7 2014
The layman might regard OPCA as a harmless activity but between Hawes and Hendrickson going around driving drunk, Clifford's buddies getting into hit and runs, it's hard to defend that viewpoint.
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Re: Rory Hawes - Vancouver Freeman on trial for travelling

Post by The Observer »

In the Hole-in-the-Wall Pass in Wyoming with the ghosts of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid?
Well, hopefully it doesn't end like this:

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Re: Rory Hawes - Vancouver Freeman on trial for travelling

Post by Burnaby49 »

Rory and his sidekick Gregor Fpic Jahn aren't up to the Newman/Redford standard. Although Rory is on the run. Maybe he's hiding out with Gregor.

Gregor has his own problems, a trial for drunk driving and resisting arrest in May that I plan to attend and a hearing tomorrow on different charges. I doubt I'll bother with tomorrow's hearing. It is out at Richmond courthouse, an awkward location to get to by transit, and the hearing is only administrative, to fix a date for trial. Although admin hearings can sometimes be entertaining as I reported in a Nanaimo Three posting;
Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada
by Burnaby49 » Wed Jan 22, 2014 3:34 pm

Just back from the Nanaimo Three hearing. Well worth the effort to attend. Dave Lange put on one hell of a show!

I started out from home with sage words of advice from my wife "wear pants this time idiot!". Well she didn't actually call me an idiot but after 36 years I can read between the lines. While wearing pants got me into the courtroom they didn't guarantee my staying there. It was a trial confirmation hearing with a multitude of defendants being assigned, or deferred from, their day in court. Our heroes were just part of the herd. I was the first person in court apart from the sheriff and, when he found I was a spectator rather than a defendant, he told me that if it got too crowded with people with actual court business he'd have to toss me out because spectators were expendable. Turned out not to be necessary, it was an assembly line operation.

Most of the accused were behind bars and participated through a two way video feed from jail. That helped a lot with physical courtroom crowding. The judge actually convicted one guy right there without bothering with a scheduled trial! Youngish fellow whom his lawyer called "almost a juvenile offender". Judge wasn't having any of that! How old is he? Twenty eight your honour. In my court juveniles are 18 or under, he's an adult. Yes your honour. Anyhow he was picked up for driving without a license because it had been impounded due a prior drinking driving charge. He hadn't done anything specific to get picked up, the cops flagged him on a license plate scan that indicated the car owner was a prohibited driver. Guy had just started a job, getting married, no priors apart from original drunk driving, and nobody seemed interested in pursuing the issue. So defense and Crown had agreed to summary judgment of $1,000 fine and three months suspended. Judge was fine with it so done deal.

On to our boys. Ream, as predicted, a no-show. Simpson and Lange were there, no idea about Smith. Turns out I've met Lange! He was part of the Chief Rock Sino General seminar I attended last October and wrote about here;


On that posting I identified him as Dave Smith because the seminar was just first names and I got my Dave's mixed up.

When it was their turn Simpson went up the bench and quietly stood beside his lawyer. Not Lange! Firstly, he apparently refused to enter the court, you know "crossing the bar" because it was an Admiralty Court (heard that from his wife later) and so stayed in the spectators area right beside me. Lange ranted (yes, I'd call it a rant) to the judge that there was no point to scheduling a trial because he'd sent the court an affidavit apparently dismissing its authority and since the court hadn't replied it had agreed with his position so all charges were dismissed. The judge said she'd been through this before with him and she wasn't putting up with it again. Then Dave got all existential; demanding from the court "Who are you? I demand you tell me who you are". He told the judge she was a legal fiction and (I think, notes unclear) that he needed police protection from the court's attack on civilians. Something about police, the court, and civilians. Again this would fit into the Admiralty Court storyline. At this point Dave was getting really excited and was shouting how he didn't consent to charges or to the court itself. Judge said she'd heard it all before and he had to control himself, his trial was scheduled for February 28th so business here today done and he had to leave. He had no intention of going so judge told the two sheriffs to get him out. They walked up to him and told him to leave but he was past listening to anyone so they each grabbed an arm and hauled him out of the courtroom with Dave shouting that he was being assaulted. As the doors swung shut I could hear him shouting "YOU'RE ALL PERVERTS, YOU'RE ALL PERVERTS!". Simpson did not participate, just stood quietly and watched.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Rory Hawes - Vancouver Freeman on trial for travelling

