Private Sector Act dot Com

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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Hanslune »

eric wrote:
enid wrote:Oh, since you are facing charges from the authorities, Eric, does that mean Derek has invented his own police force? I wonder what cockamamie name he's come up with for his "authorities"? :haha:
Let me see... sent an email to a Calgary Police Services detective today, grabbed a take out pizza for supper in a place full of RCMP, sheriffs, and federal prison guards on shift change and escaped from the authorities unscathed. That being said, I suspect they had secretly talked to the kitchen staff since the pizza was so bad I threw half of it out when I got home and I have a reputation for an iron stomach.
... still considering my response to Derek's latest cr*p respecting myself and at least one other member of the "group of 15++".

hmmmm put up a website that outlines his lies but that may be playing his game. I'm surprised that their is no legal remedy for dealing with someone who creates a false 'official' court and makes believe it's real.

An investigative reporter might be interested in that angle.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks »

The latest from our scammers. No longer using RECC in the ads below posted to catch the google searches.

Looking to investment and earn profits in Real Estate?
We can show you how, via a ZERO DOWN Investment !

Earn $10,000 in 6 weeks with NO MONEY DOWN ! Using only bank financing we can show you how !

Looking to make money in Real Estate?

Earn $8,000 ZERO DOWN buy / sell this home in Enderby
WE CAN SHOW YOU HOW to invest using bank financing and NO CASH for HUGE returns in the Okanagan area !

It only takes 6 weeks to make your money !

Single Family Home for Sale - Large Lot
Currently Tenant Occupied and Seller seeks to liquid multiple homes. We currently have a contract to purchase the home and an investor to come in with the down payment. We are seeking a qualifed investor with under 200K in qualifying ability and you can earn $8,000 in 6 weeks !

Contact us now and we will show you how !
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

Derek and Kevin seem to have totally lost it and getting rather feisty. :brickwall:
IMHO they have given up any pretense whatsoever of simply dealing in real estate using rather unconventional methods and have gone totally OPCA. I thought this would be a good time to post about their antics since for the last three weeks, regular as clockwork, they've gone all freeman, usually on me, on a Wednesday or Thursday. I will first discuss their various web sites, and then move on to social media.

So, let's start with the Real Estate Council of Canada...
Previously Derek's imaginary council made a token effort to appear to be a legitimate unconventional real estate financing organization with stock images of hard working members and youtube videos of their process. Now it's simply a diatribe against RECA, using the arguments that Derek previously posted here. Of course there are the obligatory personal photos of the members of the board of RECA ... erta/c1yee
and of course attacks on victims (I'll get more into that later) ... alert/c7tk

They even have posted a link to the good old private sector act web site
and on their drop down menu, attacks on the board of RECA:
and of course, yours truly:
I never knew that being a hired harasser could be such a profitable profession. :shock: By the way, the mebers of the local RCMP detachment got a good laugh over the following:
Eric and ******* of Beiseker are considered to be reckless and dangerous individuals who use harassment of the Canadian people as a tool to further the domination of the institutions over the general public.
They will be facing charges from the authorities.
Should you come into contact with these people or are a victim like many others, we would encourage you to contact us, or the Calgary Police immediately.
They never believed that such a dangerous person was living in their midst in VERY small town Alberta.

So we drift over to Ty Griffith's own site and take a look at the feature stories:
Of course a link to Derek's site of woe is me:
and again more personal attacks:
He did however fail to mention my attack pigs that I was keeping in reserve to finish off any attacks on my home...

So we've gone through the web sites (good thing I have strong liquor and good drugs available to me). For our next hilarious (sarcasm) foray into their twisted minds I sometimes take a look at Ty's facebook page. Little did I know that I had such influence on the real estate system in Alberta. Here's a typical example of one of Ty's weekly posts about me:
Betty & Chris Anger Gets Their House Stolen From The Bank Lawyer after Being FOOLED By RECA and Hired Harasser Eric Vance

Eric Vance
Private Sector Sanctions / Charges Eric Vance and ******* of Beiseker for Harassment. The Private Sector has initiated their first sanctions...
I had to actually look up who the H*** the Angers were, apparantly they live down High River way and a year or so ago they had issues with flooding. Apparantly I have so much influence with the government of Alberta I made sure they didn't get their disaster assistance.

