Private Sector Act dot Com

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Derek Johnson Sucks
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks »

That would be interesting Eric.

It looks like they were making some youtube Vids late last year. I have not seen anything new for this year.

I know the press was looking for some info and I think we will see some more in the news soon.

Contact me if you would like to give your side of the story.

I think they still had some listings on Kijijji last week.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks »


Another Derek Johnson site.

FROM THE BBB about free list. ... y-ab-71994

Contact Information
John Davis (Alias)
John Frank
Rebecca Sturge

Business Category Real Estate Alternate Business Names 1158997 Alberta Inc, 1570092 Alberta Inc -1570092 ALBERTA INC. Numbered Alberta Corporation Incorporated 2010 NOV 12 Registered Address: 10 ELGIN PARK COMMON

Derek Johnson Derek Johnson, Director of Partners in Success Mortgage Inc is also the Owner of Free List Calgary, which was named in multiple penalties by the Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA). BBB has a separate business review on Free List Calgary -
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks »

Talitha Johnson is another possible associate or (alias) with this group.

"Join us at — with Talitha Johnson."
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric » ... -1.2950443
Got him.....
Details on Mnji can be found on the RECA web site seems to be down as well. Kevin Kumar aka Ty Griffiths and Laurel Cinnamon are the two major players left in the scheme.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks »

Yup walls closing in on this group.

25 years old his parents must be proud of his accomplishments. :shock:

Convicted Drug dealer and fraud what's next?
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

Kevin Manji's real estate fraud career lasted from March of last year until the present. When I had dealings with him he was definitely under the direction of Johnson who was telling him where to sign on papers, etc. I guess once he had completed his training he was let loose to function as the dummy realtor. There is the chance that one of the roughly half-dozen bit players in the organization that crop up on youtube could take over his role so the group still requires careful watching.

That being said, there is still the problem of Kumar and Cinnamon. Her name appears on many of the numbered corporations that Johnson used for his transactions so there should be a money trail available to a forensic auditor with the right powers.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks »

looks like( 1720516 Alberta Inc.) is another company linked to Sovereign close SW Calgary.

Not sure who is listed as the owner but I would bet it is the same as 1827148 Alberta Ltd.

I am sure we will see more people involved in this shortly.

I think Laurel Cinnamon will be on the hook for the really serious aspect of this operation? She is named as the director(s) and has control of the bank accounts. its going to be pretty hard to say she had no idea what was going on. The problem with this is he is leaving a trail of people that will be rat him out to save themselves.

Derek is pretty careful to not sign anything. He gets his minions to do the work that he will then say he had nothing to do with. When it all falls apart it will be interesting if they stick together, I bet they don't.

I wonder how they are dealing with so many companies, I bet they just shut them down with out closing them properly ? Tax evasion comes to mind.
This alone will cause them some serious pain in the years to come.

Did Laura C run a Jugo Juice in Calgary?
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

Derek Johnson Sucks wrote:looks like( 1720516 Alberta Inc.) is another company linked to Sovereign close SW Calgary.

Not sure who is listed as the owner but I would bet it is the same as 1827148 Alberta Ltd.

I am sure we will see more people involved in this shortly.

I think Laurel Cinnamon will be on the hook for the really serious aspect of this operation? She is named as the director(s) and has control of the bank accounts. its going to be pretty hard to say she had no idea what was going on. The problem with this is he is leaving a trail of people that will be rat him out to save themselves.

Derek is pretty careful to not sign anything. He gets his minions to do the work that he will then say he had nothing to do with. When it all falls apart it will be interesting if they stick together, I bet they don't.

I wonder how they are dealing with so many companies, I bet they just shut them down with out closing them properly ? Tax evasion comes to mind.
This alone will cause them some serious pain in the years to come.

