Rocco Galati

Moderator: Burnaby49

notorial dissent
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by notorial dissent »

Ize confuzzed, did I sleep through an installment or something, "originally successful COMER court case ", just what and when would that case have been? Unless Ize moah confuzzed than usual, the original case should have been thrown out in its entirety, but the judge bent over backwards and gave them leave to amend, fix all the screwups and crappy lawyering, and they just sent the same sad pile back for a second round. So did I miss something or what? :roll:
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Burnaby49 »

You take you wins where you find them. And when you don't find any you have to be flexible in deciding what a win actually is. The case was a success in the sense that it was not immediately thrown out by the Federal Court.

I think that the idiots who believed, for no logical reason, that Rocco would actually win the lawsuit thought that the Federal Court of Appeal dismissal of the Crown's appeal was actually the same as winning the case. In fact it was just delaying the inevitable Federal Court decision to strike it without leave to amend;
[4] This Court may only interfere with the decision of the Judge if it was arrived at on a wrong basis or was plainly wrong: see Z.I. Pompey Industrie v. ECU-Line N.V., at para 18 [2003] 1 S.C.R. 450, 2003 SCC 27 (CanLII). This standard of review requires us to afford deference to the Judge’s decision.

[5] Notwithstanding the able arguments of counsel, we have not been persuaded that the Judge made any error that would warrant our intervention in either the appeal or the cross-appeal. Accordingly, the appeal and the cross-appeal will be dismissed without costs. The Appellants are granted 60 days from the date hereafter to make amendments to the Amended Statement of Claim.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Burnaby49 »

In a prior posting I wrote this;
Burnaby49 wrote:
Llwellyn wrote:
NYGman wrote:
I even read through the whole court document posted.. (WHEW~! am I tired) .. I read most of the forums general postings and such.. dedicating my focus often on certain threads. Burnaby is often a wonderful source of materials and readings.. He' like our official Traffic Reporter.. so we get to see all the incoming crashes and avoid them... or just gooseneck and watch with avid fervor as they unfold. :) :)
And I have a grand one coming up at such time as I get the time to write it. A lawsuit against the government of Canada for two quadrillian dollars! I actually learned something from that one. Nobody knows how much a quadrillion actually is! Is it $2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000? Or Is it $2,000,000,000,000,000?

Either way it comes to big bucks and Canada's screwed when we lose it. And we will lose it because, in contrast to COMER's garbage Statement of Claim, this lawsuit was filed by a real lawyer so it must be ironclad. Hang on, Rocco's a lawyer too, and he prepared the COMER documents. Maybe we Canadians can breath a bit easier about trying to figure out what a quadrillion is.
I've written up our two Quadrillion dollar lawsuit here;


I ran across this case because it was listed as a related file to the COMER lawsuit in the COMER file in the Federal Court website. So I went to the Federal Court registry and got a copy of the Statement of Claim. However I have no idea, after reading all the documentation and making a massive posting on the issue, why Sir Miracle, one of the plaintiffs, included COMER in the lawsuit or included the 2011 COMER Statement of Claim as an appendix to it. The whole filing is so hopeless that it probably doesn't matter anyhow.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by k1w1 »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:k1w1 wrote:
I can assure you, there is not a single Freeman adherent in the world who has read Burnaby's effort here about the COMER case...
Have you asked every Freeman adherent in the world if they have read Burnaby's "effort" here?
Haha. In spite of everything written about it here at Quatloos, there're still followers of Dean Clifford out there who're unaware he's in prison... but you lot think Freeman are actually bothering to read this stuff about COMER. Make me laugh some more. I don't need to ask all of them to know none of them are reading this. Apparently it's only you Quatloosians doing that.