I will end with this copy of a cheery text that Kevin Kumar sent to one of his victims literally as I was typing this rather lengthy missive
Now that you guys know you got fooled by the real estate council of Alberta
and the people posting on quatloos ... Who are working for the lawyers
stealing your house!!... They do what they did to you to every foreclosure
victim standing up for their rights...

Let me guess ... They are not there to help you now! ... They fooled
you then left...
You guys were really close to winning in court!!... That is why they hunted
you down and fooled you!!!... But they are no where to help now are
they?... Just going to have the lender take your home... Very sad!!!... Now
that you know!!
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

eric wrote:Derek and Kevin seem to have totally lost it and getting rather feisty. :brickwall:
IMHO they have given up any pretense whatsoever of simply dealing in real estate using rather unconventional methods and have gone totally OPCA. I thought this would be a good time to post about their antics since for the last three weeks, regular as clockwork, they've gone all freeman, usually on me, on a Wednesday or Thursday.
I just wanted to add a quick note that Ty has discovered Hootsuite and I am eagerly awaiting their weekly posting about what my nefarious and 'orrible actions have been in the past week. A very fine and professional pair that I would want representing my interests in a real estate transaction.....
I thought this clip represents my thoughts in an adequate manner:
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by rmsimmons »

Eric, I really had a good laugh on your last post. I really have to give you a lot of kudos as you can still find humor in such a situation that they had totally defamed you in the WWW which are all untrue,and they also did on me, and to others. They use this kind of harassment to intimidate us and to quiet us. Well, they are all so wrong...The bottom line is, we are not doing anything illegal, but they are.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks »

Here is the latest round of ads of homes for sale on Kijijji. ... nFlag=true

If you are having difficulty obtaining Bank financing - We can Help!
If you are working with $20,000 - $80,000 for a down payment we can help you qualify !

Rent-to-Own Options Available as well !

Can you Qualify for a mortgage but have no down payment?
We can lend you the down payment at Bank rates !

Our Private financing offers Bank rates and low payments.

No Down payment?
Our private financing offers bank rates to borrow the down payment.

Carl Busson appears to be working for the group.

$1680/mth NO QUALIFY or ZERO DOWN Financing Available in Warman

$1500/mth in Peachland ZERO DOWN or NO QUALIFY"

Buy with zero down or no qualify financing

you are having difficulty obtaining Bank financing - We can Help!
If you are working with $20,000 - $80,000 for a down payment we can help you qualify ! Carl Busson

​Real Estate Council of Canada
Governed By The People
For The People ... 3487892010 ... n-calgary/
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

Derek Johnson Sucks wrote:Here is the latest round of ads of homes for sale on Kijijji. ... nFlag=true
I'm not quite sure where our friend Derek has ended up. Two months ago I got a some hits for him up Fort Mac way but they disappeared after one day, and then you sent me the Winnipeg items. I suspect he is keeping a very low profile right now. Kumar seems to be the driving force behind the operation as it stands. I don't have enough information as yet but I'm investigating some interesting no/poor credit vehicle financing operations in Kelowna. Their methods are barely legal, Derek has a past history in the car business, and their business address just happens to match one that Kevin was using for one of his ever changing business names for his real estate operations.

If you go to Ty's (aka Kevin Kumar's) facebook page and watch it for a month or so as I have been doing it's evident that there are two personalities posting via Hootsuite. About once a week or so there is a posting about how Derek is being maligned by the authorities or the evil Eric has been up to no good and then it goes back to peaceness and light as per Laurel Cinnamon. Since no-one ever has anything to say, likes or comments, it's obvious that the world is not interested in Ty's rehashing of old grievances.
Derek Johnson Sucks wrote: Carl Busson appears to be working for the group.
Probably a fake name. The Busson's, husband and wife, were both seniour and prominent RCMP officers in that part of BC. I wonder if someone should contact this "Carl Busson" and shake him up a little. :shrug: Derek and Kevin have had very poor luck recruiting any new front people for their operation since Manji left.
BTW, I apologize for my absence, just dealing with a few unrelated issues, health and otherwise but I'm back to the fray.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

Just picked this one up reading the paper today and a particular article caught my eye ... v=top-news
and followed some links through to the FBI press release: ... heir-homes
I must be getting paranoid, assuming there is some international network of fraud artists preying on distressed homeowners, but the only thing I can see different between this and Derek's scheme is that the authorities are doing something about it. :Axe:
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks »

Some new stuff from our group of 2300 waiting financiers all using 3 different numbered companies.