Did Laura C run a Jugo Juice in Calgary?
In no particular order:
1720516 Alberta is Kevin Manji and it's the corporation I dealt with, but it has 2312 Sovereign for an address so you can expect that Laurel Cinnamon has her name on the bank accounts. I'm not sure if it's the same Laurel Cinnamon who ran a Jugo Juice. WRT to the personalities involved I had a long and fruitful discussion yesterday with Robbie Robertson yesterday and he was asking me my opinions as to the background motivations of the leading personalities - IMHO opinion, and he agreed with me:
1. Manji is a stooge who can easily be replaced;
2. Johnson just uses OPCA arguments as part of his scams but probably is not a true Sovereign Citizen believer;
3. Cinnamon is an unknown;
4. Kumar may be a true believer in the cause.

Damn, I let it slip <grins>. Just in case my good friend Derek is reading this the Robertson I mentioned is the former head of the Commercial Crimes Unit for the Calgary Police Service and is now employed as a senior fraud investigator with Service Alberta. Service Alberta as part of it's mandate handles corporate registrations, land titles and mortgage matters and their investigators have Peace Officer status. Remember I previously talked about a lake of fire and plagues of locusts? He also joked that Rita, who tracked down Cinnamon, should apply for a job as an investigator.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks »

From what we can see Laurel Cinnamon is possibly from northern Alberta.

I spoke with some Cinnamons from Valemont BC and they deny knowing her. Same as the ones in Vernon BC deny any relation to her. No Cinnamon's in Calgary will admit to knowing her.

I think that the only thing this group believes in is the financial gain. The rest of it is a smoke screen used to cover up the crime.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

Derek Johnson Sucks wrote:From what we can see Laurel Cinnamon is possibly from northern Alberta.

I spoke with some Cinnamons from Valemont BC and they deny knowing her. Same as the ones in Vernon BC deny any relation to her. No Cinnamon's in Calgary will admit to knowing her.

I think that the only thing this group believes in is the financial gain. The rest of it is a smoke screen used to cover up the crime.
If you are a real bear for punishment, check out some of Ty's latest offerings. They're up on youtube but not completely linked to yet. now has a sister site - They're abandoning the standard Canadian flavour OPCA arguments and switched to some ageing hippy spiritualism. Banks, big business, and governments are remnants of evil billion year old sentient beings. By speaking your arguments in a very slooooow voice you can convince them you mean them no harm and are not bound by contracts since you have a seperate soul which represents goodness and light.
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Derek Johnson :twisted: who goes by DJ is a scam artist who preys on older women who have property being foreclosed on by their banks. How much lower can someone go? Johnson and his group which includes a Laurel Cinnamon from Vernon BC who is the director of one of their the number companies and other accomplices, Kevin Mangi is another name activly involved right now with DJ, set up the bogus sale and mortgage on properties including registering fake mortgages with land titles. Real bunch of winners! :naughty: Well fortunately for honest Albertans there time is going to end. The last group of mortgage fraudsters just got 10 years behind bars. It will be a celebration time when this group finally sees a similar fate. Who will have the last laugh? :lol:
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks »

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Post by JamesVincent »

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Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Arthur Rubin »

(Can't find "rename topic"; creating dummy)

OOPS, I didn't merge correctly. Maybe this will work, now.

Sorry about the reverse merge, probably marking the entire topic unread for most users.
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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When in Doubt... Sue your Victims

Post by eric »

I just thought I should update the board regarding Derek Johnson and associates. Let me see... plenty of media publicity, the Better Business Bureau has unpleasant things to say about his various companies, the Real Estate Council of Alberta is all over them with fines and court injunctions and his web sites have been shut down. In fact anything new from Ty Griffiths is going on a very strange web site, Gotta love the concept of orgone energy - having sex in a closet gives you miraculous powers to heal the universe. Even worse for him, enough people with time to spare are monitoring sites such as kijiji and upon encountering his "come-on" advertisements are alerting users.

