Rocco Galati

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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Burnaby49 »

From the most recent, and possibly last, edition of COMER
Bank of Canada Lawsuit

By Joyce Nelson, Watershed Sentinel, January-
February 2016, vol. 26, no. 1

One of the most important legal cases in Canadian history is slowly inching its way towards trial. Launched in 2011 by the Toronto-based Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform (COMER), the lawsuit would require the publicly-owned Bank of Canada to return to its pre-1974 mandate and practice of lending interest-free money to federal, provincial, and municipal governments for infrastructure and healthcare spending.

Renowned constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati has taken on the case for COMER, and he considers it his most important case to date.

On October 14, a Federal Court judge cleared away yet another legal roadblock thrown in the lawsuit’s path. The federal government has tried to quash the case as frivolous and “hypothetical,” but the courts keep allowing it to proceed. As Galati maintains, “The case is on solid legal and constitutional grounds.”
Ah the giddy optimism of Canada's greatest constitutional lawyer. It was on solid legal and constitutional grounds until suddenly it wasn't and the grounds turned out to be an abyss.

This went to press just before the Federal Court completely stomped COMER's case. The devotees at World Freeman Society still seem oblivous to the disaster that has hit "One of the most important legal cases in Canadian history" and are vigourously promoting Rocco and COMER's eventual victory.

What happened on October 14, 2015's "roadblock clearing" event was the hearing before Justice Russell which resulted in the entire case being thrown out and costs awarded against the plaintiffs;
Toronto 14-OCT-2015 BEFORE The Honourable Mr. Justice Russell Language: E Before the Court: Motion Doc. No. 35 on behalf of Defendant Result of Hearing: Matter reserved held in Court Senior Usher: Mary Joseph Duration per day: 14-OCT-2015 from 09:35 to 12:00 Courtroom : Courtroom No. 7-C - Toronto Court Registrar: Abigail Grimes Total Duration: 2h 25mins Appearances: Mr. Rocco Galati 416-530-9684 representing Plaintiff Mr. Peter Hajecek 416-973-9035 representing Defendant Comments: DARS Z005119 Court requests expedited transcript of hearing Minutes of Hearing entered in Vol. 938 page(s) 368 - 372 Abstract of Hearing placed on file
I'll skip the video, thanks anyhow. Two and a half hours focussed on "The Bank of Canada Controversy" is a little pointless when there is no controversy. COMER lost and it's over.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by bmxninja357 »

Yes he lost. So what could he prattle on about for 2 hours then? Certainly you must be curious. And it's an audio it's just on YouTube.

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Burnaby49 »

bmxninja357 wrote:Yes he lost. So what could he prattle on about for 2 hours then? Certainly you must be curious. And it's an audio it's just on YouTube.

No. I'm not curious. I've listened to him prattle on before. Rocco is an expert at filling time with bafflegab bullshit that, at the end, is unendurably boring and of no instructive value whatever. There is no skill more basic to a lawyer, or important, than to prepare a Statement of Claim acceptable to the court. Everything flows from that. It's fundamental. And he failed even after being given a second chance.

Nobody can say I haven't done my duty by Quatloos but listening to Rocco, Glenn Fearn, or John Spirit is above and beyond. I'll leave that to others with more dedication and diligence than me.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
notorial dissent
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by notorial dissent »

I'm still more than a bit confused about just what COMER was really all about, or what their complaint really was.

Near as I could tell it wasn't that the BOC couldn't or wasn't making interest free loans, the laws and/or by-laws hadn't changed, it was that they weren't because no one was asking for them, and that it wasn't that they HAD to make the loans, but that they COULD make the loans. Could get better, more cost effective loans in the open market. So, my only take was that COMER was trying to make BOC make loans that no one was asking for.
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Llwellyn »

Here we go, what COMER was 'basically' about..