Please note that is an Accredited Agency according to the Real Estate Council of Canada (R.E.C.C.)

Work from Home !
We are looking for Investment Wholesale Consultants

Click on the following Voice-Over and listen:

You recently responded to an ad regarding a commissioned sales position in the Investment Wholesale Industry.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks » ... -fees.html

Click here for the Voice-Over to follow along Word for Word:

When you are buying a home for your family to live in while you are participating in another industry supporting your family, we would highly suggest using Realtors, Lawyers, mortgage brokers, appraisers, or any other services available.

If you consider yourself an investor seeking to build wealth in Real Estate, then it is a MUST to eliminate unnecessary expenses. Let us define what is an unnecessary expense: Something you can do on your own !

Example: Realtor - If you are an up and coming investor, it is crucial you realize that paying out HUGE commissions when buying and selling real estate is self defeating when trying to build wealth in real estate. When observing what a Realtor does and how expensive it is, there comes a time when doing multiple deals where huge savings can be obtained when completing this task on your own. Accomplishing the sale of your home can be done as easily as advertising it on Kijiji and arranging showings. As we know, when someone shows interest, we simply fill out the offer to purchase agreements. Now that you know what Realtors do, how they do it, and know all the tools available to you in order to independently meet the objective, a Realtor would be classified as a unnecessary expense saving you tens of thousands of dollars every year in your real estate investment endeavors.

When a Lawyer is looked at in the same fashion, we can also consider him an unnecessary expense but only when when we understand what the Lawyer does, what tools he uses and whether those tools are accessible to you as a private buyer.

What does a Lawyer do in a Real Estate Deal?

Have you ever asked yourself this question?

Does he find the home well below market value? No, the Lawyer does not do that !

Does the Lawyer help sell the home? No, the Lawyer does not do that !

Financing is THE most important thing in the Real Estate Industry - Arranging for it.
But no, the Lawyer does not do that !

What does the Lawyer truly do in a Real Estate transaction?
Answer: Conveyancing

What is conveyancing?

Conveyancing is between the buyer and seller, and it is simply the exchange of funds, and the asset being purchased.

In real estate, private investors have been executing conveyancing on their own long before Lawyers were expected to participate.

The system provided to the Canadian public / private investors to be executed is called the Torrens system and has existed long before Lawyers have been providing this service. The Torrens System is executed at the Land Titles Office. Therefore, the Lawyer is simply getting between buyers and the land titles office and charging thousands of dollars where you can do this yourself. The average cost to execute this yourself is $150.00 where as a Lawyer can charge anywhere from $1,500 - $3,000 to you the buyer and another $5,000 - $15,000 to the private lender depending on the amount of the mortgage.

Learning to use generic "fill-in-the-blanks" paperwork that has been created by the Land Titles office is necessary in learning when building wealth in real estate. To continuously do deal after deal, and pay a Lawyer and his assistant to fill out the paperwork for you would be deemed an unnecessary expense once you understand the process and how to do it. It is truly as simple as standing in line and receiving direction from one of the clerks working at the Land Titles office front counter.

How much money is really saved when eliminating unnecessary expenses such as Lawyer fees?

When buying and selling a home, there are three real estate lawyer fees, one for buying and one for selling. What many buyers fail to realize is that the lawyer as well charges the private lender to simply transfer the borrowed mortgage funds from his account. This costs the private lender / deal anywhere from $5000 - $15,000 depending on the size of the mortgage. Simply learning how to fill in the blanks at the land titles office allows you to eliminate Lawyer fees saving tens of thousands of dollars per deal.
How can the private investor do this independently and eliminate unnecessary expenses such as Lawyer fees?

It is simple ! ALL DOCUMENTATION is provided on the internet.

You would simply print the Land title transfer form via the internet from the Land Titles office website (All forms are listed there). To complete this transaction you will only need your signed mortgage documents and the following two forms:

1. Form 28 (Transfer of Land)
2. Document for registering the mortgage you signed.

At this point, the only value the lawyer offers is the correct order in which to execute the forms.