As I have outlined previously, Johnson has expanded on the old foreclosure scams where he has a second phase where he attempts to sell the properties to unsuspecting investors. He accepts deposits on the properties, and when of course the deal falls through since the original mortgage holder/bank has never been paid, the deposits are never repaid. Cash flow might be getting tight, so as a good sovereignist Canadian style, the logical thing to do is threaten your victims. I have attached an email exchange with permission of the recipient of the type that he is sending to his victims to silence them. Good luck threatening somebody with a lawsuit when you have been declared a vexatious litigant. BTW, I particularly like the rumours of a conspiracy and the use of latin tags and quasi legal terms. Please note, the email has been redacted to protect the privacy of the particular victim. I also note that the arguments used in the email are amazingly similar to those posted by "Hilda" farther up on this topic.
To: *****

You were given title position on the home meaning the house was your property.
You signed a mortgage that was registered on title to be funded according to normal conveyance protocol which had not even started.
You GAVE BACK the home to the foreclosing banks lawyer and the previous owner ON YOUR OWN ACCORD after all the contracts were signed and executed/registered.
In other words, you didn't even allow the lendor to fund the mortgage before you killed your own deal and had the title reversed back to the previous owner taking direction from the one entity who has a vested interest in taking the home from everyone - the Bank lawyer.
I am hearing from the JoeRhealEstate office (which I am no longer a part of) that you are slandering me on Facebook and through other people working with that network. I would suggest that you cease and desist with those actions or face legal action from the Real Estate office which is getting prepared to sue you for damages and make a big problem for you. Those people at the office who are aware of your situation cannot believe you would ON YOUR OWN ACCORD .... give up the home, and then come back for a refund.
They are preparing affidavits right now.
It also appears as if you are taking direction from an individual by the name of ****. He is being investigated right now for impersonating myself and acting illegally. Being associated with this person is going to get you in a lot of trouble if your name keeps coming up.
Should your slander campaign continue, expect further actions will be immediately taken which will include caveats/liens/lis pendens attached to your personal properties to ensure damages will be paid in response to your actions.
Consider this a warning.
Govern yourself accordingly.

On ****, **** wrote:
I want the deposit back I gave you. Please don't be a crooked person.

Date: ****
Subject: ****
To: ****;

****, 2014 Hi ****, I have obtained the deposit instructions from the lender and the cheque needs to be made out to: 1827148 Alberta Ltd. in the form of certified fund/bank draft for $10,000.00 which is for the initial deposit to remove the home from the market and hold it until financing is completed. It will be held in trust as usual until such time as the financing is completed, or not in which case it is refunded. I have the meeting scheduled tomorrow at ****. I will bring the signed contract from the seller so you have your own completed copy. Look forward to meeting both of you ! DJRealtyOne Incp# 403-383-6699f# 403-203-7094

Just for interest's sake, 1827148 Alberta, has Laurel Cinnamon listed as the director. I'm also not terribly sure of the legal consequences of misleading people that you are a corporation (DJRealtyOne) - there isn't a corporation by that name in Alberta from my research.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks »

That has to be how he gets away with the transaction. Making it seem like the Victims are at fault and have liability and face more financial hardship. Threats and intimidation with no help from the courts.

It looks like they set this whole operation to look like a bad transaction due to the buyers not doing enough to obtain the property. You did not do that or you did this ............

No one has come forward that I know of ,where they have been able to keep the property or the bank was paid by the Mortgage holder. I guess the bank / Courts just foreclose on the property and clear off everything? I wonder what happens to the second Mortgage?

I think the numbered companies that are involved keep the deposits and they move on to the next property repeating the process. Even though the deposits are supposed to be held in trust. The fact that no funds appear to have ever been returned.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks »

IT may be time for everyone involved to contact the Alberta Government.

Here is a link to finding your MLA for a ministerial complaint.

Here is how you email the Premier The Honorable Jim Prentice

Contact the WildRose party in Alberta

Contact the New Calgary Police chief.


MARCH 2015 Fraud prevention month. ... ion-month/
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks »

From the Alberta Corporations Act

(3) Subject to section 15.4(2), no person other than a body
corporate shall carry on business within Alberta under any name or
title that contains the word “Limited”, “Limitée”, “Incorporated”,
“Incorporée” or “Corporation” or the abbreviation “Ltd.”, “Ltée”,
“Inc.” or “Corp.” or the words “Professional Corporation”.