When the government of Canada created the Bank of Canada, it wrote up a series of agreements.. outlying the general purpose/responsibilities of the bank, and the founding premises of why it was being created. ONE of these premises was to create a national bank, that the GOVERNMENT could go to and take interest free loans for official PUBLIC WORKS.. (IE, government wants to build a hospital, or school, or national transportation grid.. or power plant .. etc etc, to pay for it the GOVERNMENT could then get the loan from the bank - with NO interest). For those wondering, around 30% of the increasing amount of the national debt (for any country in general terms) is actually INTEREST on the money owed.. If the GOVERNMENT of Canada were to 'void' the interest on any monies borrowed for public works over the past 15 years, the national debt would go down by approximately 20%.
(Forgive the caps on things, but I know some freeman tard sovereign idiot is gonna read this and then cut'n'paste selective text for their own misbegotten use)
This was written into parts of the Canadian Constitution (subsections relevant to the creation of the Bank of Canada). Specifically the part about interest free loans to the GOVERNMENT for PUBLIC WORKS.

Now for the Freetard/Sovereign Idjit interpretation of.. OH EVERYONE gets interest free loans, and because a credit card is just a loan, it is interest free also.. and mortgages on property and .. and .. We all see how the stupidity flows from this.. :)

And yes, the Government could not be refused a loan etc etc as said above... The principles of these things is true on a fundamental basis, and the basic principle behind COMER was correct.. leave it to over bloated lawyers and groups to twist and ruin what could have been a simple case, and good court decision for the nation.
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by notorial dissent »

Actually I expect, and in fact as I recall, there were sections limiting what the gov't could borrow to some figure based on the BOC's assets, and one way or another the BOC was going to have to get the cash to loan in some fashion, which would inevitably end up in them borrowing money in some fashion, so this was really, at least in my opinion, a false claim, they just didn't pay the interest directly and immediately, but it ultimately came out of the Canadian taxpayers pockets at some point. The laws of economics are just as immutable and unyielding as the law of gravity.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Burnaby49 »

It ain't over til' it's over
Lawrence Peter (“Yogi”) Berra

And COMER's epic battle against the powers of the big banksters ain't over yet either! At least not quite yet. Rocco plans to appeal his latest disastrous setback. He says so in this video; ... ?start=200

To quote the host of the program;

This could be monumental! This could be monumental!

Or not. I can't see the Federal court of Appeal sending it back yet again to the Federal Court for another look. Rocco had his second shot at it and failed. Generally when the Federal court gets rebuked by the Federal Court of Appeal the judge does his best to make his decision appeal-proof on the second round.

Maybe I'll drop in at the Federal Court registry next time I'm downtown and see if I can get a copy of the decision to see how badly COMER lost. Best guess is a Little Bighorn level defeat.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by bmxninja357 »

Boy that video looks familiar.

Guess you would have known that a day or so earlier if ya would have listened to it when it was posted here....

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by bmxninja357 »

its nice to see such a well thought out response on the freeman forum from our old pal xabre:

This is my issue....I feel that I am being usurped by a Government / Corporation that is not interested in the fairness of the tax, but in its interest payments, that is to say that I am told I must pay this "Income Tax" to help run the country when in actuality it is to pay a debt or interest on that debt that will never ever be paid back.
Because our National Bank ( Bank Of Canada ) no longer controls our money or our debt, but is controlled by the Private Banking Cabals ( TD, BMO, ROYAL ,CIBC) just like the Federal Reserve in the US. It charges Compound interest on a FIAT debt or 0's and 1's on a computer print out and is backed by nothing, (therefore does NOT exist) but because it is based on the International Fractional Reserve Banking System I must by Act / Statute ( Only by Consent ) give over the fruits of my labor, when the ICHR and the CCHR says that is slavery....Therefore if in fact it is in violation of those Charters then logically I should NOT be obligated to pay this debt.
its almost comical.
whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Burnaby49 »

bmxninja357 wrote:Boy that video looks familiar.

Guess you would have known that a day or so earlier if ya would have listened to it when it was posted here....

While you posted it first I didn't bother watching it because you just linked to the video without any indication of what Rocco was babbling about. I wasn't going to spend two and a half hour finding out. However verynewtothis helpfully noted that Rocco said he was going to appeal the decision and gave the video timings where he said it. So I cut down over two hours of overwhelming boredom to maybe five minutes listening time. I was willing to do that much.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by bmxninja357 »

did you not deduce that the only possible thing he could have to prattle on about was the appeal? i linked the whole bit as others may have a greater understanding and ability to pick it apart than i do. and its coast to coast am. its always good for some fine kookery.

im sorta thinking this may be a little more of a cash cow than we have been giving it credit for. and it wont end when his attempts get thrown from court, again, or as usual. it will all make great filler for a book on canadian banking that i can picture him writing at the end of the day. i think the money tap is flowing and the taps aint going to turn off anytime soon.

i see this being a subject with long legs and short steps.