What is the correct order and why?

Here is an Example to help you further understand: A home in foreclosure has two mortgages on it. The first mortgage and the second mortgage is the present owners mortgages. They would have signed for those mortgages, not you. In any conveyancing process, once all paperwork is signed and provided to the private lender, the private lender would now register the mortgage you signed against title.

The mortgage you signed is now registered on title in third position securing the first mortgage position for your lender once he pays out all encumbrances. At this point, you would be registered as the new owner. Why is it done this way? It is to secure your private lenders first mortgage position once he pays out the first and second mortgages / encumbrances registered on title. Once he pays out all encumbrances on title, the previous owners mortgages are popped off with your lender sitting in first position.

This conveyancing technique ensures that the property cannot be sold from underneath you while making sure no other mortgages can be registered against the title while securing ownership of your new revenue property.

This allows the private lender to secure an interest in your new revenue property since he is officially now an affected party. The reason you would be placed on title as the new owner in any conveyance is in order for the mortgage you signed to be registered against your new revenue property. You the borrower must appear as the official owner on title. For this to be done in any other order would make no sense since this would mean your mortgage would be registered against someone's property.
When completing our own conveyancing, it only makes sense that all deposits and down payments owed to the seller is paid by the buyer / you in order to be registered as the official owner on title. Once you are on title, the deposits are held in trust by the financier in order to complete all conveyancing by paying out all registered encumbrances against title.

You can now understand conveyancing from a different perspective.

Now that you know Lawyers simply complete conveyancing, and you know what conveyancing is, and we know where all the tools are available to complete the task.

By definition, Lawyer fees are unnecessary expenses to real estate investors wanting to build wealth in real estate.

Here are some key points that appear in the foreclosure deal contracts voice-over. These points should be more attractive now that you understand the important of us doing our own conveyancing and the benefits it offers to all parties. The true benefit when completing our own conveyancing is to further the already well negotiated foreclosure purchase profit.

In all of our foreclosure deal contracts, the following appears:

Section 3.1 All deposits shall be delivered in trust to a numbered company in control by the financier. The financier will be holding the deposit. Initial deposits are refundable if you are not able to obtain financing. The additional deposit is only collected when you are approved by the lender and the financing condition is waived. At this point in time you will be officially placed on title as the new owner.

Why does the financier hold the deposit?

In order to obtain great deals in foreclosure while securing funds for future deals, private financing is a must. Please keep in mind when the foreclosure wholesale consultant firm (who appears as the seller on this contract) bought the home, they made an agreement with the private financier that all deposits are to be held in trust by the financier.

In conventional real estate dealings, the deposits are given to the seller who then forwards it to the lender or lender agent together with the mortgage funds to pay out encumbrances on title. In a private real estate deal, allowing an individual who is experiencing foreclosure to hold the deposit is never a good idea. Therefore, forwarding deposits straight to YOUR lender who requires it to pay off all encumbrances to complete conveyancing is the safest way to go.

In any real estate transaction the lender, or lenders agent always collects deposits and together with the mortgage funds YOU are borrowing, pays out all encumbrances on title. This by definition is conveyancing. Please note that lawyers charge private lenders $5000 - $15,000 to simply transfer the private mortgage funds from their account. Without eliminating these unnecessary expenses, building wealth in real estate could never be accomplished.

Therefore, any deposits given to the seller will be directed to the financier to be held in trust.

Section 3.3 Additional Deposits - All additional deposits shall be delivered in trust to the same numbered company as the initial deposit.

The additional deposit is only collected when you are approved by the lender and the financing condition is waived.

When all additional deposits are paid, you would be placed on title as the official new owner of the property.

Please note that later in this contract it states clearly in section 8.1 (e) "The buyer agrees to allow the financier to complete the conveyance, only if the mortgage has a condition stating the buyer will be placed on title and the first mortgage payment is not due until the conveyance is complete." Conveyancing being complete is defined as the following: Once every encumbrance holder has provided proof of ownership, and funds are forwarded to the rightful owner of the encumbrance / debt, conveyancing is then considered complete.

Now that you are on title as the new owner and the mortgage documents you signed are registered on title, you are entitled to collect rent lawfully with integrity via contract law.