(4) A person carrying on business in contravention of subsection
(3) or section 15.4(2) is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of
not more than $5000.

Registered office, records office, address for service by mail
20(1) A corporation shall at all times have a registered office
within Alberta.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks »

hilda wrote:Okay, yes, I do understand what people are claiming is happening with this guy. But what puzzles me is no concrete example of him actually pocketing a deposit seems to be available. This site seems sincere, but I'm wondering why people are calling it a scam if there is no evidence he has actually taken anyone's money.
Please explain why this isn't an appropriate place to discuss action against people who have allegedly harmed others. Isn't this what sites like this are for? To expose frauds and get justice?
And I am seeing this guy (who knows what his real name is lol) defending himself according to posters here. But no one is coming up with concrete examples that refute his defense, not even the judge - he just ignored this guy in court. Even RECA said at an earlier point he was not under their jurisdiction, which is what this guy is saying even now, but then suddenly RECA comes after him and says he IS under their jurisdiction.
I read the act and the definition of broker is someone who trades either in real estate or mortgages, and GETS COMPENSATION, or commission. So if this guy is not collecting commision, he doesn't fall under the authority of either the Act or RECA.
Please tell me this isn't some smear campaign.
I am all for protecting people that are being harmed, this is why I signed up here, but no one will confirm anything that has been harmful to anyone, even though his methods seem very unconventional.
Sorry for playing devil's advocate, but if we want to be effective, we have to build a strong case against people who are harming others.

I think many concrete examples of can be provided Hilda. The police have all that info :roll:
Plus the few people that could have sold their homes that were lost after dealing with this group. One couple should have been able to find a legitimate buyer for the home but after dealing with New Century real estate they lost valuable time.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks » I think this says it all. What a bunch of BS

There’s little doubt most industry professionals are aware of Derek Johnson and the enforcement action the Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA) has taken to stop the unlicensed real estate trading and dealing in mortgages in which he and his associates have been involved.

Derek Johnson and his associates continue to harass licensed industry professionals with misleading emails about RECA’s activities. We want to take this opportunity to update you on what’s going on with how RECA continues to take action to constrain Derek Johnson’s illegal and inappropriate actions.

December 11, 2014: RECA obtained a Court of Queen’s Bench Injunction against Derek Johnson, aka John Davis, ordering him to cease and desist trading in real estate and dealing in mortgages without a license, and to pay $2,500 in costs. The Court also ordered Mr. Johnson to take down his website, and (Joe Rhealestate), and to remove his YouTube and Kijiji postings from those sites. These two sites have since been removed from the internet. It is believed Mr. Johnson continues to be involved in Kijiji postings. The Court Injunction also applies to Mr. Johnson’s associates.

Since 2013, Derek Johnson and his associates have launched campaigns of harassment against RECA staff, Council members and licensed industry professionals. At various times, via email and telephone, Mr. Johnson has threatened RECA staff members and Council members.

In March 2015, RECA obtained a Court of Queen’s Bench Restraining Order against Derek Johnson:
•Derek Johnson is restrained from being within 200 metres of RECA’s Calgary office, the residences or businesses of former or present RECA Council members and staff.
•Derek Johnson is restrained from threatening, harassing, molesting, watching, following, sending correspondence to, telephoning, emailing or otherwise interfering with or contacting former or present RECA Council members and staff of their family members, personally or by any agent.
•Derek Ryan Johnson is restrained from making internet postings encouraging others to threaten, harass, contact or interfere with RECA Council members or RECA staff.

If Mr. Johnson breaches any terms of the Restraining Order, any police officer is authorized to arrest him using any reasonable force necessary.

RECA continues to take action against Derek Johnson and his associates. Please disregard and delete any emails you receive from Derek Johnson, Hot Justice TV or