By the way, I'll take your word that you've actually read everything Burnaby has posted here about COMER... a bit sad, if you have. Don't you have real and meaningful work to do instead? (I know Burnaby doesn't, but what's your excuse?)
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Llwellyn »

Haha. In spite of everything written about it here at Quatloos, there still followers of Dean Clifford out there who're unaware he's in prison...
So rather than continuing on, have you informed, or tried to inform those followers of Dean Clifford the Fact that he is still in jail?
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by k1w1 »

Llwellyn wrote:
Haha. In spite of everything written about it here at Quatloos, there still followers of Dean Clifford out there who're unaware he's in prison...
So rather than continuing on, have you informed, or tried to inform those followers of Dean Clifford the Fact that he is still in jail?
Why would I want to do that? Their ignorance doesn't bother me in the least...
Burnaby wrote:The other 7,500 or so viewers of this discussion?
That could be 10 people who have veiwed it 750 times each, or 100 viewing 75 times each... In fact, there has been 185-odd replies here, so divide 7500 by that and you'll find there's about 40 people per reply opened this thread. Don't try and flatter yourself too much, Burnaby.
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Burnaby49 »

That could be 10 people who have veiwed it 750 times each, or 100 viewing 75 times each... In fact, there has been 185-odd replies here, so divide 7500 by that and you'll find there's about 40 people per reply opened this thread. Don't try and flatter yourself too much, Burnaby.
What can I say? Your brilliant mathematical analysis is just so overwhelmingly authoritative that I have no possible defense against it. Just divide one number by another and you have conclusive proof of your hypothesis. You win again K1W1, damn you!!!!!!
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by NYGman »

I often sit and hit F5 just to raise post counts on my threads, don't we all?? :sarcasmon:

As to why I would spend time reading posts by our esteemed Bunaby49, it is called down time. I could read the news, but that is depressing, I read a lot of F1 sites, but there is only so much motor sport news, I like tech sites too, but this is also entertainment for me. Reading about the foolishness that is COMER or Tax protesters, or FMOTL, it is all entertainment to me. Being a Lawyer, reading laws, regulations, and code all day, I like to see how others try to pervert the law for their crazy theories, to me it is all the same, the most interesting stories can be non-fiction, it is sometimes beyond my wildest imagination, that some people can be so dumb, despite all the signs, cases against them, and losses they endure. I guess reading Bunaby49 or other posts on these people, and their wackiness is in some ways like rubbernecking on the highway, you know you shouldn't look at other peoples idiocy, but somehow you just can't help yourself.

For a lawyer, and someone who considers himself an intellectual to some degree, I find the stories here riveting, enjoyable, and a nice distraction from time to time. I think this is true of many here too.

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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Burnaby49 »

And, after that devastating blow from K1W1 proving that I have only 75 viewers who have read this discussion 100 times each, he lays my pathetic sham of a life bare with one elegantly simple comment;
By the way, I'll take your word that you've actually read everything Burnaby has posted here about COMER... a bit sad, if you have. Don't you have real and meaningful work to do instead? (I know Burnaby doesn't, but what's your excuse?)
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by k1w1 »

Hey, Burnaby, I'll also point out that my postings on this thread (none of which have been about the COMER case) seem to elicit more responce than any of your postings about the case... What does that tell you? Lol.

But you just carry on convincing yourself that 7500 people have read this thread.
Last edited by k1w1 on Wed Mar 09, 2016 11:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Burnaby49 »

k1w1 wrote:Hey, Burnaby, I'll also point out that my postings on this thread (none of which have been about the COMER case) seem to elicit more responce than any of your postings about the case... What does that tell you? Lol.
That you're fun to mock?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by k1w1 »

Burnaby49 wrote:That you're fun to mock?
Except, evidently, it's me mocking you...

Were you mocking me when previously you agreed with the point I was making...?
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by k1w1 »

NYGman wrote:For a lawyer, and someone who considers himself an intellectual to some degree, I find the stories here riveting, enjoyable, and a nice distraction from time to time. I think this is true of many here too.
I think you'll find that some people here (especially, I think, in the Nth. American sections) consider themselves on a mission to protect the greater public from something they consider is a scam. However, about the only people who have any concern about these Freeman antics are people involved in the judicary -- virtually no one else could care less what some idiot does to themself in a court of law, no one else cares about some Joe Public pratting nonsense about legal matters, telling people to avoid paying taxes. Really it's only the lawyers and accountants worry about them; like a beltway issue, there's nothing for the public to be concerned about.