The result is 100% positive monthly cash flow for 6 - 18 months. Example: If the monthly rent was $1750 and you signed a contract with your lender which stated that the mortgage payment is not due until conveyancing is complete then you would be collecting $1750 at the end of each month without having to pay a mortgage payment until conveyancing is complete.

Please make sure when signing the mortgage documents that it states clearly you do not have a mortgage payment until the conveyancing is complete. To help you reassure this happens, when mortgage documents are sent to you, it will be accompanied by a voice-over reiterating what section in the mortgage documents states "the private lender agrees there will be no monthly mortgage payments due until conveyancing is complete". This allows you, while conveyancing is being completed to collect the rent and create 100% monthly cash flow lawfully with integrity via contract law.


Section 4.1 - The closing day is the date in which transfer of title is complete with all down payments paid in full and the mortgage documents you signed are registered on title. You can see now that the mortgage papers you signed plus your full down payment equals payment of the home. At this point, the private lender would be simply requesting for all encumbrance holders to provide proof of ownership of the appropriate debt. The private lender then forwards the funds to the rightful owner of the encumbrance holder / debt in exchange for proof of ownership. Once every encumbrance holder has provided proof of ownership, and the funds are forwarded to the rightful owner of the encumbrance / debt, conveyancing is then considered complete.

The longer conveyancing takes, the better for you !

Conveyancing can take 6-18 months to complete But keep in mind, the longer it takes the more positive monthly income is collected by you !

If the rent is $1750/month and it takes 6-18 months to complete conveyance, you would stand to collect $10,500 if conveyancing only takes 6 months (6 months X $1750) but if it takes 18 months you would collect $31,500 (18 months X $1750) BEFORE making your first mortgage payment !

Coupled with the fact that you are purchasing the home well below market value due to allowing the previous owners to stay as tenants makes a GREAT DEAL !

Now that you are on title as the new owner and the mortgage documents you signed are registered on title, you are entitled to collect rent. Please make sure to be assured the private lender has signed an agreement stating you do not have a mortgage payment until conveyance is complete. This allows you to collect the rent without a mortgage payment lawfully with integrity via contract law.

The closing date is the day your 100% cash flow begins.

So remember! By using private financing and all parties doing the conveyancing together, larger profits are truly impossible !
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks »

Please note that is an Accredited Agency according to the Real Estate Council of Canada (R.E.C.C.)

Congratulations ! YOU are officially on the system !

There will be 2300 lenders within 24 hours viewing your file.

What to expect now that you are on the system?

Or laurel Cinnamon pretending to be 2300 lenders. ... ncing.html
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Derek Johnson Sucks » for the google searches.

Work from Home !
We are looking for Investment Wholesale Consultants

Are you interested in 100% commissions and making BIG Money?
Please email us back, "Yes! I would be interested in 100% commission sales making BIG Money within the Wholesale Investment Industry. I understand all leads are HOT and provided to me for FREE!" ... -debt.html

Investing money into buying and selling debt is very profitable.

When buying and selling debt, what is the objective?

It is to buy the debt less than the principle amount owned.

For example: If you can buy a debt where the person owes $48,000 but you purchased the debt for $20,000, that would be a great deal !

How is this accomplished?
Answer: By being in a power position while conveyancing is being completed.

What is conveyancing?

Conveyancing is simply the private lenders money in exchange for the proof of ownership of the debt by the present creditor. As a Private Lender it is important to audit all loans (request proof of ownership of debt) while completing conveyancing / paying out the loans being consolidated. Why? Debt is bought and sold everyday therefore you could be forwarding funds to the incorrect entity if proof of ownership of the debt is not requested. This is why we always ask for proof of ownership of the debt when buying and selling debt as an investment.

FACT: It is common knowledge in the financing industry that debts are bought and sold everyday and when Creditors sell debt they are not obligated to notify the borrower.

Considering debt is sold everyday this means if the creditor sold the debt to another lender, and you the private lender pays out the creditor to consolidate a loan, that creditor would have been paid twice. This mistake would leave you the private lender and the borrower in a compromising situation. This is why we audit all debts being consolidated by our private lenders. This is what allows you to purchase the debt at such a discount while consolidating / refinancing a loan(s).

How does understanding the process of auditing loans / requesting proof of ownership of a debt within the conveyancing process allow you to purchase debt at a discount and profit?
If the creditor cannot prove ownership of the debt, you have just found yourself a profitable deal !