Post by notorial dissent »

I think Rory and Gregor would make a cute couple, if nothing else, they have the same level of seriously stupid between them that they can share. Nothing like digging the hole you are already in exponentially deeper with every shovel.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Rory Hawes - Vancouver Freeman on trial for travelling

Post by Burnaby49 »

notorial dissent wrote:I think Rory and Gregor would make a cute couple, if nothing else, they have the same level of seriously stupid between them that they can share. Nothing like digging the hole you are already in exponentially deeper with every shovel.
I'm working on a combined Gregor/Rory posting right now that I plan to post on both their discussions. It includes a very colourful, literally, cast of characters (Team Flower Power!) and a guy that harasses people on the streets of Vancouver while dressed up as a giant paper mache salmon. A cross-section of Vancouver living!
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Rory Hawes - Vancouver Freeman on trial for travelling

Post by Burnaby49 »

This is Vancouver's answer tom Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid, a combined Gregor Fpic Jahn and Rory Hawes posting! It involves video too! Specifically Gregor's videos. Gregor seems to have found gainful employment although I have to question both "gainful" and "employment" in the context of producing short community videos that nobody has bothered to watch about his buddy Wil D. Salmon; ... EPw/videos

Wil D. is a guy in a really cheesy paper mache salmon head prancing around the streets of Vancouver. In this one, starting at 1:02 he's cavorting just outside the entrance to Stadium Skytrain station, my main station downtown;

I walk by that tank all the time on the way to the main branch of the Vancouver public library from Stadium Station. Can't say I've noticed a guy wearing a salmon head though. He has a lot of sidewalk competition from other west-coast oddballs and it's hard to pick individuals out from the clutter. Exiting Granville Skytrain station downtown is an obstacle course through beggars, religious nuts with pamphlets, charity beggars (Greenpeace, PETA etc), people with petitions, ranting loonies, street musicians, whatever. Maybe I've brushed passed fishhead once or twice and didn't even notice; you get jaded.

The six videos posted so far have a grand total of 150 viewings of which probably a half dozen are mine. This one, although posted almost a year ago, had no viewings at all until I took a look;

You can understand why if you listen to it. The group starts ok when they just do an instrumental opening but when the lead singer starts howling it gets pretty awful. He seems to rely on volume as a substitute for talent.

Fishhead actually has an hour long show from time to time however, since these are not posted on Gregor's YouTube channel, I assume that he doesn't produce them. He might, he and his daughter are very active in the videos themselves. This one is of some interest;

You can see a triumvirate well known to my Quatloos followers, Gregor Fpic Jahn, Rory Hawes, and Alexander Ream all looking very distinguished at 1:55 having a serious discussion about how the police are a waste of taxpayer's money. As if any of those three pay taxes. However, to be fair to their position, I can see how a lack of diligent policing would be much to Rory and Gregor's advantage.

The video is largely a clip job from other videos including the ones Gregor has posted on his own site. A lot of familiar Vancouver scenes. Some very colourful girls (Team Flower Power!) at 25:23.

A little skit with Rory at 27:00 where, possibly with ironic intent, he pretends he's a police officer handing out tickets. This was taken just to the west of the north foot of the Burrard Bridge at False Creek. A hotspot for joggers, bikers, skateboarder, walkers, and people just enjoying the ocean but not much of that activity the day of the filming. I'm guessing that the very self-possessed girl interviewing Rory is Gregor's daughter. She is featured throughout the video. A few more talks from Gregor at 43:45 and 54:25 babbling nonsense about how he is giving Wil D. Salmon tickets for something. A fair number of musical performances in the video best avoided.

All very professionally done largely in the Shaw video studio in downtown Vancouver. Shaw is a major cable TV company which is required to provide community video and I suppose this all counts as part of their mandatory contribution to local interest. It allows Gregor and his buddies access to first rate facilities and equipment so their shows are at least watchable.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".