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Burnaby49 »

The problem with Galati using the lawsuit as a way to make money by writing a book on Canadian banking is that last step where people put money on the table to buy the book. I can't see his current fan-base of people like verynewtothis, Xabre, and Reverendjim being much in the way of a revenue source. Rocco's views are of no interest whatever to people with a serious interest in understanding the Canadian banking system.

This lawsuit seems to be of extremely limited general interest and I'm guessing once the Federal Court of Appeal stomps on Galati's appeal (which it will) that will be the end of COMER except for a few fringe fanatics.

But it's not a total loss. The Federal Court website has this down as a related case;


The "ET AL" is the list of people and organizations Andrew is suing;


His actual last name is Maracle so he seems to have thrown some relatives in the mix.

Andrew has had his problems in the past; ... mit=Search

Type his name in Canlii and you'll have a day's entertainment! Haven't yet figure out how his case relates to COMER though.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Burnaby49 »

I went to the Federal Court registry today to see If I could get the COMER decision. I gave the clerk the case number but I didn't expect to get the actual file since it was a Toronto hearing and the documents would be stored there. However there was a chance the decision would be available through the registry's computer system. She said that the COMER file was right there waiting for me to review. What? "We phone you that it arrived, isn't that why you're here?" And there it was, the whole damn thing on a cart beside her. Somebody had requested that it be shipped here from Toronto and I'd dropped in after it arrived but before they could come to the registry to look at it!

So I wheeled COMER into the reading room. It's huge, biggest file I've checked to date. Filled the entire cart and almost all of it Rocco's submissions. The man certainly isn't afraid of paper. The only thing missing was the decision. The file only runs up to December 2015. Then the clerk came in and said the COMER decision was available to be printed out. I asked how big it was. 70 pages or about $30 in copying fees. Forget that: I told her that I'd wait a bit to see if it showed up on Canlii. There was no citation number given on the Federal Court website so I asked if it had been assigned a citation reference. Indeed it has 2016 FC 147.
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by k1w1 »

So I've been wondering what the scam is with this Rocco fellow that's got poor old Burnaby so angry and twisted (again).

Is it because Rocco is a useless and incompetent lawyer? Surely being a usless and incompetent lawyer isn't a crime or considered a scam -- I wish it was, but I'm pretty sure it isn't... not even if we use arayder's vague definition of what constitutes fraud. (Perhaps Wes will know more about that since he's, er, a lawyer himself.)

Anyway, I'm rather thinking that poor old Burnaby has gone to all this trouble only in order to try and compete with his colleague over at WFS, verynewtothis, who he evidently perceives as some sort of threat. Ha! (You should post all your work from here over there, Burnaby -- it would all seem such a waste otherwise. Lol.)

And ninja, if you're worried about Rocco writing a book full of bullshit and concerned for the people who decide to buy it, then, man, you are gonna be horrified when you find out about the Bible.

Burnaby wrote:...after our little squabble with K1W1
Ah, you mean when you agreed with what I was saying? You're a laugh, alright, Burnaby -- but, then, so are clowns. Lol.
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by wserra »

Other than pointing out that I'm a lawyer, a completely content-free post. If the reason you post is to start fights, do it somewhere else.
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Burnaby49 »

Fight? What's to fight? K1W1 was just doing his usual scattershot baiting hoping to get a squabble going. As you said totally content free so I saw no point in responding.
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by k1w1 »

wserra wrote:Other than pointing out that I'm a lawyer, a completely content-free post.
The world doesn't revolve around you, Wes, and neither did my post. I pointed out more than that -- meanwhile, you were merely in brackets.
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by k1w1 »

Hey Burnaby, I was thinking of copying and pasting all your posts here about COMER and then doing it all up VNTT-style with crazy colours and font sizes and then posting it all in a single post on his WFS thread...

What do you reckon?
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Burnaby49 »

Go for it. We all have to have a hobby.
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

wserra wrote:Other than pointing out that I'm a lawyer, a completely content-free post. If the reason you post is to start fights, do it somewhere else.
FOTL sympathisers in general tend to suffer from a particularly unusual condition which I always like to describe as "lawyer envy".
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.