All debt created by the bank is either kept for their long-term portfolio or sold. If the bank sold the debt and you position yourself correctly within the conveyancing process of consolidating loans, we have seen people who have bought $48,000 of debt for $20,000 simply by using the loan auditing process when completing conveyancing.
The Loan Auditing process has been around for hundreds of years and is now being used in the present day to purchase debt at a discount.
It is common knowledge debts are bought and sold everyday. When a private lender (who is an average Canadian) is participating in buying debt it is very important before the private lender forwards funds to any creditor to ask for proof of ownership of the debt. Learning this process is what allows you to purchase a debt for thousands of dollars below the amount owed. This leads to a profitable "debt purchasing deal."

We have seen this process allow private lenders to turn $20,000 into $48,000 while helping average Canadians consolidate debt.

How do you get started with this new Revolutionary System making thousands of dollars buying and selling debt?

Simply email back: "Yes! I am interested in learning how to buy debt at a discount of thousands of dollars for large profits"
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by NYGman »

DJS I am not sure what the latest postings add, without some intro. I think you are adding verbatim test, to draw hits here, but maybe you can use the quote function, and add a bit about what is going on, and some background. I do like to know what is going on, and keep hoping for some ax to fall on these guys so keep that coming.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

Just an update on the activities of the famous Kumar and Derek pair. They are still peddling their freemanesque babble about accepting deposits on real estate and then through holding up conveyancing by asking for the original note. However they seem to have run into some issues, various of their previous victims have been warning off their customers. They are working mightily to establish who is doing this, they even think that I am one of them, "Eric the hired harasser and thug". Anyways, to make a long story short, Kumar lost his temper last night and flat out told people that he was Ty Griffiths (him with the funny hat):
From: Satori Investments Solutions Inc. <>
Date: Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 10:20 PM
Subject: I Want You To SEE ME Tonight
To: *******
Here is a link so you can see me tonight ... iVVt-zQKWg
Kevin "the man who will find and prosecute you" KUMAR
this from TY Griffiths lol…dance fool dance…lol!
They are hot on your trail for next week… the ones looking for you … do you
know who i am talking about?
please keep sending canadians harassing messages from fake emails… excited
to see what will happen
Good night …..sweet dreams princess
Hmmm, he sounds a little upset. And this was the reply, from someone completely different, just to stoke the paranoia a little:
From: *****>
Date: Sat, Dec 19, 2015 at 10:38 AM
Subject: Who is Rajid Kabor?
I guess you guys haven't figured it out yet. Poor Rajid is everyone you
have ever scammed. Every time you speak with Rajid you are talking to all
of your victims and at any time, any one of them may reply to you. Enjoy...
Oh, by the way, I hear that you are wizards in finance and economics. I
thought you might enjoy my screen name of black swan. This is your personal
black swan event.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Just read the whole thread, and.... Wow!

Really sad that predatory scammers like this can exploit desperate people, cause the loss of their homes etc. The relevant authorities should be doing more. Johnson's scam is clearly a dishonest and fraudulent process, this should be a criminal investigation.

Well done to Eric and the other victims for speaking out.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Burnaby49 »

You read the whole thing? A Herculean task! It was started by the legendary Hilfskreuzer Möwe himself and survived past his sudden and still inexplicable disappearance. I'd agree that if the wheels of justice are grinding at all they are doing so extremely slowly.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
Hercule Parrot
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by Hercule Parrot »

"don't be hubris ever..." Steve Mccrae, noted legal ExpertInFuckAll.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

Hercule Parrot wrote:Just read the whole thread, and.... Wow!
Really sad that predatory scammers like this can exploit desperate people, cause the loss of their homes etc. The relevant authorities should be doing more. Johnson's scam is clearly a dishonest and fraudulent process, this should be a criminal investigation.
Well done to Eric and the other victims for speaking out.
That's quite the read - not something I would want to do. Anyways, I haven't posted for awhile concerning his activities since I was waiting for a few things to get clarified first. Besides I felt that my porcine charges were more important. In summary, Derek Johnson and Kumar are still plying their trade, I will try to get a post together this weekend giving a status update as to how their fraudulent real estate activities are taking place and how they have changed things. Certain aspects of their activities, such as official investigation status and what has taken place in the last few weeks I will leave for the observant to read between the lines. I'm trying to persuade my friend Rajid, who is in direct contact with them, to post here concerning their more outrageous activities such as attempting criminal harassment charges, etc.
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

