Meads v. Meads Continues its Reign of Terror!

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Meads v. Meads Continues its Reign of Terror!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Meads v. Meads is number 2 on the list of the top ten cases consulted on CanLII during 2014. ... top-cases/

Number 2 you exclaim! NUMBER 2? What case of overwhelming national importance could have possibly superceded Meads in the list of critical cases reviewed by Canadian lawyers in 2014? Let me cite an excerpt from number 1;
[8] The “dog feces incident”, as counsel for the Plaintiffs calls it, is a high point of this claim. At the hearing, it was followed by counsel’s description of a cease and desist letter sent to the Defendants in 2008 by a lawyer then representing the Plaintiffs, which describes what is now referred to by counsel as the “dog urination issue”. This letter enclosed photographs – apparently stills taken from the Plaintiffs’ non-stop video footage – documenting Mr. Taerk walking his dog and occasionally allowing it to lift its leg in a canine way next to the bushes lining the Plaintiffs’ lawn.

[9] The Defendants did not respond to this erudite piece of legal correspondence. Counsel for the Plaintiffs characterizes this silence as an “admission”, although it is unclear just what legal wrong was being admitted to.

[10] And it goes downhill from there. For example, the Defendants are accused of occasionally parking one of their cars on the street in a legal parking spot in front of the Plaintiff’s home. The Defendants do this now and then, according to the Plaintiffs, just to annoy them. This accusation was admittedly pressed rather sheepishly by Plaintiffs’ counsel, since the Plaintiffs have conceded that they park one of their own cars in front of the Defendants’ home every day. Indeed, the Plaintiffs cannot help but concede that fact, since their own non-stop video surveillance of the Defendant’s house shows the Plaintiff’s car sitting there day after day.

[11] The Plaintiffs also complain quite vociferously about the fact that the Defendants – in particular Ms. Taerk – are in the habit of sometimes standing in their own driveway and taking cell phone pictures of the Plaintiffs’ house across the street. Apparently, the Plaintiffs, who keep two video cameras trained on the Defendants’ house night and day, do not like their own house being the target of Ms. Taerk’s occasional point-and-click.

[13] Another complaint submitted by the Plaintiffs is that Mr. Taerk has taken up the habit of walking by their house with a voice recorder in hand, trying to catch some of the verbal exchanges between the parties. According to Mr. Taerk’s affidavit, Ms. Morland-Jones occasionally shouts profanity or other insults at him when he is on his walks, so he now only ventures onto the road armed with his dictaphone. He tends to hold it at the ready in his right hand as he walks rather than holstering it on his hip.

[14] The controversy has even extended to other lucky residents. The Plaintiffs summoned under Rule 39.03 no less than four of their neighbours to testify on the pending motion, no doubt endearing themselves to all of them. One witness, a lawyer, was asked to confirm that he had warned the Plaintiffs about the Defendants when they first moved into the neighbourhood; he responded that can recall saying no such thing. Another witness, a professor, was asked to confirm that she sold her house for below market value just to get away from the Defendants; she said she did not.

[16] In what is perhaps the piece de resistance of the claim, the Plaintiffs allege that the Defendants – again focusing primarily on Ms. Taerk – sometimes stand in their own driveway or elsewhere on their property and look at the Plaintiffs’ house. One of the video exhibits shows Ms. Taerk doing just that, casting her gaze from her own property across the street and resting her eyes on the Plaintiffs’ abode for a full 25 seconds. There is no denying that Ms. Taerk is guilty as charged. The camera doesn’t lie.

[18] Ms. Taerk has testified that, in fact, she has not taken any pictures but rather has been pretending to do so by simply pointing her phone and clicking it randomly. Ms. Taerk presents this as a justification for not producing any photographs in the evidentiary record, but of course the explanation reflects more malevolence than what it attempts to excuse. In any case, Ms. Morland-Jones can be counted on to respond as predicted. It is a repeated form of hijinks that could, if a sponsor were found, be broadcast and screened weekly, although probably limited to the cable channels high up in the 300’s.
Meads was also number 2 in 2013. At least Quatloos was on top of that one with discussions of the number 1 case;


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Re: Meads v. Meads Continues its Reign of Terror!