But, yeah, I'm certain one would have to be a lawyer to find anything here "riveting"... I would say kind of interesting in a "man-there's-some-weird-ideas-out-there" sort of way, but hardly riveting. Or concerning.
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by arayder »

Sounds like sour grapes from k1w1 to me.

Quatloos is inhabited by debunkers who have shone the light of reality on the detax/freeman/sovcit movement and sent it's gurus into disarray and hiding. The forum also enjoys the posts of converted freemen and former freemen faithfuls.

This forum routinely produces solid legal scholarship. Barnaby is worthy of praise in this regard.

Unlike freeman forums which routinely censor its posters, the moderators here embrace free speech. Hence we are treated to the palavering of our friend, k1w1.

Freemen/sovcits/Crawfrauds/anarchists and the rest of the crowd routinely visit the forum in order to find something to whine about.
notorial dissent
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by notorial dissent »

In defense of K1W1, even though I know he is basically indefensible, he is probably right, although not for the reasons he proposes. The FOTL community as a whole comes across as basically functionally and actually illiterate, on top of being generally ignorant of most anything the rest of the universe takes for granted and understands. If someone doesn't tell them about it, they don't believe it or bother to find out about it. I'd feel sorry, but I really have no concern for willful and intentional ignorance and stupidity.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Jorrak »

I have read the entire thread as well. Over the last two years of lurking here i have read most of the threads on the forum. I find it interesting and entertaining to see what some will do to avoid paying what they owe. I am neither a lawyer or an accountant, and there are times when i am not 100% sure i understand what is being discussed, but then that is an oppurtunity to learn something new. I have to thank k1w1 for all the nonsense he posted as it finally made me get off my duff and make my first post.
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by LaVidaRoja »

Welcome, Jorrak!

You will find a community here that sometimes provides profound discussion and sometime wild foolishness in response to many tax-related themes. We run the gamut of US, CAN, UK and other jurisdictions attorneys, CPAs, former auditors, and professional tax people as well as regular folk who are just interested in being informed (and occasionally amused and entertained)

We always welcome intelligent opinions from others.
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Burnaby49 »

LaVidaRoja wrote:Welcome, Jorrak!

You will find a community here that sometimes provides profound discussion and sometime wild foolishness in response to many tax-related themes. We run the gamut of US, CAN, UK and other jurisdictions attorneys, CPAs, former auditors, and professional tax people as well as regular folk who are just interested in being informed (and occasionally amused and entertained)

We always welcome intelligent opinions from others.
Sure, right, now that I've been posting for over four years you suddenly cough up a requirement for intelligent opinions. What's the next hurdle, informed intelligent opinions?

Anyhow Jorrak, if you are interested in what people will do to avoid paying what they owe you'll like enjoy reading about Margaret Kocsis, the subject I'm currently writing up. Or, as she prefers to be known;
I AM, eternal essence, completely factualized in body, September 15, I950, also perceived as Margaret Kocsis, duly pre-approved, preauthorized, pre-paid, recorded, secured, noticed, governed, bonded, insured and guaranteed by I AM, inclusive of Eternal, Universal and International Record No. 2013032035 and 20 12 127914, in perpetuity.
And that's only her preamble to telling us who she is. This will tell you the path that Margaret took;
B. I AM rejecting the document purporting to be a judicial order for a purported debt and financial instrument without dishonor, for lawful due cause, specifically and particularly, the document purporting to be a judicial order:
An attempt, like the Volks, to eliminate her mortgage. I hope I'm not spoiling things by saying it didn't work out as well as she'd hoped.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
notorial dissent
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by notorial dissent »

Jorrak welcome. Hope you continue to have fun, we do manage occasionally.

Burnaby, that poor woman's status sounds exceedingly painful, I hope she can get treatment sometime soon.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Rocco Galati

Post by Burnaby49 »

Damn it people, try and cooperate! You're throwing K1W1's calculations right out.

He said that the readership on this discussion was 75 people clicking on it 100 times each. Now, thanks to your inconsiderate behaviour, he has to either revise that to 80 people giving it 100 hits or the same 75 viewers as before checking it out 106.66666666666666666666666666 times. That's just awkward, like the average family having two and a half children.

Sorry K1W1, nothing I can do about it. people just have no respect for mathmatical elegance.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".