As promised, I will be posting a series of updates on the activities of Kevin Kumar and Derek Johnson this weekend. I guess to start with I'll talk about their web presence. The pair actually maintain multiple web sites, some absolute chock full of FMOTL ravings, others to market their real estate scams. Here's a listing that I've been able to establish so far:

and finally, their most active site that they've put a lot of effort into in the last few weeks:
Before I delve into the site, just a couple of notes... The domain name is up for sale, I'm thinking of buying it just to piss them off, in particular, Kumar who owns it now. For those of you who are interested, domain names ending in (dot)ca have privacy protection so it's hard to find the owner. That being said, there are tools to match web site contact email addresses with other web sites they may own that do not have the Canadian privacy protection. So guess what we find when we do a search on realestatecouncilofcanada(at) with the appropriate WHOIS data:
Registry Domain ID: 1947787671_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Registrar URL:
Update Date: 2015-07-19T01:22:17Z
Creation Date: 2015-07-19T01:22:17Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2016-07-19T01:22:17Z
Registrar:, LLC
Registrar IANA ID: 146
Registrar Abuse Contact Email: email
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +1.4806242505
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
Domain Status: clientUpdateProhibited
Domain Status: clientRenewProhibited
Domain Status: clientDeleteProhibited
Registry Registrant ID:
Registrant Name: Kevin Kumar
Registrant Organization:
Registrant Street: Box 21026
Registrant City: Vernon
Registrant State/Province: British Columbia
Registrant Postal Code: V1T 9T7
Registrant Country: Canada
Registrant Phone: +1.4038620325
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:
BTW, Kevin, Rajid says Hi, along with a gentle reminder to stop bragging about your computer prowess. :Axe:
edit: I will be posting more later this weekend about their unusual justification(s) for their activities and also details about how they actually go about their business as time permits - right now I have to go check on the progress of my sweet young virgins in the barn. :shock:
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Re: Private Sector Act dot Com

Post by eric »

So, as promised, let's take a look at the amazing logic used by Derek and Kevin to justify their antics. All of this is pulled from
First they go into great detail explaining that they are not realtors or mortgage brokers, they're just honest business folks:
We Are Not Realtors - Canadian Home Owners & Business People Have Rights To Buy & Sell Their Homes Commission Free!
And of course the various statutes that enable the governing bodies strictly only apply to those who call themselves realtors (trademarked)
Every one of the above Governing Body Agencies / Companies only govern Realtors within their Provinces that they conduct business in. The business conducted by the above governing bodies is simply applying administrative fines to people who they have signed contracts with in order to allow them to be governed. These governing bodies will use techniques to make the average Canadian business person believe that they govern everyone participating within the Real Estate industry going as far as attempting to apply administrative fines to private people who they have no authority to.
So since we aren't realtors and didn't sign a contract consenting to be governed we can do whatever we want:
In a free capitalist democratic commerce system such as Canada's Real Estate Industry, you can only be governed when you sign a contract to be governed in exchange for benefits within that industry.
For example, Realtors have signed contracts to be governed in exchange for the benefit to have access to the MLS System. A private Canadian business person cannot be governed by any of the above mentioned governing bodies due to the fact they cannot produce a contract signed by the private Canadian business person consenting to be governed.
OK, I have a PLAN. I'm pretty good at doctoring pigs so as a sideline gig I'm going to apply my expertise to humans. So long as I don't call myself doctor, surgeon, or physician and don't become a member of the Alberta Medical Association I can hang out my shingle and watch the dollars roll in. :beatinghorse:

Some other comments on the site, along with there is exactly one other member of the Real Estate Council of Canada:
I'm sorry, but I haven't had time to dissect the site yet, however I draw the reader's attention to the tributes from satisfied clients of their system - they are carefully doctored names of Derek and Kumar's arch enemies. :thinking:

Our good friends also seem to have a real hate on for this guy: ... tion/g8j3m
I really should phone up Derek or Kevin, or whatever name they are using right now, and ask them how their criminal harassment complaint is progressing.