Post by Jeffrey »

Browsing Quatloos has led me to believe that Canada is a land of milk and honey where nothing bad ever happens save for occasional neighborly disputes and people trying to get free electricity.
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Re: Meads v. Meads Continues its Reign of Terror!

Post by bmxninja357 »

Jeffrey wrote:Browsing Quatloos has led me to believe that Canada is a land of milk and honey where nothing bad ever happens save for occasional neighborly disputes and people trying to get free electricity.
that would be true except for the third world living conditions for the poor in the inner cities. the treatment of many out of the way first nations some living in nothing short of disaster areas. a growing gang problem. and several other things that seem to get candy coated by the 'nobel canadian' point of view held by those from other countries. when you live in canada and actually travel around in non tourist places you see the hidden canada. and much of it aint pretty.

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Re: Meads v. Meads Continues its Reign of Terror!

Post by fortinbras »

Hardly a "reign of terror". The judge in M v. M went to the very considerable trouble of working up a catalog of (Canadian) SovCit craziness, with legal citations. His stuff is better organized than mine. Since he issued his decision other courts have resorted to it to take a tougher stand against SovCit nonsense. Good for them!
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Re: Meads v. Meads Continues its Reign of Terror!

Post by grixit »

High up in the 300s? Here in the US, "Bitchout in the Burbs" would be on basic cable, if not on one of the big broadcasters.

In tonight's episode, Bob finds a badminton bird in his zen garden, accuses Clara's kids of deliberately sabotaging his inner harmony.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Meads v. Meads Continues its Reign of Terror!

Post by Burnaby49 »

I hope you're all inured to the discussion of dog feces because I'm just finishing up a large posting on a new topic where the human variety will play a prominant part. A consequence of my recent wallowing in one of the swamps of Canadian Freeman beliefs. The posting will be of particular interest to Ceylon/GOODF followers. Let me hasten to add not, at least directly, because of the scatological references.
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Re: Meads v. Meads Continues its Reign of Terror!

Post by arayder »

Maybe it's just me. Or maybe it's the skeptic's window on the sovcit/freeman world through which I look. But, "the movement's" popular woo seems to run in cycles.

In the 90's and early 2000's detaxing was the rage. But after Eldon Warman, Sir Daniel Kingsley Lear, Tommy Kennedy and others took the fall while detaxing gullible "free willed men" moved on to another bit of woo.

In the 2000's it became the rage to use "all law is a contract, I don't consent to your laws" theory to try beat traffic tickets, drunk driving raps and driving without license and insurance charges. Also the advent of inexpensive video cameras and YouTube made it possible to make oneself a minor celebrity by spouting freeman woo to RCMP officers. But as practitioners of these methods compiled a zero for life batting average and the freemen gurus du jour Dean Clifford and Robert Menard spiraled into failure the fad faded.

Now the rage seems to be trying to use "get out of debt free" financial theory to attempt to pay off one's mortgage, credit card bills, or other debt. Vying for the top spot on the freeman hit parade are hopelessly arcane "lose the name" theories.

This overall trend follows the subculture's practice of ignoring the basics of western law and simply moving on to more fresh woo which hasn't yet been completely, publicly discredited.

I am not saying these trends constitute clean breaks with old theory. There are still plenty of detaxers around and the theory behind A4V was spouted years ago. The "name game" dates back to Eldon Warman.

What I am saying is that evolving freeman woo just slightly different snake oil in new bottles sold to a new group of suckers.
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Re: Meads v. Meads Continues its Reign of Terror!

Post by fortinbras »

The cycles may be governed by news events. The major league arrests of the Montana Freemen, the similar capture of Rick McLaren of the Republic of Texas, the end of Jerry Kane and other events may have reverberated through the grapevine and caused some of the less-motivated (or less crazy) people to cool it, at least for a while.